Well, these reviews were certainly interesting.
Ninuhuju: I know right? He'd do anything for Danny. Including sending him somewhere where he can live a... semi-normal life.
Raven Iris: First of all, cool name. Second of all, The reveal will be good, but this is Berk we're talking about... the island is full of idiots.
BeliveInYourDreams: I'm glad to hear that! :)
Julia N SnowMiko: Like I said, he pulled an Obi-Wan Kenobi.
ivanganev1992: It's like I'm speaking to a brick-wall here T_T
ColorlessRainbow42: o_o' calm down would you... he he he...
ethiopian1987: You made my day xD
SPARTAN-626: Screaming Death. It's still the SCREAMING Death, not Whispering. Also, Danny is still mourning for Sam so he's not gonna get paired, if I try to write romance it takes control of the fic. It's supposed to be friendship which I'm basing on the bond my sister and I share, it's not my fault that as soon as a guy expresses himself he's suddenly "gay", yeesh, what's wrong with people? I've never understood how for some reason guys can't express fondness without being called gay. Take off your slash-goggles.
Bluesonicblast: I ain't sayin' shit.
Uber Kewl: welcome to the readers.
Danny's life story had spread through the island like wildfire. Actually it had spread much better than wildfire, but you get the picture. Danny, meanwhile had not spoken a word to anyone after that night. He hadn't even been seen around that much. No one was really worried since Hiccup had seen Danny spending time with Snowflake.
The dragon-expert was glad to see a strong bond forming between the two and was working on a saddle for them. It was difficult to design it, but after some planning it turned out alright. It was a simple saddle, going around Snowflake's head and fastened to two spikes on the upside of her head and to three on the underside of her head, with handles on the sides of the actual saddle-part, which looked similar to Toothless' saddle, then there was also the harness with adjustable chords so that Danny could stand up without having to fear falling off. The saddle was situated behind the first row of spikes so that Danny could curl up and stay in the saddle when Snowflake dug tunnels.
Hiccup had also seen the pure bliss on Danny's face when he and his dragon were in the air and couldn't help but smile at that, it was nice to see he and Toothless weren't the only ones who loved flying that much. Sure, Astrid liked to compete against him and Toothless with Stormfly, but that was just her competetive personality shining through. But she did look good doing it. Not that Hiccup was looking. No really, no matter how much Danny liked to tease him about it he wasn't... Yeah, Hiccup wasn't fooling anyone and Danny was just glad it wasn't him who was in denial, for once.
Though, while Danny did tease Hiccup, he didn't tolerate anyone else doing it. Snotlout found this out the hard way when he tried to make fun of Hiccup. He ended up being sat on by Snowflake. She didn't move for hours. Danny had taken the "protective big brother" role without even realizing it but Hiccup wasn't complaining, it was nice having a brother. And someone who would stand up for him.
It was a rare sunny day when it happened. The teens had finally dragged Danny out of his gloom and he was talking again. The teens and their dragons were on one of the beaches when Snowflake noticed it. Danny noticed that his dragon had noticed something.
"What is it, girl?" he asked as Snowflake's head rose.
Suddenly she launched herself into the water and soon returned with a trunk loosely held in her jaws. She set it on the beach and panted as Danny scratched her under her massive chin.
"What is it?" Astrid asked as they got to where the Screaming Death had dropped her finding.
Hiccup, who'd knelt by the trunk, said "I can't read what it says."
At this Danny looked down and froze at what met his eyes. Engraved on the lid was not only the name "Daniel F." but also the DP symbol.
He looked at the impossible thing, wondering how it got there before coming to the only plausible explanation: Clockwork. With this in mind, he dropped down on one knee and brushed his fingers over his name before he unlatched the lid and lifted it to peer inside.
There were necessities any young viking would need, a sword, some light leather armour, a pair of boots, pants and gray shirts which probably had his signature red oval on them and a few vests.
But most importantly, for Danny at least, Danny laid his eyes on a Time-Medallion and a round shield with him, his friends and his family painted on it, looking like the picture they took in front of Fenton Works, but they were all clad in viking-clothes and there was no background.
It was hard to hold back tears as he laid the lid against the sand and grabbed the shield. He lost the battle against his tears as he gripped the wood in his hands.
"Why's he cryin' over a piece of wood?" was Snotlout's obnoxious question, which ended in a yelp as Astrid punched him in the face, hissing "It's a portrait, you dumb-ass!"
Only Hiccup could see what was painted there and he understood why Danny was crying. He put a hand on his friend's shoulder as his friend hugged the shield to his chest, crying. The others felt awkward at this and slowly edged away, but Hiccup, who'd often cried alone, stayed until Danny had ran out of tears.
Danny was a lot more open to the others after that. He'd come to the conclusion that while it was acceptable for him to mourn his friends and family, it didn't mean he couldn't make new ones.