Chapter 09: Meeting Del and heading to Jamaica

Harry frowned as he practiced his Acoustic Guitar.

Something seemed off.

But he didn't let that stop him as the whole band was practicing Rock the House and Clint Eastwood, but something was just missing.

Maybe it was the fact that in Rock the House, 2-D barely had any lines and in Clint Eastwood it was just the same lyrics being repeated.

"Alright, cut." Someone shouted as the band playing came to a literal screeching halt.

Damon suggested adding someone else to help the Gorillaz out with making their album and made a few calls before a man named Dan Nakamura showed up and helped them make the songs in a minimum of five months, although they still had a lot of stuff to do.

"Oi, what's the big idea stopping our song?" Murdoc asked annoyed at how he wasn't the one calling the shots in this practice.

"Well it's just that 2-D's vocals… They sound a bit lonely." Damon said tactfully with a shrug as everyone's nerves were a bit frayed in these five months.

Murdoc got a bit more annoyed at the smallest provocations and took his anger out on 2-D the most by smacking his head, 2-D seemed to be getting more headaches from that as well as the yelling and Russel seemed ready to punch someone the last few days, although he at least reigned most of that in around Noodle and Harry.

Noodle kept to herself some of the days practicing her Karate and she kept practicing her English with any of the Gorillaz while 2-D and Harry were both learning some Japanese from her in the process.

Finally Harry managed to grow a bit the last few months and begin to fill out, but he was still shorter than Noodle and he began to go stir crazy before he began to pull small pranks to keep himself sane. These last few months also helped him really get out of his shell to where he had some more confidence in him rather than being a nervous and flinching wreck.

"Lonely? How the sodding hell is it lonely when we're playing our parts?!" Murdoc shouted glaring at the man. "If anything it's spectacular."

"I'm not saying it isn't." Damon said already knowing how to deal with Murdoc after all of this time, although his voice had an annoyed edge to it. "But we're getting nowhere with this and you guys do have a contract to deliver with Whiffy."

"Why don't we take a break-?" 2-D suggested hoping that would calm everyone down before Murdoc rounded on him.

"No breaks you dullard." Murdoc spat at him causing 2-D to flinch as he held his hands up before the Satanist turned back to Damon. "And if Whiffy can keep his stupid ginger wig on straight his mind will be blown."

"Er Murdoc, dat is Whiffy's real hair-." 2-D began with a raised finger before Murdoc glared darkly at him causing what he was saying to die down.

"You know what, a break sounds like a good idea before we kill each other." Dan muttered pinching his nose in frustration.

Noodle placed her Guitar down while Harry made his disappear and they both walked off.

"Hey get back here." Murdoc said wanting to get it done before he saw 2-D standing up. "Sit you dullard."

2-D quickly sat back down as Murdoc ran out and came back with both Noodle and Harry, dropping them back at their spots much to their ire.

Damon gave a sigh and drank a cup of coffee. "Right, well like we were saying it might be a good idea to add something else along with the voice so it doesn't sound tedious." He explained to the Satanist causing him to frown in thought. "Otherwise people won't be surprised by whatever else you guys come out with and your laugh at the beginning of Clint Eastwood just throws people off."

"... Go on." Murdoc muttered wanting to hear the idea despite being annoyed at how they didn't like his laugh.

"Now we need to add something neither of you have shown in the songs yet… Can anyone rap?" Dan asked curiously as that would be interesting for Clint Eastwood.

For some reason the lights began to flicker as it got so cold that everyone could see their breath.

"The hell?" Murdoc asked wondering if he was late on paying the heating and light bill again before they saw how still Russel was as mist began coming out of his ears. "Lards?"

"Russ?" 2-D waved a hand in front of him.

"Rasseru?" Noodle looked worried while Harry tilted his head. "Daijōbudesuka? (Are you okay?)"

"Uh has this happened before?" Dan asked curiously as Damon seemed to be the one with the most experience with the cartoons.

"Not that I know of." Damon answered back looking lost.

"I heard the magic word." A new voice said as the mist coming out of Russel's ears formed to show a blue shaded ghost wearing a yellow hat, white shirt and gold necklace. "You need a rapper, here I am."

"Bloody Hell!" 2-D shouted in shock as he backed away tripping over a seat while Noodle grabbed the microphone stand and began spinning it, ready to attack.

Harry felt his mouth drop open.

"Who the sodding hell are you?!" Murdoc asked as Russel seemed to be comatosed at the moment.

"The name is Del." The Ghost introduced himself proudly.

The name clicked in Harry's mind after a few seconds. "Wait, weren't you that friend of Russel's who died in the shootout?" He asked in shock remembering hearing that from Russel.

"The very same." Del's ghostly form came up to Harry, his legs being a wisp as he threw an arm around his shoulder. "Although I haven't been able to come out since then, but you wouldn't believe how roomy it is inside of Russ's head."

Dan stared, mouth agape at this while Damon was wondering if he would go insane from being around these five as they keep surprising him.

"A Ghost Rapper?" Murdoc muttered in thought as he cupped his chin.

"Am I da only one freaked out by dis?" 2-D whispered loudly.

"No you aren't." Dan said happy that one of them had some sense.

"Nani ga rasseru ni okotta no ka? (What happened to Russel?)" Noodle asked in worry.

"Oh he'll be fine when I go back." Del said letting Harry go as he slowly backed up. "Now care to hear a beat?"


"That was weird." Harry muttered as they were done in an hour, Del proved to be an extraordinary rapper and got the parts done quickly before going back into Russel's head, causing the man to wake up unaware of what happened until they told him.

"No kidding." Russel muttered rubbing his head as he had a slice of pizza nearby. "I thought Mudz was messing with me until you showed me the recording."

"Well at least we got da parts for our songs." 2-D said with a smile as he had a soda, happy to be on break.

"Songs too dark." Noodle commented trying her best in English.

"They do seem to be on the depressing side." Damon agreed as he was invited to have a beer with 2-D, Russel and Murdoc. "Then again it's no surprise with how dreary this place is."

"Hey, KONG is a great place mate." Murdoc said with a glare at the man for dissing their studio/home. "Not many bands have a place like this."

"Speaking of which, how did you get this place Mudz?" Russel asked curiously as Murdoc didn't seem to be the type of person to have enough money to get this place.

"I bought it." Murdoc said with a simple shrug. "Simple as that."

"Really? No story? No blackmailing?" Russel pushed.

"Oi what's with the doubt?" Murdoc asked, throwing a hand in the air while his other hand kept hold of a beer. "Do I have to acquire everything through illegal means?"

"Do I really have to answer that?" Russel asked with a deadpanned expression.

Damon just looked at his drink, trying to ignore the implication that Murdoc might've stolen the studio.

"Fine, I was originally going to house sit this place for the last owners, but when I came they just threw the keys at me saying it was my problem and they ran down the hill screaming." Murdoc caved in causing everyone to stare at him. "What? It's no secret this place is haunted."

"That much is obvious." Harry commented remembering the weird things he saw on his first day. "And the Cake Demon didn't help much with that."

"I think we're getting off track-Cake Demon?" Damon gave Harry a questioning glance.

"Long story." Murdoc said waving it off.

"Riiiiight." Damon said as he clearly wanted to know, but decided that asking at this moment would be a waste of time. "Well you guys have been working hard these last few months so I'm thinking maybe having a small vacation would do you some good."

"Vacation?" 2-D perked up with a hopeful grin.

"Here's what I was thinking, Jamaica." Damon suggested as Murdoc gave a frown. "Somewhere warm and sunny, that could help with the last bit of your songs adding a bit more to them."

Harry blinked in confusion. "Jamaica?" He asked not knowing where that place was.

"It's a tropical paradise that's bright, sunny and warm." Dan said with a chuckle. "Combine the feel of that with what you have so far in your songs and you'll get an amazing album."

"Sounds tempting." Murdoc said rubbing his chin.

2-D blinked as he was kind of zeroing out the conversation for a bit. "Wot dos?"

Murdoc gave him a look. "Can we leave the dullard here?" He asked Damon and Dan.

"No." Russel answered for them.



"So what are we bringing?" Harry asked curiously as they were spending the rest of the afternoon packing while Murdoc was trying to book the earliest flight he could.

"Summer clothes." Russel explained as he was helping Harry considering it was going to be his first time packing to go out of a country, 2-D was helping Noodle and he was going to check on the two after this. "We might be busy down there, but I'm certain we'll be hitting the beaches."

"Beaches?" Harry asked causing Russel to frown, wondering what else these 'Dursley's' neglected to teach him. "Russel?"

Shaking the dark thoughts about Harry's family away, Russel put a smile on his face. "You'll see, now what do you want to bring to play with?"

Harry looked at his Gameboy that Noodle got him placed it in the suitcase along with a small drawing book that Russel got him and a CD Player that 2-D figured he would like.

Russel gave a small chuckle before deciding to check on Noodle and 2-D leaving Harry by himself.


Dumbledore was in his office as he kept trying to find Harry, using every spell available, he nearly found him a few months ago around London when the spell just cut off for some reason and wouldn't work at all after that.

He could tell that Harry was still alive, but for him to be able to hide from the locating spells was unheard of.

Dumbledore frowned as he thought about how he didn't tell anyone else that Harry Potter was missing, he wasn't going back to the Dursleys after what he saw that was for certain, especially after he used Legilimency to see exactly what Vernon and Petunia did to him.

He never checked up on Harry, thinking that he would be safer away from the Magical World and to let him have a normal childhood as the idea of being famous in the Wizarding World would be enough to turn anyone's head.

The fireplace turning green caused Dumbledore to look over to see Arabella Figg coming in holding a muggle magazine. "Albus I found him." She said surprising Dumbledore.

"Where is he Arabella?" Dumbledore asked before she showed the Magazine.

'New Band Gorillaz rumored to be making a new Album.'

Dumbledore thought nothing could ever surprise him that much in these later years, but the picture he saw was enough to make him stare as he saw Harry Potter on a stage with four of the strangest people he's ever seen in his long life.

Reading into it, he saw that the Muggles classified these people as Cartoons and that Harry was playing music with them and it showed them in a cathedral like building, one of them showed Harry looking like them a bit for some odd reason as he was hanging off of the dark eyed one with the azure hair laughing.

Looking back over the text, he saw the address for these Gorillaz was the building looking over a cemetery in Essex.

His first thought was to apparate there and find out more about young Mr. Potter, but on seeing the picture again with him smiling with these Gorillaz he found himself putting that idea to rest.

He already did enough in interfering with his life and it would be cruel to take away the happiness he found after what the Dursley's done.

That's not to say that he wasn't going to put any wards over the place to make sure any Death Eaters wouldn't get any ideas if they find him, but until the Hogwarts letter comes to him, he's going to leave him alone.

"Thank you Arabella." Dumbledore said handing her the magazine back. "I am relieved to know that Mr. Potter is well after everything."


"What is this?" Harry asked as he and Noodle were on the plane, in their seats.

Murdoc got them the earliest flight as it turned out… One at four in the morning the day they decided to leave, making them scramble some more and none of them got any sleep.

So Russel had a huge cup of coffee looking ready to tear Murdoc's head clean off as 2-D had headphones on and a pillow behind him snoring.

Murdoc had a frown as he forgot his fags and the flight attendant was late with his drink.

"Mahjong." Noodle replied as she had the pieces ready. "Teach."

Harry looked dubious as Noodle attempted to teach him how to play, but all that accomplished was him making very bad mistakes and her taking him out in this game.

Strategy was not his forte it seems… Then again he doesn't know what piece represents what in this game and he was kind of scared to ask Russel with how he looked.

"Watashi no kachi. (I win.)" Noodle cheered doing a fist pump.

Harry rolled his eyes as he tried again, only to have the same result in a matter of seconds.

Damon had some last minute stuff come up, so he couldn't come to Jamaica with them, something that kind of disappointed Harry as he liked the guy and saw him as an older brother just like 2-D.

Murdoc tapped his foot. "Where the bloody hell is that flight attendant?" He muttered.

"Probably talking to her friends about an annoying green jackass." Russel said in annoyance.

"Don't push your luck lards." Murdoc warned him with a glare.

Russel matched the glare. "You want me to break your nose again Mudz?" He returned as not having enough sleep made him very irritable.

"That was sheer luck-." Murdoc began only for 2-D to let out a loud snore right next to his ear. "Shut up you dullard!"

"Huh-wot?!" 2-D woke up with a start as Murdoc smacked the back of his head to shut him up. "Are we dere yet?" He asked sleepily.

"No we aren't, your snoring is annoying the shit out of me." Murdoc told him.

"I don't snore." 2-D defended himself.

"Yes you do, I just watched you." Murdoc snapped at the singer.

Russel grumbled at listening to Murdoc as he took a long sip from his coffee and turned to Harry and Noodle. "How about you two?" He asked trying not to sound irritable. "The flight good?"

"Hai." Noodle said with a nod. "Beat Harry a lot."

Russel raised a brow at that as Harry grumbled. "Not all of us understand Mahjong." He said causing Noodle to laugh.

"Well that's good, it's a long flight to Jamaica." Russel said with a nod. "I heard that there's a museum dedicated to Bob Marley down there."

Harry looked at Russel in surprise as he was a fan of the musical legend known as Bob Marley.

He gave a smile as he looked back out the window, eager to see what Jamaica had to offer.

To Be Continued…

Bet you weren't expecting for me to update this soon were ya? I had some time for once so I hope you enjoyed this and I will try to keep it up as well.

There are some timeskips because not enough is shown in Rise of the Ogre to give me stuff to have happen to the Gorillaz, I'll try to throw in the G-Bitez whenever I can.

And yes I'm not doing an Evil Dumbledore because 1) That's been done to death and 2) Dumbledore is a desperate man in a bad situation in the books, he had to make the choices that would keep people alive no matter how hard and difficult they were.

Now he makes mistakes despite his perfect image that people give him, that just makes him human.

So yes he's a good guy who makes mistakes in this story, and I'm not bashing Ron either, I actually liked his character because it made him realistic.

Moving on to the Reviews.

Eliphas-Chaos: Thank you and while the original story was good to some people, I like typing it this way better because of the many mistakes I made in the original, I might have Russel punch Vernon later on.

Ddragon21: Haha so true on Luna and her father being the only ones to not bat an eye or be freaked out by that.

Sea and Chaos: Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

See y'all later.