Chapter 1: This is my job

POV - Anonymous

It's nighttime. Everything looks peaceful around a small city, only the flickering lights of the streetlights and the dull yellow glow of the lights inside the houses that come out of the windows are seen. The only problem here is one of the most famous restaurants around this city, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Inside that facility, which many people refer as 'cursed place', is the only place you don't want to be at night. But certain people have to.

POV – Mike

"This, is my work place, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. It's located in a rather small city, but I prefer to say that it's twelve days north of Hopeless and a few degrees south of Freezing to Death, and that it's located solidly in the Meridian of Misery.

The building… in a word? Old. It's been here for twenty years but not a single thing is new. We here have cooking, playing, oh, and charming views to the sunsets even. The only problems are the… problems. You see, most restaurants have mice, or mosquitoes as problems. We have…"

It happened again.

I rush towards the main door, my legs trembling, my arms shaking. I reach out to the knob and open the door, only to be greeted by a dark purple, hulking figure in the shadows of the outside that stops various feet away from the door, chasing a group of men. I close the door shut with my back before that thing can see me.

"Animatronics…!" I mutter to myself, my eyes open wide.

Yes, as you hear it. These animatronics, who brought the fame to this place, are alive, and most of all, crazy. I open the door again in hopes that the animatronic I just saw left. It did, but there's more than just one. Five, to be exact, and they're all around the place. If you didn't know, the exterior of the restaurant is full of 'cottages' belonging to the owner and various other things. I look around. Yeah, as always, the scene outside is a chaos. Well, not always. The animatronics don't usually go outside, but when they do it's kinda… harder to control them. I'll tell you why.

Another animatronic that I cannot see properly smashes right through one of these small wooden houses to begin with.

They do that a lot. I don't know why though, I guess they like causing trouble and destruction wherever they go.

Not far away from that I see a man being chased by something that, as I can barely see, has rabbit ears, so I'm guessing it's Bonnie. Right next to the pursuit another man is clutching to the back of one of the animatronics I mostly hate, Chica. I can distinguish her because she's only a few feet away from the main door. She bites the guy's sleeve and throws him away with a mad glare.

"Most people would leave. Not us, we're people that work in this place. And so, we have… stubbornness issues."

I jump off the steps and look around everywhere, just to make sure I don't run right into one of those things. Many things are burning right now, and I can barely see what's in front of me. Too much smoke. I really don't understand how people cannot notice all this mess we have just one or two of the every five nights me and the other night guards work here each week.

"My name's Mike. Great name I know, but having in mind the names of the rest of watchmen, it's fairly the coolest one, if I do say so myself."

One of the night guards lands right in front of me, so close I almost stumble on him. With a harsh stop, I lean to the other way so I can pass. As the man is standing up, a sharpened stick lands next to him, the peak getting stuck in the ground as the guy shakes his head. He grabs the weapon and runs to the fight with a furious scream. Two guys carrying a wooden post get in my way. Without stopping, I duck down the thick pole.


I hear a loud echoing sound that makes me turn around.


I accidentally made a third guy hit the pole. Or at least I think so, one of the guards is lying on the ground right below the pole. I look with a face full of guiltiness at the fallen guy when something hits me on my left shoulder. The rest of the men are running right past me. I try to avoid crashing into them and continue my way.

I don't think they want to stop running right now, you know.

An explosion right in front of me knocks me off my feet. One of the animatronics must've hit something explode-able that was inside one of the cottages. Yeah, it's amazing how many dangerous things we have around here, huh?

"I think our charming demeanor should be more than enough to fight these things, really."

A man gets in front of me, and shouts a demented battle cry at my face, his axe lifted up in the air. I start to wonder where he got an axe from… Well, at this point, and after all I've seen since I've been working here, it doesn't really surprise me.

"Mornin'!" the guy says in a sudden cheery tone now, mixed up with a smile, as he runs towards the battle, letting me stand up. I run through a walkway, many other guards passing by my side and all of them carrying pistols, knives, barrels and such.

"What're you doing here?" one of them shouts at me.

"Get inside!" another says with disbelief, just as he hated me.

"What're you doing out?"

"Get back inside!"

Really, why can't I go around without these guys yelling at me to get back inside?

I run past a night guard that fell asleep, resting on the railings. I run backwards, looking at him in confusion. Why shouldn't I? This is the first night guard I see that fell asleep during an outside attack. As I turn around again so I don't crash into anything or anyone I see myself staring at a black figure about ten meters away from me.

"Mike!" an angry voice yells. Whatever was there before me leaves as this booming voice sounds all over. I feel a hand grabbing me from the back of my outfit and being lifted up with fury.

"What is he doing out agai-" the man that grabbed me yells, his hand pointing at me. "What are you doing out? Get inside!"

The man shoves me forwards, but I turn around and keep looking at him.

"That's Jack. Owner of the restaurant."

Jack is a tall and basically vast man. His short, red hair and flowing beard highlight from the others. That color is bright and pure, and there are no more redheads around here. His furious green eyes full of pride tell anyone who looks at them that he is strong and he has reasons to be in charge of everything.

Jack looks around him, his eyes narrowed menacingly. His gaze comes across Chica, who's flying various meters above him.

"They say when he was younger he fought off one of the animatronics and won."

Almost effortlessly, he picks up a big, wooden cart, something I could never do no matter how hard I tried.

I mean, I'm not weak, but I could never grab such thing with no single effort like Jack did.

He brings the cart above his head and, with an angry grunt, throws it to the hovering animatronic. The wooden carriage shatters into lots and lots of pieces as it hits harshly Chica's body, making her almost fall. She hisses, and flies way. Jack does that thing he always does with his shoulders, like nodding triumphantly with them, and turns to one of the night guards behind him.

"Do I believe it? Yes I do."

"Are all of them out?" He asks, his voice sounding worried, but at the same time, it has got a calm, proud and secure tone.

"Yes, sir. They're all out as far as I know." The guard replies frantically. Something explodes next to them, making the man crouch and cover himself with both arms.

"Anyone saw that one?" Jack asks again, spreading the word like it was something too horrible to speak of.

"Not so far." The scared guard answers.

A piece of flaming shrapnel, coming from the explosion, lands on his shoulder. Jack brushes it off easily, muttering, "Good."

I jump off the stairs at the end of the walkway as I run past various workers lighting torches, which illuminate the surroundings, and placing them into special slots in the walls made for them. Everything is too dark around here and so we're going to need a lot of light if we want to stay alive. I make my way towards the blacksmith stall.

Yes, we even have a blacksmith here. What did you think?

There's almost nothing normal around of the restaurant, so don't think it's something weird. In fact, I've never seen anything normal here at night.

I run past the blacksmith hurriedly.

"Oh nice of you to join the party! I thought you'd been caught!" he says as he bangs his hammer on his hand appendage against a burning metal wire. I turn around and put my hands behind my back innocently.

"W- who, me? Nah, come on." I say as I turn to the wall full of weapons and pick up a heavy axe. I place it on its respective spot. "I'm waaay too muscular for them. They wouldn't know what to do with all… this."

I flex my non-existent biceps as I grin, walking towards the window to get the other guys' weapons, and things, and all that.

"Oh, they'll need toothpicks, don't they?" The blacksmith teases as he always does, taking that big hammer off his hand appendage and putting a smaller one instead. I open the two-sided wooden door that opens the window and the guys outside give me their weapons with inpatient looks on their faces.

"The meathead with attitude and interchangeable hands is Larry. He's been teaching me things about this job ever since I first came here."

Larry is a blond guy. His hair is very short but it still arrives to the back of his neck. His reliant blue eyes full of knowledge always give me a feeling of being protected even if he's always joking around. I have a high respect for Larry. He's been once attacked by the animatronics in my fourth night in this site, while he was giving me his instructions, and for that he lost a hand and a leg, but fortunately lived to tell the tale. I've been attacked too, but it wasn't that serious. He's a man that you really should respect if you're working around here.

Thing that I don't recommend either way.

POV – Annonymous

"We'll move to the lower defenses, counter attack with the bola-launchers." Jack orders a few workers before proceeding to run towards said weapons. As they're running down the walkway, an animatronic known as Foxy smashes right through a small, wooden cottage, making it explode as there was something explode-able inside.

POV – Mike

I notice one of the cottages is burning. How not…

"See? Old restaurant, more and more broken things."

"Fire!" a guard screams, almost with insanity, to give the alarm.

"Alright guys, let's go!" a female voice calls from the distance. It's a voice I recognize, a voice that makes me look out the window. Inside a cloud of smoke I see various guys with buckets on their hands near the burning cottage.

"Oh and that's Eric, James, the twins, Jacob and Jasmine, and…"

The last teen empties elegantly her bucket towards the fire, and the house explodes again. I'm pretty sure it's because there was more than just one explode-able thing there. The girl walks like nothing's happening as the fire erupts behind her. Her smile and her secure, shiny blue eyes produce a happy feeling as I look at them. Her long, blond hair tied in a precious ponytail in the back of her head dances and waves before her face as she turns around, leaving the fire behind.


Astrid is the most beautiful girls ever to work here, and I feel like the luckiest person around the staff. She is just… beautiful. She's perfect. Astrid is, along with the other guys, what we like to call a night helper. Astrid is also a waiter during the day and she does her work perfectly. She never arrives late and is always secure of herself. But there's a thing that I mostly admire about Astrid; she's not afraid of the animatronics like we all are. She never really fought one, but she usually helps if one of them has gone too far. And she does it with no fear, with no nerves. It's amazing.

The rest of the helpers follow her, but none of them walks with the passion Astrid does. They all run past my window. I try to dissimulate doing an important work so they don't mock me -as I never get to go outside when this kind of thing happens- before leaning out the window to see them running towards wherever the rest of guards and workers need them.

"Oh their job is so much cooler…"

My arm involuntarily gets out of the wooden frame. My body is telling me, begging me to go out there with the rest. I'm about to do so when…

"Eh!" Larry yells as he grabs the back of my shirt with his hand… thing. I really don't know what he has put on it right now, I can't recognize it. He turns around and slowly walks inside, dragging me with him.

"Oh come on, let me out please, I need to make my mark!" I try to convince him. It's not like that was the best way to do it, but I have to try. Larry carefully puts me down.

"Oh, you've made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places." He points out, giving me a prod with his hand-thing. He sends me backwards a few feet.

"Please, two minutes." I insist. "I'll fight one of those things, my life will get infinitely better!"

Of course it would. My happiness would grow and grow as I give these monsters a lesson for everything they did to me all these past months and that they'll very much will continue to do.

"I might even get a date." I add with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing a sword…" Larry starts counting as if I didn't know how to do the important things everyone does here. "You can't even throw one of these!" he yells as he picks up a bola, which is a strong rope with iron balls attached to its ends. From outside the open window, a man snatches it out and runs away, spinning the rope as he does so. With a grunt, he throws it to the animatronic in front of him, Bonnie. The bola scores a direct hit and sends the animatronic to the ground, as it was standing on the ceiling of a small cottage.

"Fine, but this-" my words get momentarily cut off as I hear the noise of Bonnie falling to the ground. I back up and stand next to my wonderful machine, a bola-launcher I made all by myself. "Will throw it for me." I finish as I gently pat the machine. It makes a rusty squeal as I feel it slightly shaking. The machine comes to life and shoots a bola at Gobber, who quickly leans out of the way. The rope flies out the window and hits a man outside in the head. The guy lets out a pained grunt as he falls backwards.

Hey, not my fault.


So well, HTTYD is my favorite movie, and I had this little idea ever since I started to like FNaF. I made some slight changes to some of the animatronics so they fit a little bit better in this story. For example, Chica has got bird-like wings instead of hands, and I made her so she can fly. I also made slight changes in the animatronic that will replace Toothless, but of course I can't tell you which changes are those as I would have to reveal which animatronic is replacing Toothless. So I'll leave that for the next chapter. This story might be a little bit hard to make, but I have to try. The character's names have also been replaced and they don't have that Viking-like appareance. They are:

Hiccup - Mike

Stoick - Jack

Gobber - Larry

Ruffnut, Tuffnut - Jacob, Jasmine

Snoulout - James

Fishlegs - Eric

Feel free to review so I can know what do you think about this idea and that if I should continue it!