A/N:This hasnt been corrected or edited! It will have mistakes and errors TT u TT apologies.

The day had started only a few minutes ago and it was a mess. Hong Kong and Emil were joined by South Korea to make a massive mess of the house whilst everyone slept. They were going for a modern catastrophe with a mixture of satanic rituals with whipped cream on the floor and using all the hot water in the morning. The three little demons now sat in the living room, waiting for mayhem to begin to play its screams and groans of annoyance followed by cursing and anger.

"Do you reckon Our mothers will notice?" South Korea asked with a grin from ear to ear. They were referring to Lukas and Yao here because they earned their titled.

"Definitely." Leon and Emil said at the same time, turned to look at each other and grin.

The first scream came from Taiwan. It sounded sort of distant so the three assumed she must be in the shower and just got attacked by the cold water. They all giggled a bit. The sound of doors opening to see where the screams were coming from were heard. Next followed the loud thuds down the stairs that was covered by sesame oil. It was followed by the sound of Denmark groaning in pain and laughter. Then mother one began yelling something in mandarin. Leon snorted and tried to contain his laughter. Im Yong was crackling away. The living room doors slammed open and in came everyone with some degree of either cream, oil or just wet and trembling.

The trio looked as calm and innocent as possible, or at least tried to. Im Yong was loosing all his cool because of his attempts to suppress his laugher. Yao looked a new level of angry. Lukas was trying to hide a smirk because He had pushed the Dane out the room first and had been only mildly affected by the whole prank. In fact, he was half pleased that Emil had listened to his lesson on summoning portals.

Needles to say, the trio of pranksters where on cleaning duty under Yao's supervision all day whilst the rest of the Nordics were toured around by Kiku who had heard of the news and had kindly offered to help out after Tino explained his plan.

-with the Nordics and Japan-

The streets of Hong Kong were super busy. There were so many people passing by and so much cars. Tino was holding Berwald's arm looking a bit wary. Kiku took them to a nice park that was made completely on the roof of a department store. It was rather cloudy because of the pollution today but the gardens looked amazing. Mathias was running about as per usual, he couldn't keep still.

"Alright, Lets get the plan working." Tino whispered as Kiku Berwald and himself sort of huddled like one does before a game to talk game plans. The other two nod and the huddle breaks.

Lukas was spacing out until the dane came running to him. he was blabbering about how great this garden was. He glanced around and spotted tiny Fin with Sve sitting together. Sve's head was resting on Fin's lap and Fin looked busy talking and patting Sve's hair. Mathias glanced in the same direction and his jaw dropped.

"Norge… tell me you're seeing this." Mathias gawked.

"I'm… seeing it." Lukas mumbled In as much surprise as the dane. Should this have been Ouran host club and he was Tamaki, he would be wiping his tears, proud of his "sons".

"Well its about damn time." Mathias smiled softly at the scene he didn't know was a set up. He smiled because both Tino and Berwald deserved to be happy together. Even if he had his differences with Sve, it didn't take away the fact that he was family and family matter most to Mathias. He envied them a bit because he wished he could do the same with Norge. Norge however wasn't interested in him that way. Or at least he thought so.

"You're pulling that face again." Lukas' smooth voice pulled him out of his thoughts. Mathias turned around and looked at the Norwegian beside him. He had a fond look to his usually emotionless face. His beautiful eyes looking at the scene the Fin and Sve were pulling.

"What face?" Mathias asked, genuinely curious. He wasn't aware he was pulling a face. Lukas sighed and glanced at him.

"It that's kicked sad puppy look that you always pull when something like this happens. We could be doing the most random thing like eating ice's liquorice at 3 am and you pull that face." Lukas didn't notice the surprised face on the Dane's face. He was looking away, feeling too awkward to look at him as he ranted on. Mathias was surprised that Lukas had been paying that much attention to him without knowing. It made him feel like his heart might pop out of his chest and his eyes got teary with joy.

"Do you think its working?" Tino whispered to Berwald. Sve glanced at the pair that was a bit further from where they were.

"Ja. M'th's has that f'ce." He glanced up from his comfortable spot on the tiny Fin's thighs. Tino was looking at the pair, too busy to notice the adoring glance Berwald was giving him unconsciously.

Sve was used to it by now. His actions to show his love for Fin were futile. He felt like he might need to step up his game but was too nervous to make a move. His relationship with Tino was full of mutual trust and respect. They were like family only it could be debated if you asked them separately. Emil was always the one pushing the two to "just kiss already". Although, He wanted to more than anything in this world, he wouldn't. He cant do that to Finny. Fin was the coffee table to his couch. The bedside table to the matching bed frame. The table to his chairs. He most certainly wouldn't risk someone so important to him. For now, he will enjoy their little game to get the DenNor ship to be canon.

-Meanwhile with the trouble makers and China-

"Aiya, Li! I told you to wipe the floor vertically. Sesame oil isn't the easiest thing to remove from wood." Leon groaned in annoyance whilst Emil snickered and wiped the whipped cream off the walls. He has finished mopping the summoning circles and was moving quickly onto the walls. Im Yong was being used as a feet rest for Taiwan having to pay back for taking the hot water.

The doorbell rung out of nowhere. Everyone paused. Yao's face went from annoyed to a panicking one. He jumped over Leon and ran upstairs. Emil gave Leon a questioning look. Leon snickered

"Father is here." He emphasised on father. Emil still looked confused as hell about this. He didn't know who 'father' was but whoever it was they must hold the affections of 'mother' who was China. Suddenly it hit him like a rock and he knew who was behind the door. Leon snickered softly, trying not to make much noise. Emil's expression was of pure horror and shock.

Yao came running down, like Mulan on her way to the matchmaker. Both Emil and Leon held back a giggle. He glanced at them, remembering that they were there. He narrowed his eyes at them and gave them an "I'll be watching you face." and opened the door a bit and slid out the door shutting it behind himself. They could hear the conversation slowly fade into silence. They both glanced at each other and grinned.

"Im Yong! Your turn to clean." Leon yelled which was followed by a cry of joy from the living room. Leon smirked and grabbed Emil's hand and took him upstairs to his room. Emil blushed at the contact but followed with a grin because he knew that when they were about to continue watching their Disney movie marathon. There were going to be tears of pain and joy and a crap ton of sweet and junk food.

-Meanwhile back with the pair of dorks and the yaoi dealer-

For the past few hours now, Tino and Berwald had been holding hands and being touchy feely within reason. Lukas was getting suspicious and Mathias was burning to ask them questions which Lukas had told him not to ask. Kiku was silently thinking of ideas as to what the plan was missing. And then it hit him.

There hadn't been a result yet because there wasn't a "reason" to make any attempts for physical contact to happen. The small Japanese man glanced at the over excited dane and annoyed Norwegian walking at the same pace as each other. He quickly began pacing things together. If Mathias was the jealous type and Lukas was the protective figure, then they needed to target at those points. Then again angering an ally is never a good thing. Maybe there was another way around it.

"Norge LOOOOOK! paddle boats!" Mathias ran to the edge of the river we were walking by. His face lit up like a small child looking at toy store. Lukas looked mildly amused but then pain took over his face and he began to back up.

"Norge! We have to get on one!" He turned to grin at Lukas with a determined grin. Lukas groaned.

"Nei. I am not getting on one of those with you."

"Oh come on! It will be fun! Look, even fin and Sve are o them."

"It's true Lukas-san. The boats are very fun. Please try it out." Kiku gently tried to help out the Dane with his quest. His thick Japanese accent hanging in his words. Lukas stared at him for a bit and sighed in defeat. Was everyone trying to get him to baby-sit the Dane?

"Fine. Come here." Lukas grabbed Mathias by the tie and pulled him to the paddle boats. Fin and Sve already on one.

Mathias grinned and followed along and gave Kiku two thumbs up. The Japanese man took out his camera and got ready to add photos to his collection. He was calmly on a smaller paddle boat behind the other two pair. Sve and Fin were calmly paddling. Norge and Den, on the other hand were going in circles since only Mathias was paddling.

"Come on,norge! You have to paddle too." Mathias said, starting to sweat and pant a bit. Lukas leaned back on his seat and smirked a bit. This amused him beyond believe. He was waiting for the dane to tire of his going in circles. It took another minute of intense paddling before the dane got what Lukas was trying to do. He was puffing and sweating by now.

"All done with your going in circles?" Lukas asked rhetorically. Mathias pouted at him.

"Norgeeee. Can we get paddling?" Mathias had a whiny voice. He knew it irritated Lukas. It was part of their games. Who could irritate the other before someone got mad? Well Mathias won most of the time.

"I don't know, can we?" Lukas placed his feet on the paddles, smirking as Mathias groaned at his reply. He started paddling and Mathias joined in. They had to go at the same pace or the boat would turn so Mathias kept to Lukas calm pace.

"Come on, Lu. Let's beat Sve to the bridge over there!" Mathias bounced on his seat a bit. It caused the boat to rock a bit. Lukas gripped at the seats. He glared at Mathias.

"Why would I do something like that?" Mathias leaned closer and grinned. Lukas moved back a bit. The Dane being too close was a bad idea. He narrowed his eyes at Mathias.

"Because we are Vikings, that's why." Lukas looked at him with a judgemental expression. Mathias' grin got wider. "We would never lose to the Sves twice right?"

Lukas narrowed his eyes and uncrossed his arms. His aura got darker. "Excuse you? Did you just bring that up?" Lukas' voice got darker and menacing. Mathias grinned and snickered.

"Looks like Norgey can't win, fufufufu." Mathias laughed like a plotting bad guy from an anime. Lukas was drilling holes onto his face with his dark cold glare.

"Alrighty Denny. Better hope you can catch up." Lukas gripped at the handles by the seat and began paddling faster than Mathias has anticipated. Not even the use of his old nickname could stop the Dane from feeling fear as he felt the force of how fast they were going. Mathias began screaming with excitement and then horror as they approached other boats. Lukas paddled faster than poor Mathias. Mathias was really regretting this. The water was passing by like they were on a jet ski. The wind was blowing through their blonde locks. Mathias glanced at Lukas in horror but was taken by how right the wind swept the Norwegian's hair.

From a fair bit away, Berwald and Tino watched the pair. Tino giggled at the contrast of personalities the dane and Norge had. It was comical to see the two of them on the same boat. Sve glanced at the pair and then at Tino.

Their hands brushed past each other. Fin glanced down at their hands slightly with his eyes. Biting his lower lip, he placed his fingers over Berwald's, his face tinting a fair pink. Berwald went red like a traffic light. He looked away from Tino and coughed a little, moving his hand under Tino's smaller one. The difference between Tino's soft warm small hands and Ber's larger and tougher ones made it easy to hold hands. Tino's finger slipped perfectly between Berwald's. Tino was smiling and looking away with a small blush whilst Berwald was red in the face, not even being able to handle this. They calmly made their way to the bridge where Mathias and Lukas were already there.

Kiku was giggling to himself. Watching the dynamics between the pairs and within themselves was incredibly interesting and hilarious. He had a few ideas as to how to help out Berwald and Tino get DenNor happening. He would have to tell them after dinner.

AAAaaaa Okay here is new chapter!

I'm so glad that you guys liked the story coming back from its previous hiatus


Honestly you guys are the best.

Things are getting interesting now! Will be taking in more pairing requests. Nordics might not be in Asia for much longer so any other pairings will be thought about!

Review answering time!

briana. schmidt1: omg you reviewed last chapter like lightning wow! We feel incredibly blessed aaa Your reviews are always my favourite to read *3*

Emma44126: Your wish has been granted! We are grad you are liking the series!

221bdeductions: Thanks so much for the lovely compliment! It made my day brighten up~

Thanks for reading and being amazing!
