Never Again

I don't own divergent or their characters.

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head, it hurt so much. Even my hair was hurting. I rolled around from the window avoiding the sunshine breathing a sigh and snuggling deeper in my pillows. I inhaled vanilla, spice and mint.

I snapped my eyes open at the unfamiliar room but familiar scent in the room. I quickly sat down holding the sheets around me and winced in pain. My stomach turned feeling like a solid weight and my head pounded. The sheet was tangled around my limb and as I followed the sheet tail, I almost gasped aloud when I saw someone was next to me. It was Four, lying on his stomach cradling the pillow at his head. The sheets were around his middle body and exposing his back muscles where it rose and expelled as he breathed deeper in his sleep. I realised I was completely naked and rose up shakily.

I need to go before he wakes up.

I looked around the room for my clothes. It found my scattered clothes next to the lamp table. I quickly picked it up and began to dress myself. I put my dress on first then inspected my undies, it had a long rip on the side, and I still threw it on and went to hunt for my heels under the bed. I glance over at Four's shirt and pants laying next my heels and a blush crept over me. I put my heels on and grabbed my purse that was on the floor near the door on my way out.

I left the room in a hurry and run down the stairs to the front foyer.

Breathe. Breathe.

I patted my dress down and opened up my purse to find my mirror, I need to see how I look after last night

I need to maintain some dignity.

I was shocked when I saw my face. It was blushed red and my lips were still swollen. I had mascara smudged all over my face.

His tongue sweeps through my mouth in broad hot, hungry strokes

My brap straps fall farther down my arms and I feel his hand on my exposed skin

"God, your so beautiful" he moans.

He takes my nipple between two fingers and tugs it.

I sigh loudly, trying to clean the mascara with a tissue and exit the hotel.

I ran towards the main street and frantically look for a cab. I need to get home before anyone sees me in this state.

Or before he comes looking for me.

No he wont. Of course he wont. We were both drunk, it was just that one time thing.

My mind then flashes back to last night...this morning.

"Baby we have all night" he says in an urgent whisper. Then he lowers his head to my right breast, where he pulls my nipple into his mouth. I grip his head and cry out from the pleasure.

"Lady..Lady you need a cab?" a cab pulls beside me.

"Yes, thanks. Dauntless College Block 2A. Thanks" I nod and hurry in the car. Then I searched for my phone. I turn on the screen and saw 5 missed calls and 6 messages from Christina. Oh Fuck.

Chris- Where are you?

Chris-What's happening?

Chris-You alive?

Chris-Bitch message!

Chris-Ok I am really getting worried!

Chris-Trissy I am sending a search party NOW!

Rolling my eyes and clearing my throat. Trust Christina to make a drama out of this. I quickly reply to her messages.

I am so sorry! Going home now babe. Talk there xx

I quickly press the send button.

My phone then beeps indicating I got a message. Its Christina.

Fuck! She has risen. You have a lot of explaining to do Tris!. I am out. Be home at 7 pm or else.

Suddenly I am remembering Four and his tongue all over my body. I draw in a sharp breath, my whole body throbbing at the image playing over and over in my mind. I won't ever see Four again and I will never sleep with a stranger again but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy having the most amazing sex ever. And oh my god talk about a guy giving you the best orgasm. But I have never done this before, in fact I have been a celibate for a year now. I have only slept with one guy who I dated a while before even considering losing my V card. I always thought when I end up in bed with someone its someone I want to end up in a long relationship with. Well I am a hypocrite.

I will try not to think about Four again because the truth is I am now regretting what I did.

Kind of.


I had a nice relaxing shower when I got home. I sigh happily been back at home and laying down in my couch. Back to sleep I went when suddenly I wake up to a ringing and wrenched my groggy eyes opens. I reached for the phone that was on the floor beside the couch.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Beatrice, did I wake you?" a masculine voice replied.

"Caleb! No you didn't!". I smile

"Good to hear you little sister". He laughed.

"What time is it over there in the Big Apple?"

"830, the sun is still out so it bright here".

"Oh. Lucky you its 7 here and pitch black" I yawned.

"How are you?" He asked. That's a good question. How I am I? I could answer that question honestly but I wouldn't dare as I doubt my brother will approve of my reckless and promiscuous behaviour.

"I am..good... great actually." I replied feeling my head throbbing again.I need ibuprofen for this pain.

"You hesitated then. Partying hard?"

"No" I said quietly.

"Sure.. sure. I remember college life..Frats, parties and hook ups" he chuckles. He laughter was contagious and I found myself feeling relaxed and laughing.

"What you did those things?..Not the prodigal son who does no wrong?" I say sarcastically. Caleb really does no wrong, his the most loving, honest and selfless person you would ever meet.

"Hey, I was wild back then." I rolled my eyes at that statement. Caleb was older than me by 5 years. He was also the complete opposite of wild. He spent most of his college life in front of a book or computer studying to become a lawyer. He achieved it and now is an exceptional one. Yeah he got the brains in the family.

"Whatever grandpa." I chuckled softly.

"Hows work?" he asks.

"The library is great Caleb. They have given me work over spring break which means I will have some form of income."I was currently studying to be a kindergarten teacher. I loved children and I loved reading. So teaching was the best career choice for me.

"Fantastic news! They must like you."

"Whats not to like hahaha". I tease.

We continued talking about college, my friends and our parents. I was happy to finally catch up with him. I would also be seeing him on Friday as he was flying in from New York for a week.

"I am happy to pick you up from the airport on Friday."


"Caleb?" I ask.

He remained silent.

"About that Beatrice-" he says with a shaky voice.

"Caleb! No. Not again!" I said sounding mad. I hate when plans got cancelled. Also I haven't seen my brother in 8 months.

"I am sorry." Caleb sounds apologetic. "Its work Beatrice, I am dealing with a big case with an important client. It wouldn't be beneficial for me to leave on vacation at this moment."

"Beneficial to whom Caleb?" I challenged. Knowing too well that this was benefiting the firm's reputation not Caleb.

"Beatrice that's not fair! You know I wouldn't miss mum's birthday unless it was important."

"What about your boss?" Caleb worked in Eaton & Co law firm, a wealthy and renowned firm in New York. They dealt with important civil cases and had very important clients such as politician and celebrities. Caleb felt very fortunate and grateful to have scored an apprenticeship and then a permanent job with them.

However all that good fortune came with a price; Marcus Eaton.

Caleb's boss Marcus Eaton was an arrogant asshole who made my brother work long hours with no break in between. He also treated his employers poorly with no respect or any consideration of their wellbeing. It made me angry and sad to see to what extent people would go to for money and prestige.

"His on leave till further notice. His son is in charge of the firm at the moment" he sighs.

"Son? Jackass has a son?" I said. Baffled with how someone as egostistic like him could be a father.

But then again with that much wealth and power, he could have just bought a child.

"Shock horror. I know. His a lawyer and its likely he will be taking over the firm soon".

"Well.. good news then?" I question. Feeling hopeful that my brother would be able to have some time off to actually rest and enjoy his life.

"I am not sure. I don't really like him or trust him." He sighs loudly.

"Like father like son?" I laughed bitterly.

"It's hard to tell. He mostly keeps to himself but so far he seems arrogant, pretentious and money orientated" he replies.

"Aren't you all?" I joke.

"No Beatrice we are not!" He snaps.

"Jeez Caleb relax I was joking".

"Sorry, Tris just had a long day. I think I just need sleep" He said between yawns.

"Yeah you do. Ok brot-"I said.

"Wait I have some news" he interrupted with a shaky breath.

"Your quitting your job and moving closer?"

"No. Eaton & Co is expanding their firms to other cities and we should be opening an office in Chicago very soon. Marcus's son is in Chicago at the moment making a few deals to see if we can get a top location in the city."

"Ahh that's fantastic! Then you can get transferred here and I'll be able to see you once a month instead of once a year!" I shrieked.

"You're becoming very dramatic. Living with Christina must be impacting you more than you think" he laughs.

"You have no idea" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok baby sister I am off to bed. Don't tell mum and dad, give me the privilege of breaking the news to them" he said.

"I wouldn't dare" I said before hanging up. I walk to the kitchen and pick up a glass form the drying rack next to the sink faucet and fill it up with water. After chugging three glasses, I grab my phone and start heading to my room when I hear a loud pounding at the door. "Who is it?" I yell.

"Tris open up its me, I forgot my keys" Christina yells.

Once I finally open the door, Christina pounces on me.

"Tris! Thank god your alive!" she shrieked

"I wasn't suppose to be?" I chuckled.

" God. Tell me everything. What happened last night" she asked eagerly.

" Geez Chris give me a chance to breath" I said walking to the couch.

"Tell me what happened! I was worried sick. Do you know how many women get raped or killed per minute in Chicago?

"I-" I start to answer.

"26 percent Tris! That's like I don't know 12 women a day or more." She rambles."Ugh you know am bad with statistics" she frowns.

"Did you just quote a line from Google?" I smile.

"I might have but that's beside the point" she exclaim. She started to pace in front of me shaking her head.

"Oh Chris I am sorry"

"I was about to call a search party. What happened?" she asked again. She looked far too interested to change the conversation.

I hesitated thinking back to the hotel room, my cheeks reddened again at the memories.

"You're blushing! Last time I saw you, you were dancing with him. Then sexy eyes and you disappear and all I get is a text saying you're not coming home and you're alive. Spill it Trissy baby" she commanded before sitting beside me.

"We danced then he asked me back to his room" I said breathing loudly.

"And..." she prompted impatiently looking down at her manicured nails.

"We went back to a hotel ...a fancy one up in town. Then we kissed and well that's it." I mumbled and Christina head snapped up.

"You slept with him? Didn't you?" she screams and covers her face.

"Kind of" I blushed feeling my face turn into a tomato.

"Wow Tris." She said looking at me with a serious expression.

"I know...I know" I said sounding regretful.

"Hun I am not judging you. It's just so out of character for you." She shakes her head.

"But ..isn't it wrong?"

"Technically no, it's not as if you killed him or violated him. It was consensual from both parties. Morally...well yes. Doubt mama Prior would be pleased you went home with a hot stranger for hot steamy sex. So now we need to go to church on Sunday to repent. But Trissy it was a one time experience and you were caught up in the moment."

"Don't regret anything Trissy". She said firmly, her hand on my shoulder.

"Thankyou" I nodded.

Christina sense she wasn't getting anything else out of me and flops back on the couch.

"Tris are you going to see him again? Did you leave your number?"

"No. I am not planning to see him again. It was a one time thing " I grumbled. My head was starting to throb again.

"You don't think you'll bump into him again?"

"No I wont" I repeat.

Chicago is a big city what are the chance of seeing him again?

My chances were very slim...



"Mr Eaton, thankyou. Your finances have been approved and you should have complete settlement in two weeks"

"Of course it approved Mr Bailey. I will get my assistant to give you a call with any further paper work" I said.

"Thankyou. We will be in touch".

The line went dead. I put the phone down and stare out the window. The early morning clouds have disappeared and now gave way to the expected showers. I roll in my bed and think of her.

She left without saying anything. Well I expected that, it was only one night. One night filled with pure pleasure and hunger. I am glad she left when she did or I might have wanted more from her.

Yet I was still thinking of her.

Her beautiful face, her body and her...smell.

I want her.

Thankyou for reading. Where can I find a beta reader? Reviews?