Warm Chapter 2

Juvia woke up the next morning annd did her usual routine. After she finished that, she went to her closet and looked through her clothes. Today she was going out with Natsu and she wanted to look nice. She pulled out a black dress with white polka dots and black flats. She put those on, combed her hair, and as a finishing touch, she put on some lip gloss. Now she was ready. She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded in approval. Now all she had to do was go to the guild and wait for Natsu. She walked out of her dorm in Fairy Hills only to be stopped by Erza.

''Oh, Juvia. You look nice. Are you going somewhere?'' Juvia blushed.

''Yes. Juvia is going out with someone.'' Erza smiled.

''Good for you. Is the person that you are going out with Gray? Did he apologize?'' Juvia shook her head.

''It isn't Gray-sama. It's someone else.'' Erza looked surprised.

''Really? Is it someone that I know?'' she asked. Juvia nodded.

''Yes. Juvia doesn't mean to be rude, but she really has to go.'' Juvia turned and started to walk away, but Erza grabbed her hand. Juvia turned to look at her. Erza pulled her hand away.

''I'm really sorry about yesterday. Gray is a fool. I am sure that he will come to his senses eventually. He just needs time.'' Juvia smiled sadly.

''Yeah, but the thing is, Juvia isn't sure that she can wait anymore. Juvia will see you later Erza-san.'' With that being said, Juvia turned and walked away. When she reached the guild, it was almost noon. Natsu would be there any minute. For some reason, this made Juvia feel giddy inside. Normally she wouldn't get this excited over a date, unless it was with Gray. But it's different now. She was actually excited about going out with Natsu. After a couple minutes of waiting, Juvia saw Natsu walking towards the guild.

''Natsu-san!'' Juvia shouted and waved. Natsu saw her and waved back.

''Hi Juvia.'' Natsu said when he was in front of her. He looked her up and down.

''You look nice.'' he complimented her. Juvia blushed.

''Thank you Natsu-san. Anyways, shall we get going?'' she asked. Natsu nodded and together they started walking away from the guild.

''So, where are we going?'' Natsu asked. Juvia smiled.

''Well, Juvia hopes that Natsu-san didn't eat anything. She was going to take you to lunch. If that is okay with you.'' Natsu grinned.

''Of course! I would never turn down free food. But I should warn you, I have a big appetite.'' Juvia smiled.

''Natsu-san can eat all the food he wants. Juvia will pay for all of it.''

''Okay, but you've been warned.''Juvia giggled and started leading the way to the restaruant. She ended up taking Natsu to an all you can eat bufet. As soon as they were able to get their food, Juvia regretted taking Natsu to the bufet. Natsu ahd six plates filled to the edge with food.

'' I wanted to try everything.'' he told Juvia when she asked him about it. They sat down at theit table and Juvia watched as Natsu devoured his food.

''What?'' he asked mid bite, when he noticed that she was staring. Juvia shook her head.

'' Juvia just can't believe that Natsu-san can eat so much so fast. It's disturbing.'' Natsu smiled sheepishly.

''Yeah, well I didn't eat anything at all today. Happy wouldn't let me.''

''Speaking of which, where is Happy?'' Juvia asked, finally noticing that the blue flying cat was not around.

''He decided to stay home. He said that he didn't want to get in the way of our date.'' Natsu replied. Juvia blushed.

''Happy thinks that this is a date?' Natsu chewed on a piece of chicken and nodded.

''I don't know why though. You asked me out as a friend. There' s nothing more to it.''

''Yeah.'' Juvia mumbled, a little disappointed by the answer. Natsu swallowed the rest of his food in his mouth and asked,

''Why did you join Phantom Lord?'' Juvia looked up from her food, startled. She did not expect this.

''Why is Natsu-san asking?'' Natsu shrugged.

''I'm just curious as to why someone like you would join a guild like that. There must be a reason.'' Juvia sighed.

''All of her life, Juvia has been shunned and rejected by people because of the rain. She was never accepted by anyone. People would always bully her and call her names as a child. She thought that if she made Teru Teru Bozu dolls then everything would get better. But that just made things worse. As Juvia got older, she got accostumed to the rain. But she was still ignored by everyone. But that all changed when she joined Phantom Lord. She was finally accepted for her abilities, not rejected. She was finally apart of something and she wasn't alone. She felt like her life was complete. That's why Juvia joined Phantom Lord. They were the first people to accept and respect her.'' Juvia stared at Natsu. He had been quiet for the entire time that she was talking.

''Well, I guess that makes sense. I always had Igneel and the others, so I really didn't know what it felt like to be alone. If that is the reason why you joined then I can accept that.'' Natsu said. Juvia smiled.

''But Juvia is no longer a mage of Phantom Lord. Juvia is apart of Fairy Tail now. Yes, Phantom was the first guild to accept Juvia, but Fairy Tail was the first guild to treat Juvia family. Juvia never felt at home at Phantom Lord. Most of the guildmates there either feared or resented her. That is not what a guild should be like. Fairy Tail taught Juvia that in a guild, guildmates are treated like family. Fairy Tail taught Juvia that one should be willing to die for your friends. Even after Juvia did all those terrible things, you guys took her in and made her apart of your family. Juvia will always be grateful to you guys. Juvia probably doesn't even deserve your kindness.''

''Hey. That's all in the past now. It's not your fault that your guild master was a lousy son of a bitch. You're a good person Juvia, you were just mixed up with the wrong people. I'm glad that you joined Fairy Tail. Now you can finally know what it feels like to have family.'' Natsu smiled at her. Juvia smiled in return. They continued to eat their food in silence. It wasn't long before they finished eating. Juvia frowned.

''Juvia doesn't want this to end. She really likes talking to Natsu-san.'' Natsu grinned.

''Well, it doesn't have to end. How about I take you to some of my favorite places?'' Natsu asked. Juvia smiled.

''Sure. So long as it isn't another food place. Juvia can't eat anymore.'' Natsu's grin grew.

''Nope. I'm stuffed too. Now come on!'' Natsu grabbed Juvia's hand and dragged her out of the bufet.

''Where are we going?'' Juvia asked.

''You'll see.'' Natsu replied.


Juvia has no idea where Natsu was taking her. She didn't know any of Natsu's favorite places. So she just let him drag her along to wherever they were going. Eventually Natsu did stop at what seemed to be an arcade. Juvia stared at him curiously.

''Natsu-san likes going to the arcade?'' she asked. Natsu smirked.

''Yep! It's one of my favorite places away from the guild. Now let's go inside.'' Natsu took Juvia's hand and dragged her inside. Inside the arcade, Juvia saw multiple kids playing on the game machines. Not only that, but there were bean bag chairs, tables where the kids could sit down with their friends, and there was even a pool table. The lights in the place flashed multiple colors of pink, blue, purple, red, orange, and so much more. Juvia was mesmerized. She had never been to a place like this.

''Wow, this place is really cool. Natsu-san has good taste.'' Natsu smiled.

''Of course I do. I'm here with you, right?'' Juvia blushed. Natsu took her and and led her to the first game machine.

''What's this?''Juvia asked.

''This is the thing that you play the games on. This specific game is called Dark Guild Destroyer. The point of the game is to kill as many dark mages that you can in five minutes. See this,'' Natsu pointed at the controls, '' This button is to move, this one is to dodge, and this one is for using magic. Do you understand?'' Juvia nodded.

'' It seems easy enough.'' Juvia pushed the start button and began to first time she played, she got only got 30 kills. Now after playing this game five times, she managed to get 120 kills.

''This game is really fun. What is your high score Natsu-san?'' Natsu grinned.

''510 kills.'' he answered.

''That's a lot.'' Juvia replied.

''I'm just awesome. Now let me take a crack at it.'' Juvia moved out if the way and let Natsu take over. Juvia watched him and in her head, she began to compare him to Gray. ' Natsu-san and Gray-sama are alike and different at the same time. They both want to protect, and even die, for the people that they love. They're both powerful mages. But their personalities are totally different. Gray-sama is cold and distant, but Natsu-san is kind, caring, and even a little bit childish. He isn't afraid to show his emotions. And then there is their looks. No doubt about it, they're both handsome. With their pretty faces and their well built muscles. But for some reason, Juvia feels drawn to Natsu-san. Everything about him is different. His hair, his clothes, and his childhood. He was raised by a dragon for Mavis sake! Everything about screams ' Look at me!' And Juvia likes that about him. He is everything that a girl could want. How come Juvia did not notice this before?'

''Juvia.'' Natsu's voice drew Juvia out of her thoughts.

''Yes?'' Natsu rubbed the back of his neck.

''Well, I was just wondering if you would like to leave. I still want to show you some places. If that's okay.'' Juvia smiled.

''Of course. Lead the way.'' Natsu grinned and once again he took Juvia's hand and started leading her to their next location.


Natsu took Juvia to several more places after they left the arcade. During that time, Juvia got to know Natsu so much better. To end the day off, Natsu took Juvia to the lake to watch the sunset. The light from the setting sun reflected nicely off the surface of the water. No words were shared between them for a while.

''Juvia had a lot of fun today.'' Juvia said, breaking the silence. Natsu smiled.

''I'm glad you did. I had fun too.'' It was silent again. Natsu would occasionally glance at her from the corner of his eye. She was really beautiful in his opinon. Gray was an idiot for not realizing how beautiful she is.

''Say Juvia.'' Natsu started. Juvia looked at him.

''Yes? What is it Natsu-san?'' she asked.

'' Why do you like Gray so much?'' he finally asked. Juvia was taken aback by the question. She swallowed and looked up at the setting sun.

''Gray-sama showed Juvia the sun. He took away the rain. He made Juvia realize that she didn't need to be alone anymore. He saved her. And for that reason, Juvia will always be grateful to Gray-sama.''

'' But that's graditude, not love.'' Natsu said. Juvia frowned.

''What is Natsu-san implying?'' she asked. Natsu shrugged.

''I'm just saying that maybe you don't love Gray like you think you do. You're grateful to him for showing you the light and you want him to know that by doing all these things for him, thinking that it's love, but maybe it's not. Maybe you're confusing graditude with love.'' Natsu said. Juvia was silent. Then she turned and glared at him.

'' Juvia is not confused. She knows that there is a difference between love and graditude. Besides, what does Natsu-san know about love anyway?'' Juvia said harshly. Natsu flinched a little at her tone. He looked away.

''Look, I don't know anything about love except from what Igneel told me.'' Natsu looked up and their eyes met.

''What did Igneel tell you?'' Juvia whispered.

''Igneel told me that love is when you care about someone so much that it would hurt sometimes. You would worry about that person's safety all the time. He said that when you love someone, you would do anything for that person. You would take care of them and protect them. And when that person was hurting, you would hurt too. He told me that if the person that you love should die, then you would want to die with them. It would be impossible to live without them. You would want to die if it meant that you could be with them. But you would not do that. You would live for them and be happy because that is what they would want for you. Sometimes it would be hard to be happy and smile, knowing that that person is gone, but you would try. You would try because if that person loved you, then they would want you to be happy. They wouldn't want you to die with them. They would want you to live.'' Natsu sighed.

''Look, Juvia, I'm not saying that Gray isn't important to you. I'm just saying that maybe what you feel for him is close to love, but not the same thing.'' Juvia was silent for a moment.

''Why are you saying this?'' she asked.

''I would just feel bad if you spent all your time chasing after some guy that doesn't even love you back. I know that Gray only sees you as a friend and I know that everytime he pushes you away, it hurts your feelings. I just don't think that it's right. You deserve better than that.''

''Thank you Natsu-san.'' Juvia said.

''There is no need to thank me. I was just speaking the truth. I don't like the way Gray treats you. He leads you on, only to break your heart. That's a terrible way to treat a girl.'' Natsu said, moving closer to Juvia. Juvia noticed this, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she moved closer to him as well.

''Than how should one treat a girl?'' Juvia asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The sun had completely set by now, leaving only the moon and the stars shining in the sky.

''With kindness and respect. A man should never take a women for granted.'' Natsu replied.

'' Did Igneel tell you that?'' Natsu smirked.

''Yeah, he did.'' Natsu moved just an inch closer to Juvia. She did the same.

''Then Igneel is a very wise dragon.'' she whispered.

''Yeah.'' Natsu agreed. They stared into each others eyes. Their breaths mingled into one. In the next moment, their lips met. Natsu's lips were warm and soft, something Juvia did not expect. Juvia's lips were soft and they tasted like freshly washed strawberries. Nastu liked the taste of her lips. In fact, he liked everything about her. He liked the way she smelled. To him, she smelled like the sky after a sudden rainstorm. He liked how soft her lips were. He liked the way she dressed. It was weird, but it was a nice kind of weird. And he especially liked her hair. It was long and wavy and the color was unatural like his. To him, Juvia was refreshing. To Juvia, Natsu was familiar. He felt like home to her. She felt like she could be herself around him. He brought joy to a person's life and she was no different. They pulled away.

''Wow.'' Juvia whispered.

''I know.'' Natsu whispered back to her.

''This was Juvia's first kiss, you know.'' Natsu smiled.

''It was mine too.'' he said. They turned their heads back to the lake, where the full moon's light was being reflected off the water's surface. Juvia's head was on Natsu's shoulder and Natsu had his arm wrapped around her waist. They stayed like that for a while. It was was so tranquil and they wanted this moment to last forever. But Juvia had to return to the Fairy Hills before some of the girls started to worry. Their hands were intertwined during the walk to the Fairy Hills.

'' Juvia wants to stay with you.'' Juvia said when they were in front of the Fairy Hills doors. Natsu smiled.

'' I want to stay with you too. But then the girls would start to worry. And if they found out that we spent the night together, it would be a total disaster.'' Natsu said and he started to lean in. For the second time that night, they were kissing. This one was shorter than the first, but the same amount of emotion was behind it.

''Thank you Natsu-san.'' Juvia said when they pulled away.

''For what?'' Natsu asked.

''For telling Juvia that she doesn't have to chase a man that will never love her back. It's about time that Juvia moved on.''

''With me?'' Juvia smiled.

''Yes, with you.'' Natsu beamed.

''Good.'' he said. Juvia laughed.

''Juvia will see you tomorrow. Good night Natsu-san.''

''Good night Juvia.'' Natsu watched her close the door before he started walking back to his house. Inside, Juvia was grinning from ear to ear. From her dorm room window, Erza could see the entire scene happening. She went to bed that night with only one thought going through her mind.

'Juvia and Natsu. Who would've thought?'


Finally done! Thank you all for the reviews. I really appreciate it.