With Ainsley attending Law School, and Devon in at NYU, Sebastian and Blaine were getting closer to being empty nesters, something neither of them was quite ready to have happen. Yet when Sebastian came home one winter night, he was surprised to hear one of his favorite jazz albums playing. Upon reaching their living room, aside from the tree, the only lights in the room were candles. "B, where are you?" Within moments, Blaine responded, telling him he was in the kitchen. After reaching the doorway, he spotted him cooking, and a smile crept to his face. "Is that?" Blaine turned to face him and nodded. "What's the occasion?"

"None, simply wanted to do a little something extra tonight for my love." Blaine said in response. "You look like you could use something to drink, long day?"

"When isn't it?" Sebastian said, before wrapping his arms around him, then leaning in for a kiss, which was anything but chaste. Even after all the years, the passion they had for one another was still there. When Blaine pulled back, Sebastian could only smile. "Where's our angel?"

"At Hunter and Quinn's, she and Victoria are working on a project. So, we have the place to ourselves." Blaine replied, before putting spoon into the pot in order to give Sebastian a taste. "What do you think?"

"Perfect, but that shouldn't come as a surprise." Sebastian said, before leaning in for another kiss. "Much as I dislike how quiet things have gotten around here, it does have its upside. Won't be much longer till we can…"

"Excuse me, but where is the man who was telling our daughter she didn't need to live in the dorms if she didn't want to, as it's just as easy to commute from home?" Blaine teased as Sebastian's hands moved to his ass. "Bas."

"I'm still here, and like you am in no rush for Jules to grow up, yet, it does have an upside, as I stated."

"You're never going to change, are you?"

"Would you want me to?" Sebastian countered, before kissing him once again. "B, would you…"

"No." Blaine told him, as he slipped his hands around his neck. "Did you ever think we'd still be like…"

"I hoped." Sebastian replied before he could even finish. "When will Juliette be home?"

"Not sure, Quinn said she was more than welcome to stay if they got wrapped up in the project. Knowing them, it will most likely be the case. Meaning, we don't have to worry about…" Blaine's thought was stopped at the sound of a throat being cleared. "Ainsley, it's so good to see you."

"Are you sure about that Dad?" She replied, knowing if she'd arrived much later she probably would've walked in on them in a more compromising position

"Of course he is." Sebastian said as he released his hold on his husband. "What do we owe this unexpected visit Princess?" He asked before giving her a hug and a kiss, which Blaine followed. "Ainsley?" When his expression went blank, she quickly took his hand.

"Relax Papa, I'm not here to tell you I'm pregnant or anything." She teasingly replied.

"B, that drink we talked about." Sebastian muttered, before motioning for her to take a seat. Once they were all seated, and he and Blaine each had a drink, the conversation resumed. "For starters, don't ever tease about something like that."

"Papa, I…I'm sorry." Ainsley said, before glancing at Blaine who was refraining from laughing. "I actually came to talk to you about that offer Uncle Hunter made me a few weeks back." The sense of relief which came across Sebastian's face, caused her to giggle. "For starters, I'm sorry for not calling first as I clearly interrupted what was going to be a romantic evening."

"No need to apologize." Blaine assured her. "Whether you are living here or not, this is always your home."

"Still, after raising us you two deserve to enjoy yourselves again."

"We never stopped." Sebastian said, causing Blaine to shake his head and Ainsley to giggle. "Ah, that's my girl." He then pressed a kiss to Blaine's cheek. "I love making him blush, even after all these years."

"Coming from the man who freaked out at the thought of our daughter being pregnant." Blaine replied before taking a sip of his wine.

"We're too young to be grandparents."

"Relax, I have no intention of having kids in the near future." Ainsley told them. "I want to finish school, get my career started first. Speaking of, I want to take him up on it. I know you're leery of it and I understand why, but…"

"I'm leery because you're my daughter and I don't want people thinking you're getting special treatment." Sebastian said in response. "I know you're more than capable of it, it's everything else that comes along with it."

"Did you freak out when Uncle Thad made the same offer to Will?"

"First off, I didn't freak out on you, you would know if I freaked out. Secondly, I questioned Thad about it the same way I questioned Hunter."

"Bas, was it really unexpected that at some point the kids would possibly join the firm?" Blaine asked before going to check on dinner, and then setting another place at the table.

"Papa, I know you're trying to look out for me, but…if I'm going to reach my potential, who better to learn from. You, Uncle Hunter, and Uncle Thad are considered some of the best lawyers in the city and beyond. No one wants to ever go up against you." Once she spoke, Sebastian glanced at Blaine who merely smiled. "Dad knows I'm right."

"Don't put me in the middle of this." Blaine retorted. "This is between the two of you."

"Do you realize how hard it was making a name for myself in my Dad's shadow, and he didn't even practice here in the city?" Sebastian asked. "It sucked. Seemingly everyone I came in contact with had a story about going up against him. And…."

"It pushed you."

"Yes, but at the same time I hated constantly being compared to him." Sebastian honestly told her. "I don't want you feeling that way about me."

"I'm already compared to you, Papa." Ainsley softly replied as she scooted closer to him. "It was one of your concerns when I decided to go to Columbia. I take being compared to you as the best compliment I can receive. It pushes me to…" She stopped as her phone went off. "Do you mind if I take it, it's Aaron, and it's a two-show day?"

"Of course, tell him we say hello." Sebastian replied, knowing the two of them didn't have the easiest schedules to navigate. Once she was out of the room, he reached for Blaine's hand. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Do you want her working for you or not?"

"I would love to have her, but…"

"Bas, her relationship with you is different than the one you have with your Dad. Particularly the one you had back when you started college. Back then, the two of you were still mending your relationship." Blaine said to him before sitting down beside him. "You inspired her to take this path she's on. Much as you know the importance of her making her own way, nothing wrong with a little guidance. And knowing how ruthless those in your field can be, I'd personally prefer knowing you, Hunter, and Thad were her mentors."

"I thought you were going to stay out of it."

"I am, you asked my opinion, which I gave. Deep down you know it's the best place for her." Blaine told him. "She's already in your shadow, much as Devon was in ours throughout high school. Don't try and tell me this is different"

"B, you yourself said my field is ruthless."

"It is, and who better to help her wade through it than you."

"People are going to think…"

"Screw what they think, if she's qualified, no reason she shouldn't take this opportunity." Blaine said to him. "You better than most know Hunter wouldn't have asked if she didn't believe she was capable."

"I know, I just wish he ran it by me first." Sebastian replied before he raked his fingers through his hair. "B…"

"Is that what this is about, who asked?" Hearing a subtle sigh, Blaine took ahold of his husband's hand. "Bas, having Hunter ask shows it's not…"

"He's her fucking Godfather, B, it could be viewed as nepotism either way."

"How did her name cross his desk?"

"Excuse me?" Sebastian thought for a moment, before protocol came to him. "It's not by name, it's a report based on credentials. None of us are given a name until we believe the candidate would be a good fit."

"So, Hunter's decision wasn't based on who she is, but what she's done up to this point." Sebastian sighed once again, before giving Blaine a kiss.

"I knew I married you for a reason, besides your great ass."

"Dad must've given you a different perspective." Ainsley said with a smile as she walked back in.

"What makes you say that?" Sebastian asked, smiling as he did so.

"History has shown you tend to tell Dad you married him for more than his ass when he's right." A response which made Blaine laugh aloud. "See, I'm right." Sebastian looked at Blaine who couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

"Seriously, she refers to your ass and you're smiling?"

"She referred to it, in a manner you have numerous times over the years. You simply didn't realize she or the others might've heard you."

"And here I thought I'd been careful with what I said."

"You were." Ainsley assured him. "I didn't pick up on it until probably my junior year. And, I don't know if Devon or Juliette ever have."

"Makes me feel a little better." Sebastian replied. "And you're right, your Dad helped me see the situation another way. I would love nothing more than to have you come and work at…" He didn't get to finish as she wrapped her arms around him, before giving him a kiss. "Just so you know, I won't go easy on you."

"When have you ever?"

"She's got a point." Blaine said in response. "Now that this is settled, let's eat."

"I'll be…"

"You're staying, I made more than enough."

"Dad, I already interrupted what was clearly…"

"You heard him, and you know he's not going to take no for an answer." Sebastian said before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Do you feel better now?"

"I do." Ainsley replied before they went to help. "I didn't want this hanging over us at Christmas."

"Speaking of Christmas, you did warn Aaron things get a bit crazy around here, right?" Blaine said to her once they were seated.

"Yes, though it came as no surprise, he's met almost everyone."

"Knowing us all is one thing, Christmas is another." Sebastian replied after taking a bite. "This will be the first time he's going to be dealing with the entire family, in one setting."

"Is that your way of saying Uncle Coop can be embarrassing." Blaine instantly set his silverware down, and looked at his daughter. "What?"

"My brother is not…" Blaine stopped when Sebastian cocked his head at him. "Never mind."

"I love Uncle Coop, you know that. But I also know he can't resist the chance to embarrass those he loves."

"She's got a point, B, after all he's been doing it our entire relationship."

"I know. I'll talk to him."

"Dad, I think we're good as he couldn't stop raving about Aaron's performance when he came to the show. "

"It's not Aaron I'm concerned about, it's the rest of us." Blaine told her. "I don't want him making a comment which could scare him away. We're pretty blunt, sometimes too much so."

"Dad, we've been together long enough, Aaron understands. He likes how comfortable we all are, that we don't pretend to be something else when he's around." Ainsley assured him. "I do need to ask, would you be more comfortable if…"

"No." Sebastian said before she could even finish. "It would be hypocritical if we objected." A statement which Blaine agreed with. "You're not a child anymore, all we ask is, we're not aware of what could possibly be happening behind closed doors."


"This is your Papa you're talking to, did you expect a less direct answer?" Blaine said, before taking a sip of his wine.

"Not really, I…" She paused as Sebastian took ahold of her hand.

"If that was too blunt, I apologize. Yes, your Dad would've been a bit more tactful, yet the point would be the same,

"For the record, he completely understood if you felt more comfortable putting him up in the guest room." Blaine and Sebastian simply looked at one another. "I wouldn't have." Hearing her Dads laugh, Ainsley could only smile. "Thank you."

"While you'll always be our little girl, we know you're an adult." Sebastian told her. "So, we're not going to treat you like a child." He then looked at Blaine. "Anything you'd like to add?"

"Not really." Blaine replied, as Sebastian refilled their glass. "Why does it seem as though there's something else you want to talk to us about?"

"Probably because I'm still processing how well all this went. Though to be honest, I was stressing more about my conversation with Papa, than about whether Aaron was going to be allowed to stay in my room."

"Which should remind you, don't ever be afraid to talk to us, about anything." Blaine said to her. "While the topics have changed over the years, we're always going to be here for you, even if we might not be on the same page."

"He's right." Sebastian added. "No matter how grown you become, we'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"That's something I've never doubted." Ainsley told them. "Even when I've upset you, by acting a bit, impulsive." Sebastian looked at Blaine, and it was evident he knew exactly what she was referring to. "I only did that, because I didn't want either of you dragged back into that pettiness. And while you told me it wasn't my place, you taught us family always has one another's backs."

"Yet, you were nervous?"

"Because I wanted to work with Papa, yet was afraid he…"

"I never wanted you to feel that way, I…"

"It was a miscommunication, Papa, we each had our reasons." Ainsley said to him. "I should've known better, and if I had doubts, talked to Dad who would've told me how wrong I was."

"He's good at that." Sebastian teased, before leaning over to give Blaine a kiss. "Never a day goes by that I'm not reminded how lucky I am."

"The feeling is mutual." Blaine said. "And judging by her expression, someone told her not to doubt you. Am I correct?" Ainsley nodded. "Aaron?"

"He did, but so did Joce, as she came by the same day Uncle Hunter made his offer. Told me, I misread your reaction, yet…"

"It hurt, that I didn't instantly embrace the idea." Sebastian replied, to which she nodded. "Again, I'm sorry. If I could go back in time, I…"

"You'd been in court all day, Papa, on a case which had been stressing you out."

"That's no excuse."

"But it is, and I shouldn't have taken your reaction so personally."

"You do realize, you're going to see that side of him more often, if you work at the firm, right?" Blaine said to her. "He'll treat you as another associate, not his daughter. The same goes for Thad and Hunter, who when they're focused on work, can all be asses, no offense."

"None taken, because it's true." Sebastian replied. "If you ever doubt where we stand, talk to me. The only way this is going to work, is if we're honest with each other. Deal?"

"Deal." Ainsley told him. "Now that we've settled that, have the two of you finished your shopping?"

"For the most part, yes, but you know us, always picking things up till the day before." Blaine said in response. "You?"

"Aside from getting one more thing for Devon, I believe so." She said in response. "You wouldn't mind if I dropped our things off ahead of time, do you?"

"Of course not, we used to do the same." Sebastian replied. "Simply put them in your room. What day are you and Aaron coming to stay?"

"I believe the twenty-first, but I'll double-check the date with him tonight. That's not too early, right?"

"Of course not." Blaine told her, before watching her get up from her seat, and take her plate to the sink. "Have some place to be?"

"No, but I don't want to intrude on yours and Papa's night anymore." Ainsley stated as she washed her plate. She then looked to the side where dessert sat. "Mind if I come by tomorrow and get a slice or two?"

"Just take it with you now." Blaine replied, making her smile before she turned to cut a couple of slices. "Should I add it to the Christmas menu?"

"Was it not there?" Sebastian asked, as it had been his absolute favorite since the first time Blaine made it.

"Make two Dad, or better yet, wait till I'm here, I want to help." Ainsley told him. "Mine still don't turn out as good as yours."

"That can be arranged." Blaine said, before she came over and gave them each a hug and a kiss. "Thank you again for dinner, and dessert. I will now be going, so you two can enjoy the rest of your night. I love you, bye!"

Once she disappeared around the corner, Sebastian slipped his arm around Blaine. "For all our fears over the years, we did good, Killer." He then pressed a kiss a top Blaine's head. "Are you okay?"

"I am, though, we're we that caught up in each other, that she…"

"No, but we've never been shy about being affectionate around our kids. Ainsley's old enough to understand the importance of quality time, alone together. Something we didn't get much of over the years raising three fabulous kids, aside from when we went on vacation, without them. I wouldn't exchange those years for anything, I also won't apologize for needing time with my husband."

"Neither would I." Blaine said, before turning to give him a kiss. "So, how about you go and check the door, then get comfortable while I clean up."

"Then what do you have in mind."

"Guess you're going to have to wait and see, but I can promise you, you won't be disappointed." Sebastian smiled, before giving him one more kiss before getting up. "And Bas, give Hunter a call."

"Was already planning on it, as I don't want to be interrupted again."