You held on tight to me
Cause nothing's as it seems
I'm spinning out of control.

Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me?
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds?
didn't it all seem new and exciting?
I felt your arms twisting around me
I should have slept with one eye open at night. –Taylor Swift, Wonderland

A\N: Sorry for the wait guys. So I've decided this story will be 11 chapters long, I only wanted this story to be a happy ending for Derek so I'm going to make it short and sweet. Over the last month I've prewritten up to chapter 7 so if I get 10 reviews on this chapter ill update. Thanks guys!


The training session ended after hours of Cassie telling the inexperienced pack mates what they should do and soon they got the hang of what Cassie and Derek were explaining to them.

Melissa dished up a hearty feast of roast chicken for the hungry teenagers, while Cassie sat herself down on the back porch marvelling at the beautiful sunset before her. Derek sat next to her watching the beautiful girl next to him, it was cute how she could look at the sunset so mesmerised.

"Beautiful isn't?" Cassie asked softly a smile playing on her lips. Derek nodded "sure is" he said never taking his eyes of her, a blush rose to her cheeks.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Derek asked shyly his hand coming up the back of his neck where he scratched gently. Cassie smiled brightly "I'd like that;" she blushed "I'd like that very much."

Melissa could help the smile that spread across her face when she looked out the kitchen window to see Cassie and Derek huddled close together watching the sunset, well more like her watching the sunset and him watching her. It made Melissa's heart swell, after all her sister needed the happiness that Derek could bring her and him her.


Derek said he would pick her up at six o'clock sharp on Saturday night, so on said night Cassie started getting ready an hour before. Melissa was rummaging through her suitcase trying to find a suitable out fit for her date with the mysterious alpha wolf.

"Where is he taking you?" Melissa asked legs crossed on the plush carpet that was Cassie's bedroom floor. Cassie shook her head "I don't know" Melissa sighed throwing her hands in the air "how the hell are you meant to know what to wear if he doesn't tell you where you're going."

Cassie looked at her sister's reflection in the mirror where she was applying some make up "just pick out a nice shirt, my tan leather jacket and a nice pair of jeans." Melissa agreed setting out on her task.

Cassie waited nervously in the living room after getting dressed waiting for Derek to show. She scrolled through Facebook, watched a few videos then her enhanced hearing picked up the rumbling of Derek's black Camaro coming down the street. Scott who was upstairs rushed downstairs opening the door just as Derek was about to know.

"Scott" Derek growled "I expect her home by eleven, no funny business or ill rip your throat out with my claws, understand sour wolf?" Scott threatened his alpha who towered over him. Cassie laughed "Yes Scott, good bye Scott" Cassie pushed him up the stairs, turning to Derek when she was sure Scott was gone. "HI" she smiled

"These are for you!" Derek smiled back handing her a beautiful bunch of white tulips "they're beautiful," she spoke "thank you!" she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him gently on his right cheek walking off briskly to find a vase to put them in.

Derek stood still for a few moments dazed, then followed the noise of rustling glass wear, "ha" Cassie yelled in triumph "I knew we had one: she filled the vase with water before putting the flowers in and sat them on the table.

"Are you ready?" he asked Cassie who nodded, and followed Derek out the house and towards his sleek black car. He opened the passenger door for her which the thought was the sweetest thing.

Derek started the car, and started driving "I hope you don't mind but we'll be having dinner at my loft. I've cooked dinner" he said nervously, Cassie smiled "that sounds great. I don't like crowds much anyway" she spoke softly.

Derek filed this information away, making sure he'd remember for all the other dates he would plan to take her on. They were mates after all their relationship will be bound to happen sooner or later, they are drawn to each other. That was the thing with wolf mates it always and forever with them. However that didn't mean he could just make her his like they did centuries ago. He had to woo her, let all his walls down that he had built up after his families' demise.

When they reached his loft Derek opened every door they came across for her and pulled out the chair when she sat down at the dining table where place mats, cutlery and candles sat. "I did have a little help" Derek admitted placing the glass of wine he'd offered down beside her.

"Really I never would have guessed" she said sarcastically. The table in front of her had the unique feminine touch which made Cassie a bit Jealous "Don't worry, love. It was my sister who helped." Derek placed his warm hands on her shoulders rubbing them softly. The jealousy Cassie felt disappeared as soon as it appeared.

Derek it seemed was a fantastic cook. He made a lovely bruschetta and creamy chicken pasta which tasted heavenly. While they ate they spoke about their lives Cassie listening to every detail of the past ten years where his family died, his uncle killed his sister and became a psycho alpha, then how he became and alpha and sought revenge for his family as well as rebuilding his family home which he said he didn't feel comfortable being in alone. It was a big house after all.

Cassie told him how she learnt to control her wolf, what she learnt about meena the first Female alpha and just about herself. She told him her favourite movies, song and books which he seemed to soak up and he told her his in return.

It was ten thirty when Cassie looked at her watch for the first time that night and she couldn't believe that she had spent so much time here already. Derek noticed the time as well. "I guess I should be getting you home then?"

Cassie nodded "I guess so"

The drive back to Melissa's house was quiet and sort the couple couldn't help but wish it was longer. Once again Derek opened her door and grasped her hand gently between his and walked her to the front door,

They turned toward each other and Cassie could feel the heat coursing through her body and down to her core, Derek smelt her arousal his eyes turning a shade of red, he pushed her gently up against the door leaning into her neck his breath tingled ever so slightly over the marking spot. Cassie moaned brining his face up to hers and she leant in for a kiss. Their lips touched ever so slightly and it was like they're souls were stitching together slowly. Derek concluded this as their first step on the completion of the mating bond.

Derek kept the kiss short, breaking of after minute of pressed lips, not wanting to lose control so early in the relationship. Cassie blushed, biting her lip lightly making the control Derek had slip even further "I'll see you in a few days" Derek said, before walking steadily back to his car leaving quickly so he wouldn't give into the temptation called Cassie.

Cassie went inside with a pink tinge to her cheeks and a heat deep in her stomach while Derek drove home with a bulge just asking to be touched in his pants which he ignored.
