All rights go to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth

Chapter 3

Trees, Caves, Grimm Oh My!

You know falling through the air isn't even fun at all. Who in the right mind would go willingly free fall through the air? Honestly it confused the hell out of him.

Jaune couldn't help but hate Monty himself for doing this to him. What the hell did he do to piss him off, accidentally run over his roses?

'I swear it's like bad luck reverberates around me' Jaune couldn't help to think to himself. Wait, wasn't he falling to his doom?

"OH SHIT!" Jaune yelled out at the rapidly approaching trees. He tried to think fast but was thankfully saved by a spear that coincidentally caught him by the scruff of his neck and stuck him to the nearest tree.

"THANK YOU!" Jaune yelled out again. "SORRY!" the ladylike voice called out. Well that was really nice of that person who managed to get him stuck to the tree-wait

'Crap, I can't get reach the spear.' He tried and failed many times to the spear out but he was stuck.

'Ok now I know that Monty hates me.' Jaune thought with despair.

"Oh Monty, how do you get into these situations Jaune?" Glynda laughed, getting a raised eyebrow from Ozpin.

"You know that usually when a parent's child is in danger they are more concerned about their well being rather than laughing." Ozpin asked with amusement in his eyes. He knew that Jaune could take care of himself but what surprised was that Glynda laughed. It baffled him to no end.

Glynda grinned at Ozpin, "He wouldn't have made it if he wasn't skilled Ozzy, and he just has really bad luck." Ozpin's eye twitched dangerously when he heard that. He really didn't like that nick name she gave him.

"Besides he'll be fine" Glynda added nonchalantly, "he didn't graduate at the top of his class for nothing."

Ozpin stayed quiet at her statement. She changed a lot over the years when she adopted Jaune. She used to cold and tactful but after Jaune entered her life, she became warmer and friendlier towards people; a welcome change to her team mates and friends.

'You truly changed her Jaune. For the better I hope.' Ozpin though while sipping his tea.

"You know I can't help but think that you like being up there." Pyrrha smiled at Jaune. Jaune gave her an exasperated look

"If my memory serves me right, and it always does, you were the one who stuck me to this tree, roughly I might add." Pyrrha laughed at his statement.

"Hold on a minute, let me get you down." Pyrrha managed to say through her giggles. Jaune was puzzled. How was she going to get him down? He was going to ask when suddenly he felt weightless and abruptly fell face-first on the ground.

"Ow." Jaune bluntly stated his face still in the dirt. Pyrrha cracked up and laughed uncontrollably at Jaune.

He glared at her.

"You do know now that I am your partner for four years now right." Jaune said while getting up from the floor.

"Yes and I wouldn't have it any other way." Pyrrha murmured while blushing. Jaune didn't hear what she said so he looked at her with a curious look on his face.

"How did you get me down anyway? I was at least fifteen feet in the air?"

"Ah that's right you see it's my semblance, I have the ability of Polarity. Basically I can magnetize of all things metal."

Jaune nodded in appreciation at her semblance. It wasn't well known but semblance comes from the nature of a person's aura. It depended on the person's personality, for instance take Pyrrha for example. Her semblance can be used for offensive and defensive, so you can determine that she was a strong individual based on that alone. It's more complicated than that but it's the rough version of it.

"So what's your semblance Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune stiffened and turned away from Pyrrha.

"Let's all go look for the relic piece now, we're burning daylight here." Jaune walked into the forest with a confused and concerned Pyrrha behind.

'Why didn't he answer my question?'

They both walked in awkward silence towards their destination, more so with Pyrrha. They finally reached a cave with weird markings all over it.

"Do you think we should inside?" Pyrrha asked Jaune. He gave a nod of confirmation and they both walked inside. It started getting darker and darker inside the cave until they saw a glowing hook at the end of the cave. It was floating in the mid-air glowing with an ethereal glow around it. Jaune took a step forward and grabbed it but it wouldn't budge. He grabbed it again but it persisted.

"It won't budge." Jaune annoyed at the relic. Pyrrha was about to say something but was interrupted by an ominous growl. Jaune and Pyrrha slowly backed away from the glowing hook but then Jaune stepped on a piece of branch that snapped with a loud CRUNCH.

They both froze as the creature opened its eyes and roared.

The Monument

Yang and her partner, Blake, finally reached the monuments and stopped to choose which piece to pick.

"How about this cute little pony?" Yang suggested. Blake nodded, "Sure." They both picked up the chess pieces when they saw an Ursa running towards them with a girl on top of it with a green garbed boy as well. The Ursa stopped abruptly and the girl whined, "Aw it broke." The boy in green moaned out, "Never do that again Nora."

The spunky girl jumped of the Ursa and grabbed a queen piece from the pedestal, "I'm the queen of the castle~!" she happily sang out.

Yang was flabbergasted, "Did she just ride on an Ursa?" Blake shockingly agreed silently. They couldn't comprehend what the girl just so they just both decided to accept what happened and move on.

"HEEEEEELLLLPPPPPP!" a voice screamed out loud. They all looked up and saw Ruby falling down rapidly. Yang panicked and jumped to stop her but they both ended up falling to the floor painfully but alive.

"What the hell was that Ruby? You could've died!"Yang yelled out, concern flooding out of her voice. Ruby didn't get to voice her opinion because they all heard Weiss scream out

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST LEFT ME!" Weiss was holding on loosely to a Nevermore that was rapidly approaching them.

Blake said evenly, "She's going to fall."

Ruby replied, "No she's not."

"She's falling." Blake deadpanned.

"Weiss!" Ruby panicked and caught her in mid air but fell towards the earth with Weiss landing on her back. Ruby groaned in pain from the sudden weight, "What no 'thank you Ruby for saving me here's a cookie for helping'."

Weiss glared at her.


They looked to the distance and saw two people running towards them, well one at least the other was holding onto the pincer of a damn Deathstalker. They all took their weapons out and readied themselves. The Deathstalker suddenly stopped and Jaune flew towards the group.

"Great, we can all die together." Yang said flatly.

Jaune luckily landed on his feet but he was pissed off. First launching off a platform, stuck forcefully to a tree and falling off painfully, and a stupid Deathstalker; he couldn't help but be pissed off at all of this shit that was happening to him so he promptly lost it.

Jaune aura came out. His aura was black as night and rapidly pouring out and his eyes glowing even more menacingly. Everyone noticed Jaune and couldn't help but be scared of the sheer amount of aura he exuded.

'He should be dead by the amount he's let out!' They all thought consecutively.

Jaune turned around and roared at the approaching Grimm and took off towards them.

"Jaune no!" Pyrrha screamed out worried for her friend but her worries were silenced when they all saw what he did to the Grimm.

Jaune shot forward avoiding the black feathers that were coming at him. The Deathstalker saw him and screeched in fury. The Deathstalker approached and tried hitting him with the pincer but Jaune side stepped out of the way. He pulled out Angel's Demise and slashed the Deathstalker's pincer off. The monster screeched in pain and ran forward with claws out to emasculate him. He dodged the claws and jumped out off the way when the Nevermore attacked with his feather projectiles. He launched himself off the one of the approaching Nevermore's feathers and sliced the Nevermore's wings off. Jaune threw the wings at the Deathstalker and it stabbed through the claws. The Grimm screeched in pain but was trapped. The Nevermore fell to the ground next to the Deathstalker and lied on the ground motionless. He turned around in mid-air and gathered his entire aura in Angel's Demise and screamed out,


The attack was a black crescent energy wave that tore up the land, including the Deathstalker, in amazing fashion. There was smoke everywhere and everyone was coughing and couldn't see. When the smoke finally cleared they all gasped when they saw the scene in front of them.

The entire area was decimated.

The land was all upturned and the trees were all but splinters. But what shocked them the most was the Deathstalker and Nevermore. The Deathstalker was cut cleanly in half with black residue coming off the corpse. The body slowly decayed and soon the body was soon gone along with the Nevermore. They all couldn't help but stare at the person who caused all of this.

Jaune was slowly fell down in front of them all and landed in a crouched position. He looked up and saw them looking at him with shock in clear on their faces.

Jaune was worried. Did he scare them all now? Did they hate him? Were they afraid of him? His mind ran rampant in the deafening silence.

"That was awesome!" Ruby squealed in amazement. Jaune was taken aback. Weren't they afraid of him?

"Can you teach me please Jaune pleeeeeaaaassseee!?" Ruby begged adorably. He was yet again bewildered at her behavior and as if a dam broke all of them spoke out in question at the blonde's technique.

"How did you do that?" Pyrrha

"Was that your Aura?" Ren

"Train me!" Weiss

"Do it again!" Nora

"That was amazing!" Yang

"Jaune? Is that you?" Blake

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Blake who was in near tears, her form shaking a bit.

Jaune looked at her and recognized her immediately. She was one of the Faunus he befriended back at the slave camp! But unlike the other Faunus, she was his best friend and helped him cope with the things they did them at them in the camp.


"Hi!"The blonde enthusiastically called to the Faunus.

The Faunus blinked in surprise. She usually stayed away from the main group and hardly conversed with the other slaves unless she absolutely had to. The Faunus stayed silent at the blonde's greeting.

"My name's Jaune, what's yours?" he asked her. The Faunus was yet again silent. Jaune frowned a little.

"Why don't you want to talk to me? Do you hate me?"Jaune asked yet again. The Faunus frowned again at his declaration.

"No, I don't hate you." The Faunus whispered. Jaune perked up

"You can talk!"

The Faunus frowned again, "Of course I can, I just choose not to."

Jaune gave an inquisitive look at the Faunus, "Why do you choose not to?"

The Faunus shrugged, "I don't like talking is all."

Jaune pouted at the Faunus, "Can you at least tell me your name?"

The Faunus looked at Jaune's pleading eyes and sighed


Flashback End

Jaune ran forward and hugged her fiercely. Blake was crying into Jaune's shoulder as well as Jaune but they weren't tears of sorrow. They were tears of happiness. After crying for a bit, they both let go, albeit reluctantly, and smiled at each other.

"Where did you go?" Blake asked while wiping tears from her eyes. "I-I thought you died when I didn't see you anymore."

Jaune felt a sharp pain in his chest, "I-I w-was…" Jaune stopped himself. He couldn't tell her in front of all these people. Not yet at least.

"I… can't tell you now, it-it's still too painful to talk about." He solemnly told her. Blake nodded in understanding, for she too carried the same pain but not as great as Jaune's. She hugged him again relishing the fact that someone she knew was alive and well. She had also over the years developed a crush on Jaune and it only intensified when she saw him again.

'Warm' was all Blake could think about when holding Jaune.

"Ahem" Weiss interrupted them, "We have to finish this mission you know?" The two blinked and let go quickly with an atomic sized blush on their faces.

Nora laughed obnoxiously, Ren remained impassive, Ruby smiled, Yang and Pyrrha simultaneously felt a pang in their chests to which they both had no idea why they did so in the first place.

They all grabbed their pieces and left to meet with Ozpin.


"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren," Ozpin announced, "From this day onward you will be known as team JNPR, led by Jaune Arc."

Jaune was shocked. He was team leader? He was suddenly hugged from the side. He glanced to the side and saw that Pyrrha gave him a half hug in celebration with a wide smile on her face.

He grinned at her and raised his hand in triumph. They were soon joined by Nora and Ren in a quick celebratory hug before ushered off the stage.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, from this day on you will be known as team RWBY led by Ruby Rose."

Ruby smiled widely and was hugged by her sister while the Blake and Weiss stood by the side politely clapping. They were led off stage and Ozpin cleared his throat. Everyone went silent to hear what he had to say.

"Today we celebrate the beginnings of a new generation and the ending of an old one. We celebrate the fact so many hard men and women of your age strive to protect the land of Vytal from the threat known as Grimm. And it is your job to uphold this peace for the sake of innocents that live in Vytal." Ozpin stares at them all with an expressionless face. "And it is my job to make sure you are ready to face the threat that threatens us so and I will do so with all my power to make you the best hunters in Vytal!"

Everyone broke out in cheers at his declaration. Glynda rolled her eyes at him. He was always big on theatrics.

Ozpin held his hand up and the crowd silenced, "I welcome you all to Beacon, and congratulations. Now off to bed!"

The crowd was dispersing and Glynda walked to the side of Ozpin.

"Always the dramatic one huh?" Glynda gave Ozpin an exasperated stare. Ozpin sipped his tea and turned around, "I have no idea what you are talking about Glynda." He walked to his office leaving an annoyed and amused Glynda behind.

Sleeping Hall

Jaune walked to the hall with a tight long sleeve shirt and pajamas. He didn't want to let people see the scars that protruded all over his body. He wasn't ready to show them yet. He walked in seeing team RWBY and JNPR getting ready to go to bed. He also saw guys trying to impress the girls by flexing in various positions, and as expected they all swooned at the sight.

"Hey~." Jaune yawned to his friends. They all muttered hi or in Nora's case yelled in excitement.

"So Ruby, how does it feel to be a team leader?" He casually asked as he sat down on his sleeping bag.

Ruby squealed with excitement, "I can't wait! Think of all the fun we'll have!" Jaune smiled at her spunky attitude. She always managed to bring a smile to his every time he saw her, which was a feat itself.

"We can't do that Ruby! We are hunters and as such we shall practice to become the best! Not act like children!" Weiss admonished Ruby. Honestly how childish is she?

"But Weiss, can't we have fun?"

"No, we are huntresses and we should always be proper ladies!"

"But Weiss-

"For the last time no! We will act like adults and damn it all so will you!"

While the two bickered, Jaune looked over to Blake with curious look. She had obviously changed over the years. Her jet black hair long and wavy just the way he liked it. Her eyes were amber color and oddly wore a bow on her head.

Jaune stood up and walked toward Blake, and sat down next to her. He nudged her and she was startled a little but smiled warmly at him.

"Hiya Blake! What'cha reading?"

"Oh, just a book that I found interesting. Nothing special about it." Jaune raised a questioning eyebrow at her vagueness. He tried to read the title but Blake moved it out of the way before he could see it.

'You want to play this game huh?' Jaune reached over again but Blake moved again.

"I'm sorry Blake but today you will not best me in the field of battle!" He announced dramatically. Blake raised an inquisitive eyebrow at his overdramatic proclamation. She was going to ask what he meant, when he lunged and started to tickle her senseless.

"NO-Jaune- stop –PLEASE!" She gasped out during the 'torture.' She tried to crawl away but Jaune grabbed her feet and started to tickle her again. She kept laughing with tears nearly coming out her eyes, before finally Jaune let go and grabbed her book.

"Ninjas In Love huh? Never thought you were into reading such dirty novels." Jaune playfully said. Blake blushed furiously at him.

He read from the book loudly,"As he slowly caressed her smooth skin, their eyes met and they slowly inched forward-oof!"

Blake tackled Jaune and wrenched the book out his grasp but unknowingly straddled him.

"Wow, that eager to get with him eh partner?" They both heard Yang tease at them, and then they finally realized that the entire hall was looking at them with amusement or puzzled looks. They then looked at each other before blushing heavily and quickly getting on to their feet and awkwardly looking away from each other.

Cough-cough. They looked at their teams and each held various expressions. Yang, Ruby, Nora, and Ren had amused looks on their faces. Weiss looked annoyed, and Pyrrha looked like she was frowning slightly.

"So what's this about a dirty novel?"

Blake cringed.

He could see the needles as they prodded him all over his body.

He was screaming but no sound came from his throat.

Blood was all around him and he couldn't think right.

He heard one of the doctors say, 'You will be perfect. MY perfect weapon.'

He wanted to kill, he wanted to kill HIM.

'Shit! He's turning! Quickly get the sedatives ready!'

'DIE, KILL, DESTROY!' His mind told him but he didn't want to.

'Not yet my pet' the voice soothingly said, 'You will kill soon but now is not the time nor place.'

He injected something into him and instantly he was feeling sleepy.

'You will be perfect' the voice said before he passed out.

Jaune woke up in a cold sweat. He shivered at the coolness of night and looked around. Nobody woke up when he was having his dream. He stood up and went to the bathroom. Jaune splashed cool water on his face to wake up. He checked his scroll and the time read 3:45. He frowned and looked himself in the mirror.

He looked like crap. His eyes had bags under his eyes, and his eyes looked duller. He sighed and exited the bathroom. He walked towards his sleeping bag, avoiding any people in the way, before finally laying down on his bed and sighing yet again. Hopefully he would get some sleep before tomorrow begins.

"You know when I told you call me whenever I didn't mean a fucking THREE in the damn morning!"

The figure waved off the person, "You said anytime, so I called you when it was important and besides the boss wants to meet us."

The other figure shivered in fear, "Man, the boss'll kill us for fun. So why the fuck are we working for her again?"

"Cause your dumbass got us into this mess in the first place, now let's head inside; don't want to keep 'er waitin'." The other figure nodded and they both headed inside the room.

"Hey boss uh whaddya need?" one of the figures asked nervously.

The figure in the room opened her eyes and looked at them coldly, "You do well than to talk to me like that or do you want to spend the night at the doc's?"

Both figures nodded nervously.

"Good. Now I have a mission for you, an important mission and if you screw it up I'll personally drag to the doc himself."

The figures nodded again.

"I need you to infiltrate a certain…..establishment. I don't care how but get in and finish the job." The figure turned around with its back against them. "Here."

The figure tossed them a file and both their eyes widened when they saw it.

"Find him and bring him back to me, after all he is my property."

Both figures looked at the file and saw only one name that shocked them to no end.

Jaune Arc

Hey everyone! sorry i havent updated in while been busy with school and stuff! hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter i worked for a while.

So ive been contemplating and ive decided to add bad girls to the harem but idk who yet so the ones last chapter are still there and Velvet is confirmed to be part the harem.

i know the aura bit was vague at most but to be honest i couldnt come up with a reasonable explanation for it so if you have a better one PLEASE TELL ME I NEEDS HALP!

Anyway, leave a review, fav, or hate I dont care

I just love to write is all

Wailing Love Signing off