"I can't believe we're in Italy." Dean said in awe as they placed their suitcases down. They had just arrived in Rome, Italy and were now settling into their hotel that was very beautiful in its own right.

"Are you excited to explore this place?" Roman went over to Dean and wrapped his arms around him.

"Definitely." Dean nodded and smiled. The smile disappeared though. "I called William Regal before we left the house." Ambrose sighed when he saw the anger in Roman's eyes. "Calm down. I just called to tell him that I was not going to England. I told him I appreciated his offer but I turned it down."

Roman frowned. "Why did you do that?"

"You're seriously asking me that question? You were ready to rip his head off at the grand opening. Don't deny it."

The bigger man sighed. "I'm not denying it but Dean, this would be a great opportunity for you to get your work out there, globally." Roman doesn't deny that he's jealous of William and he doesn't deny that he's afraid of Dean leaving him for someone better, like William. He wouldn't get in the way of Dean's success though. He wouldn't forgive himself for that one.

"I know but I won't do it if me spending time with William upsets you. Besides, many other offers will come up, I'm sure."

"I don't want to get in the way of a good opportunity, Dean. Look, I'm fine with it, as long as he keeps his hands to himself and doesn't try anything with you. If he does, I'll kill him." Roman joked.

Dean chuckled and shook his head. "I'm good. All I ever wanted was my work to be shown somewhere. All I ever wanted was a man to truly love me. I've got both. I have you and my own gallery, thanks to you. You're all I need, Roman Reigns. And you are all I will ever want.'' Dean pecked Roman's lips. "You believe me, right?"

Roman immediately nodded. "I believe you." He cupped Dean's face with both hands and kissed him passionately. He heard Dean moan softly as he kissed him back. God, he needed to hear those words. To hear that he was enough for Dean. He truly needed that. His insecurities were slowly fading now.

Dean hoped that he was getting through to Roman. He hoped that made Roman realize that he is enough for him. Dean knows Roman better than anyone and he knew Roman was feeling insecure when it came to William Regal. He didn't want Roman to feel that way. Especially because there was no way that Dean would even look at another man that way. William was handsome but he was nothing compared to the Samoan standing before him.

Dean pulled away from the breathtaking kiss and looked deeply into Roman's eyes. "I love you Roman. I will always love you. We're going to get married. We're gonna have kids, one way or another. We are going to build a family and we're going to grow old together. I want all of that with you and we are going to make it happen." He smiled, showing off those dimples, that Roman had a weakness for.

"I want all that too, baby. I want us to be together forever." Roman let out a shaky breath. He was turning into more of a sap but he didn't care. He and Dean needed to have this conversation. He probably needed it more and he appreciated that Dean was giving it to him. They were on the same page now.

Hours later, Dean and Roman found themselves at the Trevi Fountain; the largest fountain in the city of Rome. It looked so beautiful; because it was dark already, it looked especially beautiful. They had spent the whole day visiting famous art galleries so Roman thought this would be the best way to end their first day in Rome.

"Wow, this is incredible Roman."

Roman smiled and watched as Dean looked on in amazement. He loved seeing him so happy. As Roman stood behind Dean, he whispered in his hear. "Wanna know something?"

"What?" Dean asked in full curiosity.

"If you throw a coin in the fountain, it guarantees a return to Rome." Roman leaned down to kiss Dean's neck.

"Really? I wanna do it." Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out a coin.

Roman chuckled. "Wait. There's a rule." he stepped to the side and positioned Dean so that his back was facing the fountain. "You need to face away from it and you need to throw it over your shoulder with your right hand."

Dean frowned as he stared at the coin. "Okay then." he shrugged.

"Close your eyes." Roman instructed.

Ambrose sighed. "So many rules." it made Roman smiled. He closed his eyes and threw the coin into the fountain with his right hand. "Done." he smiled and opened his eyes. His smile faded a bit when he noticed Roman looking at him very intently. "What?" he asked softly.

"Nothing." Roman shook his head. "You're facing away from the fountain but your face is still glowing...from the lights." Roman stepped closer to him. "You're beautiful." he kissed his forehead.

Dean couldn't help the blush that was creeping up on his cheeks. Despite being flustered, a yawn escaped his mouth.

Roman smiled. "C'mon. Let's get to the hotel. We need to save our energy for tomorrow. It'll be a brand new day.''

Dean nodded. He laced his fingers with Roman's and they walked off.

"I can't believe we did that." Seth chuckled and kissed Phil on the lips.

"You don't regret it, do you?" Phil raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not. I was the one who asked you to marry me. I could never regret that. I love you."

Phil smiled. "I love you too."

"So, where are you taking me for our honeymoon?" Seth smiled.

A/N: I apologize for those reading Without You. It's on major hiatus until further notice :(