A.N. When I first started writing this story I decided to see if other people have already wrote Danny Phantom parodies of Hercules, and from what I remember there were at least one or two. However I did not read them, so if there are any similarities between my story and the other stories then they are either coincidences or were going to be used either way (Danny playing Hercules for example).

The scene opened up on a Greek museum. A deep dull voice began the tale.

"Long ago, in the far away land of ancient Greece there was a golden age of powerful god-like ghosts and extraordinary heroes. And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty Daniel."

The scene now zoomed in on a vase that had the scene of a young boy fighting a ghostly lion. Since he was in silhouette you couldn't see much detail, although you could see that there was a D with a jagged back on his chest. Above the scene were drawings of the five Muses, in order: Dani, Desire, Dora, Ember, and Penelope.

"But what is the measure of a true hero?" The narrator continued. "Ah, that is what our story is-"

"Will you listen to him?" Dani protested. "He's makin' the story sound like some Greek tragedy." She dramatically held a tragedy mask in front of her face and slumped.

"Lighten up dude." Ember said.

"We'll take it from here darling." Dora said.

"You go girls." The narrator said.

The Muses started moving to a beat.

"We are the Muses." Dora introduced. "Ghost-goddesses of the arts, and proclaimers of heroes."

"Heroes like Daniel." Ember added.

"You mean Danny." Dani smiled. "And he's my favorite of the heroes! Many can he vaporize those ghosts I tell ya-"

"Our story." Dora interrupted, glaring at Dani. "Actually begins long before Daniel. Many eons ago."

Back when the world was new
The planet Earth was down on its luck
And everywhere gigantic brutes called Poltergeists ran amok

Dora revealed moving drawings of ghost versions of natural disasters: volcanoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and tornadoes. The destruction was so much that it shattered the ceramic they were on, causing Dani to carefully make her way through the pieces.

It was a nasty place
There was a mess wherever you stepped

Where chaos reigned and earthquakes and volcanoes never slept

"Whoo, say it girlfriend!" Dani joined her fellow Muses.

And then along came Jack Fenton

He hurled his ghost-bolts

He zapped

Locked those suckers in a vault

They're trapped

And on his own stopped
Chaos in its tracks
And that's the gospel truth
The guy was too type A to just relax

And that's the world's first dish

Jack tamed the globe

While still in his youth

Though, honey, it may seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth

On Mt. Spiritus life was neat and
Smooth as sweet vermouth

Although, honey, it may seem imposs'ble
That's the gospel truth

They then vocalized as the scene zoomed into a painting of Mt. Spiritus until the painting became the real thing. The scene then moved up the mountain until it was at the very top, where the ghost-gods were having a party.