Author's Note: Part of this chapter was inspired by the series finale of Full House. You'll see what I mean when you start reading, and so, let's get on with the chapter!

Chapter 8, Everything's Back to Normen, Well, Almost…

The following day, Bobby Generic started his first day of kindergarten at Doodle Dale Elementary School while his younger twin brothers, went off to a daycare for the day. And while everybody was happy that Chuckie wasn't going back to preschool, Tommy still didn't talk as a result of his laryngitis, so it was kind of like the previous week, only at least Tommy smiled, and Chuckie sat by him, as he rested, trying to get better, and Dil continued to walk around backwards, and talk about aliens. Tommy would never admit it, but since he was sick when Dil started acting this way, in some ways, it freaked him out, and he hoped that once his voice came back, he could get to the bottom of Dil's strange behavior. Phil and Lil though, remained to keep silent about the head dropping, and other than that, the toddlers played quiet games, and watched Reptar, as well as a new show, Captain Squash, which Tommy turned to with the clicker, and wouldn't switch the channel, once he heard Captain Squash's name mentioned. He couldn't wait to get better and see Bobby again, and have a real conversation with him, as he started to like Captain Squash, but he didn't stop liking Reptar, as both of them were good heros.

While the toddlers continued to get well from illnesses, act weird, and play their little baby games, there was one little girl, who was a changed person. Sometime that afternoon, Angelica, finally awoke in the hospital. Drew was so worried about Angelica, that he took the day off of work and went and spent it with her at the hospital. Drew was so happy to see his little girl alive, when she woke up.

"Hi." Said Angelica.

"Hi Angelica. How are you doing?" Drew asked.

"I'm ok, but my head hurts." Replied Angelica.

"Listen, sweetie. You had an accident, and fell down the stairs at Uncle Stu and Aunt Didi's, and hit your head. I'm so sorry this happened to you." Said Drew apologetically, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Thanks. Who are you?" Angelica asked.

"Angelica sweetie, it's daddy." Drew replied.

"Ok, you're my daddy, so that must make me, Angelica!" Replied Angelica, a bit unsure of who she really was.

Just then, a doctor walked into the room.

"What's going on here? She's completely out of it." Drew asked.

"Well memory losses are very common with head injuries. They're usually temporary." Replied the doctor.

"Usually?" Drew asked in a panic.

"For now, the best thing to do, is to take Angelica home. Show her some familiar things and go about your normal activities." Suggested the doctor.

Drew nodded, agreeing to this request, and later that week, Angelica came home. Drew took the rest of the week off of work, as he was too worried about his sweet little princess to try to concentrate at his job, and he knew Charlotte couldn't take off anytime soon, so he took off, in hopes that spending some quality time with his daughter would help her to remember things again.

Meanwhile, Bobby was adjusting to his new school, and by the end of that week, Tommy's voice had returned, and he was more or less, back to himself, with only one exception. Deep down, he was worried about Angelica, and hoped she was ok, as he hadn't seen her since he punched her in the face, causing her to fall down the stairs.

On Friday of that week, Taffy's usual day to babysit, she came and babysat Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Kimi, Dil, Jesse, and Zack, and took them to the park, since it was a beautiful, sunny fal day, and Tommy was over his cold. But Chuckie could tell something was bothering Tommy.

"Is something bugging you Tommy?" Chuckie asked.

"I'm just worried about Angelica. What if something happened to her?" Tommy asked.

"I wouldn't worry Tommy. I'm sure Angelica's fine. Now, let's go pick some dandelions!" Said Chuckie, running through the park, picking dandelions, Tommy, following close behind, trying not to think about Angelica.

Later that afternoon, Bobby came to the park, and recognized Tommy right off in a grassy patch of the playground. Tommy looked and saw it was Bobby.

"Hey Bobby!" Said Tommy.

"Tommy! You're all better!" Said Bobby with a grin, as he ran up to Tommy and gave him a hug.

"Yep. Guys, you remember Bobby right?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah…" Replied Jesse.

"Guys, I realize now you were right, and Angelica was wrong. Tommy never disappeared, and I'm sorry I believed Angelica. Are we still friends?" Bobby asked.

Everyone besides Tommy nodded, and gave Bobby a group hug.

"Oh, and this might make some of you mad, but as both, a big brother and a little brother, now that you are all better Tommy, I need to tell you something." Said Bobby, as he sat down in the grass, and took Tommy's face in his hands, looking him straight in the eye.

"What is it Bobby?" Tommy asked.

"It's about your brother Dil. I know why he's been talking about aliens and walking backwards." Said Bobby.

"Yeah? What's going on?" Tommy asked.

"Well, at that apple festival you had to miss cuz you were sick, well, a mean little girl named Gloria approached Phil, Lil, and Dil on the monkey bars. Phil and Lil were trying to show Dil how to play on the monkey bars, to keep a promise you couldn't keep cuz you were sick. Well, this girl named Gloria, she's like a younger Angelica, and she tricked Phil and Lil into doing something, which caused them, to accidentally, drop your little brother on his head. I know they wanted to keep it a secret from you, and if you guys want to be mad at me forever, I understand, but I didn't think it was right for you to go through life with Dil, not knowing what happened to him." Explained Bobby.

Everybody stared at him for several minutes, before someone spoke up.

"We're not mad." Said Phil.

"You're not?" Bobby asked surprisingly.

"No, it was better to tell Tommy." Said Lil.

"We just weren't sure how Tommy would take the news, cuz, he was all cranky and everything." Said Phil.

"Guys, I'm not mad. I know it was a accident and you didn't mean it." Said Tommy.

Everybody smiled, relieved that there were no hard feelings about what happened.

"Besides, I always thought my brother Dilly to well, be just that, Dil." Said Tommy with a smile.

Everyone started laughing, before deciding on something to play.

"Hey Bobby, we're gonna play Jungle Explorers. Wanna play with us?" Tommy asked.

"I'd love to!" Said Bobby.

"You'll love it! Jungle Explorers is my favoritest game!" Said Zack with a smile!

"Mine too!" Said Jesse, jumping up and down.

"Then let's play Jungle Explorers!" Said Tommy with a smile, as Bobby and the other toddlers, headed through the park, and played their game.

"Can we have aliums in the jungle?" Dil asked.

"No!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Ok, Izzy and I will go play by ourselves." Dil said with a sigh.

"Izzy? And who's Izzy?" Kimi asked.

"Oh, he's my new alium imaginary friend." Said Dil with a smile, as he walked backwards towards a tree, and as soon as he bumped against it, he crawled, until he was on the other side of the tree, out of sight of the other toddlers.

"That's Dil for ya, just, being Dil." Said Phil, as the other toddlers, continued to play Jungle Explorers.

Lil nodded in agreement to her brother's statement.

Later on, after everybody returned to Tommy's house, Taffy received a phone call from Bobby's mom. She and Howard G wouldn't be able to pick him up that afternoon, but they had arranged for someone else to pick him up, but to not tell Bobby, it would be a surprise. Taffy agreed to this and after hanging up the phone, she went and told Bobby about what was going on. Bobby then went and told his toddler friends, who were all playing with blocks in the playpen all about it.

"I'm gonna have a surprise person pick me up today! Hmmm, I wonder if it's Captain Squash." Bobby asked the other toddlers.

"I don't know Bobby, but I wouldn't mind Captain Squash picking me up. He's a really cool superhero." Said Tommy with a smile.

The others, agreed with him, as they too enjoyed watching the Captain Squash TV show with them during the day while Bobby was at school, and now that Bobby had to miss it during the day, the Rugrats could tell him all about the adventures he had to miss!

A few minutes later though, Drew showed up with Angelica. Taffy went and opened the door.

"Come on in Angelica, don't be scared." Said Drew, taking a nervous Angelica, who didn't know who she was, into the house.

"Hi Angelica, remember me?" Taffy asked, as she walked Angelica into the living room to the playpen where Bobby and the toddlers were.

"Aren't you the nice lady who visited me in the hospital and played songs for me on a guitar?" Angelica asked.

Taffy nodded.

"Why don't you go play with the babies, perhaps they'll trigger some of your memories." Said Drew, as he headed off into the kitchen with Taffy.

"Hi Angelica, um, how are you doing?" Chuckie asked.

"Um, I'm ok. By the way, who's Angelica?" Angelica asked.

The toddlers all stopped what they were doing, staring at Angelica, with shocked looks on their faces. Tommy, nearly collapsed. He couldn't believe it. In fact, none of them could believe it. Angelica, didn't know who she was.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Taffy went and answered the door.

"Hey Bobb-o." Called Uncle Ted from the front door.

"Oh my gosh, it's Uncle Ted! It's Uncle Ted! Sorry guys, I have to go see my Uncle Ted. Good luck helping Angelica get her memory back. I'm gonna see my Uncle Ted!" Said Bobby excitedly, as he left the playpen, and ran to the front door, to greet his Uncle Ted.

"Hey Bobb-o, guess what time it is. Time for nugy's!" Said Uncle Ted, as the two of them, left Tommy and Dil's house.

"So, what are you doing here Uncle Ted?" Bobby asked, as they headed across the street to his house.

"Well Bobb-o, your mom called me up the other day and mentioned how you really missed me, so I decided to come in for a surprise visit, and, we're off on a camping trip this weekend. Just you and me. Won't it be fun?" Uncle Ted asked.

"A camping trip with just you and me, oh boy!" Bobby said excitedly, jumping up and down.

"I knew you'd like it. And you can tell me all about these new little friends you have made." Said Uncle Ted with a smile, as he and Bobby, got into Uncle Ted's rental car he rented at the airport, and headed off, on their weekend long camping trip.

And this concludes the story, of The Terribelest Two's.

Author's Note: So you may be wondering, what's the story with Angelica's memory? Will she ever get it back? Well, that's a story, for another day. And in fact, this cliff hanger here, leads us into the start of our next story, Angelica's Amnesia, which is where we'll pick up next, and find out what happens, to Angelica. So be looking for Angelica's Amnesia, coming soon to a Fan Fiction website near you, as well as other Rugrats adventures, coming soon!