A/N: The new maze runner movie has brought back my love for the maze runner series...and i just had to write a fic about it. This'll go from the book, with a few things tweaked to fit my oc in. Hope y'all like it!

She can't remember how she got here, or even when, but the memories-or lack of rather don't bother her at this moment. Her paws soundlessly hit the floor, brushing gently against the ground as every fibre of her being is telling her to be wary, and stay undetected. The instinct of self-preservation kicks in as she hears the metallic churning noise around her, and a horrid stench fills her senses making her snort and rub her snout into the ground.

Her glittering eyes darted around her surroundings as she turned silently through the corners of the maze, not knowing where she was going, just that she was looking for something that she needed to find. Her ears pricked with curiosity as she heard new sounds, heavy thumping, pounding that was growing louder with every step closer she took. Heartbeats. Human heartbeats. The faster the beating hearts got the louder the grinding and scraping of machinery got, and the strong scents of fear and sweat enveloped her senses. A pained shriek echoed through the maze, so close to her this time and with her hackles raised to attack, she hurtled towards the noise, as sudden surge of protectiveness filled her snowy form. When she makes it around and to her destination the sight almost makes her hesitate. The ugly creature, green and slimy with sharp appendages was more than twice the size of her, and if were just her own safety that were on the line she would have bolted and took cover. She hadn't realised she was snarling, but she was. The boy's face was a clear indication that she was. Terror. Curiosity. Confusion. Pain. The emotions rolled off of him in waves as he looked from his place on the ground, clutching his leg as he stared at her. The huge green beast seemed to have paused, as if was deciding what to do: leave the boy and pursue the wolf. Or not. A spinning blade on one of it's arms had frozen in mid-air, before thrumming back to life as needles moved to strike the boy. She felt her low warning snarl build up inside her, vibrating through her shaking form and leaving her throat in a vicious roar. The boy flinched as she jumped forward, biting harshly into the green creature, tasting metal. A shriek like squeaking metal sounded from the huge beast and it reared to defend itself, but she was too fast, leaping out of the way before jumping back on the creature and tearing at it with her claws and teeth. The metal limbs were thrown carelessly away as she revelled in her animalistic lust to kill and she didn't stop tearing at the creature until it was in an unrecognisable mass of gunk and scraps. Sure of the threat being eliminated she turned to the boy, but he had passed out, his eyes hidden behind eyelids and long lashes.

Trotting over to him a whine found it's way out of her throat, and she nudged him with her snout as she tried to get him to open his eyes. When that didn't work she began howling at him in irritation, pawing at his shirt and then rolling him onto his side with her strength. Still no use. With a huff she paced around him, then the smell of blood hit her, making her slightly alarmed. His leg whas starting to discolour, as the red liquid seeped out of a wound, painting the floor red. She knew this was bad, he wouldn't survive if the blood kept leaving him. She pressed herself up against the wound, hoping to stop the blood from falling out, and hearing him groan she felt she had done something right. His eyelids fluttered and she lifted her head, looking around. In the far distance she could hear the stirring of machinery, and she knew it would do him no good to stay here. She had to get him up and moving. Laying her head down beside his hand she began to nip it lightly, and seeing him stir continued to do it, applying more pressure each time, but not enough to actually break his skin.


He jolted up his eyes widening and he cried out in pain as he jolted his injured leg. He furrowed his brows cocking his head to the side as he watched her, and she mimicked him cocking her head to the side also. He turned away looking at the messy remains that were scattered around him, then back to the white wolf whose fur was now discoloured with a mixture of sludge and blood.

"You killed the shucking Griever?"

The she-wolf bobbed her head in a nod.

"To save me?"

Again the wolf nodded, and he shuddered slightly, there was something way too human about the way the animal was looking and acting.

"Bloody unbelievable"

He muttered, raking his hands through sweat drenched hair.

"Shove off will ya"

He said eventually noticing she wouldn't remove her gaze from him. The she-wolf stayed put and struggling to pull himself up in a seating position, the boy winced clutching his leg.

"I said shucking go!"

He shoved the wolf but she glared and hissed out at him before returning to her place staunching the blood from his wound, and laid her head lightly over his knee. She wasn't going anywhere unless he was. It didn't take him long to find that out either.

With a sigh he patted the top of her head.

"Well if I'm going to die out here I suppose it won't be so bad to not do it alone. "

The wolf growled at him. She hadn't gone through all that effort to have him give up. He raised an eyebrow and she began to nudge him, and he realised her intentions.

"Sorry little wolf, but there's no way I'm goin' anywhere with my leg in bits"

The white wolf made a sound that sounded like a disagreeing snort, that caused the corners of his mouth to twitch up a little. He wished he had as much belief as the snowy creature in front of him, as much hope, but with each moment passing he was growing weaker, and it was getting harder for him to keep his eyes open let alone move. The wolf began to pace frantically, her ears pricked up and her eyes alert. She could hear a voice approaching their path, another human, someone like the blonde boy. She just had to let them know where they were. An alerting howl echoed throughout the maze, and she knew she was successful when she heard the other human's footsteps change direction, and they sprinted closer to where she was.

Soon enough another boy appeared around the corner, raising a weapon at the wolf that was looming over his friend body. The blonde boy waved his arms in alarm.

"Minho, you klunkhead don't!"

The asian boy's features scrunched up in confusion.


"Don't shoot her, don't do it, she's good, she saved me"

"What are you talking about Newt, are you jacked?"

Newt shook his head fiercely.

"No you shank, she killed a Griever and saved me."

Minho turned to the wolf, assessing the furry creature. She sat beside Newt protectively her eyes narrowed only slightly at Minho. Her head suddenly darted to the side and Minho trained his hearing; the faint humming of machinery. Grievers. She trotted over to Minho nudging his legs with her nose and then turned her head into a direction away from the sound of the Grievers.

Weighing his options Minho decided he'd rather chance it with the wolf than with any Grievers, and he quickly rushed over to Newt, helping him up and wrapping his fellow runners arm around his neck, letting the injured boy use him as support.

"We gotta get outta here before the doors close"

The two runners began making their way back, before Newt pulled them to a halt.

"Come on, we gotta keep moving"

Minho ordered, pulling on Newt to get him to move.

"We can't leave her 'ere with the Grievers."

Newt motioned, cocking his head to the wolf that was a little way behind them, watching them leave.

"Well she killed one didn't she, the buggin' thing'll be fine"

"It don't seem right leaving her, she wouldn't leave me"

Minho threw his hands up.

"If Alby says anything, she's on you"

Newt turned to the white wolf.

"Come on, little wolf, you're coming home with us".