Okay, I tried to keep this chapter light since the last couple were...difficult. Anyways, I added the names of whoever's point of view/subject for each section is, if that makes sense. If it helps, awesome! If it's distracting or whatever, I can always remove them.

As always, reviews are greatly appreciated!


"You seriously don't find it a little weird that mother just up and postponed a Peck family dinner?" Gail asked again, sitting on the edge of Steve's desk as he leaned back in his desk chair, visibly annoyed by the younger sibling.

"Gail, let it go. We both know she does whatever she wants to." The blonde wasn't convinced, however.

"Steve, when's the last time a dinner was postponed?" The older Peck looked at his sister, seriously considering the question and jogging his memory.

"Wasn't it-" he stopped dead in his tracks, remembering exactly why the last dinner had been postponed.

"Perik. And, might I add the only reason it was postponed was because they were still in New Zealand. Not because I had been abducted, or anything," Gail spat, remembering the tough love she had received from the Peck matriarch.

"Okay, I get your point but I personally enjoyed not having to go last night. Traci and I were actually able to have a night to ourselves for once."

"Must be nice," Gail said, turning her attention to the floor, trying not to show the pain in her chest she was feeling at the thought of being able to spend a night with a loved one.

"Gail," Steve started, sitting up in his chair to try and catch his sister's eyes. "Listen, I'm sorry about Holly, okay? I really am." He grabbed the blonde's forearm, trying to get her to look at him. When she did, he could see her glassy eyes and she quickly released her arm from his grip.

"Yeah, well...whatever. It is what it is," she said, trying to deflect any hint of sadness she was so overwhelmed with.

"I'm proud of you for going over there, you know," he said, catching her attention and forcing her to look at her older brother. "It took a lot of balls and you can never say you didn't try." Gail forced a sad smile, something she was used to doing as of late. While she and her brother never really had a loving relationship, she appreciated how he was trying to help her feel better about the situation.

The pair was interrupted by the sight of Duncan dropping two cups of coffee, one of which was presumed to be for Gail as they started the night shift. The blonde rolled her eyes, jumped off the end of the desk and headed for the door to yell at the rookie. The siblings' Hallmark moment would have to wait.


"To Holly being back in Toronto," Lisa said as the three women clinked their wine glasses together in the middle of the table. Holly was exhausted after the conference and reviewing more information about the cases, but she knew she couldn't blow her friends off for dinner and had joined them at their favorite Italian restaurant for the night.

"I've missed you guys," the brunette said tiredly, the bags under her eyes showing more than normal.

"We're just glad we were able to pull you away for a night. It looks like you've been pretty busy," Rachel said, eyeing Holly carefully for a response. Holly knew she looked tired, but she didn't care. What she was doing in Toronto was important to her, and if it meant not sleeping, then she was willing to sacrifice. Plus, no sleep meant no opportunities for the blonde officer to appear in her dreams.

"Holly, sweetie," Lisa started, gently grabbing Holly's forearm, "is everything okay? I mean, I know you've been busy, but you look...stressed," she said, looking over to Rachel for confirmation.

"You saw Gail, didn't you?" Rachel asked quickly, hoping Holly wouldn't get upset. The brunette took a deep breath and a long sip of wine before she answered.

"She came to my hotel room the other night," Holly said, remembering how her heart jumped in her throat at the very sight of the blonde officer. "And I was such a bitch." Lisa and Rachel looked at each other, confused and unsure of how to proceed.

"What...happened?" Lisa asked cautiously.

"She figured out that I was in town for the conference, so she tracked me down and came to my hotel room, but I just completely shut her out. I mean, I didn't even let her in," Holly said, scoffing at the memory of her own behavior. "I just stood there and told her I was busy, and basically forced her to leave," she said, taking another sip of wine and fighting back tears.

"Hol, remember what we talked about before you came out here?" Rachel waited until Holly finally looked at her before she continued. "You're here for work, sweetie. This trip is about you. Not about Gail." Lisa nodded in agreement, but Holly didn't seem satisfied.

"That's just it though," the brunette said, circling the rim of her wine glass with the tip of her index finger, "Gail is apart of me. I don't feel like myself unless I'm with her, and I hate to admit that," she said as a single tear fell down her cheek. Lisa and Rachel looked at each other in silence as Holly continued. "My life in San Francisco should be perfect. I have my dream job and I live in such an incredible city, but there's this nagging feeling I have in the pit of my stomach day in and day out that something's missing." Holly paused, trying to collect her thoughts. "I'm so incredibly in love with Gail and I don't know how to live without her," she said, the tears finally streaming down her cheeks at her own admission. Holly had never been so candid and open with her friends, but saying the words out loud felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she could finally breathe again.

Lisa and Rachel just kept looking at each other, unsure of what to say to their friend who was falling apart in front of their eyes. They rubbed her back and her forearm as she continued to let the tears fall down her cheeks.

"I've...I've never seen you like this, Hols," Rachel said, breaking the silence that had grown between them.

"That's because I've never felt this way," the brunette replied, looking up and giving her friends the best smile she could muster, but she wasn't fooling anyone.

"Listen, I'm really sorry but I need to go," Holly said suddenly, wiping the tears with her dinner napkin. "I'll call you both tomorrow and we can reschedule, okay? I just...I can't do this tonight," she said, getting up out of her seat. Her two friends gave her the best hugs they could, and watched her walk out the door into the dark Toronto night.

"Seriously?! Not even two hours into this shift and I've got vomit all over my uniform!" Gail yelled from booking as the drunk homeless man she apprehended sat in one of the cells, barely able to sit up straight on his own. The blonde officer fumed inside as she gave the booking officer the man's information while Duncan kept his distance, visibly gagging over the smell of the vomit on his TO. Gail realized he was all the way across the room, and when she saw him gagging out of the corner of her eye, she had had enough.

"Officer Duncan Moore," she said slowly, startling everyone by using the rookie's actual name, "would you mind growing a pair and gracing us with your presence over here?" she asked, narrowing her eyes to let the rookie know just how pissed off she was. "Why don't you give them the details of what happened while I go and get a new uniform, if you think that you can handle that simple task," she spat again as he hurried over, his cheeks reddening by the second.

"Ye-yes, ma'am," he stuttered, causing Gail to roll her eyes.

"Get your shit together, Moore," she whispered as she made her way towards the door exiting to the hallway. When she saw two figures talking at the end of the corridor, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Peck!" Oliver called, smiling before noticing her current state of affairs. "Hey, you've got a little something on your uniform," he joked as she made her way over to him apprehensively as he stood next to a nervous-looking Holly.

"What's going on?" Gail asked, looking at Holly and Oliver, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I-well I just wanted to talk and apologize for the other night so I just came here looking for you and then I saw Oliver and we got to talking and he said you were working the night shift and I just…" Holly stopped herself, realizing she was rambling and noticed a small smile creep onto Gail's face. Oliver took notice and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Holly, I'm sure Gail could use a hand getting cleaned up," he said, placing a comforting hand on Holly's shoulder. "I'll go make sure your rookie isn't screwing anything up," he said playfully, winking at Gail. He headed down the hallway towards booking, looking back over his shoulder once with his genuine Oliver-smile.

"I'm sorry, I should have called first," Holly said, following Gail towards the locker room. "I just didn't know if you would answer after the way I treated you the other night," she continued, looking into Gail's eyes as the blonde turned around to look at her once they were out of the hallway and had some privacy.

"Holly, you don't have to apologize," Gail started, but Holly interrupted her almost immediately.

"Gail, yes I do," she said, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. "I've been trying so hard to live my life without you in San Francisco, trying to convince myself that I'm happy. And when this conference came up and I was asked to attend, I almost said no because I had to be honest with myself about how unhappy I am," she said, pausing to try and bring her racing heartbeat back down to normal. "When I saw you the other night, I was reminded that I'm not happy without you in my life and I've never felt that way about someone before, Gail. It's absolutely terrifying, but it's true."

She stopped again, taking a minute to look at the blonde's blue eyes, remembering how easy it was to stare and get lost in them. Gail looked back, licking her suddenly dry lips and trying to formulate words.

"I don't know what to say, Holly," was all that she could muster. Holly looked back sympathetically, seeing the hurt behind the blue eyes.

"You don't have to say anything, Gail. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I mean, we tell each other stuff, right?" she said, giving the officer her signature lopsided grin that immediately made Gail smile back. The blonde grabbed the doctor's hand, squeezing it and instantaneously feeling the familiar electricity running through her body. Holly felt it too, and she stepped towards Gail, only to have the officer stop her.

"Wait," the blonde said, putting her free hand on Holly's chest, stopping her. "I...I have vomit all over me," she said, giggling at her realization. Holly broke into her lopsided grin and started to walk around the blonde.

"Here, let me help you," she said, unclipping the radio and beginning to pull the velcro of the officer's vest as she moved to stand behind her. The movement caused Gail's heart to skip a beat and she closed her eyes at the very touch of the doctor, even through the fabric of her uniform. Once the vest had been discarded on the floor, Gail took her duty belt off, making sure the safety of her gun was on before leaving it on the floor, and she turned around to see Holly smiling, a sight she had missed too much.

Gail did a once-over on the rest of her uniform, making sure there wasn't any other bits of vomit before she grabbed Holly's face and kissed her, much like the doctor had done many months before in the interrogation room.

Holly's hands immediately found Gail's hips and raced to untuck the uniform shirt, desperate to find the soft skin of the blonde's lower back. When she did, Gail gasped at the familiar and missed feeling of Holly's touch and immediately rocked into Holly's body. The blonde's hands were lost in the doctor's brunette locks as their lips crashed together, tongues finding each other in familiarity.

"Peck, what's your 20?" the radio cracked, startling them both. Gail leaned back to look at Holly's brown eyes before she rested her forehead against Holly's.

"You've got to be kidding me," Gail whispered, cursing the rookie on the other end of the radio. Holly smiled and kissed Gail's cheek.

"I don't want to keep you from work," Holly started, running her hands up Gail's side, causing the blonde's breathing to hitch and close her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get back to babysitting that idiot," the blonde said as she cupped Holly's face with her hands. "How about I come by the hotel in the morning? I think we should talk." Holly continued to smile at the officer in front of her.

"That sounds perfect and yes, we really need to talk." Gail gave her a look of concern, and Holly kissed her, trying her best to reassure the blonde. "It's not a bad talk, Gail. Just be safe tonight, okay? I'll be waiting for you in the morning," she said, smiling seductively as she moved towards the door, glancing over her shoulder for one last smile as she reached the locker room doors. All Gail could do was grin and try to gather her things, attempting to bring her heart rate down to a normal rhythm.


Holly couldn't help the smile that beamed from ear to ear as she reached her hotel. All of the turmoil and guilt she felt about how she treated Gail a couple of nights before evaporated, and she was left with a feeling of hope, something she hadn't felt in a very long time.

Now she just had to explain to the blonde why her stay would be extended, and hoped she wouldn't be mad that she hadn't told her in the first place.

As she walked in the front entrance of the hotel, the concierge at the desk flagged her down, smiling as he showcased a large bouquet of flowers.

"Dr. Stewart? A delivery came for you while you were out," he said, visibly excited for the brunette. Holly seemed a little confused, but took the flowers and thanked him before walking towards the elevators. There was no way Gail would be able to get her flowers that quickly, and she highly doubted her friends would send her anything after leaving dinner so abruptly. She entered the elevator and almost dropped the vase when she read the note that was attached.

With a racing heart, she stopped the elevator a floor before her own and was barely able to dial Elaine's number with her trembling hands.

"Superintendent, it's Dr. Stewart. Are you available to meet? We have a problem."