Nicole: Well this is just an idea I had in study hall at school, so I decided to write it then type it up to see what you all think, so if you like make sure you review so I know whether or not I should continue this. This fic will not contain any Yaoi in this chapter but if I continue it there will probably be Yami/Yugi, and maybe others too, and there will amost definitely be Tea bashing. The following things are used in this chap... Thoughts Well on with the first and possibly only chap...

Chapter One: Broken

Yugi set on a bench by a lake that was in the park. You could see the sadness in his eyes, and you could tell that he had been crying by his tear stained face and red puffy eyes. What could of made him so sad you may wonder, well they only way to know that is to listen in on the young teens thoughts....

How could she do this to me? She told me she loved me, but now what does she tell me, that she is pregnant wit someone else's baby and she never really loved me at all. How could she tell me, "That's just life." When I'm looking her dead in the eyes with tears literally pouring down my face? Why did I ever trust her? I don't think I'll ever be able to trust or love anyone ever again, cause I'll just end up getting lied to and having my heart broken again.

Yugi then got up and started walking home. He doesn't seem at all like his usual self, the happiness that is usually in his eyes has completely left him. For now he just seems like a shell of his former self, it is like a darkness has completely covered him.

Is there anyone that will be able to pull Yugi out of the darkness he has fallen into? Actually I believe the correct question should be, if there is someone tat will be there to help Yugi, will he let them? He has already said that he now long sishes to try to trust or love anyone ever again. So would he be willing to let someone love and trust him, and maybe even someday he would be able to show them the same feelings in return.

Nicole: Well make sure you all review and let me know what you guys think and if I should continue this or not.