Hello, there, everyone! Jorden the Jynx here.
So, my life in shambles as always, I finally have found myself in the state of mind that I can write again.
My first assignment is to revise this fanfiction. I'm putting my next book on hold and I'm going to take some time to handle the stories that gave me the courage to attempt publication in the first place.
I won't be changing anything major, I promise. I hope you enjoy.
Please R&R, no flames.
Chapter One: Lonely Day / Hear You Me
The bar had never been so dreary in all of its days.
Most of Central Command was gathered here tonight, drinking to the honor of Maes Hughes. The air was smoky and crowded with Amestris military uniforms-this was frightening enough to some that there were hardly any civilians in the building at all. The barstaff didn't complain; business was business and money was money.
A disgruntled, depressed Colonel sat at in a corner booth beside his faithful lieutenant. He was well into a bottle of bourbon, his head slumped and his face covered by a mess of ebony hair.
"Sir…" Lieutenant Hawkeye began.
"I know, I know…" he interrupted, trying to straighten up. "He was her godfather, after all…"
A small stage lit the back of the bar. On this stage, a girl sat on a stool, holding what she called an "acoustic guitar." She wore a black dress, as she had only just returned from the cemetery herself. Her hair was like that of a raven and her eyes were emerald; her body was slender and her skin porcelain. Behind her, a man with another guitar had his back to her.
She craned her neck to speak into the microphone. "My name is Rhoswen," she said, not waiting for anyone to quiet down before she continued: "To most of you here, Maes Hughes might have been some guy who worked in the Investigations department, and he was obnoxious and never knew when to shut his damn mouth." A few soldiers chuckled. "But, no matter how much of a lunatic he was, Maes Hughes was dedicated to not only his family, but also to Amestris. No one could doubt that. He was a man who deserved more respect than anyone else I can think of here in Central. And if you weren't a personal friend of his, I hope that one day you can experience someone just like him one day, so you'll know what true kindness is."
She began to strum casually on her guitar, and spoke again, "I wrote a couple of songs for him once I found out what had happened. I hope he can hear them. This is from myself and my father."
Jean Havoc and Sergeant Breda took sips of their whiskey, sitting at the bar. "You know," Breda said, "that girl looks really familiar. Is she military?"
Havoc shook his head. "No, I'd recognize a pretty face like that. Maybe a relative is, though." He stood, his stool scraping the ground behind him as it was pushed back. "We should probably go check on the Colonel."
The young woman on stage took a breath before she began. Meanwhile, Hawkeye was whispering to Colonel Mustang: "At least lift your head so you can hear her, sir."
[A/N: Rhoswen, Rhoswen w/ backup vocals, backup vocalists only]
"Such a lonely day, and it's mine
"The most loneliest day of my life
"Such a lonely day should be banned
"It's a day that I can't stand"
[The backup began to play with her for the chorus]
"The most loneliest day of my life
"The most loneliest day of my life"
"Such a lonely day shouldn't exist
"It's a day that I'll never miss
"Such a lonely day, and it's mine
"The most loneliest day of my life"
"And if you go… I wanna go with you
"And if you die… I wanna die with you
"Take your hand and walk away…"
"Colonel Mustang, how're you holdin' up?"
Charcoal eyes met with the eyes of Jean Havoc. The Colonel blinked stupidly. "I think I've had better days, Havoc," he replied. "How about yourself?"
"Same here, sir." Havoc sighed, his eyes going to the stage. "Who's the girl? She seems to have known Hughes pretty well."
Mustang didn't answer. He supposed the truth had to come out at some point, anyway.
"The most loneliest day of my life
"The most loneliest day of my life"
"The most loneliest day of my life…"
"Such a lonely day, and it's mine
"It's a day I'm glad I survived…"
Some clapped, others cried. She sighed again, letting everyone quiet back down before speaking again. "I'm afraid that I can only play one more song tonight before I join everyone else," she said. "I'm afraid that I need a drink."
She heard a few of the soldiers chuckle, and one of them "whoo-ed" in appreciation. "First I need to say something, about Gracia, Maes's wife. She's my godmother, as he was my godfather. I know there's no way for me to understand how she's feeling right now. She isn't here, but I know she knows that I'll be there for her and her daughter if she needs me. I wish there was something more I could do than play this music." Rhoswen sniffled and closed her eyes, her head falling slightly forward. "I wrote this song for them; they were the most beautiful couple I'd ever seen. I hope that one day I can experience what they had. And I hope that this is enough for Gracia, because this music is all I have to offer."
She began strumming on her guitar again; this time everyone was tuned in to listen to the tearful young woman on the stage.
Godfather, huh?" Breda commented. "Interesting-I didn't think Hughes had any friends besides the Colonel and Fullmetal."
Both Mustang and Hawkeye looked at their drinks in silence.
"There's no one in town I know
"You gave us some place to go
"I never said 'thank you' for that
"I thought I might get one more chance"
"So what would you think of me now
"So lucky, so strong, so proud
"I never said 'thank you' for that
"And now I'll never have a chance"
"May angels lead you in
"Hear you me, my friends
"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go
"May angels lead you in"
"Her voice is pretty decent," Havoc said quietly. Maybe I should ask her out on a date-when the mourning period ends, you know."
Under the table Colonel Mustang was making a fist, resisting the urge to burn his colleague alive.
"So what would you think of me now
"So lucky, so strong, so proud?
"I never said 'thank you' for that
"And now I'll never have a chance"
"May angels lead you in
"Hear you me, my friends
"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go
"May angels lead you in"
[She still had a few tears on her face]
"May angels lead you in"
"May angels lead you in"
"May angels lead you in"
"May angels lead you in"
For the first time that night, Mustang looked up at the stage. Rhoswen had been known for her voice. He'd gone to every one of her performances at the theaters in Central when he had the time. Her alchemy was used for special effects during plays and musicals, and it was impressive. She enjoyed theatrics more than politics any day.
Of course, he was the only person in this bar that knew those things. Hughes had, too, at one point… but it was much too late for that.
"And if you were with me tonight
"I'd sing to you just one more time"
[Rhoswen begins to cry, her voice breaking and now beyond her control]
"A song for a heart so big
"God couldn't let it live"
"May angels lead you in
"Hear you me, my friends
"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go
"May angels lead you in"
"May angels lead you in
"Hear you me, my friends
"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go
"May angels lead you in"
"On sleepless roads, the sleepless go
"May angels lead you in"