The mission had gone completely wrong. They were too strong for Lucy and Taurus and Happy alone. The three had been going out as a team alot lately because Natsu had kicked them out of his team originally.

Back to the fight. Lucy screams so loud that everyone about 10 miles away could hear her. This cry for help had been heard by another mage. A dragon slayer named Cheney, Rogue Cheney. Appalled by the scene that laid out before him he rushes to her aid. The blonde maiden was tied up with a cat in the center of a bunch of bandits that look towards her with hungry eyes, undressing her with every time they blinked. It was so disgusting that Rouge stepped out in the open with an entrance to show his presence.

"So, what's a group of ugly bastards doing with such a beautiful maiden all wrapped up?" he tone sarcastic as he surveys his chances of winning which turn out to be pretty high.

"And you are going to be her hero, smartass? Look around, you're outnumbered." the leader of the bandits replies to his comment.

"Yeah, why not. I mean you forget that I am a mage as well. This is going to be a piece of cake." Rogue tucks a few strands of hair behind his ear and sinks into the shadows.

He reappears behind Lucy and slices her ropes off and sets her loose. Emerging from the shadows a second time, he appears i front of the leader and knocks him off his feet. After he does this every bandit pointed their attention towards him. They all walk up to him.

"Maiden, I advise you stand behind me." he calls out to Lucy who was busy untangling Happy.

Rogue calls forth and summons the powers of the shadow dragon. Tribal markings appearing on his face. Lucy runs behind him, shielding away from his attack.

"SHADOW DRAGON'S ROAR" He yells. Releasing darkness from his lips. The band of misfits were all pushed pack and slammed against trees, shrubs and bushes to a stop. Their eyes widened in fear, something that he had instilled into their core. It was an unbelievable scene. She gasps and then takes the rope and ties them all up.

"Arigato gozaimas" Lucy bends showing her gratitude.

"No need for such a thank you. It was my pleasure." he acknowledges her with a nod after speaking and turns on his heel to leave, but she grabs his wrist softly.

"I don't want to seem too forwards but, there has to be a way for me to repay you're good deed. I don't like feeling in debted to someone." she looks into his captivating red eyes. "I mean you did save my life and all." Lucy was genuinely grateful.

"That's quite alright, fair maiden." he reassures her that she has no debt to him what so ever.

"How does lunch sound, I know a really good place that has the best burgers in town." Just then the rain started coming down. This made the blonde's hairs stick to her face as well as his.

Before Rogue could answer his stomach growled monstrously. He looked down and then baack at her eyes and blushed a bit, feeling pretty embarrassed.

"Well, that settles it, we're off." She jogs over towards the trees to reduce how wet she was going to get later on.

"Here, use this." He says pulling off his cloak and placing it around Lucy gently. Happy was nuzzled on her side and she carried him on her hip.

Rogue smiled at the small cute little blue exceed.

"Is he yours?" his voice comes out in a sort of whisper.

"No he's a friend of mine's cat. But he chose to stick around with me since then." her voice so sweet ounded so sad at the first sentence that she had begun with.

"I am Rogue, what's your name? Not that you are under any obligation to tell me what it is." He offers to spark up a conversation.

"Well, I am Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. This scared-y cat is Happy." She motions to Happy.

"Well, nice to meet you both. I have an exceed myself, her name is Frosh. She is just the cutest little thing with a cute frog costume." He smiles imagining his little exceed.

"Aww, it must be hard." She sighs outwardly.

"What is?" he seems confused about what she says.

"Well, there are sometimes that during a mission, one mustn't let their emotions get the better of oneself's and tell them to run when danger grows more intense. Seeing as they are the only partner one considers family, one take care of them like their sibling, or their child. Which such strong bonds, it must be difficult to tell them to leave one behind so they stay out of harm's way. In which some cases not many of them listen, and when they get hurt one feels guilt." She tightens her grasp on Happy. "While others who have human partners and don't care if one gets hurt they continue to fight. Saying they are all about protecting their nakama, but in reality they don't. They just use one to replace a fallen comrade in the field of battle. May that be either or both professional or personal relationships with their partner."

Suddenly Rogue understood everything that had happened to her and why she was alone. "I am so sorry you're partner left you, used you, and made you feel so beneath him. I also feel bad for him because he doesn't know how precious a partner he has lost. He never knew what a good thing he had going until he left you." Rogue hugs her.

"Thank you Rogue, but I guess this happened for a reason." Lucy smiles at him and kisses his cheek as a thank you for everything.

Rogue blushes and turns away a bit trying to cover it. Lucy giggles a little. Rogue slicks his hair back due to all the water in his hair it stays that way.

"I haven't seen you before. I am from Sabertooth." He offers his hand while they cross a small stream.

"No wonder, you're too much of a gentleman to belong to Blue Pegasus, too much of an amazing soul to belong to Lamia scale, and just too into what it is you're into to belong to Fairy Tail. I swear, Fairy Tail is going to be the end of me one of these days with our loud parties, our huge guild fights, and most importantly our infamous drinking contests during the holidays." she speaks freely.

"Well, I am glad to hear you think I am a gentleman, an amazing soul and just different." he chuckles a little. Lucy's face grew deep red.

"I-I, you are. I mean, you are so different from the male members of Fairy Tail." she rubs her forearm a little still holding Happy.

"I am glad you think so. Well, I think you are way more different from the girls back at the guild are. The girls back at the guild are too fake. They are just too...well...they aren't down to Earthland as you are. I admire that, despite the publicity you got from coming back after 7 years, you didn't let that go to your head." He brushes some strands of wet hair away from her face.

"We are almost at the place that I mentioned." she replies smiling a little.

"Good to hear, I don't think my stomach will stop grumbling." a noise that sounded like a roar of a bear came from the slim dark young man.

Lucy giggles and then points up ahead as the burger shack comes into view with the rest of the town. She grabs his hand and runs up to the place.

"Hey, Chelsea!" she calls to the cook.

"LUCYYY!" she runs out from behind the grill and hugs Lucy tightly. "And who is this fine looking young man?" she winks at Rogue.

"He's Rogue. He saved my bum while I was in a bit of trouble back there in the woods, during a job. I also told him that I would take him to the best burger place I know and repay him for his kindness." Lucy replies softly.

The cook goes back into the kitchen and cooks up her best burgers she has ever made. Placing two plates of delicious, delectable, mouth watering burgers, fresh off the grill. The smell radiating from the beautiful dish was just enough to make you lose your mind.

"Arigato Chelsea-chan." Lucy digs into her burger.

"Arigato Chelsea-san." Rogue looks at his burger, taking it in both hands gripping slightly. He bites down into the wonderful combination, that the burger is. The meat, cooked to perfection. The lettuce, fresh. The tomatoes, sweet but not enough to over power the bitter onions. Not even then was the taste of the bread interfered with the brilliance behind the barbecue sauce. He lets a small groan escape from his lips.

"I know right?" Lucy agrees.

"Yes, it's the absolute best thing I've ever seen and tasted." he continues eating. "Chelsea, just marry me." he jokes.

"If blondie here doesn't, I just might." she winks.

"Ch-Chelsea-chan!" Lucy seemingly embarrassed at the words.

"Oh, yeah, where's pinkie?" she asks remembering Natsu.

"Well, It started a few weeks back..." Lucy began her story.