Author's Note: I feel obligated to contribute to this fandom now that season one has ended. Ah, what an ending it had. At first, I almost decided on writing crack or romance—actually I think I'll be doing a stupid OrangeBat drabble afterwards. This seemed like a good idea in the moment. I'm not usually a sadist when it comes to my favorite characters, but eh, Slaine's an exception.

I watched her die right before my eyes,
Collapsing into a pool of her own blood.
And as that happened,
I felt something inside me snap.
I took the gun,
And with vision blurred by tears,
I shot him and took his life.

I watched Orange struggle to get to her,
Commanding him to stop.
I had my gun out, aimed at his head,
And he turned around to face me,
Loosely aiming in my direction.
And there was only thing on my mind—
Kill him before he kills you.

Three dead right before me,
Two by my gun and one by my stupidity.
The girl who gave my life meaning was dead,
Lying on the filthy ground in her blood.
Two of them deserving it—
No, probably only one—
But all three my fault.

Recalling it all in horrific detail,
She seemed to care about him.
The one I took for an enemy wasn't one,
But instead valuable to her.
Only the Count deserved death,
And Orange was only a misunderstood rival.
What has come of me?

So I'll scream to the sky,
Scream to the Heavens,
Scream to the God who doesn't even exist,
Demanding to know where I went wrong,
Demanding to know what this makes me,
Demanding to know what it was
That forced my mind to succumb to madness in that moment.

I know so little, it seems.
Helping the man determined to murder my best friend,
Shooting someone who mattered to the Princess—
I don't know what to believe anymore.
At this point, I know only one thing:
The only one to blame
Is myself.

Author's Notes: Ahahaha...this is trash. It took me like five minutes to write, so I don't know what I was expecting the result to be.