It's here! My new version of 'The Battle of Two Sister's'! I hope you like this one way better than the other one. Now the first chapter is horrifying and I hated writing, but just keep in mind that it's the only way to get to the good bits. But I do hope you like it. Sorry if it's short but it was just how I planned it.

It was a foggy Friday afternoon and every one was inside having lunch. Expect one, Keri had rushed outside and sat down. She was so upset and annoyed, she didn't understand why he said those words to her, she was so pissed off. Dan was leading on behind her on a few feet away.

"Keri! Keri! Please, listen to what I've got to say, please!"shouted Dan.

"Just go away, I know what you think of me. Some idiot who cares only about herself, a bitch!"shouted Keri.

"I'm so sorry Keri."said Dan."I really really am!"

"Is that how you really see me as. Some girl who can't take a hint, a pushy idiotic bitch!"asked Keri.

"No! I mean yeah, it was but not any more I see you as a totally different person now, Keri."said Dan.

"Prove it! Go on, I dare you to!"said Keri.

Dan just sat there thinking what to do and Keri got up ready to just walk away. When all of a sudden Dan turns her around so that they were face to face. Dan moved in and kissed her on the lips. They moved out after 10 seconds.

"Apology accepted."said Keri.

"Good!"said Dan.

"So now what?"asked Keri.

"I don't know, what do you think we should do?"asked Dan.

"I believe that now after what has just happened we're now bf and gf."said Keri.

"Alrighty then, let's get back inside."said Dan.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit just let me get my things."said Keri.

"Okay, but don't be too long."said Dan.

Dan rushed on inside and Keri was stopped by the sound of someone shouting out her name.

Keri's POV:

"Keri! Keri! Great news!"shouted someone.

I turned around to see Tom running towards me.

"What's great news?"I asked.

"I just got an email from Zoe, you know your sister."said Tom.

"Yeah, what about her?"I asked again.

"She said that she's coming back to London. That she's going to start college here with us! Isn't that great!"Tom shouted.

"Oh, that's great alright."I said with a fake smile.

"I know right and she's coming back in five months!"said Tom.

"Great!"I said getting even more annoyed.

Tom left and I just sat there. I'm so annoyed right now! When Zoe gets here she's going to be all over him. I'm not going to let that happen, not one bit. Dan is mine and he will always be mine. My plan was simply and nothing nor nobody was going to stop me from keeping my man! That girl was going down! I walked off to meet Dan and I was counting the days till Zoe's arrival!

I know that it wasn't much but I hope you liked it and as I said it's only short because of how I've had it planned out for the next chapter. Don't forget to review and to favourite this story and if you want you could also favourite me as well. Bye!