Second and last chapter of this two shot! Please review, fave or follow and if you see any mistakes please notice me. Enjoy!

Thor was running. Running towards the room where Loki was tormented in his drowning cell. Since a few weeks, every morning as the sun rose, Thor had been doing this. Describing to Loki how beautiful it looked and how badly he wished Loki could be there with him. How badly he wished Loki could hear him. For Loki could not.

Thor stared at the glass cell. Loki had not noticed him entering the prison room. The dark haired god was drifting around in the water, his back turned to Thor. For a moment, the thunderer wondered if Loki was asleep, but then he remembered how Loki could not sleep through such torture. It made Thor feel sad. Loki had not slept for two months. Two months without rest was a long time. Especially when one had to spend that time all alone. Loki stirred slightly in the water, finally turning around an Thor could see the red eyes widen, recognition evidently in them. Pushing his hand to the glass, Thor took a step closer to Loki, who is doing nothing more but paying attention to him.

"Loki." Thor's voice wavered a bit.

"Today again the sunset is so beautiful today... I wish you could see it..." As his voice cracks at the last sentence, Thor leans his head against the glass and started to cry. "I wish you could be here..." He manages to sniff out while he sobs.

Through the blurred vision of his tears a blue face comes into view. Loki is giving him a sad smile, floating slowly in the water. Thor can clearly see the hurt in Loki's eyes, but Loki is smiling for him, telling him not to give up on him and it only makes it hurt so much more.

The blonde god slams his hand against the glass, startling Loki, who recoils, and then starts gasping for air where he cannot reach it. He sees how Loki reaches up, sinks back down and drowns for a millionth time. They stay together for long after that, Thor sitting on the floor and Loki in the water.

Thor is back. Loki doesn't hear him enter, but he knows. Thor is back. Thor came back for him. Since a few weeks Thor has been coming to see him in his cell everyday. He slowly turns himself around, letting himself float closer to Thor. Loki doesn't feel how his eyes widen in surprise, nor does he notice how he slowly lowers himself to gain eye contact with Thor.

What he does notice, is how Thor talks. Loki can't read lips, but he knows Thor is talking to him. Loki likes this. It means Thor still cares enough for him. He wouldn't know what Thor was talking about, though. He starts to wonder, perhaps it is about another war... No... Thor hasn't been skipping a day to meet Loki. Maybe it was the Jotun form he now bore, or how Asgard looked. After a few moments he gave up trying to think what his brother could be saying. He wouldn't ever know it anyways.

Thor leaning his head to the glass shook him from his musing, and Loki let his blue body drift downwards. Thor was crying, he could see that. It pained him. Thor, why are you crying?

Loki put his hands to the glass, letting himself come into Thor's view and as soon as those blue eyes locked on to him he gave Thor him his best smile. Don't cry for me.

Suddenly Thor slams his hand against the glass and Loki recoils in shock. He inhales by mistake and the burning feeling in his lungs returns, painfully drowning him. Loki shoots up, to the surface, air air air I need air please I need to breathe!

As he is being held back by the chain around his ankle his lets himself sink back, gasping and choking because of the lack of air. It may have been two months, but that doesn't mean it does hurt less.

He doesn't notice how Thor slowly sits down in front of cage, still crying softly. He only notices it when Thor stands up to leave. He wishes he didn't.

Loki waits until Thor returns that day. No sleep comes to the Jotun. Occasionally during his wait he makes a wrong move and he drowns again. It continues for hours like this, everyday. Pain, no rest, pain, drowning, no sleep for Loki, god of mischief. he finally sees the door of the prison open and he notices the red blur of Thor's cape coming closer he swims to the glass. He smiles weakly and waves his hand slowly.

Thor never thought he could feel so rushed. In the early morning, he was called forth by Odin.

"Loki is free?" The disbelief was clear in Thor's voice.

Odin nodded. "I managed to convince the council."

Thor didn't know he how fast he could run until this moment.

Thor ran through the halls of Asgard, not caring if the sight of him looked ridiculous or not. When he slammed through the doors of the prison room Loki slowly waved his hand at him and smiled slightly. The thunder god froze mid-tracks. Why was Loki not out of his cage? Did they not release him?

He returned to sprinting towards Loki, who only now started to realize something was amiss. Thor started to slam his hands against, calling out to Loki.

"Loki, you are free!"

The other does not reply to him, but gives him a confused look. Thor then realizes he can call Mjolnir. The blonde god takes a few steps back, call for his beloved hammer and waits. Loki on the other side of the glass is sending him only more confused looks and even taps softly against the glass.

Loki finally seems to understand what Thor is doing by then and he flees quickly into the bottom corner of his water cell, curling his blue body up as much as possible, but still trying to glance at Thor.

When Mjolnir arrives Thor doesn't let her fly into his hand as he usually would, but he lets her fly further towards the glass.

Mjolnir hits the water with impact, and Thor can see the cracks crawls right through the glass, distorting everything before the wave of cold liquid crashes down him.

Loki dives as quickly as he can downwards. The god of chaos may not know why Thor is calling Mjolnir, but he surely knows that it won't end well for him if he doesn't find a place to get out of the way. So he dives down under. There he curls his blue body up into the shape of a ball and waits.

He quickly lifts his head a bit up to take a last look at Thor before the grey shape of the hammer blurs into view, quickly and rapidly coming at him.

As she hits the glass Loki is for a moment overwhelmed by water pouring down from him and he is aware of how the glass falls around him. After that, air. Sweet, blissful amazing wonderful air. Such a simple thing, yet so blissful when one has to miss it for a while. Or two months.

Loki inhales and coughs. Water comes out from his lungs, burns him still up from the inside but he can still feel how Thor is patting his back, helping him sit upright and stroking his hair softly. He can hear the vague murmuring coming from Thor, blurred through the water in which has gathered in his ears. And then, Loki cries. And for the first time in eight weeks his tears do not dissolve into another liquid.

He and Thor sit like that for what feels like hours and Loki has never felt himself so happy before. Or maybe he just doesn't remember the happiness, but he doesn't care either for it at this moment. Thor saved him. Thor saved him. Thor did this for him.

And finally Loki's ears have become empty of water, so finally he can hear what Thor has to say.

"Loki I am so sorry for what has happened to you, I couldn't prevent it, it was so terrible watching you in there everyday and I ju-"

Loki silences Thor by holding a finger to his lips. "Sh-shush brother..." He stutters out. It has been so long since he has talked.

"There's is no need to be sorry. I am responsible for what I have done and this was my well deserved punishment."

"But Loki..."

Loki silenced the blonde haired man once more. "Tell me what I missed."

And Thor told Loki. Thor told Loki how he had described how the sun rose everyday, how he walked everyday towards the prison cell of how Loki and how he missed Loki terrible. And Loki... Loki sat there with a smile, listening to Thor's voice, the most wonderful sound in the universe.

Until it was over. Thor broke the chain binding Loki's ankle with Mjolnir and helped him upright. After that, he walked next to Loki through the halls and for the first time in two months Thor had someone walking next to him. Loki smiled at his brother and looks at his own hands. they were no longer blue. No longer cold, like the water he had been in.

When he was tucked into his bed by Thor he didn't notice how it was almost day again and the most beautiful sunset ever rose up as Loki fell asleep for the first time in two months.