In the land of Suhn, there were the Tigeroids and the Dragonoids. Normally the two could not agree on much. But this day was a different case.
The two races were in panic. There was an asteroid headed straight for the planet. And there was nothing one could do. They have tried everything to destroy this threat but no matter what they tried, the asteroid was still at course with the planet.
There was neither a Tai Chi nor device that could stop this force.
Desperate, the Tigeroid and Dragonoid kings got together with their respective Elders about the course of action.
One called for an action none would consider on any other case. Simply due to the fact that it was the unknown.
They called to use the mysterious Hyun character. The character that no one ever in the history of either race have used. The only thing they knew was that it would strengthen any warrior by a high number.
It was the only hope for the planet, but with the unknown they were unsure if it was safe. The one who called simply replied that there was nothing to lose as the planet would soon be destroyed.
So the council and kings agreed. They asked of the villages one lone volunteer that would take in the unknown tai chi and save his planet.
There stood one man who volunteered. He simply said for the good of his people, his planet, and for the good of his wife and kids, he would gladly give himself up to stop the disaster that was the asteroid.
After having the Hyun character used upon him, they sent him up to space and they were all relieved when the asteroid was blown into bits.
The villages cheered for the man as soon as they saw him return. Both the Tigeroid King and the Dragonoid king were there to deliver him his medal.
But when as soon as they saw him, the gasped. On his face was a wicked grin. His eyes were pure red. He no longer looked human.
Within seconds he was destroying the town. The kings realized what caused his sudden change in behavior. The guilt was shown as they battled him to protect the land. The very land he swore to defend.
With much despair they took the gun character and finished him off. They could hear his wife cry in despair as they did.
As the funeral ended for the brave soul, the council and the kings swore on the man's grave that the Hyun Character was never to be used again.
Thus the Hyun Character became known as the Monstrous Tai Chi.