itsmorefuninthePhilipine: Don't worry. I have so many ideas for Jelsa fanfics. I'm just wondering if I'll have the time to write them all.

just a reader: Thanks =) Oh on my next story, should be out sometime soon, I'm planning for it to be tomorrow (yay Friday!) as I have plenty of free time then.

DisneyMan: You're welcome =)

Guest Reviews: No sorry there isn't going to be a sequel.

ElsaTheSnowQueen2:I think this chapter answers your concern.

olimacproductions: Next fanfic is basically a story about Sir Jackson Frost becoming Queen Elsa's captain of the guards. Some fluffy moments planned with some drama thrown in. Hope you will read and enjoy. Should be out tomorrow or on Saturday.

OoPoPcAnDy: Thanks =) Glad you liked it!

Okay first off I would like to say sorry this wasn't out yesterday. I had a Stats Assignment due today and I needed to finish it off. It was an annoyance but its done and handed in. Yay! So anyway, here is the chapter, please enjoy!

Chapter 17: Epilogue

Arendelle 2009 – Eight Years Later

"Look, the evidence clearly shows that my client is innocent," Anna said into her telephone. She paused while she waited for a response. "Thank you," she put down the telephone and sighed while rubbing her temples.

"Woah," came a voice. "I'm sensing a lot of tension."

Anna looked up and saw her niece standing in the doorway grinning at her. Anna leaned back in her chair.

"Just a friendly disagreement between me and the DA office," Anna smiled. "I seem to have quite a history with that, don't I?"

"Yeah, 'friendly'," Sigrid made air quotes around the word." I just came here to leave the Holst files with you."

Sigrid placed a large file on top of Anna's desk. She almost flinched when the file dropped on the desk.

"Thank you Sigrid," Anna said flicking through them.

"No problem," Sigrid smiled. "Oh did you get Mum's settlement all sorted?"

"You know it," Anna looked quite smug when she twiddled her pen around her fingers.

Ever since Elsa's released, Anna had been working on a Wrongful Imprisonment lawsuit and had secured a large settlement in return. She had only won the suit very recently as it had been a long tired out process but nonetheless, Anna had won. Anna had thought that this was the first real justice that Elsa had gotten in a very long time.

She turned to leave but Anna called out when Sigrid had one hand on the doorframe.

"Oh Sigrid," Sigrid turned to smile at her Aunt. "You and your brother are coming later right?"

"Oh most definitely," Sigrid smiled.

Elsa was out running around Arendelle for her morning jog. She had her headphones in and was listening to the band Survivor and was currently being motivated to run by their song Eye Of The Tiger. She passed people who all smiled at her when she ran past and she smiled back. It was nice to see people waving and smiling at her rather than yelling cruel and hurtful remarks. She ran into the local convenient store, grabbed a bottle of water and headed up to the counter after pausing her music and taking out her headphones.

"Hey Elsa," the man behind the counter said. "Just the bottle of water today?"

"Yeah, thanks Klaus," Elsa said as Klaus scanned the bottle.

"So, how's life treating you?" Klaus asked as he took Elsa's money and got her change.

"Okay I guess," Elsa took the water from Klaus and took a long drink.

"That's great," Klaus smiled at her. "Have a nice day!"

"I will, thanks," Elsa left the shop, put her headphones back in, restarted her music and continued jogging, drinking large gulps of water as she did so. It was such a hot day. She really needed that water to freshen up. She continued on her usual route until she managed to get back to her house. She found Jack painting their front wall when she arrived back. He smiled when he heard her approach.

"Nice jog?" he asked standing up.

"Yeah," Elsa looked at her husband. There were paint stains all over his t-shirt and shorts. Thankfully they were some of his old clothes so it didn't matter too much if he got paint on them. Elsa then turned her attention to the wall Jack was painting. It was starting to look pretty good. The paint on the wall had recently started coming off and looking quite old. Elsa had been nagging Jack about it for weeks and now he was finally doing it and by the looks of things, he was doing a fine job.

"I might go have a shower and then get changed," Elsa said. "You should too. Sigrid will be coming for us in about an hour."

"You got it," Jack leaned over and gave her a small kiss.

Anna was down by the lake setting up the cabin. She was currently stacking the fridge full of food. She, along with her family and Elsa's family were going to spend the weekend down by the lake. Anna had been quite stressed lately and so Kristoff had made the suggestion which Anna had welcomed greatly. Kristoff was back at the truck. He along with their children were getting out their luggage. Heidi had been complaining the entire way down as there weren't going to be enough beds for everyone and so she had been allocated a couch to sleep in. This was something that she wasn't too happy about. Kristoff had told her to accept it which she was having a hard time doing. She was still grumbling when she came into the cabin carrying a suitcase. Anna had to roll her eyes before telling Heidi to pick a random couch. Heidi threw herself onto the nearest one.

"What are you complaining about?" Helena said coming into the room carrying her own suitcase. "I also have to sleep on a couch."

"Couches ruin my back," Heidi grumbled.

Helena gave a small laugh at her sister before she flung herself onto the other couch and picked up a magazine.

"Girls, we still have more stuff to bring in," Kristoff said pulling some bags into the cabin.

"We know," Helena and Heidi said together, not moving an inch.

The sound of a car pulling up to the cabin could he heard outside. Soon the five Bjorgmans heard the sound of slamming door and four voices which they recognised as the Frosts. The door opened and indeed, all four Frosts walked through the door led by Jack. They all grinned as each other saw one another. It didn't take them too long to get unpacked. Kristoff clapped his hands together and asked if anyone wanted to go fishing. Jack, Josef and Leif instantly put their hands up. Helena and Heidi were too busy reading magazines and Sigrid was chatting to her fiancée about their upcoming wedding, so they all said no. Elsa and Anna also declined. Elsa just wanted to relax and Anna did as well. They both had a long trip down and neither one of them wanted to spend the day on a boat.

It wasn't too long until Elsa and Anna were lounging on some deck chairs with some drinks in their hands. Elsa loved days like this. She couldn't get enough of these days. These days made her grateful that she was alive.

"These moments never get old," Elsa said taking a sip of her drink.

"Neither," Anna smiled.

Sigrid soon came out of the cabin and set up another chair beside her mother.

"Wedding plans giving you a hard time?" Anna asked.

"You know it," Sigrid said. "I swear my to-be mother-in-law is trying to make my life miserable. I think she wants to stop the wedding."

"Glad we didn't have that problem," Anna said clinking her glass against Elsa's.

"Lucky," Sigrid moaned. "Mum got Grandma and Aunt Anna got Bulda. Why couldn't I be this lucky?"

"Luck of the draw," Anna said while Elsa nodded.

Kristoff, Jack, Josef and Leif were all sitting in Kristoff's boat which was situated in the middle of the lake. They were all holding reels. They were all leaning against the edge of the boat waiting for a fish to tug on their lines. Kristoff had a bottle in his hand and his hat was pulled down low to shade his face. Josef and Leif were chatting about the latest Play Station game that they were playing while Jack just rested and stared into the horizon not having a care in the world.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Leif asked suddenly looking back over to the cabin where the girls were chilling.

"Who?" Jack asked.

"The girls," Leif pointed over to them.

"Probably discussing us," Kristoff said taking a sip from the bottle in his hand. "We are quite a hot topic with them."

"They're always discussing us," Jack said. "Remember the time in school when the girls would always giggle and gossip about is behind our backs?"

"Mum and Aunt Anna seriously did that?" Leif said.

"Well more Aunt Anna, Rapunzel and Merida than Mum," Jack answered. "Your Mum would always tell them to shut up."

"Wait, Aunt Elsa never gossiped about you?" Josef asked his Uncle.

"Yep," Jack replied. "She hated it when they would tease her about her obvious crush on me. Of course it wasn't that obvious to me. I had quite a hard time interrupting your Mother's signals as she wouldn't always give me the time of day."

Leif and Josef laughed at these words.

"And we would tease you about your obvious crush on Elsa," Kristoff grinned from under his cap. "He would go all red and fumble his words whenever he would see or talk to her. It was quite amusing to watch."

Jack gave him a dark look which indicated that he remembered. Kristoff sniggered a little at Jack's gaze. He remembered having a lot fun teasing him however Jack got him back when Kristoff started developing a crush on Elsa's younger sister. Soon it was Kristoff who was fumbling his words whenever Anna would look or talk to him.

Suddenly there was a shout from Leif and they all looked over to see his line being tugged. He wasn't the only one; Josef's line was also being tugged. They both managed to reel in some pretty big fish which Kristoff and Jack were both quite impressed with.

"Let's see what the girls make of these," Josef said looking quite eager.

Anna was just relaxing when she heard the sounds of people coming towards her. It was the boys and they were coming back with two amazing looking fish. Jack donned an apron with the words 'Kiss the cook' which Elsa obliged to while Kristoff, Josef and Leif were properly gut and clean the fish. The smell of sizzling fish soon filled the air sending their stomachs growling. Sigrid made some chips to go the fish while Anna made homemade lemonade. Kristoff was soon plating dishes for all of them and shouting out who wants what plate. Knives and forks against plates was all could be heard as people happily ate their food. It wasn't long before people started asking for seconds. When everyone had eaten, Anna helped Helena and Heidi tidy away all the mess that everyone had left.

Anna soon noticed Elsa sitting outside sitting on the bench. She was gazing out to the lake with a strange look in her eyes. Anna excused herself from the kitchen and headed out towards her.

"Hey," Anna said.

Elsa looked up and smiled. Anna sat down next to Elsa and stared out at the glistening lake that was before them.

"What are you thinking about?" Anna asked Elsa.

"Oh just things," Elsa sighed.

Anna knew what was on her mind. Elsa was thinking about the last twenty nine years that had gone by. A lot had happened in those twenty nine years. Elsa had spent twenty one out of those twenty nine behind bars for a crime that she never committed. Elsa had been singled out and some kind of vendetta had been put against her by Sergeant (then Officer) Nancy Taylor for some reason that no one could pin down. Anna could feel the same burning range within her whenever she thought about Taylor. She was like a bull, chasing on after Elsa and she didn't stop to consider the facts that were being presented before her. Elsa had been convicted based on very circumstantial evidence with no real hard evidence and some of the evidence that had been presented had been fraud evidence. Elsa had been sent to jail for sixty years without the chance of parole. Something that showed just how everything had screwed her over.

Nancy Taylor was immune from the crime the evidence because the Arendelle statute of limitations had expired. Anna had found this out when she tried to go after Taylor as she believed that Taylor was responbile for everything that had happened to Elsa. However, in Anna's opinion, she had missed the bullet which had shot right into Elsa instead. Anna was furious about this. She thought that Taylor should pay in some way or another for what she did to Elsa. If it wasn't for her, Elsa may not have gone to jail. She may not have spent majority of her life behind bars for a crime she never convicted. However Taylor had escaped justice and that was something that Anna had to live with.

Anna didn't know what would have happened if she hadn't decided to take a stand against Elsa's conviction. She wouldn't be sitting next to her for starters. She wouldn't be enjoying this relaxing day at Kristoff's cabin. She would still be in prison, in the same cell that she had been in for her entire sentence. The new evidence that Anna had found wouldn't never have been found either. The evidence would still be sitting in that forgotten corner in the Oslo High Court evidence room collecting dust with no one to think about it. The DNA would never have been tested, Anna wouldn't have found out about Nancy Taylor mudding the waters with her attempt to frame Elsa in the process and Elsa's conviction would never have been overturned.

Since Elsa's released, people had a hard time accepting she was innocent. They call her a murderer and say that she should have gotten the hangman's noose. Elsa had been quite affected by all of it. It was one thing to be convicted of the crime but to see people who you have known for all your life suddenly turn on you was another. It was like Jack said, people had believed she had murdered their parents for over two decades and now suddenly they were forced to accept that what they believed wasn't true. It started with a few people and now the whole of Arendelle accepted the fact that Elsa wasn't guilty. People were friendly to her again and now longer vying for her head on a spike.

It was the aftermath of getting Elsa out of prison that made Anna decide to continue in her line of work. She now works alongside Sigrid at the Innocence Project, devoting their time and energy to get innocent people out of jail and reverse their convictions. Anna wasn't orgainally planning on continuing as a lawyer. She only became a lawyer to help out Elsa but she was glad she decided to continue. She had helped out so many people that she loved her job despite the frustrating part of trying to get the DA to admit they made a mistake. Something they should be quite familiar with. Elsa, on the other hand, didn't work. She didn't have much experience as prison took that from her but she did have odd jobs from time to time which she managed to do pretty well. Her main goal was to fully reconnect with her family and friends which she was had managed to do.

"At least you have the rest of your life to lead," Anna said.

"What's left of it," Elsa sighed again. "Prison took most of that from me but," Elsa put a smile on her face, "at least I still have life to lead. I'm not still in that cell brooding about how unfair life was to me. Now I can enjoy myself with the people I care about, my family and my friends. I'm going to make these last years count. I am not going to have prison take everything I have left from me."

"Sounds like a plan," Anna said, her head leaning on Elsa's shoulder.

The real murderer of Adgar and Idun Winters was never found. There wasn't enough evidence to pursue anyone. Anna had tried reopening the case with the police and Bunnymund, who worked with the Arendelle police, had been quite accommodating but nothing new had found. The case had gone cold. Anna just had to contend with herself that the murderer may just go free for now and maybe in future something might just happen. Anna was just happy that people knew that it wasn't her sister and that Anna had proven her innocence which was something that Anna had never given up on which both the Frost and the Bjorgmans were both happy and proud of.

A/N: Quick note: you guys may be wondering why the murderer was not revealed. This is because in the movie the murderer was never found. I did sort of have a half okayish storyline for the murder but it was a little cliché and maybe a bit meh. Basically it was something about Pitch (or maybe Hans, I never really did properly set on one of them) murdering Elsa's parents as he knew she 'hated' them and he wanted to prove his love for her (Pitch was constantly rejected by Elsa as she was in love with Jack). It was one of those overdone plotlines which I wasn't so keen on writing. Anyway, so I left it the way they did it in the movie.

So this is the end. I hope that everyone enjoyed this story. I recommend watching the movie. I really enjoyed it. I did deviate quite a bit from the movie though in places such as Elsa's time in prison as the movie didn't really focus on Kenny (Elsa) much. However I did quite enjoy writing it though. Anyway big shout out to everyone who reviewed, faved, read and followed. Thank you guys so much, your support is well appreciated it. I have way more Jelsa fanfics planned (hopefully I'll get around to writing them and maybe even see you guys reviewing them), so I hope you guys stick around. If you guys want other Jelsa fanfics, head over to my page!

Anyway, thanks again and please review =)