Chapter 13: Ending

"You think that did it?" I ask as I look at behind, to see the dragon flying towards us. Its wings are made with strong leather, like Goldie's fins.

"Well it can fly." I tell Goldie, who gives me a 'no, really?' mannered snort.

We fly towards a maze of sea rocks, like that one we almost die on when I was learning to control the prosthetic fin. The dragon destroys them like if they were made of simple twigs, and doesn't get damaged by them. I thought it would at least get dented. We'll have to try something different. I look up at the clouds. They're all over the sky and are black. An idea comes to my head.

Goldie, thanks to his speed and airborne maneuvers, can camouflage with a dark sky. If the dragon can't see us, it can't attack us. We, the contrary way, can do both things.

"Alright Goldie. Time to disappear." I say. Goldie seems to nod and, with my help, flies towards the dark sky with the dragon right behind us. As we get closer to the clouds, I hear the sound of gas. The mechanic dragon is about to breathe its unexplainable fire.

"Here it comes!" I warn Goldie, who quickly dodges the blast. The dragon spins around as we enter the sea of black clouds, and stirs the fire and smoke with its wings. The dragon tries to bite us, but we were already gone. It is unable to find us now. It looks all around; it can't see us, but we can see it. From the basket I carry, I grab two 'exploding rocks' and throw them at the dragon right on the wings. It spins around, but we surround it. I hit the dragon once again, always having in mind how many rocks I used. I do this repeated times, illuminating the sky with a blue-white light. The dragon suddenly roars in anger, and starts breathing fire all over like it's crazy.

"Watch out!" I warn Goldie, trying my best to help him dodge the gigantic flames. But for my horror, the prosthetic fin sets on fire. "Alright, time's out. Let's see if this works."

Goldie spins around and dives towards the dragon.

"Come on! Is that the best you can do?!" I shout at it, Goldie following the yell with a raspy and angered roar. As we fly past the dragon's snout, it tries to snap at us, but its too slow. We then start the fastest dive we've ever performed, falling at an outstanding speed, but with the metallic dragon still right behind us. I can notice Goldie is starting to get scared.

"Stay with me buddy, work good, just a little bit longer." I tell him, noticing that I can barely control the fake fin now. I hear the gas forming on the dragon's mouth. I close my eyes, and listen carefully to it.

"Hold, Goldie…"

Then, I hear it becoming louder. Its now or never. There's no second chance.

"Now!" I shout with all my might. Goldie violently turns around, almost unable to because of the wind's force against us. I throw the last 'exploding rock' at the metal beast's open mouth and it starts burning on the inside. Goldie starts trying his best to turn around. When the dragon sees the ground, it tries to stop, but it can't. The rocks I threw at its wings are making their desired effect; the leather starts ripping apart.

The dive is way too fast for the creature, but not for us. When we're about to reach the ground, Goldie spreads his fins and we fly above the animal's long back. It crashes on the ground, making a terrifying explosion. We escape the blast, which is almost faster than us. I try to maneuver with the fin to get out of there, but it disengages because of the fire melting the metal clips that attached them to Goldie's body. He stops in mid air, and in front of the dragon's tail mace.

That's coming directly at us.

"No…" I mutter, while Goldie tries his best to get away from it, even if he hasn't got control of his flight. The tail gets closer and closer. "No!"

Then, it hits us, and everything turns black, once more. Before my vision blacks out, I see a desperate Goldie trying to reach out for me.

POV – Jack

I can't see a thing. There's only smoke and ashes around me. I look all over the beach, in search of Mike.

"Mike!" I yell, expecting to hear his voice from somewhere. "Mike! Son!"

Then, I see it. The animatronic laying there, unmoving.

"Mike…" I mutter, expecting the worst. I run towards the golden bear. But there are no signals of Mike. It's only the animatronic, with burn marks all over and various burned and bended wires coming out of its body, where the fin Mike made was placed. The other is up, covering its midsection.

"Oh son…" I whisper, falling down my knees, my head completely hanging. "I did this…"

I hear the men walking towards us.

POV – Astrid

I make my way through the crowd, just to see Jack kneeling and Goldie lying on the ground. I gasp, feeling totally hopeless for the first time in my life. Everyone lower their heads, even the animatronics. I can't hold back my tears.

POV – Jack

I look with desperation at the animatronic who tried its best to save my son. It slowly opens its black eyes, and white pupils look at me sorrowfully. I keep on looking at it. It does the same.

"I'm so… I'm so sorry…" I whisper, in the verge of tears. Golden Freddy's eyes slightly widen, and he carefully puts down the fin, revealing-

"Mike!" I yell, scooping him up. He's limp, scorched, but I still have living hope. I press my ear to his chest. "He's alive… You brought him back alive!" I yell, almost crying, but this time with happiness.

POV – Astrid

I'm about to scream with pure joy. Mike is alive! Everyone is celebrating now, I even see James crying. Even the animatronics celebrate. I knew Goldie would save Mike. He would do anything for him. Because Mike was the only one who trusted him. Mike was the only one who saved him. The only one who helped him. It is the strongest friendship I've seen in my life.

POV – Jack

"Thank you, for saving my son." I tell the animatronic as I gently put my hand on the side of its head. It simply smiles and lowers its head with a low and happy grunt. Larry then walks next to me and examines Mike.

"Well, you know… Most of him…" he says.

POV – Mike

The first thing I realize is that I'm in pain. The second is that I'm on a bed. I slowly open my eyes, and see Goldie next to me, smiling with happiness.

"Hey Goldie." I mutter. He starts to circle around and give me gentle prods with his head. "Yeah, I'm happy to see you too bud, now just- OW!" Goldie accidentally pressed his paw against my belly trying to get me off the bed. I exasperatedly bolt to a sitting position.

"What? Uh…" I say, totally confused. "I'm in my cottage…" I turn my gaze towards Goldie. "Umm, you're in my cottage…!"

He starts to run around, knocking off some things.

"Does dad know you're here?" I ask. Goldie walks closer to me. "Oh, okay, okay…"

He turns around and jumps onto a rafter. "No, no." I say, trying to make him stop. "Goldie!"

Goldie stops and looks at me. "Oh, come on-" I stutter, when something stops me. I feel something weird on my left leg. Something I can't put in place. I pull away the bed sheet, which reveals…

Something that makes me fall in horror. Goldie comes down the rafter and looks expectantly at me. I look at him, then at the floor, and sigh.

I step with my boot on the ground. Then, I step with my… iron prosthetic leg, which Goldie examines before looking back at me. He snorts softly, and I sigh. I slowly get up and try to walk, but this fake leg hurts more than what I imagined. I sigh again, and try to walk once more. This time I almost fall if it wasn't for Goldie, who helps me stand.

"Thanks, bud." I mutter, as we start walking towards the door. I slowly open it, and Freddy is there to greet me. I slam the door shut.

"Goldie, stay here." I tell Goldie and open the door again. I see James with Freddy, who now I notice has one of the jetpacks we used. They both fly away, followed by the other guys, all riding the animatronics.

"What…?" is all I manage to say when I see all of them flying and playing around in peace. Nobody cares, they just wave happily at them and laugh.

"I knew it. I'm dead" I say, unable to believe the scene before me.

"No, but you gave it your best shot." Dad says from behind me, wrapping his arm around me. "So, what do you think?"

I don't reply. No, not that. I can't reply. It's just like yesterday we hated the animatronics and now they live peacefully with us. Suddenly, various employees walk over me, greeting and clapping at me.

"Turns out all we needed was a little bit more of… this." Jack says, pointing at me.

"You just gestured to all of me." I say, but not annoyed this time. Dad nods with a smile.

"Well, most of you." Larry says as he approaches us and points at the fake leg. "That's a bit of my handiwork. With a little Mike flair thrown in. You think it'll do?"

I examine the prosthetic leg. "I might make a few tweaks." I say. Everyone around me starts laughing. Then, I feel a fist on my shoulder.

"That's, for scaring me." Astrid says, smiling.

"What, is it always gonna be this way? 'Cause I-"

Astrid grabs the front of my shirt and kisses me full on the mouth. I stay speechless for some seconds.

"-could get used to it…"

Astrid smiles again.

"Welcome home." Larry says, handling me a prosthetic fin, crimson in color and with a white skull design in the center.

"Golden Freddy!" someone shouts, making me look back at the cottage I was in. Unable to contain his joy, Goldie runs towards me, dispersing the crowd and examining happily the new fin. Dad, Larry, Astrid and me giggle.

I put the fin in position meanwhile Astrid gets next to us with Chica.

"You ready?" I ask Goldie. He snorts. Before starting our flight, I look around, knowing that I'm the responsible of this great change.

"This, is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. It snows nine months out of the year and hails the other three".

Astrid and I shoot to the sky and start going all around the restaurant's surroundings.

"Anything that grows here is tough and tasteless".

We fly right next to a man drinking from a mug. In surprise, he chokes on the beverage.

"The people that work here are even more so".

We fly towards the forest. "Yeah!" I yell.

"The only upsides are the pets."

We fly across a bridge. Goldie lands and runs through it for some seconds, then follows Astrid. Eric, awkwardly riding Bonnie, soon follows us.

"While other places have parrots, or ponies…"

The twins and James, with their respective animatronics, follow us.

"We have…"

We all fly straightly forming a V in the sky. Goldie and I break the formation and head right towards the clouds.



And with this, I put an end to this story. It got weird in some points, but I had to think of something. But hey, this story didn't end completely. Both HTTYD 2 and FNaF 2 are out. Know what that means? No? Well then, I'll tell you: I'm making the sequel to this story! So stay tunned, because I really want to write the HTTYD 2/FNaF 2 fanfic!