Starcraft: Rebirth of the Cerebrate


Four years after The Brood War, The Zerg have evolved greater than ever. Their attack has begun on Cron II, a planet occupied by a Terran faction, second only to the Terran Dominion, called the Umojan Protectorate. Though the Protectorate and The Protoss managed to defeat the Swarm, The Zerg spreads all across the Koprulu Sector, which in turn forces the Terran Factions, including Raynor's Raiders, to hold the line for extraction. Kerrigan, leader of the Swarm, seeks to finish what she's started 4 years ago: The complete destruction of the galaxy. Zeratul, one of the Dark Templars who fought for Aiur, finds some clues that show Kerrigan is the only one who can jeopardize the ancient evil one's 'great plan'. The Dark Templar finds Raynor, and tells him that though justice demands that she die for her crimes, only Kerrigan can save all the races from extinction, by the fallen Xel'Naga and his Protoss and Zerg DNA abominations called the Hybrid, by giving him the Ihan Crystal. Little did Raynor, Zeratul, The emperor of the Terran Dominion: Arcturus, especially the Queen of Blades herself know, that an ancient creature who perished long ago, unexpectedly rises from the grave. It will evolve greater than before like the Zerg, more powerful than any threat, especially the Hybrid, and it will be known as…


The Cerebrate revived

Somewhere in this planet that has oceans of fire, tectonic storms and an atmosphere that can burn a person alive, the main planet of the Zerg Swarm, inside this cavern lies a long dead creature that looks like a serpent, but has centipede-like legs, cobra-like hood, and razor-sharp teeth. Its corpse decaying when suddenly a voice calls: "Cerebrate…Cerebrate…Cerebrate…"

The cerebrate's spirit slowly open its eyes, then its sleepy eyes widened. "Overmind?" In front of it was the Overmind, the former leader of the Swarm, an enormous brain-like entity with huge tendrils that look like huge spikes, and one giant eyeball.

"I do not underssstand, why am I not being reincarnated? Iss it the end?" Cerebrate asked.

"No, my cerebrate, yet you cannot reincarnate because you were wounded by these energies that would cause me harm." Overmind answered.

"Energies of the Dark Templar." Cerebrate replied. "You wouldn't speak to anyone because of your long sssilence until it iss broken. How iss it that you are sspeaking to me now?"

"The Protoss of Aiur believed that my death will bring the end to my Zerg, but I've made my agent to lead the rest of my swarm during my fatal end." Overmind stated.

"Kerrigan! So ssshe the one who survived the first war, after my demise." Cerebrate stated.

"There is a greater threat to the entire universe, even greater than the Protoss and Terran combined, and for that I need someone to watch over her again." Overmind replied.

The Cerebrate smirked. "So I'll rise again."

"Indeed my Cerebrate, you must be warned that this is going to be painful." Overmind said.

Suddenly in the cavern, the Cerebrate corpse's eyes opened rapidly, teeth bared, rising from the ground, screeching in agony, while peeling off the dead skin into a smoldering ghost-like being. Once the process is complete he flew out of the cavern into distant space. Somewhere in space, appears a spaceship that looks like a battlecruiser, but much larger, it is called the Hyperion, inside the bridge was a man with a white t-shirt, soldier pants, thick gloves, Dragon tattoo on his right arm, vest with bullet capsules on his left side, his hair was black and has brown eyes, speaks to a Terran male with the blue marine suit about their broadcast success on Korhal, the marine said to him that he will stay with the commander until the end. Then the commander speaks to another Terran male, with captain clothing.

"Those classified documents we found on Korhal weren't anything special, just referred to some old bio-weapons lab orbiting Castanar." Raynor said.

"I think this one might be different, the files suggest they were planning to terminate everyone who ever worked her." The Captain said.

"I assume that doesn't mean 'firing' them… But why would Mengsk want to kill a whole research staff?" Raynor asked.

"I don't know, but it seems like something we should check out." The captain replied.

"It does indeed." Raynor agreed.

Meanwhile in outer space, The Cerebrate, now a smoldering ghost, glides to the Dominion bio-weapons lab, which Raynor and his raiders are entering here to investigate.

"Your task, my Cerebrate, is to find the host of a creature that isn't like any other inside the Terran facility, and to exterminate it, personally." The Overmind ordered.

"In order to exterminate it, is to assimilate it!" The Cerebrate exclaimed.

"Indeed, now go forth my Cerebrate, be reborn and bring swift wrath to all who oppose the Swarm!" The Overmind exclaimed.

Somewhere in the planet with ring of asteroids swirling around, lies and orbital space bio lab, belonged to and occupied by the Dominion. The Cerebrate enters the lab by flying through the wall. The Cerebrate examines each room trying to find some new enemy, but with no prevail. The Cerebrate continue searching, when suddenly, the door bursts open in the first room, where three male terrans in their heavy red marine suits, and another male terran in his heavy red mechanical suit that shoots flames, standing by. When the dusts clears, it reveals five male terrans in heavy blue suits, two female terrans in heavy white medical suit, an one male terran in black marine suit, with a skull on the face shield, has a skeletal snake on his left shoulder. The four red suited terrans run towards the eight terrans.

"This area is strictly off limits!" exclaims the red terran marine, he inspects the male terran in a black suit, and his eyes widen. "Raynor? Halt! You're under arrest!"

"Not today, Buddy." Raynor shoots the red terrans as well as the five blue suited male terrans. The Cerebrate suspects them nearby and hums.

"It would sssseem that, I'm not the only one investigating the lab," he reply, "no matter, nothing shall ssstand in my way for long." The Cerebrate continues his mission. Meanwhile, Raynor and his escort, must fight their way to the lab, by hacking the Dominion security, which in result, uses the Dominion's security weapons against them. Raynor has gain access to the first section of the lab, Raynor suspects that something is inside the three containers, within them lies a disfigured creature. Raynor and his escort didn't know that, the Cerebrate is eavesdropping them.

"These creatures… it isn't like any kind of zerg I've ever seen before," Raynor examines the creatures. "Matt, scan their bio-signatures."

"Hold on, the signal's weak there…" Matt begin scanning the creatures, through the radio, he looks at the readings, his eyes widen, "wait, sir-I'm reading both zerg and protoss DNA. Are those… things assimilated somehow?"

The Cerebrate's smoldering eyes widen, "The Hybrid! How could the terrans, possess such magnitude?!"

"I don't know," Raynor reply without an answer, "but I'm real curious as to what they're doing inside the Dominion lab."

Suddenly the Dominion marines spots Raynor and his escort in the lab, "Check it out! We've got that Raynor guy trapped at lab one."

The doors rises up, and locks Raynor and his party in the lab. "Nice! Release the zerg!"

The Cerebrate hears the red marine saying zerg, "My brethren? Here?!"

Despite the Dominion's trap success, Raynor destroys the holding pen, and breaches the door. The Cerebrate quickly moves to the lab number two, there he see human scientists dissecting a creature with three blades in each arm, hold like shield with tiny holes to shoot it's spines, and sharp jaw with splitting glands. The Cerebrate sees it, and enrages.

"PARASITES! They'll rue the day to use the zerg as experiments!" He floats towards the third room, where many Dominion guards are located, including siege tanks, goliaths, Vikings and so on. "I must find the Hybrid that is complete, and once I find it…" he laughs sinisterly.

Meanwhile, Raynor and his escort fights their way to the second lab, including bypassing the second security weapons, this time by releasing more zerglings to soften the Dominion guards, after inspecting more disfigured creatures, Raynor knows what to do, he and his party are going to blow up the Dominion lab, Matt tells him, that the reactor is somewhere in the lab, meanwhile, the Cerebrate continues his mission once at the final lab area, he glares at the stasis field, inside it lies, a sleeping fully complete Hybrid, with head-shield with two points at the top, blue guidelines around its body, split glands attached to its sharp mouth, two arms with three claw points on each arm, large hind legs with three claw points on each foot, one long tail, and many tentacles on its back.

The Cerebrate's burning eyes widen to the creature, "Ssso, this is the Hybrid that is fully complete," he laughed, "Now, I can begin my assimilation process." The cerebrate glides through the stasis field, sting him, bit by bit. Once he got closer to it, he open his jaw, and force feed the Hybrid on the inside.

Thus, he begins to assimilate, but surprisingly, nothing happens. "Come on, work!"

Nothing happens.


Still nothing, "Why won't you WORK?"

Then, he notices the stasis field, he gasps "Of course! I cannot begin my assimilation as long as it and I am… trapped inside this cursed stasis field."

He thinks for a moment then, snaps, "Raynor…"

Somewhere in the lab, Raynor and his party continue to fight their way to the final lab, including destroying the Dominion vehicles, releasing and slaying the gargantuan zerg creature, breaching another door, and enter the final lab. The Cerebrate feel the presence of the terran commander, "Yesss!"

Once Raynor got his team inside, Matt contacts him via radio, "Sir, you're just right on top of the power signature – the fusion reactor must be nearby"

After eliminating more Dominion forces Raynor and his raiders has destroyed the reactor, therefore releasing the Hybrid, by opening its eyes, almost robot-like, the Cerebrate chuckled sinisterly, Raynor percepts the Dominion computer saying: "Containment field weakening, Protoss/Zerg Hybrid reviving."

The scientist are panicking as the new creature is awakening, "Emergency! Emergency!" yells the first scientist.

"Containment breach!" yells the second scientist.

"We're all going to die!" Panicked the third scientist.

The creature awakes and roars furiously, the Cerebrate grins inside, "At last! My assimilation…begins!" pauses for the moment, then laughs sinisterly.

Well, here it is, my FIRST Starcraft fanfiction story, I know that all cerebrates die before the sequel to Starcraft, but I made the idea that one cerebrate is revived, without expectation of the Protoss, hope you enjoy it, fav and review plz