I've Always Known

A Fan Fiction Story based upon characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Standard Disclaimers apply. I claim nothing.

The intercom on Toph's desk buzzed. 'Great, just what I need right now,' she thought as she punched the button to answer the call.

"What is it, Lee?" the Chief brusquely asked.

"Sorry, Chief, I know you asked not to be bothered but it's Councilman Sokka. He's very insistent," her assistant explained apologetically.

Toph groaned. She shouldn't have to explain this. Especially to him. But she knew she had to face her decision sometime.

"All right. Show the Councilman in," Toph grumped.

Sergeant Lee quietly led the United Republic's lead councilman into Toph's inner sanctum and quietly let himself out shutting the door behind him. Sokka sat down without being invited.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Councilman?" Toph didn't bother hiding her sarcasm. "Is this city business? My budget request isn't due for two more weeks."

Sokka sighed. Internally, he wondered where things had gotten so sideways between himself and this woman he'd once considered his best friend. Actually, he knew the answer if he dared consider that question further.

"It's not city business, Toph. Your daughter came to see me a little while ago," Sokka explained.

"The uptight patrol woman or the juvenile delinquent?" It was a legitimate question. Toph wouldn't put it past Lin to lodge a formal complaint with the council (and honestly couldn't blame her if she did), and Suyin would just as likely seek out her favorite "uncle" for a shoulder to cry on.

"The latter," Sokka explained. "She's not a bad kid, Toph. She's just a free spirit who needs a bit more gentle guidance. Like you were, once."

"You think I don't know that, Sokka? She's my kid, after all! That's why I'm sending her to Gaoling. If anyone can keep her out of trouble, it's my parents," Toph explained.

"Toph, would you listen to yourself? I understand you wanting to keep her out of jail, I really do. But how is sending her to Lao and Poppy any better? You ran away from there yourself, remember?" Sokka argued.

"Of course I do, Meathead! You make it sound like I ran off with you guys just to spite my parents, you forget I also had additional motivation of wanting to do my part to save the world! And just what in the four nations do you think gives you the right to question how I raise my kid?" Toph yelled.

Sokka sighed. 'So it's finally come to this,' he thought. 'Might as well get it out in the open.' Quietly, he said, "I have the right because I know she's mine, too, Toph."

Deafening silence filled the room. Silently, Toph wiped a tear from her sightless eye and asked, "How can you know? I never said anything, I never asked anything of you."

Sokka rose from his seat and, turning to leave, said, "I've always known."