Title: Kindergarten

Chapter Seven: Halloween?

Disclaimer: I don't own Rugrats | Claimer: I own characters not recognized.

Note: This story will sadly be ending soon because I really don't know where to go with this story if I'm being honest. I mean if I can't think of anymore ideas soon, it's definitely lights out for this story. And I'll be working on the middle school story. And I'm sorry for short chapters, but this was written in 2014, so I don't have a connection to it. It's hard, all I'm thinking about is rewriting it.

It was a few weeks until Halloween and Mrs. Pepper's kindergarten class were getting ready for the popular holiday with drawing faces on pumpkins since it was to dangerous to actually carve them in school. In a group of six seat Natalie Bishop, Chuckie Finster, Tommy Pickles, Lillian DeVille, Oliver Stone and lastly Keiko Harada. Keiko was a new girl who had recently transferred from Japan and was getting the ropes of american schools.

"Do you guys normally draw on pumpkins for Halloween?" Keiko asked grabbing a black marker to color in the mouth she had drew on the pumpkin.

Oliver shook his head, "we normally carve face into them," he sticks on his tongue and furrowed his brows focusing on the pumpkin.

"But we get to carve it out when we get home, and that's the best part," Lillian commented turning her pumpkin around to show the other's. "How do you like this?"

The face she had drew on the pumpkin was a pretty scary one, scary enough to make Chuckie and Natalie shriek in surprise.

Keiko stares at the pumpkin with wide coffee brown eyes, "that's amazing Lil, probably going to be the most scariest pumpkin this Halloween." She was truly impressed by her skills. "It's much better than mine."

Keiko turns her pumpkin to show a much less scary one with a huge smile. She wasn't really good at making this like scary or creepy especially since she didn't like them kind of things. She was more of a person who would dress up as a butterfly or fairy during Halloween. She was more like Chuckie, but just not that much, she wasn't scared of a simple carved pumpkin or someone dressed as a scary monster.

"That's much better, I rather look at a smiling Pumpkin," Chuckie said with a small smile. He shows them his pumpkin and it was a smiling one too. "Why can all pumpkins be happy?"

Oliver rolls his eyes at all the smiling pumpkins. "Halloween is about being scared, it about scary movies and getting candy, it not about rainbows and unicorns Chuckie, that's why this Halloween I'm going to dress up like a zombie."

He stands up from his chair and walks around the table like a zombie, and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "Brains."

"I don't know Oliver," Tommy said as he stopped working on his pumpkin. "Chuckie is pretty scared of all them, dressing up as something scary around him isn't a good idea."

Oliver pouts with his arms crossed, "aw, come on Chuckie it isn't that bad, it's all just people behind them masks and costumes." He takes his seat and shows them his pumpkin, which he drew a bat on it. "Halloween is the only night of the year you get to dress up as your favorite monster."

"Really?" Keiko eyes widen in wonder, "then I know the perfect person to dress up as." She tosses her black hair over her shoulders and places it in front of her face covering it. "The girl that comes out of the TV."

"That's c-creepy Keiko," Chuckie said hiding behind his pumpkin. "Why does she come out the TV?"

Keiko gasped, "have you guys never seen the ring? That's horrible. She comes out the TV to come and get whoever watched some weird video tape, when they finish the phone rings and a voices says-"

"You're going to die in seven days," Natalie said in a creep voice. "I watched that movie with my older brother, it was really scary."

Lillian frowns, "how can you not be scared of them things?"

"Because I'm use to them, we have so many scary legends in Japan, we are kind of known for them," Keiko shrugs her shoulders and moves her hair from her face. "So, things in america don't scary me, it's mostly all jumpscares anyway."