CreationsChimera here with an epic story chapter! So This was one of my challenges but it spoke to me to write with what time i did have so here you go! FEEL FREE to try this premise yourself or one of my others!

Please review it helps a lot! so do favorites and following!

Also if you are willing to help me in writing this story please PM me all I ask is that you have one finished story and are able to write chapters between 3000 and 5000 words

"Attacks, modify cards, ect."


"Normal speech"

Chapter 1

-A Dragon's mistake and the start of a Journey-

"No!" Was the horrified shriek that resounded across the digital world as Jeri was forced to watch as her partner Leomon was appeared through the chest by the clawed hand of Beelzemon.

Everyone else was shocked silent at what happened as they watched Leomon begin to turn into digital particles

Leomon simple accepted what was happening as he laid there on the ground nothing but a torso and head left

He turned towards his Tamer seeing her crying over his death filled him with sadness at having to leave her so soon but his final words to her were "Be brave Jeri, part of me will always be with you. Remember you have a lion's heart"

with that Leomon completely digitized and Jeri's digivice's scream turned to static. That was the tiping point as she broke down crying her heart out

Beelzemon ignored all of what Leomon had said as he absorbed Leomon's data saying "No, to have power is to be strong!"

He turned and looked at the Tamers and screamed "I'll keep loading data till no one can stop me. You hear me NO ONE!"

Growlmon was at a loss for word over what had happened and mumbled "But he was just trying to help us and You!" as he was trying to make sense of what Beelzemon had done.

Then something snapped as Growlmon's yellow eyes slit with the rage that took over

Takato wasn't fairing any better as you could see the veins pulsating in his tightened and shaking fists. Takato said lowly through grit teeth "How could you?! How could you do this horrible thing!"

Takato's eyes took a redish color as he shook with fury and shouted "I'll make you hurt! I'll make you PAY!" with that he glowed an ominous red

That said Growlmon and Takato both scream together as Growlmon digivolved into Wargrowlmon.

Jeri momentarily out of her shock over leomon asked frightened by Takato and Wargrowlmon "What's going on? What is happening to the two of you?!"

Kazu attempted to get her out of the way only for her to push him away screaming "Everyone just leave me alone!"

Beelzemon simply stood there looking at Wargrowlmon and said "Even as an ultimate your still no match for me you big lump!"

He then took a quick glance at the others while saying "Just so you know when I finish with you I'm going to pick your friends off one by one."

Takato speaks cutting him off from saying anything else with a glare that could melt stone "Your wrong, your the one who's finished"

Wargrowlmon roared in agreement as the jets on his back ignited picking him up off the ground and shooting him towards Beelzemon before swiping at him with his axe arms.

Beelzemon smirked as he jumped over the bladed arm to dodge and pulled out his two double barrel shotguns saying "Take this you oversized truck" as he fired a couple of rounds at Wargrowlmon.

Wargrowlmon blinded by fury didn't even feel them as he plowed through the shots before biting down on Beelzemon eliciting a pain filled grunt from the mega level digimon

Takato glaring at Beelzeumon said "Finish him do it, Tear him apart!" not even hearing Jeri begging him to stop.

As Beelzemon kicked his way free of Wargrowlmon's jaws Takato seethed "You can not lose, I won't allow it!"

Holding up his digivice he shouted "I order you to digivolve! Digivolve to mega!"

(With Calumon)

"I have a bad feeling about this" said Calumon from his weird jellyfish like prison just before the jem on his head shot out a large red beam that traveled out of sight

(Back with the tamers)

Seconds after Takato's order was given a beam of energy came down and hit Wargrowlmon in the chest lighting up the symbol on it and causing it to flash crimson.

The area around them began to shake as the ground cracked and the sky became a violent blood red with black clouds and lighting strikes.

A tornado of flames fell from the sky surrounding Wargrowlmon

Henry still shielding Suzie shouted "He's digivolving!"

Takato shouted "Yes do it! Do it! Digivolve and win at all costs!"

The flames overtook Wargrowlmon as his figure was obscured from everyone's vision. However when the flames vanished seconds later he reappeared only now he was larger. He had a serpent's tail, instead of legs, with four barbed tips that stacked on top of each other ending in a wicked point. His upper torso still bore the Hazard symbol on his chest only now it was red on a white chest piece with what looked like ribs holding it in place.

Next his arms had spiked shoulder guards with crimson edging surrounding a gold middle with a black hazard symbol. Further down his arms, on his forearms, were red arm gaurds with golden blades that curved like Wargrowlmons only now they reached further up his arms. To finish it of he had three razor sharp claws.

Next were his wings they resembled a the same style of a bat's by being separated by thin red bones, the actual leather area of the wing resembled a blazing inferno that would consume everything and to top it off each was tipped with a spike at the main joint.

Finally his head; While his lower jaw a bleached white the upper part of his head looked like someone made a mask out of guilmons face and added two horns that stuck out like a radio antenna with his bat like ears just behind them and vicious teeth surrounded with shown pink gums

Everyone was once again stunned by the turn of events, however the downed Kyuubimon was able to say "Something about this doesn't feel right"

Rapidmon was thinking along the same line as he said "I know Guilmon is a virus type but this is just creepy!"

Henry scanned the new Digimon with his digivice and read "That's Megidramon, a Virus type mega!"

Takato just stood there shell shocked over what had happened to guilmon as he thought "That can't be Guilmon, not the guilmon I made." with that he dropped his digivice that promptly broke to pieces and turned into data

No one seemed to notice that Megidramon passively absorbed it's data either

Megidramon roared in anger as his blood red eyes bore into Beelzemon all while thinking "Destroy, Must Destroy! Get Revenge!"

As quick as a whip and just like one Megidramon shot his tail out coiling it around Beelzemon and holding him in place before charging at the Mega level biker with all intent to tear him in half with his teeth.

Beelzemon didn't like this and quickly brought his arms up to grab Megidramon's jaws before the could clamp down on him. Beelzemon said "Got to admit this isn't a very attractive side to you pineapple-head"

Jeri covered her eyes trying to block out what was happening as she said "He's horrible!"

Takato could only mumble out "Horrible?" he took another glance at his enraged mega level partner and thought "She's right, what have I done to him? I made him digivolve. I created him with my hatred my anger"

As he was thinking this he saw Beelzemon deleting the monkey deva and absorb him before he used said deva's attack to capture both Rapidmon and Toamon.

"Crap" shouted Henry as he turned to Rika and shouted "Quick use the Alias card!"

Rika nodded understanding what he was talking about and said "Right"

Both shouted "Digi-modify Alias Activate!"

Just as the orbs would have deleted them the cards activated ejecting both Renamon and Terriermon from the orbs saving them but still giving Beelzemon a power boost from absorbing the data that was in their ultimate form's attacks

"Yes!" screamed Beelzemon using the boost from absorbing all that data to push Megidramon off of him and send him flying with a bone shattering kick to the chest

Megidramon landed in a heap unconscious on the ground as Beelzemon laughed at his victory

Takato, not even caring, walked up to Megidramon's unconscious form and knelled beside him and said "I'm so sorry boy Jeri is right it's all my fault"

Takato had many flashbacks as he said "you were like a dream come true; a living, breathing digimon. It was amazing, I figure that since I had created you that you were a part of me. Although I will admit that I was scared with how big you got sometimes; but then I remember when you said that regardless of your size you were still you inside."

Takato, close to tears, continued by saying "Data, Dna what's the difference you were always you but I never thought about what would happen if I couldn't control myself. Now I know and that's why I'm so sorry Guilmon"

Takato wiped the tears in his eyes away as he stared at Megidramon's face and finished with "Now please wake up so we can be a team so we can be together."

Sadly, even though some part of Megidramon heard what Takato had said, it wasn't the part that Takato was trying to reach.

Megidramon had heard the speak and the small part of him that was guilmon's unconscious mind was touched. The problem was that he was unconscious and Megidramon was still running on insticts and he thought "Together...? yes. We fight together but need data to fight. He said together, Together forever"

Takato so focused on Megidramon's face didn't even notice that his spear like tail was slithering behind he or seconds later it was poised slightly above him.

Then his eyes snapped open and he struck in that moment their world went silent.

Everyone else was watching as Beelzemon walked towards them

With a sinister smirk Beelzemon said "Aww are the little mon going to wet themselves in fear of me? I can't tell you how great that feels it brings a little tear to my eye"

As he said this he stopped just in front of the downed renamon and terriermon before reaching down and grabbing Renamon around the throat lifting her up while aiming one of his shotguns at terriermon before saying "Oh goggle-head! What was that you said earlier? Something about making me pay!?"

Beelzemon gazed to the side to see something that made his arms go slack, dropping Renamon and his shotgun saving Terriermon

Beelzemon's eyes were wide and the shock showed on his face as he whispered "Pineapple-head?"

The Tamers were reasonably confused by this sudden change and turned to see what could get Beelzemon to have that expression

What they saw made them gasp is terror and cry out in disbelief "TAKATO!"

All Takato could feel was pain, one second he had apologized to Guilmon and the next he felt the worst pain of his life in his chest.

Takato managed to look down to see Megidramon's barbed tail sticking through his chest as the area around it began to digitize and be absorbed by Megidramon.

Megidramon growled while he rose up slightly holding himself on one of his forearms and looked at Takato with red eyes.

Takato coughed "Guil...mon"

(Inside Megidramon's subconscious)

Guilmon's eyes opened slowly having woken up, he looked around confused as all he saw was darkness

Guilmon tilted his head confused and asked, even though no one could hear him, "Where am I?"

He stood up and began to walk around for a minute trying to get a sense for what was going on.

Guilmon was very worried since he couldn't find anything or anyone on top of the fact that last he saw Beelzeumon was attacking his friends

Guilmon had been frowning for a while now but he was getting tired of this constant darkness and lack of people, so he decided to sit down for a minute to rest.

As he sat there he thought sadly "Where are you dad?" even though Takato was his partner Guilmon considered him more of a parent than one since he had literally created him. Calling him Takatomon was more of a running joke for Guilmon

Really Guilmon was quite intelligent he just preferred to fool around and have fun then put any real thought into anything. Sometimes he did show how smart he really was but it was mostly just to help his friends feel better.

Suddenly a bright light shown through the darkness capturing Guilmon's attention and with that light a voice was heard "Guil...mon"

Guilmon was on his feet in an instant and shouted "That was Takatomon!" he ran as fast as he could towards the light but as he got closer the light got more and more red

when he got there he found that the light was actually his hazard symbol in bright red. He got close to it and found it was actually a window.

Guilmon looked through the window and his breath caught in his throat, while tears flowed from his eyes as he shouted "Daddy!" with that he dove through the window like hazard symbol.

(Digital world)

The tamers and Beelzemon were silent as they saw Takato slowly digitize, the hole where he was struck now covered most of his torso. While Megidramon slowly absorbed his data.

Takato didn't seem bothered by the fact he was dying because he reached out and hugged Megidramon around the snout and said "I guess this is punishment for what I did to you. Huh boy?"

Megidramon's eyes widened as tears began to form all while the previously red orbs returned to a sickly yellow. "Daddy?" came the deep baritone voice of Megidramon

Everyone was shocked that it seemed like Guilmon had regained his senses but none more than Takato as he was crying now as he said "Yes it's me boy it's your daddy."

Megidramon retracted his tail from Takato's chest careful to cause as little pain as possible before crying full out saying "I'm sorry" as many time as and as fast as possible

Takato shh'ed him in an attempt to quiet his sobbing, even though now he was reduced to only his upper torso, he said "Don't be sad boy I may be leaving but I'll never be gone"

Takato placed his hand on Megidramons chest and said "I will be with you right here" motioning to his heart

Megidramon's tears lessened as a very small smile graced his face, even if it was just a farce to prevent his father from seeing his sadness.

Takato saw what he was doing and said "Don't lie to me Megidramon I know you so please promise me you will at least try and be happy after this please."

Megidramon nodded sadly and quietly said "I'm still sorry but I promise to try no matter how hard it is, but I need time alone after this."

Takato smiled sadly, understanding what he was talking about, and said "So long as your happy I will always be proud of you."

Takato turned towards the others and said "I'm sorry this happened everyone, but please don't blame Megidramon for what happened here."

He looked at Jeri and smiled before saying "I'm sorry for what happened to you Jeri and I can't apologize enough for everything you've gone through."

He turned to Henry and said "It's up to you to be the leader of the group now Henry"

To Rika he said "I hope you do well with everything Rika and please don't shut everyone out, just try to be more open and see how things go."

He had the same message for Kenta and Kazu, when he said "And you two don't get into any trouble and more important don't make Rika mad or she will destroy you" he finished with a laugh

To Beelzemon he said "I want to hate you so much right now it's not funny but I can tell now there is still some good in you. All you are is misguided so I will say all you need to do is find your own way one that you decide on not one decided by others and for pete's sake find a friend their all around you!"

All that was left of Takato at this point was his head, so he looked at Megidramon and finished his goodbyes by saying "I'm sorry I have to leave you alone but please do try to return home at some point ok?"

Megidramon nodded his head with a truly sad smile and said "I promise dad, I promise I will return home at some point but I don't know when."

By now all that was left of Takato was his right eye which let out one last tear as his voice said "Ok Guilmon, I love you son"

Megidramon wanted to cry more but stopped it as he said "I love you to daddy." with that Takato fully digitized and was gone and had been fully absorbed by Megidramon, who was unaware that he had even done it in his emotional state.

Megidramon took a deep breath and roared a sorrowful roar as the tears flowed freely from his eyes.

The Tamers weren't doing much better as they were all in tears as well even Rika.

Beelzemon was silent as he thought "Takato was a lot of things but he wasn't stupid, maybe there was some truth to what he said. If anything I won't delete these guys until I have my answers."

With that Beelzemon called Behemoth and got on before leaving not even bothering with the other tamers.

Megidramon managed, after a few minutes of sobbing, to calm himself and look at the Tamers and their digimon partners before saying "I-I can't begin to explain what happened or anything else."

As he started talking the Tamers who's sorrowful cries reduced to mere whimpers looked at Megidramon.

Megidramon could see right there that there were distrust among them and he couldn't blame them one bit as he continued "My father may have asked you to forgive me for what happened but I don't think that's possible and I don't think it would be right after what I did."

Renamon stepped forward and said "Guilmon even though this happened and we are all sad at our loss, We want to do as Takato asked so know now I hold no ill will towards you."

Megidramon smiled slightly and said "I knew that you would say that but honestly Renamon could you see anything going even slightly back to the way it was? Can you see there ever being the same amount of trust and love in our group again?"

Renamon looked at the rest of her group and saw that even though most of them were trying to she couldn't see them ever trusting or thinking the same of Guilmon again.

She sighed sadly "No, I can't"

Megidramon nodded equally as sadly and continued "Then you see my point, I can't go back with you all right now. I'll return someday but not now."

Terriermon asked "But how will you get back?"

Megidramon shrugged "Don't fully know but I have an idea just keep an eye on this spot and i'll send a signal when I'm ready ok?"

Henry walked up and said "I understand what happened I may not like it and it will take time for me and everyone to completely forgive you but I promise we will meet again and hopefully we can all put this behind us and honor Takato's last wishes." Everyone else nodded to this.

Megidramon smiled slightly and finished by saying "Thank you everyone, and please tell my fathers family I'm sorry and will return to take my beating later."

That said Megidramon lifted off the ground with his wings and flew off while thinking "I promise you dad I don't know how but I will make everything right!"

Read in Davis voice

"Holy cow Takato's gone and Guilmons confused and alone! What's next?! Find out next time on Digimon Digital monsters!