Ever since I read this fan theory that Newt has always been immune and WICKED only injected something into him to make him feel like he had the Flare I haven't been able to let it go and so I've been dreaming about this little scene. Page 250 still happened - just not completely.

"Man, sit your shuck butt down. You're driving me crazy."

Minho glared at him. Bad choice of words, really.

"I can't," he told his ex-fellow Glader and resumed his pacing from one side of the room to another. "I should have gone with him. I should go after him," he added, heading straight for the door.

"Minho, I swear I'm gonna strap you down!" the blond shouted, jumping to his feet and into Minho's path. "It's gonna be alright. They'll be okay. Greenie's a big boy. He can look after himself."

"He's not a Greenie," the Asian boy replied. "Not anymore."

"My point, exactly. So could you please-"

His sentence suddenly got cut off by a metal squeaking sound. Minho craned his neck to peek past Gally who spun around, facing the opening door.

There they stood. Thomas. And Newt. Both looked like they had been through a lot - especially Newt - but alive and healthy. And smiling like idiots. Surreal.

With long strides Minho walked toward them and pulled his best friend he had believed lost into a bear hug.

"Whoa! Hey, Minho," Newt squealed in surprise, losing his balance. "I'm okay."

Minho didn't seem convinced yet. With a grim expression he seized Newt up from head to toe. Then he nodded and took a step back. His eyes drifting to

Thomas who held up his arms in defence, afraid Minho might attack him, too. "So am I," he assured him firmly.

"Good that."

Now having some space Newt's gaze wandered around the location, eventually landing on Gally. His eyes darkened. "What's this shuckface doing here?" he growled.

"Saving your sorry butt," Gally snapped back, offended. "Not sure you deserve it."

"Hey, that's enough," Thomas said and stepped between the two boys before they could rip each other's heads off. He turned to Newt. "There's a lot you missed. A lot to explain." Then he addressed Gally. "Any place around here where we can talk in private?"

Gally shrugged and gestured to the back. "The storage room I guess."

"Good that," said Thomas, placing a hand on Newt's back and pushing him forward. "Come on."

This is gonna be a two-parter. The second chapter will actually refer to the title ;)