"I don't know too much about LUC and Iroha," Kaito admitted as the four of them sat on the forest floor. "They were careful to not say too much, making past a mystery to me. All I know is whatever they did it was bad enough to suffer the thousand year curse."

"The thousand year curse?" Rin questioned. "Kind of like how Len and I were turned into dolls until we learned how to love?"

"In a sense I believe you may be right," Kaito replied, "but love has nothing to do with their curse. The two are . . . very close. As awful as they are, they express love towards each other, even if it is in their own way."

"And I suspect they were angry they have yet to be freed from their curse so it was decided to take out that frustration on us," Len guessed.

"That is correct," Kaito said. "You got what they wanted, and their first response was to hate you dearly for it.

"As for Meiko and I, we were ordinary teens. Nothing more, nothing less. Until one day we crossed paths with LUC and Iroha and they decided to make us their 'pets.' You know, this is the first time in two hundred and fifty years I have been able to walk as a human. Tonight tey allowed Meiko and I to use some of their magic so that we could . . . have fun with you, but apparently they forgot to take away our magic or else I would still be a bat right now."

"I feel sort of bad for them," Miku quietly confessed. "They had to have been that way for a really long time if Rin and Len's reincarnation irked them so much."

"Well being cursed isn't exactly all that pleasant," Rin said, Len nodding in agreement. "It does things to you, makes you fail to tell the difference between good and evil. Remember how Len and I were going to kill you if you didn't stay with us?"

Seeing how simply asking the question was enough to drive Rin to tears, Miku reached out and held her hand. Miku gave the hand a squeeze as an answer, not trusting herself to say the right thing.

"We weren't like that, not really," Rin continued. "We may have been horrible children, but Len and I would never kill anyone. Except after two hundred years of suffering a curse, our minds were warped and twisted. To us, killing you wouldn't have been that evil a deed. We wanted you to ourselves, and no crime was too great to get what we wanted."

"You repented in the end, Rin, that's all that matters," Miku insisted.

"Only the guilt never goes away," Len said as he purposely looked down to keep from making eye contact with her. "Despite doubting we truly would have been able to hurt you, we still tried, and that's something you don't forgive yourself for."

"That's why we can't be friends anymore," Rin blurted out before she lost her nerve.

"What?" Miku asked, hoping she heard the blonde wrong.

"We can't be friends anymore, Miku-Sama," Rin answered. "After everything Len and I did, we can't be around you. You have always been so kind to us when we didn't deserve it, and neither Len nor I could live knowing what we almost did and still have you call us your friends."

Before Miku could say anything, a voice interjected, "That's why you won't be remembering anything that happened tonight."

All four of them snapped their heads towards the direction of the voice and dropped their jaws at who they saw. "M-M-Mei-Chan?!" Kaito exclaimed. "But how are you-!"

"Alive?" Meiko giggled. "I'm a cat, genius. Don't you know all cats have nine lives?"

Kaito could only stare at Meiko in stunned silence, and Miku and the twins swallowed the information Meiko had given them. "That's why you were so willing to die for Len," Miku concluded. "You knew you would come back."

"I didn't know for a fact if that was the case," Meiko confessed with a shrug, "but I'm the only one here who had a chance at coming back at all." To Kaito she smirked, "Does it really take my dying to get a confession out of you?"

While Kaito sat speechless, Rin giggled, "Same could be said about this one," as she stabbed her thumb at Miku.

"Hey!" Miku laughed, happy to see Rin no longer in tears.

"Not to be rude," Len said, "but what do you mean we won't be able to remember anything?"

Taking a seat next to Kaito, the werecat answered, "You can't remember tonight. You can't remember anything. The girl said so herself she wouldn't be able to live knowing what she had done. I don't want the either of you to throw away your only real friend all because of something you did when you were cursed." Rin and Len looked at their laps, their demeanor not hiding the guilt they felt. "The three of you were meant to meet," Meiko continued, "you can't let a bad past ruin your future."

"I think you're right," Rin said. "If I can forget - if all of us can forget - then we can go back to before. Everything can be how it was before this stupid night even happened."

"Just one question," Miku began as she examined the palms of her hands. "How was I able to do that? How was I able to attack Iroha and LUC in such a way? If I'm not human, then what am I?" Hands slid onto hers, and Miku looked up to meet Meiko in the eyes.

"Some questions are better left unanswered," she said. Miku nodded in understanding as Meiko retreated her hands.

"What about Iroha and LUC?" Len asked. "Won't they be back?"

"I doubt it," Kaito answered, speaking for the first time since Meiko returned. "They have been alive longer than they had us around, and when you're immortal time has no meaning to you. Trust me, by the time they decide to go after you again all three of you will be rotting in your graves."

"That's . . . comforting," Rin decided, her ear twitching.

"Oh," Meiko giggled, "I suppose I should change you and Len back, huh?"

"What do you- That's right," Rin shook her head. "I've gotten so use to having a tail that I completely forgot it's there."

"Not to mention I don't know how we would be able to explain having cat ears and a tail to anyone," Len said, "especially if we don't remember anything."

"I'll fix this problem right now," Meiko said as she waved her hand. In a matter of seconds, the cat ears and tails turned back into wires you velvet. "I still think the both of you looked cuter as werecats," Meiko said.

Standing to their feet, Rin asked, "Will losing our memories hurt? Because getting them back was really painful."

"Erasing memories is painless compared to restoring them," Kaito answered. "The three of you will be just fine."

"What about you guys?" Miku asked.

"We're going to find Iroha and LUC and deal with them according to what they have done to us," Meiko answered. "Worst thing that can happen is they kill us, but after being alive for two and a half centuries I think death would be rather welcoming." To herself Meiko mused, "Too bad I will have to die eight more times before I stay dead."

"Too bad I won't remember confessing to Miku," Len frowned.

"Nor I will remember how much I love you," Miku looked in Len's eyes. It was such a shame that the only good thing that happened had to be forgotten with everything else.

"You confessed to each other once," Meiko encouraged, "and I'm sure you can do it again. You just have to be brave."

"Thank you," Miku said, "for bringing Len back, and for helping us."

"After what we did earlier tonight this is everything she should do to make it right," Kaito said. He reached out his hand and, with his index and middle fingers, trailed his finger tips down Rin's jaw. The scar Iroha gave Rin vanished with Kaito's touch, and Meiko followed suit by doing the same to Len.

Kaito leaned forward and kissed Rin on the forehead, and as with healing the scar Meiko copied Kaito's movements. After each twin had been kissed on their headlines, Meiko and Kaito both stood by Miku's sides. "I hope you accomplish what you're setting out to do," Miku said as a goodbye.

"Thank you, Hatsune Miku," Kaito said.

"We will never forget you," Meiko added.

Simultaneously, both of them kissed Miku's cheeks, and everything went dark for the bluette.


"What are we doing here?" Miku asked as she looked around. "I don't remember coming to this creepy forest."

"Don't ask me," Len answered, "I was following Rin."

"Don't blame me!" Rin exclaimed. "I was following you!"

"Well I was following the both of you," Miku held her hands up. "Or I think I was." Try as she might, Miku could not rack her brain for any memory that explained why they were in the middle of the forest the morning after Halloween. "Oh no," Miku said when she realized something more terrifying than any horror Halloween could ever produce, "I never called my mom!"

A look of horror decorated Rin's and Len's faces as well. "Our parents probably don't know where we are either!" Rin shouted.

"We are so dead," Miku said as she broke off into a run, the twins chasing after her.

"This is all Len's fault!" Rin claimed as they exited the forest.

"I was following you!" Len repeated as he stayed close by the girls' heals.

"I don't know what the hell happened last night," Miku said, "but I think it must have been one interesting Halloween."

Author's Note: I've been screwing with you guys since chapter one. "Meiko and Kaito aren't the bad guys, Iroha and LUC are!" "Len-Kun was just murdered, but Meiko can bring him back by dying in his place!" "Psych! Meiko is alive after all." Some of you guys probably hate me just a little bit for all of this. XP Though I promise you having Meiko "die" on her birthday was one freaky coincidence I was not at all planning. 0.0

Now I need to get back to NaNoWriMo. You almost didn't get an update today because I didn't write squat for my book yesterday and have to use today to catch up on my word count. When you're trying to write a novel in a month your mind wants to write, but your body wants to watch six straight hours of My Little Pony. The struggle is real and intense and unless you are also NaNo-ing you have no right to judge me!

Pekiunai: Actually, Rin-Chan dies more than Len-Kun. The problem is songs like Daughter of Evil are incredibly popular (no hate, I really do love love love Daughter/Servant of Evil; those songs are the main reason I became a Vocaloid fan and have greatly influenced me as a writer in more ways than you could ever know), and songs like Orphan, A Faint Wish, and Soleil aren't. And Mew-San is another Vocaloid, she's just not very popular. :)

iloveyugiohGX93: You shall wait no longer!

SoumaKumiko14: Well I could have backspaced and omitted the spoiler, but it's not as if that was a massive spoiler (okay, sorta is, but not the biggest) so I kept it in as to keep the conversation going. :)

Lazy Person: You're welcome, and thanks! :)

Arisugawa I'maGhoul Alice: No more killing, or at least in this fanfic. XP Thank you!

DanisaurSaysRAWR: I'm glad you love this so much. :)

A massive thank you to my amazing readers, and especially everyone who reviewed! I still feel so inexperienced as a writer, but the support you guys give me has never ceased to encourage me to be the best I can be. Whether you're a fellow fanfic author or someone who doesn't have an account but still loves to read fan fiction (or anywhere in between, of course!), thank you so much. All of you are awesome. :)
