Phil's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as the doctor grabbed his arm and brought him to the delivery room. He couldn't wrap his mind on what the receptionist had just told him. The receptionist was Dylan and AJ's mom? He was shocked at that sudden revelation. But, he couldn't worry about that now because when he and Elijah entered the delivery room he saw Dylan in her jonny, laying down in pain. She was gripping onto the side rail tightly as Elijah ran over to the side rail and he said "Mommy!"

Dylan sniffed and she smiled at her son and she said "Hi baby"

"Is Raelynn coming?" Elijah asked excitedly. Dylan nodded her head 'yes' and she said "In about 3 hours"

"3 hours?" Phil asked his wife stunned. Dylan nodded her head confirming the time that their daughter was coming. She was gritting her teeth and she said "Is my sister and her fiancé coming?"

"I think so," Phil thought out loud. "I mean you left your phone in the car so I texted her"

Dylan breathed out and she said "As me?"

Phil grabbed a chair and he pulled up to Dylan and said "Yes as you. I figured April would want to meet her brother in law that was resurrected from the dead"

Dylan smirked and then she felt another contraction coming. She gripped tightly onto the guardrail and she let out a long breath. After the contraction came she said "Gah why is it so much harder the second time around?"

Phil smirked and he said "I dont know baby" as he started to stroke her hair. Dylan smiled at her husband as she saw the door open and April and Cody enter the room with their daughter Hailey. "I got your text Dylan oh my God I can't believe Raelynn's coming hi Phil I-"

April stopped her rambling and she stopped in place and she looked at her brother in law as he waved at his sister in law. "Phil!" April squealed and she hugged him. Phil hugged back and he said "Hey April"

April released and she went to the other side of Dylan's bed and she laid down next to her And started giving her twin a back rub. Dylan let out a moan of relaxation and said "Thank you April"

"Anytime" April said with a smile. Then the doctor came in and after checking to see how far along Dylan was, he said that it was time for Dylan to push. "Can my sister be in the bed with me?"

The doctor looked at April and she said "When I gave birth to my daughter she was in the bed with me and when she gave birth to her son I was in the bed with her. Its a special bond me and her share"

The doctor smiled and he nodded his head in approval. As Dylan readied herself for pushing out her daughter, April held her sister's hand tightly. Dylan looked at April and she smiled. Then, holding Phil's hand in her left hand and April's hand in her right hand, it took Dylan 12 minutes to push put a 6 lbs 5 ounces baby girl on October 26th 2017 at 3:30 pm in the afternoon. The nurse cleaned off the newborn and Dylan's leg was brought back down. April got off of the bed to make way for Phil to lay down with his wife. And thats exactly what he did after the nurse cleaned off the baby and handed the newborn to Dylan. Raelynn was wearing a knitted pink hat and was wrapped in two pink bunny blankets. Dylan was brought to tears at how beautiful their daughter was. "She looks like you" Phil whispered as he placed his arm around his wife. He looked at his newborn daughter and he smiled at something. "Baby, Raelynn's not a halloween baby"

"Oh yeah?" Dylan said still looking down at her daughter.

"Nope, she's a CM Punk baby" Phil chuckled. Elijah and Hailey were brought back into the room by the nurse and Elijah ran to the bedside and said "Is that my sister, mommy?"

"Yes baby" Dylan said as Elijah climbed onto the bottom of the bed and he looked at his little sister. He smiled and said "She's pretty like you, mommy"

Dylan smiled at her son. Today was the most spectacular day for her

Leave reviews please :) And I have a question for y'all. How many babies do you want Phil and Dylan to have? Let me know in your reviews