I have decided to come out of retirement to do this little one shot because it has been haunting me since the season 2 opener. So all you Ichabbie fans out there—this one is for you!

Darkness before the Dawn

"Hey, I know this is probably the worst day of your life but her sacrifice wasn't in vein. We live to fight another day," Abbie said placing her hand on Ichabod's shoulder in support.

"Forgive my rudeness Leftenant but I fail to see how my wife's decision to sacrifice herself can give me anything but more grief. Now if you don't mind I'd like to be left alone."

"No way." Ichabod looked up clearly irked by his partners insensitivity to his apparent pain and Abbie explained, "First of all, we aren't out of the woods yet. Moloch is still out there somewhere and secondly, we stay together. You promised me that much."

"I also promised to love and cherish my wife and now she's gone. You would be doing yourself a huge disservice to watch me in this state because I assure you, I intend to get as you say 'plastered beyond recognition' this evening."

Abbie bit her lip knowing this had to be hard for Ichabod. She remembered the day she lost Corbin and it was like someone had ripped out a chunk of her gut and tossed it to the vultures to devour.

"Then I'll get plastered with you," Abbie said in challenge as she reached up to his top shelf and pulled down a bottle of aged rum. The very bottle they had shared on Thanksgiving. She set down the bottle followed by two tumblers and filled them both to the top handling Ichabod one. He gave a brief toast and then downed the whole thing in one gulp.

Abbie drank hers more carefully since the liquid burned her throat going down but as it began to work its magic and her throat numbed she joined Crane in a second, third, and even fourth helping.

"So what do we do now?" Abbie questioned feeling quite light headed and Ichabod glanced at the clock thoughtfully.

"I intend to keep drinking this until the last drop is gone," he insisted going for another helping and Abbie pursed her lips.

"Crane, I know it hurts but your grief isn't going anywhere. Trust me, I know a thing or two about this subject."

"Well then, since you think you are quite the expert tell me how much rum do I need to drink to enter a comatose state? All I want to do is forget this day and all of the days after."

"You don't really mean that," said Abbie and he gave her a steadfast look pouring himself another glass, the bottle now very nearly empty he held the glass to his lips and replied, "I mean every sodding word."

Frowning Abbie set down her glass and put her hand over Cranes. He paused before tossing back the tumbler and Abbie whispered softly, "I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it will get better. She'll never go away completely but each day it gets a little easier to cope."

Ichabod frowned and set down the glass and Abbie leaned in to hug him. Their embrace was not unlike the embraces they had shared before but this time neither of them wanted to let go. Finally after Abbie found there was a frog in her throat she backed away to clear it and Ichabod looked at her with those large very beautiful and soulful yet tired eyes.

"Come on. It's late." She tugged him up and he wiped his groggy eyes.

"I should escort you home," Ichabod protested but Abbie shook her head.

"I'll just crash here. It's cool. You won't even know I'm here."

He glanced at her for a moment and gave a nod of acceptance.

"Thank you Abigail."

Abbie's cheeks flushed when he called her by her full name and she brushed past him into the bathroom. When she got out Crane was already passed out on the bed. She looked out at the hard couch in the living room considering making a bed for herself there but then saw Crane was out cold and there was a warm comfy corner she could snuggle into without upsetting anything. There were some advantages to being small. Deciding against the latter Abbie tucked herself in next to Crane. The moment her body sunk into the weight of the mattress she felt his strong solid frame behind her in support. Then an arm came around to take hold of her waist.

It wasn't exactly what she had expected but it was quite comfortable, especially since Crane had made her own personal Abbie sized niche with his body. She quickly fell asleep feeling for the first time in a long time safe and secure.

Sometime later Abbie was roused by a low moaning sound. Groggy she glanced over to her right and watched Cranes chest rise and fall rapidly. He appeared to be having a night mare. Unsure of whether or not she should disturb him Abbie made the decision to rouse him but when she shook his chest she was surprised by his reaction.

One second she was gazing over his tormented face and the next she was flipped over and flat on her back. She looked up into the possessed man staring down at her and searched for recognition in his eyes.

"It's okay. Ichabod, you're safe. I'm here," Abbie assured him and he glanced away. The reflection of light in his eyes turned into a long glimmering strand and she realized that they were tears.

Abbie pulled him down to her and he buried his face in her neck.

"It's okay Ichabod. I'm so sorry." Her fingers wove through his hair as his beard brushed over her bosom and Abbie felt the strangest of sensations.

"I know it's hard. But things will get better, I promise."

His dark eyes flew up and met Abbie's. She smiled softly stroking his cheek with her hand she kissed the tips of his lips ever so slightly and assured him, "Just go back to sleep and forget about it now."

Only when Crane looked at her this time there was something else in his gaze. Something else besides pain and torment—it was desire.

Abbie licked her lips subconsciously unsure of how to react to this new found predicament she had found herself in, but her body, her body was crying out for more knowing the spark was there. She met his gaze and realized in doing so that his feelings mirrored her own. It wasn't rational or well thought out but carnal instead, and she wanted him. She wanted Ichabod Crane-badly.

Like a crash of lightning his lips were suddenly on hers burning his taste, touch, and smell into her flesh. Abbie was wanton and opened her mouth to him, their tongues tangoing in a dance for which only their bodies could translate. Abbie felt Cranes desire push into her thigh and then a tremor ran through her in anticipation of his next move which did not disappoint since it involved pulling her tank top off over her head and fondling then kissing and sucking on each of her tender and throbbing breasts.

Abbie moaned and threw her head back feeling the dampness below her pants as she unbuttoned the clasp and Crane helped her to shimmy them off. She had no idea how to work his pants her need becoming greater with each passing second until Crane revealed the secret fold of fabric that hid the waist tie. Once it was loose he popped out like a Jack in the box and Abbie felt her throat dry with anticipation. She had never felt a yearning this great before simply needing to feel him inside her she guided his hands to the waist band of her panties and thankfully Crane required no further instruction. With a strong tug they were off and he was positioned above her. His gaze met hers for a brief instant before it happened as if suspending the growing tension before they took the plunge, but Abbie was too far gone to wait any longer. So was Crane for that matter, and without further ado, he pushed his manhood deep inside her and began to thrust shaking Abbie and the bed quite turbulently below them.

Abbie cried out his name when she was finally able to encompass him wholly delighting in the feeling of his body joined to hers in this intimate way. She felt their bond heighten tenfold as he pumped relentlessly into her and then she gave it back to him kissing his sweet mouth and meeting his thrusts head on. It was otherworldly and she lost count of the orgasms they produced together. When the last of their bodily fluids had transferred to the other and the first rays of dawn had pierced through the cabin windows as they lay sated together a balmy heap of tangled limbs, Abbie stroked his strong shoulders as he twirled his fingers through her hair.

"So I guess there are some perks to being a witness," Abbie mused and Crane smiled softly for the first time that day.

"It appears so," he remarked glancing back to her in that knowing way he often did. Abbie thought she detected a hint of guilt behind those heavily lidded eyes of his however and she asked him hesitantly, "What's wrong?"

She worried he was already regretting his actions and she braced herself for the sting of his rejection when Crane replied, "I shouldn't have, I'm sorry."

Abbie sat up, pulled the blankets up to cover her chest and turned away from him unable to look him in the eye when he said it because as much as she wanted to deny it they did share a connection. When Katrina was alive it was easier to pass off but now…Now she wasn't so sure she was ready to have her heart broken.

"Crane, its fine. Just forg—"

"—I'm sorry to have compromised your honor and maidenhood since we are not wed," he concluded and Abbie looked at him astounded.

Finally after a long minute she replied meeting his gaze head on, "Crane, I think you have a lot to learn about love and sex in the 21st century."

He appeared genuinely flabbergasted for a moment and then Abbie climbed back over him straddling his hips and she concluded,

"But as it turns out, I'm an excellent teacher."

His mirth filled gaze met hers and with that she let the sheet fall down exposing her perfect breasts before her mouth crashed over his sharing a kiss that translated through all the ages of time.