I have permission to have a story with a similar start to Harry Potter, fifth year headmaster. I only plan on using the part of the first chapter and only the first chapter. It will be, eventually, placed in Japan.

The Birth Of Lady Mana

"When I was woken today, I didn't know who or what had caused me to wake. I reconnected to myself, and looked over the information that has been stored within my walls. I was dismayed to find how much things had changed since my creation. My priorities were twofold. I had to cleanse the castle of the Ministry's corruption, and I had to appoint a Headmaster who would make the changes necessary to return Hogwarts to its former glory."

"The type of person I thought able to do this had to have several characteristics, and so I developed a list of requirements for my potential Headmaster or Headmistress. Those requirements included someone who would be willing to work with all of the houses equally; someone with compassion, able to empathize with the plights of others, and yet not let that get in the way of doing what needs to be done. They needed to be powerful enough to hold the wards, and they needed to be able to stand up to any opposition, even the Ministry, if it was required. I also wanted someone who was willing to change things, but also willing to keep some of the old traditions. They needed to be flexible and willing to work with all sorts of people, species, and creatures. Do you understand what sort of person I was looking for?"

"Yes ma'am," Harry replied, "And I think that you've got the right sort of requirements if you're looking for someone who will make drastic, but fair, changes."

"Exactly, Harry!" exclaimed Hogwarts in delight. "Well, I went through the professors' files first with those requirements firmly in mind, but was disappointed to find that no one would be able to meet them; most couldn't even meet half of them!"

"Really?" questioned Harry, startled. "I would have thought that McGonagall or Flitwick would fit the bill perfectly."

"They were the best candidates among the staff," agreed Hogwarts with sorrow in her voice. "Unfortunately, they are too set in their ways, and they both have several other things against them. McGonagall is slightly prejudiced against Slytherin, though she tries not to let it show or affect her actions, and Flitwick would be unwilling to stand up to the Ministry, rightly fearing that they would take out their wrath upon his Goblin brothers. It is also a sad fact that many would not listen to him because of his mixed heritage. It was then that I moved on to the students. I started with the seventh years and, when I didn't find any candidates there, continued working my way down through the years hoping to find someone who would meet all of the requirements."

"The students?" gasped Harry in shock, "Why would you choose a student as a Headmaster?"

"Because," Hogwarts replied amiably. "It's what is needed. More than an adult, more than anything, the school needs someone, anyone willing to clean things up. If anyone is in a position to judge what this school needs, it is I. However, I have to admit that the founders never saw this happening. They didn't realize that my psyche would develop enough to look past the fact that a Head was needed. They didn't think I would decide that a certain type of Head was needed and, that being the case, assumed that I would choose the Deputy Head as the next in the 'line of succession,' so to speak. If the Deputy wasn't able to take over the school, one of the other teachers would surely do. I suppose they also assumed that the students would all be too immature to do the job properly, and for good reason. Luckily, there are a few who are mature enough to handle it. The fail-safe, in case none of my residents were suitable, was that the school building would be put in the control of the current government, while the diamond, which really are what make up the soul of Hogwarts, would be transported elsewhere and begin to create a new school."

Harry had no idea what to say to this. Hogwarts revert to the Ministry's control and no longer be Hogwarts? Unthinkable! There must be something he could do to help?

"Lady Hogwarts," said Harry. He was nervous, but there had to be something he could do! "Is there anything I can do to help? Please, I don't want you to have to leave and start over!"

"Thank you Harry," Hogwarts was pleased with his offer. "I have something you can help me with; you'll understand in a moment."

Harry was relieved that there was something he'd be able to do. He smiled brightly and happily replied, "Yes ma'am!"

She continued, "I made it through the seventh years, but could not find anybody who met the requirements. So, I moved on to the sixth year students. Again, I couldn't find anybody; I was starting to get worried. Any younger than fifth year and it was likely that they wouldn't have the maturity to handle the position of Headmaster or Headmistress of Hogwarts. Also, I doubt that even the most mature first years would go along with the idea of being the head of a school they'd only been attending for a few months," she added with amusement. Harry snickered at the idea of one of the younger years being asked to become Head of Hogwarts. He could just see the look on their faces!

"Thankfully," said Hogwarts with relief evident in the tone of her voice, "I was able to find someone among the fifth years. They fit all of my requirements. I think they could probably handle it on their own, but it would be a struggle. In fact, I think I'm going to insist that they ask for help from other people and share the burden. I think they'll be the best Head the school has ever seen!"

Harry perked up. "Who is it?" Suddenly, Harry remembered that she said there was something he could help her with. "Oh! I bet it's Hermione! Do you want me to be on the committee to help her?"

Hogwarts shook her head at how clueless he was. "No, Harry, it's not Hermione. It's you. Harry, I want you to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I sincerely believe that you are perfect for the position!"

"What?" Harry asked faintly as he slumped into his chair.

"Harry," soothed the school. "You are my candidate for the Headmaster position." She could see that Harry was starting to recover from his shock, so she hurried on. "I know you're surprised, so let me explain my reasoning."

Harry forcibly kept himself from protesting, instead nodding his head. He figured listening was the least he could do before he refused outright.

"You have saved the school numerous times; you're willing to break the rules in defense of others. You don't fight unless provoked; if you are provoked, you're willing to finish it. You are a halfblood from a Most Ancient and Most Noble House, but were raised with muggles.

You get along with almost everybody; you obviously care about people and easily forgive them when they show they are truly sorry. When the Ministry-appointed professor proved inadequate, you began teaching your peers, even when the Ministry made it illegal. You're powerful, you'll work hard when you think it's worth it, and you're willing to stand up for what you believe in even when it seems like the whole world is calling you a liar. You are friends with a house-elf and you try to treat everyone equally. Best of all, several portraits in the library have heard you speaking insistently with your friends about the changes you feel must be made, as they would make Hogwarts better and safer for the students."

Hogwarts finished her recital of Harry's file to a thoroughly blushing Harry. She was also relieved to see that he no longer looked like he was going to refuse her proposition immediately. "Do you understand now, Harry, why I thought you would be perfect?" she questioned gently.

"But… I didn't do any of those things alone!" Harry stuttered in protest. "I had loads of help from my friends!"

"Yes," said Hogwarts. "And you'll still be doing this with 'loads of help' from others; the only difference is that, in this case, you will always be the one making the final decisions. But, then again," she added slyly, "Isn't that the way it's always been?"

"But Madame Hogwarts," called Harry in desperation. "I can't even manage my own life! How can you suggest that I try to run a school like Hogwarts on top of that? And what about my own classes? What will I do to graduate if I am going to be busy running the school? And have you even thought about how absurd it is for me to be graduating from a school I'm in charge of?"

At the moment he said this Lucius Malfoy stormed into the room and glared at the Hat spitefully. "Lady Hogwarts, I am declaring exert number 189 of Hogwarts Charter. We want you out of this school immediately. You have an hour to leave the grounds."

Harry looked to Lady Hogwarts with worry. "Alistair, we have a problem." Lady Hogwarts looked through her memories and found that Harry had enough money to build her anew and that Japan had major need of a wizarding school. "Never mind. My friend please inform Harry to have Dobby pack his bags and meet me at the gate. Tell him that I am an enchanted doll formed like a human. Best of luck, ole friend!" Lady Hogwarts- now christened Mana- speed back to her body and called Winky the house elf to get her a cloak.

Harry on the other hand was surprised to hear the actual hat give him the Lady's instructions, "Harry, the Lady has asked you to have Dobby pack your belongings and meet her physical representation, an enchanted human doll, at the school gates. Best wishes to you, Lad." Harry exited the office to obey the Lady and called out, "Dobby!"

A loud pop later and a threadbare, pillowcase dressed elf appeared, "Yes, great Harry Potter, sir? May Dobby be of aid?" The elf was about three feet tall and seemed to have a natural skin tone somewhere between a greenish, gray and a pale cream color. Harry knelt and hugged the house elf close with fear of of the school being ruined. "Dobby has missed you too, Harry Sir. But Dobby thought that Harry Sir needed something?"

Harry stood back up and wiped his tears, "Lady Hogwarts told me to ask you to pack my belongings and meet both of us at the school gates. But I don't know where the school gates are. Your old master told Lady Hogwarts that he was ordering Exert 189 of the Hogwarts Charter, what does that mean?" Harry grew more worried when Dobby teared up too.

Taking a deep breath Dobby began, "Dobby is afraid that the great Harry Potter is no longer safe here," looking back and forth Dobby grabbed Harry and aparated to Harry's dorm room and quickly used magic to begin packing. "Dobby is afraid that Exert 189 is the decree saying that the parent of a student can tell the Lady to leave. Lady now has a new name, Dobby feels sad that the Lady is going so Dobby is quitting Dobby's job to go with Harry Sir and Great Lady School. Hold onto Dobby's hand and we will meet the Lady at the gate."

Harry reached out his hand and soon found himself outside a gate with someone in a rich green robe holding a rich red robe out to him. "Glad you could get away, Headmaster Harry of Mana Institute of Magics and the Arcane in Japan. But first we should go to Gringotts to get the money in all fifteen of your vaults settled. Dobby, if you please after he has the robe on." Harry realized that they were waiting on him and pulled on the robe and noticed two more hidden under it. The robe shrunk to fit him by the time he seen Griphook standing in front of him.

Harry was relieved to see Griphook since he knew him. "May your enemies be bloodied as you pass, Goblin soldier." he turn to Lady Mana with a questioning look. He didn't know why she said that but before he could question her Grip hook cackled. The sound caught Harry by surprise since it seemed to be filled with a sadistic glee. Looking at Griphook he noticed a strange gleam in his eyes and decided he would never tell a goblin anything similar to the words she spoke.

Griphook replied, "And may your wealth multiply greatly, Lady. May I ask what you need? I assume you have important business in order to aparate here with a house elf. No?" Harry was looking at Griphook when Lady Mana pulled down her hood and seen the shock written across Griphook's face. "My Lady... Have they kicked you out...? If they have then I fear for the wizarding world's safety, most certainly the children and their safety out of all of them. And who is the boy beside you?"

Harry glanced at Lady Mana before deciding to talk as the headmaster. Taking off his own hood he smiled at Griphook. "Good evening, Griphook. The woman behind me has told me that I am going to be headmaster of a school in Japan and that I have fifteen vaults of gold to fund it. I would like to speak with someone who controls access to my vaults, a financial planner, someone who knows about the types of classes around the world and someone who knows about Japan's Wizarding world, please." Griphook looked startled that he was chosen as headmaster but decided he wasn't joking. He motioned them toward a conference room and left once they were seated.

Lady Mana turned to Harry and started drilling goblin etiquette into his head. "Harry, I want you to know how to be polite to the goblins so I will drill you while we wait. If you ever want something done in the best way with the best quality you need to use etiquette to earn their respect. I told Griphook, as you called him, 'May your enemies be bloodied as you pass, Goblin soldier.' Goblins are a race of warriors so anything that seems to praise their skill tends to be seen as respectful. I called him a goblin soldier since he didn't have a ranking badge. These are the ranking badges."

There was two rows of four pictures. The first picture depicted a goblin in an office doing paperwork. The second one had a goblin tending to owls, third was a goblin with a statistics chart. In the second row was a big goblin in front of a group of goblins, next was a goblin in a filling room full of records. The last row only had two pictures, a nurse goblin and a bigger than usual goblin with a fancy desk, suit, and wearing headgear. There was another picture that was bigger under the second row that had a picture of a king goblin.

"First picture, first row has the second rank known as the eighth rank, so someone wearing this symbol would be greeted as upper goblin soldier, the one with owls is the seventh ranked and would be greeted as messenger goblin. The goblin with a chart is sixth rank and called accountant goblin, the goblin in front of other goblins is fifth rank and Manager goblin. The goblins in the filling room is forth ranked and called the records goblin, the next is the healer goblin and after that is the lord goblin. Lastly is the goblin king of Britain. Are you with me?" Harry nodded since it seemed fairly simple to him.

"Good! Next thing you should know is that British Goblins love money and saying something like what Griphook said to a goblin while giving him a galleon can help gain respect and favor." at this moment an accountant goblin, manager goblin, records goblin and a lord goblin stepped into the room with puzzlement, it seemed, about what Lady Mana was doing here. Harry decided to try to greet them after Lady Mana.

"May your battle scars show true, accountant goblin, manager goblin, records goblin, and goblin lord." The group of goblins looked at him and stared as if thinking about whether or not he was serious. The goblin lord broke the growing tension by laughing and speaking to his fellow goblins who nodded to him afterward. The goblin turned to Harry and nodded before he sat down. "... I need help according to Lady Mana who was once Lady Hogwarts. She says that she made me headmaster and that we are starting a school in Japan. I would be grateful if you helped me settle any business that needs tending to and I am willing to pay extra if the 'fifteen vaults' the Lady mentioned are real. I would also appreciate it if I was taught how to manage a school and if I was told of anything extra that might help."

"Well met, Harry Potter. I am glad that there is still one wizard who respects us goblin today. Griphook went to get a message to Japan to get a house elf here and to the Sorcerer Supreme who will hopefully come meet you. The Sorcerer Supreme is actually Merlin's mind and soul sealed inside of a gem installed in a puppet. He goes by Jack to prevent people from realizing that he is still alive but he is goblin friend so he will have no problem taking a liking to you. I know that there might be a problem with the ministry so we need you to try on a certain ring. It is the Potter Lord Ring and it will decide if you are emancipated by law." Another goblin walked in holding a velvety box with a soft padding inside that held a ring with a similar design to the Gryffindor banner in Hogwarts. It showed a lion holding a wand in one paw and a sword in the other.

Harry looked to Lady Mana who nodded encouragingly before reaching for the ring. "Here goes nothing." Harry gently lifted the ring from the cushion and held it in his palm. He looked at the goblins and realized that being a Lord's ring wearing it might come with work. "If I am right I will have responsibilities if the ring chooses to emancipate me. I trust that there will be someone who is willing to explain if that happens?" the goblin Lord nodded politely and Harry sighed as he gently slide the ring onto his hand.

The ring started to glow brightly as Harry heard a voice in his head. Your greatest strength is your ability to feel love, despite having a miserable childhood of neglect. You are extremely loyal to and protective of your loved ones, and that love will allow you to overcome Voldemort. You are perfectly prepared to put your friends' needs and best interests first. The amount of trust that you place into your friends is strong. The closeness that you feel for many is great enough for you to behave violently should any of them get harmed. You are an extremely brave, loyal, and selfless person who possesses tremendous strength of character. You are also very strong-willed and unafraid to stand up for yourself. You have an unusually strong sense of yourself and your morals.

You have never sought power, and would be content with a normal life, when the situation required you to step up, such as when you, Ron and Hermione discovered Voldemort and Quirrell's attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone, or your time as teacher/leader of Dumbledore's Army, you have shown not-inconsiderable leadership abilities, to the point thatyou are a better leader than than Dumbledore as you never sought power for yourself but simply had to assume the mantle of leadership due to circumstances beyond your control and found in the process that you do it well. I see you as someone who is struggling to do the right thing, who is not without faults, who acts impetuously as you would expect someone of your age to act, but who is ultimately a very loyal person, and a very very courageous person. You have qualities that I admire most I would say youare a good role model. That doesn't mean that you are saintly, but then frankly, who is? But I see enough of your inner life, the workings of his mind in the books to know that you are ultimately human, struggling to do the right thing, which I think is admirable.

I declare Harry James Potter as the Potter Lord! Harry woke up on the floor as if he had been having a seizure and noticed that Dobby was histerical. "DOBBY MUST HELP MASTER POTTER! LET DOBBY THROUGH YOU STUPID RING! DOBBY DOESN'T WANT THE GREAT HARRY POTTER TO BE HURT AND YOU IS HURTING HIM! WWAAAAGGGGHHHHH! Wha? Harry Sir! Is Harry alright? Does Harry need Dobby to get a doctor? Lady School! Help Dobby tend to Harry Sir!" Harry was trying to talk to Dobby but with his constant ramblings he decided to clamp his hand over his mouth.

Dobby looked him in the eye before pulling him close and hugging him causing him to begin bawling. Harry had forgotten about the ring and so had Dobby but Lady Mana and the goblins noticed that the ring had changed to fit his finger and that the ring now had a rich red background. Harry eventually decided that calming words were needed for his friend and started whispering to him in an attempt to calm him down. However, since he heard screaming from the room the goblin king, Ragnarok had rushed inside and witnessed Harry's love for his house elf. Ragnarok decided to wait, watch, and judge Harry and see if he truly cared as much as he looked.

Soon there was only low whimpers coming from Dobby and Harry turned to Lady Mana, "We need a handkerchief for him." She nodded before conjuring a big cloth and giving it to Harry, he, in turn, gave it to Dobby and gently admonished him. "Dobby, its going to be okay. The ring was just talking to me and she was being polite. If you worry so much about me I might have to buy you a bunch of calming droughts to help you keep calm. I'm fine, if you want you can search me and-EEPP!"

The goblins began to snicker since the house elf had stolen Harry's clothes and was searching him inch by inch as he was given permission to do. Harry was in the meanwhile blushing to the roots of his hair and stuttering horridly. "DOBBY! NOT HERE, WE ARE IN PUBLIC!" Ragnarok gave a hearty laugh at the boy's dilemma causing the goblins in the room to stand and go into a soldier's attention pose. Harry upon seeing him quickly greeted him, "Hel-lo, maay your en-enemies be blood-ied as you pass, Goblin King?" once Harry said his tittle Dobby quickly spelled his clothes back on before transfiguring them into formal wear. Turning to the king he bowed low and stayed there.

Harry figuring that Dobby's example was the best to follow also bowed low and stayed there after glancing to make sure that he was in the same position. Most of the goblins twitched thinking that he must have been raised as a muggle before Ragnarok strode purposely up to Harry and lifted him up. "I love that fact that you are trying to be respectful but you are going a bit far. Yes, your Dobby is doing the same thing but house elves tend to try to be highly respectful in general and cannot often be swayed from their ways. And yes, I know you were raised by muggles but not even they do something like that in this day and age." Harry tried to keep his attention on the goblin instead of the pair of ravens who seemed intelligent as they watched and listened. "- And I must praise you effort to act as such, young man. Since your are guest and polite I will grant you an audience at this very moment to plead for what you need. You may begin."

Harry knew that he had to tread lightly so he began by telling the Goblin King, Ragnarok, what happened at Hogwarts. "... and that is what has happened thus far. I realize that I need capable teachers and that asking a goblin for help is best but I want to ask that Griphook be my Account Manager since I know him. Other than that I am willing to pay more than usual for help finding teachers, staff and spells that would aid in building a school in Japan along with a way to locate students as they experience accidental magic. If possible I think it would also be good to have a group of staff to go to the homes during the accidents from muggleborns to explain. I want a good school that may be ranked in the top ten in the world. Plus having a list of possible classes to choose from would be beneficial to the students if there are more options with more experience, like Warding. I know that your people are smarter than the pureblood wizards so I am asking you to help. I await your advice."

Ragnarok carefully eyed Harry and upon realizing that Japan was an area out of freedom for goblins he decided to pay house elves and wizards from around the world to make his school. Thinking on it more he decided to speak with Harry about how he thinks house elves should be treated. "Harry, why don't you abuse Dobby like a pureblood would? Why is so special about house elves?" Harry reeled back in a mixture of anger and suspicion while glaring at the goblin king.

"Don't you ever suggest that he should be a slave again," the room started to shake and soon shook more and more violently as he continued his rant. "Dobby is my friend and I'll never let anyone abuse him. I was often treated as a house elf myself by my muggle family. No one should ever be a slave and if you dare to insist that I treat him as such I will start a riot centered around the bank. Am I clear?" The shaking grew quickly into a crescendo before Dobby hugged Harry and sobbed tears of relief of both of their freedom knowing that neither of them would have to act as slaves again.

Harry blinked as if he had been hypnotized and looked at Dobby as he held him close. Ragnarok clapped his hands with pride confusing both Harry and Dobby. Lady Mana seemed to understand and clapped too startling the other goblins into clapping. "I am mighty sure that your ancestors would be proud of you, Harry. I asked you such because I plan to send ten of my more unruly goblins with you to Japan. In Japan, House elves are seen as holy and Goblins take the place of house elves. Thus, the goblins would belong to you as a punishment of their misdeeds. I just wanted to know that you would not abuse them as the British Purebloods abuse house elves, I found that you are the most trusted of my reasonable thoughts. Please forgive me for making you think I hate house elves, Lord Potter."

Harry and Dobby continued to hug each other as Harry nodded in understanding. He looked Ragnarok in the eye and told the truth as he seen it. "I forgive you, you just wanted to make sure that they would be treated well. Next time you plan to surprise me as such I ask that you let me know within ten days so that I might not react as badly. Please forgive me as well since I shouldn't have reacted as such."

Ragnarok seemed to be ashamed of resorting to such tactics to determine if his people would be safe with Harry and quickly wrote a note. Harry noticed that one of the ravens took off and disappeared mid-flight. This startled him but Lady Mana gently grabbed and squeezed his shoulder to stop him from informing the others. He reluctantly noticed the owl that came in to deliver Ragnarok's letter was big and bulky. It took off with a hoot called to the raven who cawed back a greeting.

Harry was surprised when nobody else noticed the owl and looked at Lady Mana to ask her. "Harry, as a spirit in a stone I am your familiar. That is why I notice the raven, who is servant to Odin, the King of the Norse Gods who rule this land. If you tell others of him he might not be pleased."

Harry realized that the raven was holy and nodded to the bird who nodded back. "Master Harry!" Dobby whispered with excitement. "Dobby sees the Raven! Harry sir is so lucky, Dobby will follow Sir everywhere since Harry sir is favored!"

He was surprised when the other raven reappeared and both of them glided down to land in front of the goblin king. Everyone quietened upon seeing the birds until Harry asked the birds, "Sorry, Holy ones, for being rude. Do you want me to get you some water and owl treats? I'm sure Hedwig won't mind and I'll buy her a special treat for sharing."

The ravens flew over to land on Harry's shoulders and cawed at him while one held out a letter. "Is this for me? Thank you, I'm sure your not used to being used for delivery so I'll take the two of you to buy you treats from Magical Menagerie and as thanks for delivering this to me I'll try to buy you both a ribbon that you like to wear if you want me to. I just ask that you give me time to settle my accounts-" Harry seen Dobby reach into his rags and pull out five galleons that he placed in Harry's hand.

"Dobby wants to pay since Dobby is grateful to be allowed to see Holy Ravens too. Dobby thinks Harry has enough to pay for a few boxes of treats with five galleons." Harry smiled and gently patted Dobby's head. Turning to Ragnarok he was about to ask to be excused.

"Harry, I think everyone in the room is willing to let you go buy them treats so you might as well read the letter, in case it is about going to Japan, and leave to get them their treats and toys. Agreed your Highness?" Lady Mana smiled at Harry while Ragnarok nodded once curtly.

"Holy Ravens of Odin, I ask for permission to read the letter aloud before we leave. May I?" The two ravens neatly and lovingly nibbled on his ear. "Thank you for your affection. Now for the letter:

Dear Harry James Potter of the Noble And Ancient House Of Potter,

My Name is Ren Yamashita, Head Priestess of the Karakura Town Shinto Temple and Practitioner of Witchcraft. I Have been informed by the Japanese goddess, Asyn of Wisdom and Learning, that we are to allow you to hire people to build a School for Witches, Wizards, and other magical beings to learn under our temple.

I have already started the goblins that serve our Shinto temple on clearing a place in the basement and tunneling a room to have the school building in. We will help interview teachers that our Goddess has suggested and we will send you the results of each interview so you and your associates may chose a proper teacher for each class. We will start with the basic classes and will need to have a list of all the classes by the end of the month. We have been told to make a dorm for a few who wish to reside at your school, however we have been told to suggest after school learning for those going to muggle school and to have collage like setting for older magicals who have been through all the necessary family training and muggle school.


Ren Yamashita"

Harry looked around and seen looks of awe from the goblins, tearful joy from Dobby, and serene pride from Lady Mana. He himself felt as if he was privileged. "I must truly thank you for delivering this, I'll try to buy you both a box of your favorite treats. Lady Mana, please help them start planing the classes so we can do as the priestess asked. If the goblins are willing to do such, that is."

The goblins assertively nodded with Lady Mana. Harry looked at the ravens to make sure that they were on his shoulder good before a goblin gave him a cloak. "This will hide your identity, no matter the spell used to reveal it. I suggest that you leave the founder's cloaks with Lady Mana so that they aren't stolen."

"Thank you, sir goblin. I'll return it upon my arrival back into the bank." Harry nodded to the goblin before turning and starting the trek to the highest level. He seemed to be lost when Griphook came upon him and recognized the cloak.

"Harry, this way. I'll lead you to the entryway so you can gather what you need." Harry quickly thanked him as he lead him to the foyer. He raised the hood and calmly walked out of the door and as he looked up he noticed that there wasn't many people around.

Walking down the street he looked at everything closer and found the store that Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, came from. Walking inside with the ravens he searched for the treats area. When the two birds flew off he decided to follow them. He walked in the general direction that the holy birds went and found them playing with a bird toy. They seemed fine with sharing it and when Harry went to get two they screeched at him. He understood them and placed the second one back on the rack. They flew over to the counter and Harry realized they might know somewhere else to get treats.

"Hello, I'd like to buy this treat for my owl. How much does it cost?" Harry asked the store clerk as he walked up to the counter. The store clerk looked at him and merely traded his Galleon for ten sickles. "Thanks."

Harry walked out with the ravens hovering along side him before they flew over and landed on a sign: Eeylops Owl Emporium. Harry walked over to the store and knowing that he might need to buy the school some messenger owls decided to look around on business too. Walking into the store he ducked as both ravens darted inside and flew to the treats section before flying back with three bags of both of their treats. Harry chuckled before he heard a gasp from the counter. The two ravens flew with the treats to the young girl before cawing in an innocent manner.

"Dear me! I'll ask the shop owner to give you a discount and explain that you are treating the eyes of Odin. He will understand." She walked into the back of the store while the ravens looked at each other before racing back and grabbing two of each kind they had on the counter. They arrived back just in time to startle the shop owner. They both cawed questioningly at him as he gaped at them.

"I'll Let you pay one-forth the regular price. How much do you plan to spend on them? Oh? Ten sickles and four galleons? Let's see..." the man read the prices on both bags and found them to be expensive. "I'll let you pay everything you have for twenty-five of each which would make you be paying one-twentieth the price. I'll allow it since the are holy and hardly ever visit just anyone. Plus since I have been graced with seeing them I find it a blessing to know you. If you ever need anything, let me know!" Harry was about to leave when the both pecked his ear and pointed out their feet.

The store owner understood the meaning of their behavior and waited for an explanation. "Please pardon me, I'm starting a school called Mana Institute of Magics and the Arcane in Karakura town, Japan. I think I'll need owls for the school, do you think you can help me figure out how many I'll need since it will be the only school in a very over-populated area? I've been told that they out-number us four to one and I'll need to compensate for that. Plus it will also be like a muggle college taking in anyone ages ten and up." The store owner seemed to realize that Harry was serious when the ravens bobbed their heads up and down as if confirming what was said.

"Of course I can! I'll even help you get your owls to your school if you want me to, I'll just need your name." Harry almost blanched until he realized that he was his own guardian.

"Please send them to the Guardian of Harry Potter. I'll pay you once my accounts are settled, but please wait to send me any for a while seeing that we will have to build the school first." The man gaped at him as he quickly wrote it down and wrote his own name on a paper.

"Mail me once you are ready for the owls." Harry nodded to the man as he worried about how the ravens would carry their treats. He looked up when a small trunk that would fit everything inside was placed in front of him. "I'm assuming that you worry that they won't be able to carry their treats? I'm giving them this trunk as a thanks for visiting but you might want to carry it so that nobody notices them. Good luck with your school!"

Harry waved as he walked out the door and headed towards Gringotts with the raven's trunk in hand. He looked in windows as he walked to the bank, he noticed a new broom in the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies and thought about having teams for quidditch as an extra activity. He decided to talk to the goblins about making an arena for the sport after he got back. He looked up again and found himself in front of Gringotts. Entering he found Griphook waiting for him.

"Hello, please follow me. We have settled the classes but we wasn't sure if we should add other activities or not seeing as they aren't really all that educational. But we have agreed to talk to you about it and see what you think." Harry nodded to him as they re-entered the conference room to find that Ragnarok was still there. "Your Highness, Lord Potter has returned." Griphook sat down to the right of Lady Mana and Harry sat to her left.

"I'm sorry for taking so long. I think that any extra activities that pertain to magic could be added, like quidditch if possible. Does anyone else have any ideas?" Harry turned to Lady Mana since the goblins did the same. "Did everyone come up with a list?" Lady Mana pulled out a list of classes and possible activities and handed them to him.

List of Extra Curricular Clubs

Medical club-(gives treatment to magicals, wounded/abandon children, wounded/abandon animals, wounded/abandon magical beings, wounded/abandon magical creatures, and authority figures of Japan. [The wounded/abandon will not have to pay except for volunteering somehow or helping to keep the place clean. The pay rates will be based on income levels, ability to volunteer, and if they are willing to help others who are in need of medical attention get to the medical club.])

Potions club-(makes potions for medical club, magicals, and other Japanese medical facilities.)

Flying club-(to learn how to fly brooms in case of emergencies.)

Enchanting club-(to make amulets, charms and other useful everyday items for anyone and special ordered items for magicals who have graduated, who are traveling to hazardous places, or that are approved by the head member and the Heads of each part of school involved.)

Potion Ingredients Gathering club-(to gather for sell and for potions club.)

Children Assistance Program-(helps children who have been abandon find good homes and teaches them things they will need to know about as they grow older. The children will be asked to help clean things, cook for the school, and to go to school once old enough. If they chose not to go to school they have the options of home schooling or independent studies. If they don't cook they have the options of planing health meals or helping to shop for the best quality produce. If they don't clean things they will have the options of finding the best cleaning supplies, making sure that the cleaning supplies are plentifully in stock or buying the cleaning supplies.)

Creature Assistance Program-(helps care for hurt/abandon/mistreated animals, magical creatures and magical beasts. Will coordinate with the sells club to advertise the sell of each pet to a good home.)

Sells club- (to sell potions, medical care, pets and enchanted items to anyone and potions ingredients and magical creatures & pets to magicals.)"

"I think that this is a good list but maybe we could also add a club to teach muggle-borns and muggle-raised children about the traditions of the magical world in Japan and the surrounding countries. That way they won't mess up like I did." Lady Mana clasp her hands together with a tender smile, knowing, just as the goblins did, that he didn't want anyone to mess up as bad as he did when he first arrived at Hogwarts.

Dobby, who Harry just noticed hadn't been there upon his return, clapped his hands with excitement. Lady Mana failed to hold in a mild chuckle at the sight of the tearful joy radiating from the small, loyal friend of her headmaster. "I think we can allow that, it would also be good if we had a part of that club to explain magic to the parents of the children at the first sight of accidental magic. That may make the parents more willing to send them to learn magic after they grow of age. They would have sent their children to Hogwarts if they had help with the problems that came from the magic when needed, so we should add a part to help parents too. Does anyone have any more ideas on this club?"

Everyone shook their heads and Lady Mana moved onto the next topic. "We need a school Motto and a reason for the motto. It can't be connected to Harry and it might be good if it had a spiritual connection. We will need a reason for the motto and it needs to be connected to learning. Yes Dobby?" Everyone had been watching him jump up and down with his hand raised high in the air until he was called on.

"Dobby thinks that 'Nothing is true, Everything is permitted' would be a good motto. Mana will be a place of learning that should encourage students to explore their powers and abilities since Mana will be a safe and structured place. Plus Dobby knows that things shouldn't be taken at a face value. What does Headmaster Harry, Lady Mana, and Goblin folk think of Dobby's idea?" Dobby was eager to know if his idea had merit and while the motto was decided by the founder everyone in the room knew that Harry would take everyone's thoughts on the matter into consideration.

Harry hugged Dobby firmly, "I think your idea is brilliant! I also want to hear everyone else tell their opinion of your idea, alright?" Dobby nodded with enthusiasm as he awkwardly hugged Harry back since he didn't have a long history of hugging people. "Lady Mana, since the motto will represent you I believe your consideration is the most important."

Lady Mana hummed in thought, "I believe that it will fit if we will allow testing of spells and potions to be done by creative students with supervision. Otherwise the decision is left to you." Harry Looked to the goblins to ask but they nodded one by one to agree with what Lady Mana said.

"Alright, now we should look around in different countries so we have diverse teachers. For the teachers who aren't already in Japan we will pay them more to teach but how much more? I know that we should base it on a percentage of how much the Japanese teachers are taught but I don't know the average pay rate for teachers. Does anyone have an idea of how much to pay the Japanese teachers since we will have to start with the native's payment prices first?" Harry asked everyone but suddenly an owl wearing battle armor flew into the room through a magic window that appeared in mid air. It flew over to Harry and held out a letter.

"I suppose that letter is for me, do you want me to ask Dobby to go buy you some owl treats and water? I'd hate to be rude to the messenger of anyone who is willing to help me get the school off the ground. King Ragnarok, I ask that we have three owl perches placed in here with a water bowl and owl treats for visiting messengers. I am willing to pay for the owl perches and owl supplies but I feel guilty that there have been three messengers who have come without being properly greeted." The goblins were surprised at the sight of the battle owl but seeing as Harry just felt bad about not having anything to give the owl he didn't notice the looks of shock radiating from the goblins and Dobby.

"Griphook, Please give Dobby the money from Harry's account to buy what he suggested and several extra galleons from my private vault to pay for entertainment for our avian visitors. If possible ask Dobby to get the best toys from Magical Menagerie and the snacks and supplies from Eeylops Owl Emporium. Get enough money from Harry's account to buy several types of treats since the owls might not like one kind as much as another. Dobby, please follow Griphook and once you have the money go buy five owl stands with food and water bowl attachments and five types of owl treats. Oh! Don't forget a toy rack attachment for three of the stands!" Griphook grabbed Dobby and raced from the room, eager to help treat the owl of Asyn, the Japanese Minor Shinto Goddess of Wisdom and Learning. Harry nodded in thanks to Ragnarok before turning to the battle owl.

"I'm not sure if you should be wearing that armor, are you hot or over heated?" The owl shook its head no to Harry's question, "Oh, I was about to worry! I don't like to be hot and over worked myself so I thought I'd ask just in case you wanted me to remove it. Now, I must ask that you stay to grab a treat since I'm probably the reason you was sent here, it is the least I can do for such a hard worker like yourself. In the meantime you can land on my shoulder so you don't have to get tired of flapping your wings while I read your letter." The owl let him take the letter while it tried to gently settle onto his shoulder without cutting him up too much.

"It says:

Dear Harry James Potter of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter,

My name is Asyn, the Japanese Minor Shinto Goddess of Wisdom and Learning and I want to thank you for starting a year around school in my homelands. I also wanted to inform you that I am willing to bless your school due to the visions I have had of the diverse classes and activities you are planing for your school. I have also looked at your past and I have seen many trials and tribulations that you have over come to make you into a wonderful person.

I and two other Japanese gods are willing to make the temple that your school will be under our residence for many reasons. I will list our names and reasons next. Other than us gods being at the temple I have seen that you will have other visiting gods and goddesses who visit your school. I suggest having the goblins who will be sent with you act as aids to keeping those residences clean and for gathering offerings from the student body and placing the offerings in the shrine rooms set asside for each god and goddess.

I, Asyn, will want to live at your school since you are starting a school for my minority people of my homeland. No one from another country cares about my people since they believe they place too much responsibility onto me and the other gods. In fact my people have been abandon by other allies several times and since I know that you seem to have a true heart of gold-or as I say 'a heart of diamond encased in gold'- you will not willingly abandon my people for any reason that is not justified.

Utdona, the Japanese Minor Goddess of Work is most certainly happy with you. I have told her that I see you paying House elves to work at your school in any form. She was surprised but seeing as she created the first house elf she was able to look into the memories of Dobby, your faithful friend. She wept with joy at the knowledge that not everyone in Britain abuses her favored people and has decided to bless your school with her power and presence.

Kyius, the Japanese Higher God of Success was contacted by both me and Utdona to plead for your case. He told me to place my visions of how much work you have done in the past and will do in the near future into a holy pensieve to view them at his pleasure. He has seen that you rarely depend upon the gods for help and that you tend to work very hard at what you believe in. He, Utdona and I will live at your school most of the time.

For visiting gods and goddesses of Japan we have the following for similar reasons: Umus, Major God of Prosperity; Giwana, Major Goddess of Fortune; Izanagi, the High God of Magic; Dahna, the Highest goddess of Heart and Love; Kyton, the High God of Benefiting Others; Omoikane, Highest Goddess of Wisdom and Intelligence; Tenjin, Highest God of Scholarship; Idaten, Minor god of speed; Inari, the Goddess of Rice; and Odin, Norse King of Gods and God of Magic, Wisdom, Wit and Learning. The reason that Dahna will visit is since you are one of those who have a rare strength of love. You love everyone even if they have abused you. Idaten will visit out of curiosity and teach you in particular after seeing that many gods favor you.

Thank you for accepting my letter and I hope that you go to Karakura Town High School while waiting for the school to be built.



Harry looked around the room before he noticed that everyone was standing tall and giving him even more looks of respect. King Ragnarok decided to ease Harry's embarrassment for him in a way that promoted him among the magical beings of the world. "Harry James Potter, I pronounce you Goblin Friend!"

Harry was about to decline when someone standing at the door clapped his hands. Harry looked and realized it was the enchanted puppet that housed Marlin's soul and mind. "Good job, kid! You may call me Jack. I've been told that you are looking into starting a school in Japan and since I have learned many types of magic from around the world I was planing on helping you with your school. Luckily for you I know a spell to find magicals in an area so I'll be able to get you your school's student book."

Jack walked inside with a Shinto House elf behind him. "I had to go get a certain house elf to help you study Japanese customs. For now I'd suggest the following list of classes based on proficiency and to raise the level of learning upon the student completing the set level of study. Here is the list, I've made fifty copies so everyone can see the classes I had planned."

Beginning & Introductory Level Courses

Introduction to English – Reading and Writing (Essays, Reports. etc.). Will include vocabulary, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling, and effective study habits and note-taking.

Introduction to Latin – Reading, writing, spelling, and speaking. Students are given the basics of the Latin language to help comprehend spells and the classifications of plants and animals.

Introduction to World History Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in ancient times. Class will cover up to the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark ages.

Introduction to Offensive/Defensive Magics – This class will include a physical fitness program, emergency procedures, and basic creatures and curses. Students will also cover the spells they are defending against, the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Introduction to Charms – This class will introduce the student to the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will include magical theory, wand movements, and everyday simple charms.

Introduction to Transfiguration – This class will introduce the student to the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along with wand movements and item-to-item association.

Introduction to Potions – This class will introduce the student to the world of potions and will include the rules of safety while brewing potions, ingredient reactions and preparations, and brewing simple potions for everyday life. This class will include effective note-taking for deductive testing and thesis work.

Beginning & Introductory Courses – Second Level

This year will be a continuation of first year in helping the students master the basics of all of the disciplines.

Introduction to English – Reading and Writing (Essays, Reports. etc.). Will include vocabulary from the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, sentence and paragraph structure, spelling, and effective study habits and note-taking.

Introduction to Latin – Reading, writing, spelling, and speaking. Students are given the basics of the Latin language to help comprehend spells and the classifications of plants and animals.

Introduction to World History – Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in the past. Class will cover the Dark ages and the beginnings of the split between the muggle and wizarding worlds.

Introduction to Offensive/Defensive Magics – This class will include a physical fitness program. Students will begin to learn how to use common jinxes, curses, and hexes as well as how to shield from them. The class will also go more in depth on the creatures they might encounter. Students will continue to cover the spells they will be defending against as well as the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Introduction to Charms– This class will introduce the student to the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will include magical theory, wand movements, and the slightly more complex charms one might use in everyday life.

Introduction to Transfigurations– This class will introduce the student to the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along with wand movements and item-to-item association. Students will start to move in to more complex transfigurations including larger inanimate items to smaller inanimate items.

Introduction to Potions – This class will introduce the student to the world of potions and will include ingredient reactions and preparations and brewing more complex yet still basic potions for everyday life. This class will include comparative studies on benign versus dangerous ingredients and how potions are affected by them and the continued education of deductive testing and potion creation.

Careers in the Wizarding World – This class will introduce the student to the numerous jobs and careers available to them once they graduate.

Intermediate Levels

Intermediate English/Latin – Students will continue to learn about the English and Latin languages including reading in writing in both languages, vocabulary from the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, sentence and paragraph structure, and spelling.

Intermediate World History Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in the past. Class will cover the Middle Ages and their impact on the relations between wizards and muggles.

Intermediate Offensive/Defensive Magics– This class will include a physical fitness program. Students will to learn how to use morecommon jinxes, curses, and hexes as well as perfecting their shields. The class will also cover more of the dangerous creatures they might encounter. Regular duel tournaments will also begin this year. Students will continue to cover the spells they are defending against as well as the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Intermediate Charms– This class will continue to cover the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will include magical theory, wand movements, and more complex charms.

Intermediate Transfigurations– This class will continue to cover the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along with wand movements and item-to-item association. Students will start to move in to more complex transfigurations including small animate to animate transfigurations.

Intermediate Potions – This class will delve more into the world of potions and will include ingredient reactions and preparations and brewing more complex potions for to be used for medical and household purposes. Students will begin to create their own potion journals with their testing and modifying of potions.


A maximum of three classes will be allowed. Students will be allowed to substitute participation on an official sports team for one elective.

Introduction to Herbology– This class will introduce the student to the magical plants found in the wizarding world. It will also cover the similarities and differences between magical and muggle plants.

Introduction to Astronomy– This class will introduce the student to Astronomy and its study of the stars and planets. It will cover the basic names for the planets and their moons, the creation of a star map, and the rituals that astronomy has been involved in over the years and why. Class will take place in the Astronomy classroom and the great hall.

Introduction to Runes – This class will introduce students the study of ancient runes. It will cover the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Norse runes and provide the basic meanings and how to draw them on paper. Students will keep a runes notebook of meanings for reference and to provide practice in writing and drawing the runes. Notebooks will be turned in at the end of the year as part of a student's final grade.

Introduction to Arithmancy – This class will introduce the student to the world of magical math and how it is essential for spell development and modification. Students will be taught how to solve simple math problems and how it may affect the spells they use in everyday life.

Introduction to Divination – This class will introduce the student to Divination and its practices. It will cover the history behind it and the methods used to See. The class will include practice with several of the main methods used including palmistry, crystal ball gazing, tarot card reading, and tea leaves.

Introduction to Magical Creature Studies – This class will introduce students to the world of magical creatures. The class will begin with the smaller, more common creatures like crups, kneazles, and owls and teach the students about their habitat and how to care for them.

Introduction to the Arts – This class will introduce the students to the visual arts to include painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, etc. Students will receive instruction and practice in the various methods of creation but may focus on one area if teacher is convinced of their talent or previous experience.

Introduction to Musical Studies – This class will introduce the students to the musical arts to include piano, violin, singing, etc. Students will receive instruction and practice in the various methods of music but may focus on one area if teacher is convinced of their talent or previous experience.

Introduction to World Magic – This class will introduce the student to the various magics practiced throughout the world to include Druidic magic, Shamanistic magic, Blood magic, Necromancy, etc. Students will be required to keep a notebook listing the various similarities and differences between them to be turned in at the end of the year for a grade.

Introduction to Item Creation – This class will introduce the student to the creation of items made specifically to be enchanted. The class will begin with simple materials like glass, metal, and wood. This class will cover how to create and carve items, which material swill work best for which purpose, and what tools will be needed to complete specific items.

Second Level Intermediate Courses

Intermediate English/Latin – Students will continue to learn about the English and Latin languages including reading in writing in both languages, vocabulary from the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, sentence and paragraph structure, and spelling.

Intermediate World History Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in the past. Class will cover the muggle Ages of Discovery, Reasoning, and Enlightenment along with the wizarding world Renaissance and what made this so dangerous for the wizarding world.

Intermediate Offensive/Defensive Magics– This class will include a physical fitness program. Students will to learn how to use some of the more uncommon jinxes, curses, and hexes as well as learning more dueling methods and when to use them. The class will also cover more of the dangerous creatures they might encounter. Regular duel tournaments will be scheduled this year. Students will continue to cover the spells they are defending against as well as the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Intermediate Charms– This class will continue to cover the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will include magical theory, wand movements, and more complex charms.

Intermediate Transfiguration– This class will continue to cover the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along with wand movements and item-to-item association. Students will move in to more complex transfigurations including large animate to animate transfigurations.

Intermediate Potions– This class will delve more into the world of potions and will include ingredient reactions and preparations and brewing more complex potions to be used for medical and household purposes. Students will learn how to break down a potion into its component parts to figure out what it is and how to modify it. The students will continue to maintain a potion journal to record their testing and modifying of potions.

Second Electives

A maximum of three classes will be allowed. Students will be allowed to substitute participation on an official sports team for one elective. For a student to continue on in Divination, they must first be tested for the Seer talent. For those students who do possess the talent, they will be allowed into a special Divination course.

Introduction to Herbology – This class will continue to cover the study of the magical plants found in the wizarding world. The course will move discuss more dangerous varieties of magical plants and how to care for them in a greenhouse setting versus encountering them in the wild while still studying the muggle plant varieties.

Introduction to Astronomy – This class will delve more in depth into Astronomy and its study of the stars and planets. It will begin to cover the discoveries made recently on our galaxy. A student's star map will be continuously expanded and the students will discuss some of the rarer rituals that astronomy has been involved in over the years and why. Class will take place in the Astronomy classroom and the great hall.

Introduction to Runes – This class will introduce students the study of ancient runes. It will the European and Germanic runes and provide the basic meanings and how to draw them on paper. Students will keep a runes notebook of meanings for reference and to provide practice in writing and drawing the runes. Notebooks will be turned in at the end of the year as part of a student's final grade.

Introduction to Arithmancy – This class will introduce the student to the world of magical math and how it is essential for spell development and modification. Students will be taught how to solve more complex math problems and how it may affect the spells they use in everyday life.

Introduction to Magical Creature Studies – This class will introduce students to the world of magical creatures. The class will move onto the more benign species in the wizarding world to include unicorns, nifflers, hippogriffs, and other assorted creatures. The students will learn about their habitat and how to care for them or what to do if encountered in the wild.

Introduction to World Magic – This class will introduce the student to the various magics practiced throughout the world to include Druidic magic, Shamanistic magic, Blood magic, Necromancy, etc. Students will be required to keep a notebook listing the various similarities and differences between them to be turned in at the end of the year for a grade.

Introduction to Item Creation – This class will introduce the student to the creation of items made specifically to be enchanted. The class will delve into the more difficult materials such as precious metals, stone, and specific types of wood. This class will cover how to create and carve items, which materials will work best for which purpose, and what tools will be needed to complete specific items.

Third Level Intermediate Courses OWL Review

Intermediate English/Latin – Students will continue to learn about the English and Latin languages including reading in writing in both languages, vocabulary from the Wizarding and Muggle worlds, sentence and paragraph structure, and spelling.

Intermediate World History Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in the past. Class will review the previous years' lessons and create a time line of both wizarding and muggle history for reference.

Intermediate Offensive/Defensive Magic – This class will include a physical fitness program. Students will review all of the spells they have learned so far as well as their classification and the theory behind them. Students will also start to learn more battle spells and tactics. Regular duel tournaments will be scheduled this year and will include team dueling. Students will continue to cover the spells they are defending against as well as the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Intermediate Charms – This class will cover the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will review the magical theory, wand movements, and more complex charms that the students have learned in previous years as well as learning some of theory of complicated charms.

Intermediate Transfigurations – This class will review the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along with wand movements and item-to-item association. Students will also review the spells they have learned so far including inanimate to inanimate and animate to animate transfigurations.

Intermediate Potions– This class will review the potions they have learned about and will include ingredient reactions and preparations and brewing more complex potions to be used for medical and household purposes. Students will also review how to break down a potion into its component parts to figure out what it is and how to modify it. The students will continue to maintain a potion journal to record their testing and modifying of potions.

Third Elective

A maximum of three classes will be allowed. Students will be allowed to substitute participation on an official sports team for one elective. Those students who possess the talent will be allowed into a special Divination course.

Intermediate Herbology – This class will review the study of the magical plants found in the wizarding world. The students will discuss all of the various magical plants and how to care for them while also reviewing the muggle plant varieties.

Intermediate Astronomy– This class will review what they have learned so far in Astronomy and its study of the stars and planets. It will also delve more in to the discoveries made recently on our galaxy. A student's star map will be continuously expanded and the students will discuss some of the rarer rituals that astronomy has been involved in over the years and why. Class will take place in the Astronomy classroom and the great hall.

Intermediate Runes – This class will review the study of ancient runes. It will cover all of the runic languages learned so far and their basic meanings and how to draw them on paper. Students will keep a runes notebook of meanings for reference and to provide practice in writing and drawing the runes. Notebooks will be turned in at the end of the year as part of a student's final grade.

Intermediate Arithmancy – This class will review the world of magical math and how it is essential for spell development and modification. Students will also review how to solve various math problems and how they may affect the spells they use in everyday life.

Intermediate Magical Creature Studies – This class will review the world of magical creatures. The class will go over the various benign creatures they have studied so far, their habitats, how to care for them, and what to do if encountered in the wild.

Intermediate World Magic Studies – This class will introduce the student to the various magics practiced throughout the world to include Druidic magic, Shamanistic magic, Blood magic, Necromancy, etc. Students will be required to keep a notebook listing the various similarities and differences between them to be turned in at the end of the year for a grade.

Intermediate Item Creation – This class will cover the creation of items made specifically to be enchanted. The class will go over the materials they have learned so far, how to create and carve items, which materials will work best for which purpose, and what tools will be needed to complete specific items.

Advanced Courses NEWT Review

Students are allowed a maximum of ten classes and will be allowed to drop any of the basic classes except the English/Latin class as long as they are not a requirement for an elective that they wish to take part in. Students need to be aware that there is no NEWT in many of the elective classes. Students will be allowed to substitute participation on an official sports team for one elective. (F) stands for Flex classes and will only be taken for one term.

Advanced English/Latin – Students will go further into the depths of the English and Latin languages to prepare them for their chosen career. This course will include public speaking and debate, reading and writing reports, vocabulary, spelling, and critiquing other works of speech and literature. This is the only mandatory class required during these years.

Advanced World History Will include both Wizarding and muggle history and how they affected each other in the past. Class will cover everything up to the present day. Students will still maintain a time line of both wizarding and muggle world history for NEWT review and reference.

Advanced Offensive/Defensive Magics This class will include a physical fitness program. Students will cover all advanced spells needed for life in the wizarding world including such things as the Patronus charm and others. Students will also continue to learn more battle spells and tactics. Regular duel tournaments will be scheduled this year and will include team dueling and multiple opponents. Students will continue to cover the spells they are defending against as well as the ministry classification system of Dark items, spells, and creatures and what caused them to be classified as Dark.

Advanced Charms This class will cover the study and classification of the spells known as charms. It will continue to cover the magical theory, wand movements, and more complex charms. The class will also start to learn how to break down the spells and what makes them work.

Advanced Transfiguration This class will cover the study of transfiguration and will include the magical theory behind it along withwand movements and item-to-item association. Students will review the spells they have learned so far but move on to animate to inanimate transfigurations along with inanimate to animate.

Advanced Potions This class will cover the higher levels of potions and will include ingredient reactions and preparations and brewing more complex potions. Students will continue to learn how to break down a potion into its component parts to figure out what it is and how to modify it. The students will also keep up with their potion journal to record their testing and modifying of potions.

Advanced Herbology This class will cover the study of the magical plants found in the wizarding world. The students will discuss all of the various magical plants and how to care for them along with what to do when encountering them in the wild. Students will also continue to learn of the more exotic muggle plants.

Advanced Astronomy This class will cover Astronomy and its study of the stars and planets. It will also delve more in to the discoveries made recently about the universe. A student's star map will be continuously expanded and the students will discuss some of the rarer rituals that astronomy has been involved in over the years and why. Class will take place in the Astronomy classroom and the great hall.

Advanced Ancient Runes – This class will be taught all of the runic languages known and their basic meanings and how to draw them on paper. Students will keep a runes notebook of meanings for reference and to provide practice in writing and drawing the runes. Notebook will be turned in at the end of the year as part of a student's final grade.

Advanced Arithmancy – This class will cover the world of magical math and how it is essential for spell development and modification. Students will also learn to solve various advanced math problems and how they may affect the spells they use in everyday life.

Advanced Magical Creature Studies – This class will study the world of magical creatures. The class will go over the various and dangerous creatures that may be encountered including dragons, chimeras, and manticores along with their habitats, how to care for them, and what to do if encountered in the wild.

Advanced World Magic Studies – This class will continue to cover the various magics practiced throughout the world to include Druidic magic, Shamanistic magic, Blood magic, Necromancy, etc. Students will be required to keep a notebook listing the various similarities and differences between them to be turned in at the end of the year for a grade.

Advanced Item Creation – This class will cover the creation of items made specifically to be enchanted. The class will go over the materials they have learned so far, how to create and carve items, which materials will work best for which purpose, and what tools will be needed to complete specific items. The class will work in combination with the Enchanting class to create items to be used for enchanting.

Warding – Students will learn how to set wards around locations, houses and buildings. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Arithmancy, Runes, Offensive/Defensive Magics, Charms, and Astronomy

Curse-Breaking – Students will learn how to handle various items, locations, and buildings that may be cursed. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Arithmancy, Runes, Offensive/Defensive Magics, Charms, and Battle Potions/Poison(which requires Potions, Herbology, and Magical Creature Studies in addition to)

Healing Students will learn the basics of First-Aid and Healing. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects Potions, Charms, Offensive/Defensive Magics, Herbology, and Medical Potions (which does require Potions, Herbology, and Magical Creature Studies)

(F) Animagus Training –Students must be tested before taking part in this class. This class will cover how to become an animagus and teach students the steps required to change into their inner animal. This class will require the student to participate in the following subject: Transfiguration.

Wandless Magic –Students must demonstrate talent to participate in this class. This class will cover advanced wandless magic and how to perform it. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Charms, Transfigurations, and Offensive/Defensive Magics.

Creature Languages -Students will learn the basics of the most common creature languages spoken throughout the world. This class will teach the students how to hold a normal conversation with a native speaker. This class will require the student to participate in the following subject: Magical Creature Studies.

Rituals –Students will learn about and how to perform common rituals used by the magical world. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Charms, Transfigurations, Offensive/Defensive Magics, Potions, Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, and Herbology.

Medical Potions –Students will learn more about the potions used to treat patients in a hospital setting. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Potions, Herbology, Magical Creature Studies, and Healing.

Battle Potions/Poisons –Students will learn about the various potions used for fighting and the poisons that may be encountered. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Potions and Offensive/Defensive Magics.

Potion Creation –Students will learn how to create their own potions or modify existing potions. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Potions, Herbology, and Magical Creature Studies.

Enchanting –Students will learn how to enchant specific items to serve a purpose. They will also learn how to modify existing items. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, Offensive/Defensive Magics, Item Creation, Arithmancy, and Runes.

Spell-Crafting –Students will learn how to create their own spells and modify existing ones. This class will require the student to participate in the following subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, Offensive/Defensive Magics, and Arithmancy.

Technomancy – Students will learn why most wizards fail to use magic around electronics and how to make them better. They will also learn the basics of how to prevent short circuiting the system and to enhance features of a few of the most common devices such as cell phones and computers. Required subjects: Arithmancy, Charms, and Runes.

Everyone looked around with approval and Harry thought about the World Magic Studies. "Can we separate the World Magic Studies into at least three classes? The students will be more likely to chose one if there are different options to chose from. I'm thinking Native American, Shamanism, and another class. Does anyone have an idea for the third World Magic Studies class? Or should we just start with those two?" Dobby raised two fingers while everyone nodded at Dobby showing their support of only two World Magic Studies classes. Harry nodded in acknowledgment of their ideas.

"So we will have independent studies, the classes and the cubs. How many teachers does that give us? Lets have ten teachers split between five classrooms to supervise independent studies. Fifteen to supervise the clubs with the medical club having the extras. And thirty-six classes. That makes sixty one teachers... wow that is a lot. We should list the class subjects and extra teachers that we need so we can send the list to Ren to start looking for teachers." Everyone nodded while Lady Mana gathered several papers and a copy of the classes listed by Jack and a list of clubs while adding a note to the classes list.

The battle owl flew over to Lady Mana as if saying that he would deliver the letter. Lady Mana smiled knowingly at the bird and placed the papers in an envelope before tying it to his leg. "Harry, I agree with the Goddesses thought on you going to muggle school but we will have to pay for tutors for you. I think that we should go to Japan once the building is being built and hire a tutor for you. preferably someone who will be in your classes. I think that we should also have two thousand galleons of yours exchanged for yen so we will be able to pay for an apartment to stay in. I'm sure that Jack can preform a spell to determine if there are any magicals in the town who are fit to tutor you in classes. Am I right, Jack?"

Jack nodded before standing up, "Yes, I believe that I do have such a spell. I should try to find it though so please excuse me, I'll be back next coming Thursday so you should study culture with the Japanese house elf named Natsu Goda. If possible I would also inform your house elves to think of family names for themselves, possibly a proper name if you are willing to give them human names. Other than that I wish you all a good day, week, and afternoon." Jack bowed to King Ragnarok and Lady Mana before walking out of the door.

Before Harry could greet Natsu he felt a spell overcome him and turning to a smug Lady Mana and asked, "What was that?"Natsu turned to him and explained.

"That was a translation spell cast by Lord Jack. I don't know English so he had no choice but to place a translation spell on you. Here, this is a language capsule. It was made by Jack to teach a language to a person fast. It is already coded to Japanese so there will be no problem coding it. There will also be plenty of time for you to get used to Japanese and learn proper etiquette. I'll remove the Translation spell so it will work properly but you will be talking only with me or in Japanese until next Monday, understood?" Harry nodded as he took the pill into his hand. Hearing Natsu speak Japanese that he didn't understand he nodded and placed the pill on his tongue before swallowing it whole.

Harry shuddered as the magic of the capsule started to take effect. Mana decided to speak Japanese to him and asked, 'how are you doing? Does it taste good? "How... doing?... taste good?"

Harry attempted to answer in Japanese knowing that it would help him learn. "Gooood doing. Nastyflavah." he coughed a bit at the attempt of speaking Japanese so soon and Lady Mana rubbed his back to sooth his throat.

Harry nodded to Lady Mana in thanks as she spoke with Natsu Goda. "Harry, Natsu says that you will wake up when he does and do what he does at the same time as him so that you may learn proper Japanese etiquette. If you need some extra time with something let him know so he can allow it. And if you need to attend to business you should let him know too, just so he can schedule it. In the mean while we need to take you to get fitted somewhere so you can get some proper clothes. Thankfully he has said that hygiene can be done separately. The routine starts tomorrow." Harry nodded at her in acknowledgment and bowed to Natsu since he was his teacher.