Guess the whole, "I do not own Love Live / The characters" thing goes here

Heading to the roof for practice took Honoka past the club room, thinking it would be a good idea to get a drink before the training, She entered and headed towards the mini fridge, wondering if anyone had remembered to restock it lately, turns out they hadn't, all that remained was a single can.

"Lucky me, I got the last one" Honoka exclaimed, quickly picking up the can and opening it, then gulping it down "hmm, tastes a bit funny, maybe it was out of date?" checking the now empty can for its date,

"Nope, it's still in date" she said to herself "guess I better hurry to the roof or Umi is going to be mad at me again" placing the can down on the table She turned to head out the door, before tripping over.

'Thunk', Honoka let out a small moan as she went to pull herself up using the table, though in doing so her vision started to blur, "guess that drink wasn't ok after all"…

10 minutes had pasted since Honoka had told Umi and Kotori to head up to the roof before her,

"Where is she? It's not like we can start without her, doesn't she know we have a concert in 2 weeks" Umi said in an irritated tone

"Umi-chan, she probably got caught up with some work again, She'll be here soon, don't worry" replied Kotori

"I know, but she could of at least called to say she would be busy a while longer" Umi sighed

If on cue her phone started to ring, the caller ID showing that it was Honoka

"Hello Honoka" Umi said

"Hi… umi…chan" responded Honoka

"Why are you out of breath?"

"Errr, I'm having a small problem at the moment"

"What do you mean a small problem? Where are you?"

"I'm in the club room, come here I can explain it better that way, bring the others if you want, I have to go now…" Honoka said before hanging up

Putting her phone back in her bag, Umi turned to the others, who now wore worried looks after hearing the phrase 'a small problem'

"Honoka said that she was in the club room and that she could explain her problem there" Umi explained

"Whenever Honoka says a 'small problem' it's never small, we should probably hurry" Nico said, already heading towards the door.

The rest of Muse following quickly behind

Author here, sorry it's so short to start with, it's my first time writing any fan fiction, and I had this idea mulling around for a bit, so thought that I might as well give it a go

anyway, i'll try and get the 2nd chapter out asap and hopefully it will be longer next time, any comments to help improve my writing would be welcomed