A/N: I did say updates would be slow, sorry. This is for prompt 53: Earth. It's not really Destiel because Dean and Sam are just kids now.

Dedicated to my best friend Jessica as we thought this up in RE this morning.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything boohoo…

The Ministry of Angelic Defence

Castiel was once again sat on his cloud, notebook in hand, scribbling down the day to day goings on of his charge. The seraph was so honoured to be given such an important charge. Dean Winchester, the man who has a lifetime of loss and nitty gritty work and fighting but in exchange his praises would be sung throughout heaven for millennia. And his brother. Cas glanced over to the cloud next to him where his older brother, Gabriel lounged, huge golden wings fluttering lazily.

"Hey, Cassy," he purred, catching the younger angel looking at him. "How's Deano?" Drawing his dark wings up around himself, the angel glanced down.

"Okay, he's sleeping…"

"Sammy too… Ya know, we're going to have to intervene soon. And soon, I mean in a few decades. Let's let John do some work first." The archangel's cocky, light tone dropped a bit.

"I know. It's not going to end well for them, is it?" murmured Castiel, worriedly and Gabriel flashed him a grin.

"Oh, Cassy, that depends on your definition of an end. C'mon, skyboy, head back to Earth now. They're doing alright." Again, the seraph returned his eyes Earthbound, smiling a little. He liked being a guardian angel, recording all the good and bad deeds, even if Gabriel called them the Ministry of Angelic Defence, even if it was long and sometimes dull work, even it meant deciding peoples' fates at the end. It kept him busy and this was his first huge assignment, not that there could be many assignments bigger than Dean Winchester. Except for prophets, but he wasn't an archangel. Yes, truly, Castiel enjoyed being a little recorder on a cloud far above the heads of those on Earth, at least until he could do something truly useful.

And he sort of liked thinking of himself as working for the Ministry of Angelic Defence.