"So let me get this right - the monster in the Chamber of Secrets was just a really big snake?"

"Yes, well...yeah, pretty much,"

Pansy frowned "And its venom is poisonous?"

"Yes," Harry replied again.

She nodded. He had explained everything that had happened in the Chamber to her, but it wasn't until they were in the girls bathroom that she really believed him. After using a levitating spell to drop down the tunnel, they were now walking through the cold, damp passages.

Harry looked at Pansy out of the side of his eye, trying to read her face. She didn't look scared or anxious at all. Merlin knew he was. Last time he was in the Chamber he had almost been killed by the Basilisk, but now there was no Fawkes to save him.

"Unless I have food on my face, you can stop staring," She turned to him with an eyebrow raised "I'm fine, okay?"

Harry shrugged guiltily "I believe you, it's just..."

She raised the other eyebrow.

"I didn't really want you getting messed up in all this," He replied nervously, expecting her to get angry.

But Pansy wasn't angry, she was grateful "Thanks Harry," she said, and reached down to grab his hand.


"The Room of Requirement?"

"The Room of Requirement," Ron and Ginny repeated in unison. The siblings were sat either side of the coffee table in the two ruby-coloured armchairs.

Hermione slowly started to nod her head. It made sense. There weren't many students in Hogwarts that knew about the room, and she wasn't even sure that all of the professors were aware of its existence.

"So we find a meeting place somewhere nearby, probably in Hogsmeade," Ron continued to explain the plan, "And then the Order can apparate into the Room of Requirement-

"Ron, you know that's not possible," Hermione interrupted. Her mind flashed back to the Christmas Ball, and the way Draco had staggered through the entrance. She now realised that he must have walked to their dormitory from outside the castle grounds. Quickly she glanced over to him...sometimes she thought it was a miracle that he was even alive. She tucked her legs up onto the sofa, inching closer towards him. Almost automatically Draco put his arm around her, and his thumb began tracing small circles on her shoulder.

"So we use a portkey," Ginny suggested.

Hermione sighed "You can create one inside Hogwarts, but not use it. If members of the Order try and use a portkey, they'll be ripped to shreds before they even realise,"

"Then we get McGonagall to help," Draco said quietly "Dumbledore lowered the portkey boundaries during the Triwizard Tournament, which means she must be able to do it now,"

"It might work," Ginny noted.

"Didn't you say McGonagall was the next target though? Snape will be the new Headmaster soon," Ron said frowning.

Hermione tried to hide the apprehension in her voice "Then we'll have to work quickly,"


Bending down towards the giant skull, Harry stared into the beast's giant, empty eye sockets.

It had only been the third time Harry Potter had encountered Voldemort, down in this Chamber. He had just looked like an ordinary schoolboy. They had both appeared to be ordinary schoolboys.

Slowly he reached a hand into its jaw and tugged at one of the biggest fangs. It took some effort, but eventually he pulled it free.

Standing and turning to show Pansy, he realised she had disappeared. He started to panic, he knew coming back down here wasn't a good idea.

"Pans? Pansy!" Harry yelled, his voice echoing around the Chamber.

Suddenly she popped out from behind one of the obsidian pillars "Sorry, I just wanted to look around," She walked back over to him casually. Her eyes slid from his, down towards the Basilisk skeleton.

"Maybe it's not just a big snake," she murmured, and slipped her hand into his once again.

Harry raised his eyebrows at her, she had been especially close to him recently. But he didn't say anything, he didn't want to hurt her pride.

"Do you think we've got any chance of surviving this?" She asked out of the blue, and turned to face Harry.

"I don't know," He answered honestly "But I'm grateful I'm here, trying to survive it with you,"

"Suddenly you're getting all soppy, just because you've realised we're going to die?" Pansy tried to joke, but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

Harry gave her a small, sheepish grin "What's wrong with being soppy around my girlfriend?"

"We're way past soppy wonder boy," she teased, but her touch was soft as she leaned in to kiss him.

Drawing back, she reached a hand into her pocket, pulling out the box with the ring inside.

"Let's get this over with,"


"What do we ask it for?" Ron asked, shuffling his feet awkwardly.

"You don't ask it, you just need something and - voila," Draco tried to hide the annoyance in his voice. Hermione had agreed so quickly to going with Ginny, that the two boys had no other choice than to head to the Room of Requirement together. The journey there was only short, but Draco had never realised before how short a time it took for an awkward silence to develop. He had thought of at least seven different ways to taught the weasel, although he could practically hear Hermione reprimanding him for even thinking of them.

"How did you do it in the fifth year?" He asked Ron.

"Well, at first it was Neville," Ron replied and Draco raised an eyebrow, surprised that Longbottom discovered the room.

Ron half-smiled, knowing what Malfoy was thinking "Anyway, we needed a place to train, and the Room 'presented itself' to us. I know it sounds cheesy, but-"

"I believe you," Draco said sincerely.

Ron nodded "Good, well..what do we need?"


"This was part of the 'plan', wasn't it?"

Ginny turned to face Hermione as they made their way along the stairs.

"I don't know what you mean," Ginny replied, trying to sound as innocent as possible. Her voice was hushed, although it didn't seem to matter. There was no-one around to hear them, even if they had been shouting. Apparently the Carrows' appearance has instigated a new level of fear amongst students and professors alike.

"Getting Draco and Ron to work together," Hermione grinned slyly at her best friend "That's not just a coincidence,"

Ginny nervously chewed on her bottom lip "It's just...well, I figure if those two can find a way to work together, then maybe we might have a chance. Maybe there's a way all of this will work out," she explained.

"And I know that years and years of mistrust don't just disappear overnight, but-"

"Thanks Gin," Hermione grabbed the other girl's hand, giving it a squeeze. She gave her a grateful smile "Come on,"

They picked up the pace, weaving through the corridors, until they reached the entrance to the Headmistresses office.

"Sugar mice," Hermione said with as much confidence as she could muster.

Slowly the great stone gargoyle began to turn.