Summary: Midousuji and Sakamichi (F) finally do it. That's all.

Sakamichi felt the growing tension in her belly. It was so strong she was almost getting sick. Midousuji kept rubbing the dark hair on the small mound in her crotch and he kept doing so for at least five minutes along with kissing her lips and neck. She couldn't help but wonder if he was teasing her and trying to make her fired up, or if he was hesitant and shy himself. After months spent in his presence and getting to know him, she was aware it was probably a bit of both.

"A-Akira-kun," she whimpered and looked at him with dreamy eyes. "Y-You don't have to hold back... M-My heart is set... probably...," she told him. She knew it was really dangerous. He would definitely bark after being told something like that!

"Hold back?! Your heart is set? What are you saying, you dumbass?! I'm not going slow on you or anything! I'm just doing what I feel like doing!" he spitted all over her face and tugged on her crotch fluff roughly.

"O-Ouch! O-Ok, I get it, I get it! I'm sorry!" she apologised, but in her mind she thought "according to plan", just like a certain antagonist of a certain manga.

"Stop talking, Sakamichiii. It's gross," he mumbled calmly. It seemed the situation he was in prevented him from maintaining his anger for too long. He nuzzled her right temple and rubbed the fluffy mound again, much to Sakamichi's relief because it made the pain from pulling on the hair go away. However, he wasn't going to spend another five minutes doing that. After a few strokes his long fingers slipped lower as if by an accident. As he slid between the velvety folds of Sakamichi's most private parts, the girl's back got covered with goose bumps. She was getting dangerously into it!

"Aaah," Sakamichi moaned and hid her face behind palms of her small hands. Midousuji looked at her, but didn't say anything. It was probably for the best he couldn't see her face right now. He needed to concentrate now – everything was so new! He'd never expected the skin down there to be so extremely tender and silky. His middle finger pressed against a hard, pea-sized bump, suspecting it was her clit. Judging from the little he knew about female body and the sweet whimper that escaped Sakamichi's lips when he rubbed the spot, he was right. A wide grin appeared on his face. He was slowly turning her into a trembling mess.

"Does it feel good, Sakamichiii?" he whispered in her ear, his voice sounding very gleeful. "Is this where you touch when you think about me while doing disgusting things? Hm? Say, Sakamichiii," he kept droning while his fingers massaged the little bump, sliding along the silky folds drenched in hot, slippery liquid. She wasn't replying, but when he reached even lower and the tip of his middle finger pressed against the slit hidden between the folds, she jerked and grabbed his wrist.

"What is it? Did I hurt you?" Midousuji sat up and looked at her. He was undoubtedly worried about her. Did he touch somewhere he wasn't supposed to?

"N-No, no," Sakamichi shook her head, stretching her legs on the bed. She probably didn't realise how erotic it looked to him, especially since he was still cupping the hairy mound of her crotch with his palm. "I just... didn't expect y-you to touch there," she explained and smiled. Midousuji stared at her as if he saw a ghost. He never thought her smile could look so sensual, even though it was just a regular smile and the whole sensuality of it lied within the fact he was about to make love her.

"Shouldn't I touch there?" he asked carefully, pouting in protest. He wanted to gain utter autonomy of her body, yes, but somewhere deep inside he was against the idea of hurting her.

"Y-You can, it's just... It was a bit too s-sudden," she stuttered, her cheeks looking like a hand full of cherries.

"Gross," Midousuji stuck out his tongue at her and leaned down to kiss her. The sudden kiss surprised Sakamichi, but it was nothing compared to her astonishment about how tender the kiss was. Even when the kiss was over, it still left her completely distracted. It gave him time to start sneakily going down her body. First he nibbled on her neck then he pinched and suckled on her nipples and then, after he was done kissing the soft fat around her belly button, he raised his head and spilled a bunch of words through clenched teeth:

"Sakamichiii, open yourself to me..."

"Uh... W-What?" she whimpered, not really sure what he meant in the first second. She saw him frowning and growling before he bit into her belly out of sheer frustration. "O-Ouch! S-Stop it, Akira-kun! What do y-you mean?" she panicked and tried to push his head away, but all she managed to do was pet the top of his head.

"Do I have to tell you everything, Stupid Sakamichiii?!" he grumbled and rubbed the inner side of her left thigh, putting pressure into it so he could get the point across. "Y-Your thighs! Spread them!" he hissed and buried his nose into her belly button. From the moment he reached her navel area, he could smell her gross scent. It was clouding his mind like some poisoned gas, but he couldn't help but crave more. He really needed to taste her.

"I-Isn't it a bit e-early for t-that?!" Sakamichi squeaked and tried not to shiver too much.

"No, it isn't! You'll have to do that sooner or later anyway, unless you want me to dry-hump you all the way or something! Yuck!" he fussed and impatiently pinched the meat on her inner thigh.

"N-No, I d-don't, but...," she shook her head and ended up at loss of words. It was so embarrassing, but at the same time she really wanted to do it.

"Come on, I want to... I want to have a look..." His expression changed suddenly. He was getting really frustrated and tired of arguing and bickering. "Please?" he purred and it sounded seductive, yet very innocent.

"A-Alright," Sakamichi nodded. She knew she just lost to him, but losing in something like this wasn't a bad thing. She buried her fingertips into the mattress, grabbing to it as tightly as she could. She had no idea why she'd do that. It's not like a typhoon would come and blew her away.

"Don't be shyyy," Midousuji chanted and watched with anticipation as she slowly spread her legs. The moment he looked at her completely exposed crotch, he thought his eyes would pop out along with his heart. It was beating so fast it seemed like it wanted to burst out of his chest.

"W-What?! A-Akira-kun... D-Don't stare at it l-like that!" Sakamichi whined and quickly tried to cover her crotch with her hands. Who knows why she didn't just close her legs again.

"Don't...," Midousuji shook his head and quickly caught her wrists before they could hide anything.

"U-Ugh... Just... D-Don't stare, ok?" Sakamichi murmured and tried to relax on the futon. It was the hardest thing she could attempt at that moment. Her body was so tense and it was shivering like a leaf in the wind, while he took his time tracing the pink folds of skin again, this time carefully inspecting his fingers as they moved. "A-Ah," the girl moaned. He looked at her.

"How does it feel?" he wondered and immediately grinned. "I bet it feels good, hmm?"

"It... tickles, but in a good w-way," she replied and tried to smile, but instead whimpered some more, because his fingers reached her entrance again. She could feel a bit of pressure from his middle finger. She wondered if he was trying to stick his finger in. Luckily he stopped as soon as he noticed the discomfort on her face. Instead, his fingertips circled around her tight opening.

"You are soooo wet, Sakamichii... Disgusting," he purred like a big, happy tomcat. "I could stick it right in and it would go soooo smoothly," he giggled and watched her face turn bright red. Sakamichi tried to imagine it. There was something incredibly hot about the idea of him just pulling down his pants, positioning himself between her tights and entering her in one sharp jab. "Sakamichiii, you're twitching! What are you imagining, you pervert?!" Midousuji laughed at her.

"N-Nothing!" she squeaked and looked away, trying to hide her face. He leaned over to her, kissed her forehead and sat back again. Sakamichi turned her eyes to him just in time to see him licking her hot juices from his fingers. Their eyes met and Sakamichi stared into his dark eyes like a frightened doe. Did... did he really just do that?! They both froze for a few seconds and then all of a sudden Midousuji grabbed her ankles and leaned down to her crotch.

"A-Aki... w-wait!" Sakamichi panicked, trying to grab his hair and jerk him away, but she was too slow. She couldn't stop the jolts running through her body as soon as the tip of his tongue touched the sensitive pink bump down there. "A-Akira-kun... D-Don't...," she raised her head and whined weakly in the last attempt to stop him.

"Just lay back and enjoy it, piggy. It's probably what you wanted from the start anyway!" he smirked in between all the licks. Sakamichi bit her lower lip and let her head collapse on a pillow. She stared at the ceiling with eyes opened wide, realising her legs were shaking a little as he dragged his tongue along the pink creases.

Soft murmurs started escaping her lips constantly. She lost power over her vocal cords. All she could think of was what he was doing to her. His tongue was caressing her a bit too forcefully at some moments. It could be her inexperience, but still Sakamichi thought he was really, really good at it. She even forgot about all the insecurities like what he would say about her smell and everything else.

Midousuji was really shocked about his actions too. When he leaned down to have a taste of her most private body parts, he was acting quite spontaneously. It wasn't till he tasted her salty, a bit sour juice when he realised what he was really doing. He wanted to yell at himself for being extremely gross and disgusting and shameful, but her taste along with her whimpering and twitching of her legs, all that was too magical to stop. He decided he actually kind of liked her taste. Sure, it was smelly, but it wasn't as terrible as he had imagined, and the soft, drenched pink tissue he was rubbing with his tongue was smooth like velvet, so this whole experience was anything but repulsive.

"A-Akira-kun," Sakamichi managed to somehow put together his name between the moans and placed her right hand on top of his head, patting it and playing with his short hair. He looked up, seeing her from a somewhat awkward angle, and he noticed she brought her left hand to her chest and started to fondle her breasts. Oh, she was enjoying herself indeed, that perverted girl!

"Do you like it, Sakamichiii?" he asked tauntingly and nibbled and sucked on her clit, making her gaps for air.

"Mhmm," she purred and stretched her spine, making her hips press her crotch against his mouth.

"Hey!" he scolded her, patting her belly. He never expected she would offer herself like that. He thought she'd keep pushing his face away. "Are you trying to suffocate me with your nasty pussy, Stupidmichi?!" he added in angry voice, but he was actually grinning with amusement.

"S-Sorry, Akira-kun! I d-didn't mean to... I mean... it was unintentional!" she squeaked and stuck her hips back to the mattress. Unintentional or not, it was really sexy above anything else. Who would have guessed Sakamichi was actually quite welcoming when it came to receiving pleasure? It filled his head with excitement, the grin on his face grew wider and the riding pants he was still wearing got even tighter, especially around the crotch area.

He wanted to try more. Grabbing one of her legs under her knee, he pushed it up, closer to her chest. Sakamichi panted, but he was sure it was more due to surprise than due to discomfort. He wasn't too forceful after all.

"A-Akira-kun?" she uttered his name, wondering what he intended to do. "Eeeh?" Her voice turned into a shocked shriek, because he parted her labia with two fingers of his free hand as if they were nothing more than curtains. Oh no, he was staring at it, wasn't he. She could feel his hot breath touching the most secret part of her body. Sakamichi shut her eyes. If she kept watching him, she'd probably die of embarrassment. After this there wouldn't be much more to discover as far as her body went, would it...

"Hngh...," she let out a chocked sound when she felt the tip of his tongue circling around her fully exposed entrance. At first it was quite slow, but he was quickly picking up the pace. "A-Akira... Akira-kun, s-slow down, i-it's too much," she panted, realising she was only a step away from an orgasm. He wouldn't listen. Instead, he let go of her leg and reached out to one of her hands. It was Sakamichi who grabbed it though, not with one but with both of her hands at the same time, squeezing his long slender fingers as if her life depended on it. It almost felt like that. She had no idea if she could even handle so much pleasure! The way she was feeling now, it seemed she would faint as soon as it was over.

Her anticipation of the climax was however cut in a half the very next second. She felt his tongue deliberately slipping off his preset course, digging into the hole it was dancing around the whole time. It happened too fast and she couldn't even react to it. At first it felt alright, then uncomfortable and then she felt like he just stabbed her with a knife down there.

"A-Ah! I-It hurts... It hurts!" she whined loudly and her fingernails dug into the back of his hand, drawing blood in the process. It hurt him so he quickly pulled away and frowned at her.

"Damn, what are you doing?! Gross!" he yelled at her and was really angry for a split second. Then he noticed her quiet, constant whimpers and watched as she reached down, carefully touching the tight opening he had his tongue in a few moments ago. He saw it sooner than her; the blood on her fingertips. Now that he thought about it, her salty and sour taste lingering on his tongue had a tinge of iron to it.

"Oh... Oh my...," she shook her head in disbelief and slowly sat on the bed, looking around in panic in search of who knows what. He noticed a few droplets of blood on the mattress. It made his stomach twist and turn.

"Y-You're bleeding a-again? Disgusting," he mumbled because he couldn't help it, even though he realised too well how nasty that was of him.

"N-No, it's... it's not period blood," she shook her head again and looked at him. He looked really lost and disturbed. "I think it's my hym...," she tried to explain but stopped in the middle. She just couldn't say the word, it would freak him out even more. "I t-think I l-lost my virginity... Probably...," she corrected herself and wondered what would happen now. It sort of hurt still, it wasn't really stinging like the very moment he tore it, but it was kind of uncomfortable and sore and she was sure it was bleeding a little, messing the bed sheets even more. What she didn't want, however, was for this little unfortunate situation to kill the mood and frighten him away. He really looked like he was about to break down and run away.

"A-Akira, d-don't w-worry about it!" she said quickly, even dropping the honorific in the process. Damn, he shouldn't have shrieked angrily, but she knew it was inevitable because the pain from her fingernails was really unexpected. "I-I'm not really angry, o-ok?" she tried to save the situation, giving him her most understanding and kind smile. He gazed at her and the expression on his face seemed like he got brainwashed. Oh god, he was about to explode and yell his favourite phrase at her, wasn't he?!

"I didn't mean to startle you, alright? I didn't mean to hurt your hand either!" she continued and she somehow managed to make her face appear even more calm and determined. She took his bleeding hand and carefully kissed one of the small bleeding cuts. Midousuji snapped out of his paralysed state and frowned again, ready to use his usual venom at her.

"Disgusting Sakamichii," he began for starters, but his voice was much more mellow than he wanted it to be. "You are nothing but trouble, aren't you."

"S-Sorry about that. I-I shouldn't have screamed, I know...," she sighed. Well, there she had it - she killed the mood after all.

"Well, whatever," he hissed and lied on the mattress, folding his healthy hand under his head.

"Y-You're angry at me, aren't you...," she asked him with a voice full of guilt.

"What the hell are you even saying, you stupid piggy!" he raised his voice. "I'm angry at you because your stupid hymen broke? Whose fault do you think it is?! Try using your brain just for once! If you actually used it, you would never say such bullshit!" He was really frustrated. Why did she have to talk about everything?! It would be way better if she just cuddled to him and kissed him!

"Eh...," she murmured, trying to decipher what he just said. "S-So you're not angry?" she asked him to make sure she understood correctly.

"Shut up! It's gross when you ask about obvious things!" he barked and stuck out his tongue at her.

"A-Alright," she nodded and put on a confused smile, wondering what to do next. The boy gave her a hint right away.

"So do you plan to just sit there or what...," he pouted and looked away as his ears started to turn bright red. Of course he'd never tell her he wanted a cuddle or two, but Sakamichi knew him enough by now to understand what he wanted her to do.

"A-Alright," she repeated and slowly laid her body beside him. She intended to hug him carefully, but he was impatient. He pulled her to his chest, making her lay on top of him completely. "A-Akira-kun, isn't it uncomfortable?!" she worried and tried not to fidget too much.

"Dumbass, if it was, I wouldn't do that, ok? Gross...," he growled. After a few minutes of silence he started cackling out of blue.

"W-What's wrong?!" she raised her head and looked at him.

"What a dumb way to lose virginity, Sakamichiii," he laughed at her. "Not like your usual shoujo manga stories, right?! You're so lame," he continued teasing her and rubbed her lower back with his hand.

"I-It can't be helped!" she looked away, her lips were trembling. She was glad he didn't run away, but at the same time she'd appreciate if he wasn't making fun of that.

"Well, of course not, you can't really turn back time, can you," Midousuji added. "Maybe if you were Kotori you could do it," he wondered, attracting Sakamichi's stare again.

"I... I don't think Kotori would even get in a situation like this," she opposed and smiled. "And even if she did, I don't think she would turn back time, you know?" Sakamichi put on an all-knowing expression.

"Why?" he mumbled and expected some of her usual smarty-pants anime nonsense.

"Well, if Kotori was in exactly the same situation as me, she would be happy about the outcome anyway! Sure, she lost her virginity too early and not in the typical way, but... well, it was with the person she loves, so it doesn't really matter, right? I mean... you know, it doesn't matter what part of your body was the one to tear..."

"SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! GROSS!" he freaked out, yelling right into her ear so loudly she thought she would go deaf.

"S-Sorry, but you get my point, right?" Sakamichi snorted and pressed her left cheek against his chest. "If a-anything, I'm kind of relieved. Now that it's dealt with, i-it won't hurt so much when we get to the real t-thing," she explained and noticed how his gentle caresses on her lower back suddenly stopped.

"Oh? You pervert, so you mean you still want to do it?" he asked her slowly and looked at her. As if she felt his look on the top of her head, she raised her head from his chest again and stared back.

"Y-Yeah," she nodded and hypnotized his lips in hopes he would kiss her.

"And will you yell because of pain again?" he asked her another question.

"N-No, I promise," she shook her head and puckered her lips.

"Stupid, stupid Sakamichii. I've never said you couldn't," he sighed, embraced her tightly and finally gave her the kiss she silently asked for. That's pretty much what they keep doing for the next five minutes or maybe longer. Midousuji was caressing all of her back, even her butt cheeks and upper parts of her tights as far as his long arms could reach, while Sakamichi was mostly in charge of kisses and she did her job really well by kissing the dry skin all over his face. At times they even played a stupid game where he tried to avoid her mouth. It was silly, but it made them very relaxed. Yet, despite all of the tenderness, there was a little detail that bothered Sakamichi.

"A-Akira-kun...," she whimpered his name in between all the loving touches and kisses.

"What is it, small fry?" he mumbled, not sure if he was keen on communicating through words right now.

"I'm really s-sorry to say that, but... you're still not u-un... undressed," she stuttered and felt how her cheeks burned. Midousuji wriggled under her body.

"Gross," he whined and turned to his left side, making Sakamichi lie on the futon. Then he rolled back on his back and raised his hips, supporting himself with his legs while his shoulder blades still rested on the mattress. Sakamichi realised what he was about to do as soon as he grabbed the waist band of his riding pants.

"S-Should I help you?!" she quickly squeaked. She didn't expect him to undress so willingly. She expected at least some kind of objection and also kind of wanted it to be sexier and last but not least, she partly wished to do it herself.

"You think I can't do it myself?!" he growled and pulled the pants down swiftly.

"T-That's not the point," she said briefly before she began to stare with her eyes wide open as soon as his hips were back on the futon. "O-Oh...," she whimpered and buried her face into the small of his neck.

"Whaaat, Sakamichiii? Are you getting embarrassed? Now, after you've asked me to undress? You stupid girl," he teased her, but the fact she was covering her face was quite convenient. He wasn't really the one to be embarrassed about nudity; especially because he was a kind of guy who would happily ride his bike completely naked if someone gave him a proof it would make him faster and if it was actually socially acceptable. And yet, in front of Sakamichi it was a bit different, possibly because it was her first time. It was alright that she was shy, although he noticed she was fidgeting a little, trying to steal peeks secretly. He grinned and hugged her.

"Come oooon, it's alright! You will have to look at it anyway sooner or later," he teased her and pinched the soft meat on her side gently.

"O-Ouch," she whimpered, looked at him and after a little fluttering of her eyelashes she looked down. "Uhh," she gasped when her eyes rested on his erected member, realising its length and shape in the dim light.

"What is that supposed to mean?! Disappointed about the size?!" he hissed and although he wouldn't admit it, he was getting insecure. Sakamichi bit her lower lip and wondered what exactly average meant when it came to condom sizes. If Midousuji was average, she'd really love to see what the XXL was supposed to look like. He actually seemed quite big; much bigger than what she thought she could take in.

"Y-You are... b-big," she stuttered and tried to look at him.

"Big? Oooh, and you were hoping for XXL, you stupid girl," he grinned. "Sorry to disappoint you, Sakamichiii," he poked her nose.

"N-No," Sakamichi quickly shook her head. "W-Will it get... any bigger?" she asked and wondered how she managed to get that question out of her throat.

"Why don't you try touching it and see for yourself?" Midousuji laughed and grabbed her hand with the intention to make her touch him.

"W-Wait," she squealed. She sort of wished it wouldn't get bigger than that. She wasn't sure if she could take him all in. He looked quite thick too.

"Listen, don't worry, ok? It shouldn't get much bigger. Harder maybe, but not too much bigger! I won't end up with a half a meter long pole sticking out of my crotch. I get that you're nervous, small fry, but you've brought this upon yourself!" he sighed and squeezed her hand. It seemed he gave up on making her touch it, because all of a sudden he sat up on the mattress.

"Akira?" she said his name and instinctively copied what he just did, sitting up beside him on the futon.

"Listen, small fry!" he started and his apparent nervousness bordered with anxiety. "We don't have to do that if you change your mind! I don't really care for sex anyway, so just say it! Say you don't want it and this stupid charade will be over!" he yelled from the sheer frustration.

"Eh? But... But I want to do it," she replied. "A lot, actually. A-And now that I've seen you, I... I want to do it even more," she added, crawled closer so their bodies were touching and hugged him with her right arm while her left hand tickled his belly and continued lower, grazing the tender skin just above his erected penis.

"G-Gross," he gritted his teeth. Oh, how he hated when she did this! She was always so embarrassed and hesitant and then, suddenly, someone would flip her switch and she would do something so bold and proactive. He couldn't stand it, because he had no idea when this sudden turn of events would happen.

"Y-You have no pubes," she whined, expressing one of her observations.

"I do," he mumbled. "I just shave them quite often. Still, I have less than you. You have a jungle down there, Hairy-michi!" he laughed at her. It's not like he hated her fluffy patch of dark hair; the fact that an innocent-looking creature like Sakamichi had something so adult-like down there was actually kind of amusing.

"T-That's nasty," she frowned. "You should not say that to a girl, many of us are very self-conscious of things like that," she scolded him a little. He wanted to retort he didn't care about other girls, just her, but it would end up with questions if she was self-conscious about that and he'd have to express that he actually liked her crotch, so he decided not to mention that.

He was about to say something else about her dark triangle, but she stole all of his words the moment her small fingers wrapped around his manhood. He hissed dangerously, but it wouldn't scare her away. Sakamichi looked at his face briefly just to see if her actions changed his expression in any way, but she looked back at his crotch quickly before she could tell the difference. It surprised her how touching his erected penis felt. She couldn't quite compare it to anything she'd touched before. His skin was really hot, yet it was incredibly smooth. Sakamichi had never thought his body could have a smooth and silky place like that; from what she'd observed over the months, his skin tended to be more on the dry side. Curiously she traced one of the pulsing veins on his penis with her middle finger. Midousuji groaned and Sakamichi felt how he got even harder in her hand.

"Gross," he gasped and wanted to push her away. She was merely holding him, not really trying to stimulate him. She didn't even caress him but he was still getting harder! If this continued, he'd explode all over her hand.

"Haha, you just got h-harder, a-amazing!" Sakamichi laughed and looked at him with childish excitement in her eyes.

"What are you getting happy about?! It's not amazing! It's just how male body works!" he got angry and grabbed her wrist.

"S-Sorry, it's just I never experienced that before, so feeling it in my hand was... kind of s-sexy," she apologised and explained the idea behind her reaction. He glared at her for a brief moment, but then embraced her and pressed her against his chest.

"Just stop it, you've had enough of dick touching for now!" he said and let their bodies fall back on the mattress. Lying on his back, he let the small pixie find his mouth and kiss him. He returned all of the kisses and once again petted her lower back.

Sakamichi was happy with herself. She wasn't as scared and nervous as she'd thought she would be. She was a little anxious, but Akira's touches and passionate kisses were really good medicine to make her forget about it. It almost felt like her heart overflew with affection and feelings and she had to pour them out to ease the heavy feeling on her chest.

"I love you, A-Akira... I love you so much," she whimpered in between kisses and for a moment he wondered if she was crying, because her voice surely sounded that way. He broke the never-ending chain of kisses and looked at her. What a relief it was when he couldn't find any tears on her face, just her craving expression.

"Sakamichii," he sighed and sneered a little before giving her an innocent kiss on her cheek. Then he gently rolled their bodies over, making them switch positions. Sakamichi found herself below him with her legs apart a little. He noticed that and decided to take an advantage of that, his long fingers sliding over her pink folds. She was even more wet than before. Her juice was smeared all over her thighs and butt cheeks and she was even dripping on the bed sheet again.

"What do you have going on down here," he laughed, "is that the biblical flood? Tsunami?"

"I... I can't help it," she murmured, petting short hair on the small of his neck and sliding down his back, following his angular spine. She noticed how sweaty his back had become and realised her body was the same. The sultry air of Midousuji's small flat wasn't helping to cool them down at all.

"Relax, Sakamichii," he ordered her and slowly pressed his middle finger against her tight entrance. It slid in without any trouble, that's how wet she was.

"Ugh," she moaned and shivered a little. He observed her face to see if he could find any traces of pain in her expression. When he couldn't find any, he tried rubbing the walls of her slippery well. A loud gasp came out of her mouth before she silenced it with the palm of her hand.

"What's that? Does it hurt?" Midousuji asked her patiently, hoping the answer to the question would be no. If this was hurting her, what about what would come next?

"N-No, I think. It's just feels really w-weird," she replied and caressed the left side of his body. She was surprised she still managed to return the touches to some extent.

"Weird? Are you suuuure? Sakamichiiii, if it hurts, tell me now or it will be too late," he tried to provoke her, because if he expressed his worries in a normal, caring and nice way, he'd feel really pathetic.

"Y-Yes, I am sure, a-ah," she nodded and quickly kissed him. She wished to know how long this would take. There was no need to hurry, but with his finger moving around and pressing her inner flesh, it surely made her appetite grow. As this went on, she turned into a moaning mess. Midousuji started frowning. It wasn't fair she was the only one having fun! He originally considered pressing another finger in, making sure she would be prepared for the "real thing", but then decided he couldn't wait after all. He escaped her embrace, pulled his finger out of her body, licked her salty mess away and crawled on the futon a little to reach his jersey as the package of condoms was still in its back pocket.

"Aki... ra-kun?" she mumbled with surprise and slight annoyance that he stopped spoiling her.

"I can't wait. I hate how only you small fry are having fun," he growled, opening the package of condoms. Sakamichi pouted.

"I... I wanted to touch you, but you stopped me right when I was about to c-caress you properly," she objected. The boy looked at her.

"You're cheeky!" he hissed and crawled back to her with an idea.

"Heheh," she smiled at him, stretching her legs on the mattress. Midousuji's lips twitched. She was so relaxed and obviously enjoying herself, good.

"Say, Sakamichii," he pouted at her. "Why don't you try putting the condom on?" he shoved one of the condoms into a palm of her hand.

"W-What? I've never done that b-before," she panicked and turned completely red. Still, she sat up on the futon and looked at the single package, wondering how to open it. "W-What if I tear it...," she worried and her hands trembled. Midousuji smirked and placed his hands on top of hers, holding her fingers between his as if they were chopsticks or something.

"You open the package like thiiiis," he said and made her tear it on the right spot.

"W-Waaaah," she let out a whine and she had so many jitters she could sell them to become a millionaire.

"Stop screaming, small fry! It's a no big deal!" he scolded her. "Besides, you better learn how to do it yourself or I might not bother using the stupid rubber at all," he teased her. Sakamichi gave him a few confused blinks before she realised what he meant.

"N-Naughty," she looked away, but a faint smile appeared on her face.

"Hurry up, don't make me wait, piggy!" he fussed and poked one of her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah," Sakamichi nodded and gathered courage to dress him in the "raincoat". "L-Like this?" she asked when she fished out the rubber circle out of the package and nervously placed it on the tip of his penis while carefully holding its length in her other hand.

"No! You got it all wrong! You're supposed to put it on by rolling it down and you placed it upside down!" he yelled and thought his cheeks were about to burn to ashes. What a stupid idea he got. He would came first before she managed to put the condom on!

"I'm s-sorry, sorry!" she squeaked like a mouse and turned the condom so it was sitting on properly. Then, she giggled. She giggled! At his dick!

"What's so funny, small fry?!" he barked.

"I... I just thought it looked like a tiny h-hat," she explained, giggled again and it was the exact end of Midousuji's patience.

"Stupidmichi! You stupid fry!" the boy blustered, pushed her on the bed and put on the condom himself in one swift move.

"Heheh," she kept giggling on the futon. Well, at least her mood was good and she didn't seem like she was scared at all.

"You stupid girl, why am I even losing my time with you?! I could just jerk off and it would be much better! And no small fry would laugh at me!" he continued with his angry muttering and draped her body with his, nuzzling to her right temple.

"Akira-kun, I'm sorry. I just t-thought it looked cute! I didn't mean to make you angry," she apologised and nuzzled back.

"Just shut up," he hissed, clank his teeth and gave her throat a really wet lick as a punishment. "Come on, spread your legs," he ordered her in the very next moment. This was already going for too long and he couldn't wait any longer. He was all set with the condom on. All that was left to do was hoping everything would go well.

"Y-Yeah," Sakamichi nodded and clumsily did what he asked of her. Midousuji looked down and then back at her, fixing his eyes on her reddish face. His stomach made a somersault. She was really, really into it. She wouldn't even protest, she just did what he wanted.

"Sakamichi...," he sighed, kissing her right temple and then biting her earlobe.

"A-Akira-kun, i-it hurts! I.. I just did what you asked, no need to be angry," she patted his back a little. He snorted. Who said he was angry? Frustrated, excited, anticipating, horny - sure, but not angry. Not at all.

"Relax, piggy," he told her just like before. It seemed like he couldn't stop making sure she would do her part in minimizing all the discomfort she was bound to feel. At least that's what he'd read about. He was Midousuji Akira - of course he'd do a thorough research on the first intercourses.

"Mhm," Sakamichi nodded and tried to soften every muscle in her body.

"Gross," Midousuji muttered to himself, shifted his legs so he was lying right between her thighs and positioned his manhood right at her entrance, trying to stick at least the very tip inside. It wasn't working very well.

"A-Akira-kun, d-do you need help?" she asked, reaching slowly to her crotch, ready to grab his wrists and guide him in.

"No, don't...," he yapped and pushed her hand away. He had a good idea where her entrance was after all that touching and licking, thank you very much. He tried pushing against the hot meat, seeing what happens.

"Hnn," Sakamichi whimpered as the tip went it. Midousuji looked at her and his eyes gleamed. That was it! Slowly pushing further, he started slipping inside of her tight opening. "A-Aaah," Sakamichi whined and her eyes watered a little, but it wasn't due to pain. The thrill was too much for her; her heart was beating like crazy. It was really happening! The last push which made him reach the bottom of her well was a bit more confident and it made her gasp for air.

"A-Akira-kun, w-wait," she said quickly and wanted to slap his shoulder, but something stopped her from touching him.

"Whaaaat, small fry?! Does it huuuurt?! Want me to pull out?! Really? After all the effort?!" he bitched, but it was just a ruse to hide he was quite worried.

"N-No... Just w-wait. Y-You're too big. I need a few seconds," she explained and tried to smile. It wasn't working. She wouldn't really say it hurt her. It was just extremely uncomfortable. The pain from her hymen tearing was almost gone, all the nasty feelings were due to him stretching her slippery walls. Her body wasn't used to that and she needed to take her time.

"I'm not too big. It's you! You're so grossly tight," Midousuji hissed, made a scary face at her and tried to thrust experimentally. Sakamichi moaned and gritted her teeth, her whole body tensing. Midousuji gasped for air. She squeezed him so tightly he worried he'd either climax right away or she'd tear his cock off the moment he tried to pull out.

"Gross!" he spat in her face. "Relax, I told you to relax!"

"I'm sorry, sorry!" Sakamichi cried and was getting stressed. He could clearly see on her face she was losing it. Hurry, if he doesn't do anything quickly... The tiny detail that it would be fine just to stop yelling at her escaped him.

"Saaakaaamiiichiii," he murmured into her ear, took her hands and placed them on top of his shoulders. "Relax, small fry. Or else it will hurt too much and I don't want that, ok?" he whispered and planted a few innocent kisses on her cheek.

"Y-Yeah... yeah," she stuttered, but with each kiss her inner peace grew. As she embraced him and grazed his sweaty shoulder blades with her fingertips, he began thrusting. Sakamichi moaned and whimpered. His movements were quite slow but intense. He was reaching as far as he could and besides all the stretching, Sakamichi felt a little blunt stinging in her underbelly as he hit something inside her, probably her cervix.

She could safely say it hurt her. She had no idea if it was because it was her first time or because he was too big and she too tight or if it was supposed to be like that and at some point in the future something in her changed and she would find it pleasurable in the end. Actually, the end was probably nearer than she thought because despite all the discomfort, she loved what was happening to her. Physical pain aside, her brain was exploding with joy and passion. They were really making love! Midousuji-kun was moving inside her and their bodies were connected! Her chest felt like it was about to burst, but it was still an enjoyable feeling.

Maybe she was mistaken, but thanks to the discomfort and pain her mind was otherwise quite clear and she could concentrate on him. Akira was trying his best to keep his voice down, but he couldn't do anything about his breathing. He was panting from pleasure, clenching his teeth, altering between looking straight into her eyes and shyly looking away and he obviously had no idea what to do with his hands because he just kept them on the mattress without touching his lover too much.

"Akira-kun, a-are you... ah... alright?" she asked him slowly and her voice was riddled with wheezes and whimpers.

"Yeah," he nodded, finally found one of her hands and tenderly squeezed it before picking up the pace.

"A-Akira-kun," Sakamichi gasped and closed her eyes. It made the tears pooling in the corner of her right eye run down her face, disappearing in her sweaty hair on her temple.

"Are you crying or... something?!" he asked and it was getting more and more difficult to sound angry, especially when he was asking things like that.

"Don't worry," she shook her head. It gave him peace of mind. She wasn't as fragile as he'd thought, good. He pushed himself up, sitting between her thighs while staying buried deep inside her. Sakamichi looked at him with a startled expression. Now that he wasn't leaning all over her, he had a much better view of her body. It was a bit unnerving, but the sudden lack of bodily contact besides the obvious place bothered her even more. Midousuji held her hips and pulled her closer, making the position more comfortable for him. Sakamichi whined. It felt like he got even deeper, or at least the angle changed and with it the sensation changed too.

"Sakamichi...," he uttered her name, watching her small breasts jiggle in the rhythm of his rocking hips. Sakamichi couldn't say anything. She was concentrating on trying to keep up with all the stimulus. Her lack of reply made him raise the pace unconsciously. He was quite fast now and the girl on the bed couldn't keep her moaning down anymore.

"S-Slow down... ah... It's too rough," she begged him. It wasn't hurting her, but the roughness was too much for her to be able to enjoy herself.

"I can't stop," he panted and grabbed her left leg by the ankle and rested it on his shoulder.

"Uuh," Sakamichi gasped and watched him as he pressed his dry, narrow lips against her calf, sucking on it. She accepted that he would keep his own pace and decided to get as much pleasure as she could out of it, so she slowly reached out to her crotch with the intension to caress her little sensitive bump as she always felt the best when she played with her clit during her private moments. Midousuji noticed what she was trying to do and before she could say anything, he poked her clit with an index finger of his free hand and then gave her another wide grin as his seemingly innocent touch made her legs shiver.

"You're... enjoying yourself, right?... Small fry," he droned and bit into her big toe. Sakamichi laughed a little, but now that he was partly caressing her crotch she had no idea what to do with her hands again. At least she could hide her face with them. His constant, partly self-conscious questions about her pleasure and enjoyment made her heart weak.

Midousuji continued thrusting into her small body. It seemed like they've been doing it for at least fifteen minutes, although it was actually way less than five. He wanted to come off as experienced and someone who could lead her, but so far it was only him pleasuring himself with her body as a sex toy. At least that's how he felt. Looking at her, at her blushing face, slightly opened mouth, half-lidded eyes as well as her body glazed with sweat and listening to every little sound her body made, let it be her moaning, panting, or the naughty smacking from down there, he thought that maybe - just maybe - she was enjoying it as much as he did.

"A-Akira," she panted his name and he snapped out of his pondering. "Akira, c-come here. Ah...," she raised her arms to him, welcoming him to her chest. "I want to... hug you," she managed to get her wish across in words too. Midousuji gulped and his belly swarmed with butterflies. Carefully setting her leg back on the mattress he stretched his legs and lied on top of her again. "Y-Yeah, like this," Sakamichi smiled and caressed his hair as he rested his head on her chest.

At that moment, it almost seemed like the world around him went completely silent and still. His sense of vision got all messed up. The only sound that was reaching him was the beating of her racing heart. He got a weird deja vu of his childhood. All the comfort and sense of security when his mother embraced him, all of that was back, accept Sakamichi wasn't his mother. His mother could never make him feel so good. Sakamichi, as a woman, had a power to make him feel perfect and whole; his mother was precious to him, but this was something motherly love just couldn't do. As if Sakamichi's yellow was way brighter than his mother's. He had to laugh at his pathetic self. There he was, admitting to himself that Sakamichi meant so much more. He hated himself for admitting that, yet he knew that's just how it was. Oh god, this was probably his most exciting experience so far.

"Saka... michi...," he mumbled, muffling his voice with the soft tissue of her left breast as he pressed his face against it so hard it almost hurt the girl, and with her name ringing in his head, strange jitters ran down his spine like a tidal wave as he reached the climax.

"A-Akira?" Sakamichi squeaked in surprise, worried what happened to him because his bodily reaction was too strong. He completely tensed and twitched and his limbs went spastic, so at first she thought it was some kind of seizure. It wasn't till he relaxed and started taking deep breaths as if he just got out of the last spurt before a finish line, when she realised what had just happened. She blinked a few times at the ceiling, wondering what to say. She was somewhat shocked and puzzled. Oh yeah, ejaculation, there was a thing like that and it happened to her boyfriend just now. Yeah, he was using a condom, but still! She sighed and caressed his still-shaking back. One could say she wanted to calm him down, but it was more or less for her own good.

"Come on, Onoda Sakamichi, this isn't time to be embarrassed about your boyfriend's s-s-sperm, it's completely natural!" she repeated to herself in her mind. "Eh?" she hiccuped when he suddenly got up, pulled out of her body and sat on the futon, facing away so all she could see was his sweaty spine. Judging from the sounds, he was probably getting rid of the messy rubber. He reached to the night table getting a tissue from the paper box lying there and cleaned himself up, wrapping the used condom into the tissue afterwards, but that was it; he wasn't coming back to lie beside her, he just kept sitting there, shivering as if something terrible happened to him.

"A-Akira-kun? I-Is everything alright?" she asked, slowly sitting up as well. "O-Ouch," she whined as she realised how badly her body hurt. Not just her crotch, her hips seemed to be a mess too because of all the spreading and pushing. She was all sweaty just like him and although she was mostly passive, her body was exhausted as if she ran a marathon.

"Gross," he muttered in reply to her question and that was about it.

"D-Did something happen?" she asked again, hesitating to as much as touch him, but decided to give it a try anyway. "Tell me, Akira-kun," she said in her most soothing voice and tapped on his shoulder. He turned to her, his expression truly undecipherable and possibly a little scary.

"Nothing, small fry," he pouted and dropped on the futon. Sakamichi kept sitting there, wondering if she did something to make him like that, but nothing came to her mind. She looked at him as he lied with closed eyes, still breathing heavily, and contemplated if it was even ok to lie beside him. Maybe the best she could do was just to get up and go to sleep in front of the telly or go home altogether.

"S-Should I leave you alone?" she asked directly. He quickly opened his eyes and stared at her in shock.

"You want to go home NOW, small fry?" he asked after a few seconds.

"N-No! I'm just asking if you don't want me around. I... I would perfectly understand it, after what has just happened," she put on a fake smile and looked away. She didn't want to double-guess her decisions, but something inside her laughed at her and posed a question if the timing of their first sex was really perfect.

Midousuji pouted. He was feeling weird as if he just did something really wrong, but it felt great and he didn't regret it. Chasing her away was the last thing on his mind. It was more like he had no idea how to approach her and every single look made him remember her blushing face and her erotic moans. The worst thing about it was that he didn't have to feel that way. He could just cuddle with her after the deed was done and slowly fall asleep, not minding the condom and the mess, something that would inevitably made him feel extremely disgusted next morning. It was his own problem that it got him thinking and hesitating, but chasing her away? He'd never admit it, but there was no way he could dump her now, may it be just this moment or any other time relationship-wise.

"Where would you go?" he asked back and watched as she reached to the box of tissues, took two or three and started wiping her crotch. He had to bite the inside of his cheeks because watching her tend to her nether regions was somewhat sexy.

"Just to the living room or maybe home, I don't know," she shrugged, trying to stay strong and unaffected, but he could see how the idea to be apart after that all messed her up. Her hands were shaking and the skin on her chin twitched as she fought tears; a battle she was capable to do for a while but it was clear she'd lose in the end.

"You'd go home in the dead of night?" he snickered and still stared at her clean-up session.

"S-Sure," she nodded and looked around, wondering where to put the dirty tissues in her hand.

"Although there're no buses anymore?" he continued teasing her.

"It's not that f-far, I could walk," she said, avoiding his stare, and started getting up so she could throw the tissues into a trash bin in the kitchen. He couldn't take it anymore, even if she went only to the kitchen. He hurled one of his long arms at her, grabbing her wrist, and pulled her back to the mattress.

"Midou... A-Akira-kun?" she chirped, quickly correcting herself when Midousuji's surname came out. He took the crumpled tissues from her and before throwing them away next to the one with used condom, he noticed traces of blood on it.

"Are you bleeding again? Groooss," he moaned, but he felt somewhat bad about it.

"J-Just a little. It's nothing," she shook her head and tried to find a comfortable spot in the triangle of his body, his arm and his shoulder. Midousuji pouted again, this time at the ceiling. Was she really ok? He knew her well enough by now; she'd put on that enduring mask of hers.

"Yeah, sure. Try to get some sleep," he mumbled and closed his eyes, hoping he would be able to fall asleep after all that happened.

"Mhm," she nodded. "But first..." Sakamichi hoisted herself up and stole a goodnight kiss from him when he wasn't looking.

"Gross! Groooss, don't do this! It's disgusting!" he shrieked into her ear.

"N-No need to get angry! I just thought I wanted a kiss... for a g-good night, you know?" she shivered.

"Small fry," he frowned and when she set her head comfortably on his shoulder, he kissed the top of her head, much to her surprise. "Next time you could try asking for it first," he told her and was done with talking for the day.

"A-Alright, I will," she nodded again and added quietly: "Good night..."

Author's note: Alright, I hope you've enjoyed it. This is my first time posting smut online, so... yeah, I'm pretty nervous. As always, thanks for your kind comments. I know this story has some few loyal fans and I'm totally grateful for you guys :D Mweh, everytime I return to to post a new chapter, I have to learn how to submitt chapters all over again. This website has a really weird submission system...
Anyway, I've planned to post this for Christmas, but I was lazy, as usual. I could not, however, avoid posting it now that season 3 of Yowapeda has started. I'm very excited about more Midosaka possibilities.