Here's the latest AU one-shot and I'm gonna rate it M just to be safe. Suggestive themes and minor language. Please



It was half past midnight when Juvia got the call on the scanner to investigate a suspicious character at the nearby park. She honestly had no idea what to expect, but she had a feeling it wasn't a normal report. She had recently joined the force and being the rookie, she was subjected to her fellow peers sending her on the odd jobs no one else wanted.

Her cruiser turned onto Maple Drive and she slowed down as she approached the park. Juvia wore the standard uniform of a dark blue button up short sleeved shirt and matching slacks with black boots. Her long curly azure hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and she wore a set of blue diamond teardrop stud earrings.

Pulling up along side the curb, the bluenette peered out the window and looked for the individual. Her blue eyes searched vigilantly through the dimly lit park and then she suddenly spotted a young male walking behind a line of shrubs and the first thing she noticed, was that he didn't have a shirt on.

Juvia promptly stopped the car and exited the vehicle. "Sir?"

The man swiftly whipped his head toward her in alarm. Both his hands instantly shot up, palms facing her as he yelled. "I didn't do anything!"

Juvia furrowed her brows as she stepped onto the sidewalk and stopped. He appeared to be in his early twenties with short spiky black hair and a lean muscular physique. Besides him being a suspicious character, Juvia's immediate impression as a single young female, was that he was very good looking.

"Um, Sir may I ask what you're doing here this late at night?" She inquired in a friendly tone, hoping that would put him at ease.

With his hands still up in the air, he answered somewhat hesitantly. "I..lost my phone.."

Juvia raised her eyebrow a bit, before he added. "..And my wallet."

She slightly tilted her head to the side as she replied. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I might be able to help you locate those items, do you want to come over here and I can get your information?"

He absentmindedly twiddled his fingers as he quickly looked her over, seemingly contemplating her request. "Mm, okay."

He then started walking over to her and Juvia let a small smile cross her face. "You can put your hands down Sir, it's alright."

Feeling a little relieved, he dropped his arms to his sides. "Ah, cool."

A bit unsteady on his feet, he strolled toward her and came round the edge of the shrubs. Juvia gasped as her eyes widened significantly, a bright red blush staining her face. "S-Sir! Where are your clothes?!" She asked in a high voice while averting her gaze.

A few feet in front of her, the man stopped and looked down at his bare body while sighing heavily. "Yeah..I lost those too."

The bluenette gulped nervously, trying to remain as professional as possible. "D-Do, you have any idea where they might be?"

His hand came up to ruffle his dark hair as he twisted his mouth pensively. "Well, I've been -hic- trying to figure that out myself."

Juvia looked back at his face, her cheeks still a little flushed. "Have you been drinking tonight?"

The man's dark eyes widened slightly as he froze in place, a very guilty expression on his face. "...Maybe."

She simply gave him a questioning glance, before he lowered his arm and released a loud exhale. "Yeah okay, you got me. But really Miss Officer, I hadn't planned on the night turning out like this. I was just gonna get a few beers then take a cab home, but then the bartender was like '$1 shots!' And so I thought, what the hell, I'll do one shot...But then one shot turned into, several and then I lost my clothes somewhere along the way..which uh, brings us to now." He finished with a sweep of his hand, gesturing to his body.

Juvia blushed again as her gaze instinctively followed his hand, taking in all of his perfectly chiseled frame. Forcibly prying her eyes away, she focused on a tree nearby, while trying to calm her beating heart and the unexpected warmth from growing in her abdomen. Why did he have to be so Hot?

"Were you with any friends earlier tonight, that might know where your belongings are?" She asked in a somewhat uneven tone, her bashfulness getting the better of her.

He sighed loudly. "No, I was supposed to meet my friend at the bar, but then that pink-haired bastard bailed on me... Something came up my Ass! He's probably just at home watching that stupid dragon movie again."

Juvia knitted her brow in confusion, "Oh.." She then glanced back at him as he scowled bitterly, obviously thinking about his comrade. Her gaze rebelliously shot down to his v-line abs and beyond, making the bluenette flush bright. Shutting her eyes, she inwardly groaned. 'That's it!'

Looking back at his face, she gave him a small smile while lifting her pointer finger. "Um, could you wait here one second please?"

To that, he merely shrugged his shoulders. "Sure thing, Miss Officer."

She gave a single nod of her head, before turning on her heel and went to the trunk of her cruiser. Opening it up, she started rummaging through the contents, bending at the waist to get to the back of the space.

Meanwhile, the man cocked his head to the side as a single eyebrow spiked up intriguingly. Checking out her curvy backside in the tight pants she wore, he smirked deviously while nodding his head in approval.

Making a small triumphant noise, Juvia retracted from the trunk with something in her hands, then shut the door. Turning back to the male, she raised her hands up while grinning shyly at him. "Here, I found a blanket for you."

He swiftly looked at the thing, then placed his hands on his hips. "Ah it's cool, I don't get cold easily." He said with a confident smile.

Juvia's cheeks tinted pink as she looked down and let out a short breathy laugh. "Uh, no I mean.. to cover yourself with." She said nervously while glancing back at him.

After a second, his eyes widened in realization as he exclaimed. "Oh yeah! I keep forgetting I'm naked."

She gently furrowed her brows as she wondered how anyone could forget they were nude in public.

Juvia extended her arms, still blushing as she handed him the blanket.

Unfolding the thin red blanket, he twisted his lips. "Hmm.." After some minor struggling with the wrap, he finally got it around his lower body and tied it in a knot at his hip.

"There!" He stated with a proud grin.

Juvia breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she could finally concentrate and stop acting like a giddy schoolgirl. Prolonged exposure to that much hotness, would certainly make anyone feel faint.

"Okay.." She began, regaining her composure and looking at him face to face. "First off, can I get your name?"

Gently scratching the back of his head, he answered casually. "Yep, Gray Fullbuster."

A tiny smile curved her mouth. "Alright Mr. Fullbuster-"

"Just Gray.." He corrected, then a playful smirk crossed his features as he asked. "And what about you, Miss Officer?"

She felt her stomach flip and she swallowed hard. "Oh, I'm Officer Lockser, but if you can call me Juvia."

His smirk turned into a full grin as he replied in a husky tone. "Okay, Juvia."

Despite her efforts, Juvia felt heat rising to her cheeks once again and she cursed her body for reacting so strongly to him. Even though he had covered his distracting lower region, that wickedly handsome face of his, could make a porn star swoon.

Clearing her throat, she nervously tucked a stray bang behind her ear and tried to continue as nonchalantly as possible. "So uh, do you remember the name of the bar you were at?"

Gray exhaled quietly while stroking his chin in thought. "It was something, butterfly or unicorn or something like that."

Juvia raised an eyebrow questionably, wondering what kind of bar he was at. "Well, I'm very familiar with this town's establishments, so anything you can remember would help. Such as, if it was a sports bar or a tavern?"

To that, he shrugged his shoulders, completely drawing a blank. "It had bar stools and tables.." He offered meagerly.

She sighed softly, that description applied to every restaurant and bar in Northern America.

"How about the bartenders, do you remember what they looked like? Or, can you recall what color shirts the waiters had on?" She asked.

He knitted his brows together, as his intoxicated mind struggled to recall details about the night. He suddenly perked up. "Oh! I do remember the owner was sitting on the bar.. He was this tiny old lil' dude.." Gray described as he flattened his hand and dipped it down, trying to estimate the guy's height.

"He kinda reminded me of Santa Claus...except he was really short..and he wasn't fat at all...didn't really have a beard either..hmm.." Gray trailed off, as he got increasingly more confused.

Juvia gave him a very perplexed look, before she put her hand up to her mouth while pondering. 'Hmm, who could be confused as Santa Claus to an inebriated person?'

After a second, she looked back to Gray. "Was the bouncer, this really tall muscular guy with spiky silver-y hair and a scar on his face?"

A spark of recognition flashed in his dark eyes as he perked up. "Hey yeah! He kept lecturing me on how to be a Real man. It was kind of pissing me off, cause obviously I am a man.." He commented while placing his hands on his hips and frowning angrily.

A tiny blush tinted the bluenette's cheeks as she bit her lip while thinking to herself. 'And then some..'

But she quickly pushed away her impure thoughts with a subtle shake of her head and refocused her attention. "If I remember correctly, it's called Fairy Tail Tavern."

With that, Gray pointed at her and yelled excitedly. "That's it! I knew it was something weird! Wait, didn't I say that?" He asked while furrowing his brows and slightly tilting his head to the side.

Juvia tried not to smile as she gently shook her head. "Not exactly..but the good news is that place is fairly close by.." She stated, before she clasped her hands behind her back and nervously twiddled her fingers. "Um, if you want.. I could give you a ride over there?"

A very surprised, yet pleased smile stretched across Gray's face that made her heart flutter unexpectedly.

"Really? That'd be awesome!" He exclaimed brightly.

She swallowed hard, trying to remain poised. "Sure, it's no problem."

His smile widened as he looked at her, making the girl shift anxiously. "Wow, you're the coolest cop ever!"

Juvia beamed shyly at him. "Oh, thank you."

He simply nodded his head in response and she softly cleared her throat. "So, shall we go?" She asked sweetly while taking a step towards the cruiser.

Gray perked up and lifted his fist in the air. "Yeah, let's go find my pants!"

The bluenette hid her smile as she turned toward the driver door and opened it up.

"Here, you can sit up in the front." She instructed when he looked at the back seat door apprehensively.

His expression relaxed as he turned to the passenger side with relief. "Sweet."

As Juvia settled into the driver's seat, Gray opened the passenger door and hopped in.

"Whoa, look at all these switches!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, inspecting all the gadgets and electronics next to the dashboard.

Juvia turned on the car while grinning to herself, he was just like a kid checking out a new toy on Christmas morning.

"Yeah, we're given a manual that's over 50 pages long, just for operating the devices on the dashboard alone." She said while putting the car in drive and started turning around to exit the park.

"Christ on a cracker! Ooo, is that one of those thingys!?" Gray asked while pointing to a rectangular black box with multiple buttons and knobs on the front.

Juvia spiked a slender eyebrow as she replied. "You mean a scanner?"

He cast her a quick glance. "Is that what you use to call for back-up and stuff?"

She nodded her head. "Yes."

He beamed enthusiastically. "Then, yeah! A scanner!"

She tried hard not to laugh at his overwhelming excitement, for what had become so mundane to her.

As he leaned in to get a closer look at the scanner, he suddenly started sniffing the air, causing her brows to furrow. He turned his head toward her, then leaned in and took another sniff, which made her eyes widen nervously.

"Wow, you smell good." He commented while sitting back in his seat.

Juvia flushed brightly at the unexpected compliment. "I-I do?"

His lips curled into a smirk as he added. "And I'm not just saying that cause you have a gun."

A tiny giggle escaped her mouth. "Well, thank you."

His hand came up and lazily finger combed his black hair as he commented. "It's weird. I never thought cops would smell like that."

That made her curious, as she quickly looked his way. "..Well, what did you think we smelled like?"

Gray stroked his chin pensively. "Mm, like.. leather and ...justice."

Juvia raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

He slowly nodded his head then looked back at her. "But you just smell...yummy."

A substantial heat rose to the girl's face as she kept her gaze facing front, too afraid to look him in the eye. "T-Thanks."

A corner of his mouth curled upward as his eyes started roving her figure, wondering what she looked like underneath all that heavy clothing and equipment.

"So Juvia.." He began lowly.

She nearly jumped upon hearing him use her name and in such a velvety tone, that her heart started to race. She dared a glance at him, seeing a playful gleam in his eyes.

"How long have you been a cop?" He asked while raising his brow slightly.

She swallowed and looked back out the windshield. "Almost two months now."

Gray raised his brow in surprise. "Wow, so you're still new, huh?"

"Fairly new. Yeah." She answered casually.

"Do you get your own handcuffs?" He questioned in a rich voice.

Juvia knitted her brows together, finding that question a bit random. "Um, yeah I do."

A mysterious spark flashed in his onyx eyes as he replied calmly. "That's cool."

The bluenette kept her gaze focused ahead of her and shifted in her seat, confused as to why her stomach was flipping.

Gray smirked deviously as he watched her nervous antics, before he heard her speak up. "I think this is the place coming up here."

Looking out the windshield, he saw them pulling up to the entrance of Fairy Tail Tavern and his eyes lit up. "Yeah, now I remember this place!"

Stopping the car, Gray quickly opened his door and hopped out of the vehicle, with Juvia not far behind.

At the entrance, stood the bouncer with spiky silver who upon seeing Gray, burst into a hearty laugh. "Hey, it's that guy who was apparently too manly for his clothes! Ha ha ha!"

Gray glared coldly at the large oaf as he growled. "Well I need them back now, so where are they!?"

The burly man wiped away a fake tear and gestured with his head to the inside of the tavern. "Ask my sister Lisanna, she's behind the bar."

Gray nodded his head then moved to go inside as Juvia walked up and the bouncer cocked his head to the side. But before he could ask, she stated quickly. "I'm just helping this gentleman get his belongings back."

He raised his chin, then started laughing again as she went past him. "It takes a real man to get a police escort!"

Juvia shook her head, finally understanding what Gray was carrying on about earlier.

Walking into the rowdy tavern, a brief silence fell over the patrons as they saw the unusual sight of a man in nothing but a blanket 'round his waist, being followed by a police officer.

But the awkwardness was swiftly broken, when a flirty whistle was directed at Gray by a hammered girl with long wavy brown hair and a swimsuit top on. Raucous laughter ensued as another girl with light purple hair and glasses wiggled a dollar bill at Gray teasingly, making him narrow his eyes and growl furiously.

Juvia tried not to titter with amusement and averted her gaze to the floor. Getting to the bar, a young girl with short silver hair and blue eyes smiled warmly at Gray.

"Oh good, you came back! I believe you forgot these." She offered while reaching behind the bar and presented a bundle of clothes to Gray.

A happy and relieved grin spread across his face as he took the garments off her hands. "Yes! Thank you!"

The bartender giggled lightheartedly at him. "No problem."

Gray quickly put on his jeans and zipped them up, before he untied the blanket from around his hips, then fastened his belt. He stepped into his boots, then flung his shirt over his shoulder and turned to the bartender, saying another thanks before he went back to Juvia.

The bluenette smiled as he approached her. "Well that's a relief, huh?"

He grinned in return, flashing his white teeth. "You have no idea."

As the two of them exited the tavern, the bouncer instantly started chuckling to himself, making Gray cast a scowl his direction.

"So, are you gonna call a cab still?" Juvia asked, distracting him from the annoying bouncer.

Gray quietly sighed while reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. "Nah, I'll just get my roommate to pick me up. He's still awake."

Juvia nodded her head, then reached for the blanket in his hand. "I'll take that."

Handing it to her, he smiled earnestly. "Thanks for letting me borrow it."

She beamed back at him, her blue eyes sparkling prettily as she went to put it away. "I'm glad it came in handy."

He watched her open the trunk and toss the blanket inside, before he looked down at his phone and widened his eyes. "Jesus! Eight missed calls?"

Juvia closed the trunk, then looked at him standing there, texting on his cell and she chewed her lip nervously. After a pause, she went over to the passenger side of her cruiser, opened the door and started rummaging inside.

Gray sighed heavily and stuffed the phone back in his pocket, as she stood up and turned toward him while clearing her throat. A barely noticeable blush tinted her cheeks as she fiddled with something in her hands. "So, if you uh, ever need any help with..whatever."

She then handed him a business card, as he gently furrowed his brows and looked at it. "That's the number for the department where I work. But I, wrote my cell number on the back there." She added shyly.

Gray immediately flipped the card over and grinned handsomely, his dark eyes slowly rising up to hers.

She gulped anxiously and quickly shut the car door, her nerves clearly getting the best of her.

"Well, I might be calling on your help very soon, Officer Lockser." Gray said huskily, a suggestive smirk curling his lips while his fingers absentmindedly played with the card.

Juvia's heart jumped up into her throat and feeling her daily supply of courage running low, she started walking backwards toward the driver's side door, making her exit. "Sure, whenever is cool. I-I'm flexible." She said in a high pitched voice as she side stepped closer to the door.

Gray spiked an eyebrow. "You're flexible, huh?" His deep voice dripping with innuendo.

Juvia's hand blindly searched for the door handle as her face got increasingly more hot. "I-I mean my schedule is open, not my legs. I mean!"

Gray's eyes widened drastically, as he nearly choked from that Freudian slip up. "Wha?"

All the color drained from Juvia's face as she squeaked loudly. "I mean I'm free!" With that she yanked open the door and swiftly ducked inside.

Gray smiled in amusement and leaned down, resting his forearms on the passenger door with the window rolled down, watching the girl snap on her seat belt. "Thanks for all your help Juvia. I owe you."

She met his gaze for a second before looking at the dashboard. "No it's okay. You don't owe me anything." She said then turned the key over, starting the car.

A small smirk spread across his dark features. "But I want to." He stated in a rich tone, getting her attention.

"Well, I'm fine with whatever. So uh, take care Mr. Ful-"

"Gray." He corrected again, making her blush.

"Um, take care Gray." She stated softly.

He grinned wide, liking the sound of his name coming from her lips. "You too Juvia."

She gave him the tiniest smile and put the car into gear as Gray straightened himself and stepped back onto the sidewalk. He watched her cruiser pull away from the curb and head down the empty street as his hands dipped into his pockets.

After a minute, he turned his head to the side and saw the bouncer smiling at him with his hands resting on his hips. "It takes a real man to hit on a Police Officer!"

Gray sighed in exasperation and rolled his eyes skyward. "Oh my god, shut up!"
