Bonnie Bennett -Salvatore woke up to her husband trailing soft kisses down her neck "Mr Salvatore," she moaned. "You're mighty frisky this morning."

"Mrs. Salvatore if you had a wife as sexy as mine, you would be too." She giggled as he rolled over on top of her continuing to trail kisses down her body he disappeared under the covers and preparing to have a meal of his lifetime when they were interrupted by a crash and then yelling.

"I guess that's are cue to get up huh." He groaned as they exited the bed and made his way to the door.

"I'm going to kill him," 11 years old Arianna yelled as she chased her 6 year old brother through the halls.

"What's going on out here."Damon yelled at his children , angry with them for ruining his sexy time with his wife.

"AJ threw my doll out of the window." Arianna said.

"It was ugly anyway." Aj replied.

"What was that crash," Bonnie asked.

"I accidentally knocked over a vase." The little girl admitted.

"Why did you throw your sister doll out of the window?" Damon asked his son.

"I wanted to see if it would fly." He answered shyly.

"Stop running and Aj apologize to your sister." Damon demanded before closing the bedroom door and turning back to his wife. "Do you think they're too old to put up for adoption." Bonnie giggled and shook her head.

"What would we do without our children." Damon swooped the love of his life up in his arms and kissed her soft lips. "I know one thing we would be doing a lot of." Damon laid his wife on the bed and pulled his shirt up over his head and climbed on top of his wife, connecting their lips once again.

"You are such a good kisser." Bonnie murmured against his lips.

"I'm a much better lover, let me show you." Bonnie giggled as he tugged on his oversize black shirt, she often slept in. He found it sexy to see her wearing his clothes.

Damon planted a kiss over her belly button then down to her inner thighs, teasing her before placing a kiss to he pantie covered center. He moved her panties aside fully prepared to show how great of a lover he was before she jolted up and ran towards the adjoining bathroom.

He stood up and walked to the bathroom and watched the mother of his children spill the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

"That's the third time this week Bon. We should go see a doctor." Bonnie pulled her head from out of the toilet bowl, resting on the floor hoping that the nausea would disappear.

"I'm fine. It's that nasty Chinese food I ate last week. It's food poisoning."

"I don't think it's food poisoning. Think about it you've thrown up every morning this week, the other day you were crying because Aj scrapped his knee, you've put on some weight," Bonnie scowled at him. "But not a noticeable amount. Your boobs are huge, not that I'm complaining and you have a higher libido than me, which is damn near impossible. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were..." Damon froze and a big smile broke out on his face.

"Nah uhn Salvatore I know what you're thinking." Bonnie said, slowly standing up off the floor.

"You're pregnant ."

"I know my body. I would know if I was pregnant or not."

"I know your body too and those hips don't lie." Damon walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his hands on her flat stomach. "You're having my baby." He started singing against her cheek.

She giggled, "I still don't think so but if it'll make you feel any better I'll take a pregnancy test."

It wasn't like she didn't want to be pregnant or had a problem with having another baby, she just didn't think she was. Damon had predicted two times that she was pregnant and each time the test had been negative.

More children had always been apart of the plan but when the added on to the Salvatore broad they wanted the timing to be just right. After they got married Damon started off his own law firm and Bonnie started writing. When their son was 3 she managed to get her first book published and from then on she had written a number of children's book for that series.

Now. Damon was more of a boss than a lawyer. He had younger lawyers working under him, handling all the files and cases and Bonnie had just finished up her new adult fiction story Affairs of the heart. Now was the perfect time to have a baby. They were in a hell of a lot better place than they had been in when she got pregnant with Arianna or when she got pregnant with Angelo and if they were about to have another baby she wouldn't mind it.

"How about a little wager, wife." Damon proposed taking his arms from around her.

Bonnie turned around to face him and folded her arms. "What did you have in mind husband."

"If you are pregnant, I get to name the baby."

Bonnie nodded. "Okay but if I'm not pregnant you have to clean the garage and the attic and whatever else I decides needs to be cleaned."

"Deal. Seal it with a kiss." Just as their lips were about to touch their was another crash downstairs. "Ugh," Damon groaned. "Are you sure we can't give them away and just keep this little bundle." he asked softly touching her stomach.

"No, now let's get downstairs Daddy and see what's all the commotion about." After Bonnie put on a pair of pajamas She and Damon walked downstairs to find their children sitting quietly on the couch watching television.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was what Mommy?" Arianna asked innocently.

Of the course that innocent act didn't work anymore, on neither of her parents. six years later they were immune to the innocence act.

"What was what?." Bonnie turned to her husband's miniature twin," Angelo what was that?"

Aj tilted his head to the side. "Did you really have to call me by my whole name Bonnie." She loved her son to death but he knew the right way to get under her skin, just like his father.

"Hey Angelo do you want to rephrase that statement." Damon asked, without a hint of humor in his voice.

The little boy grinned apologetically, showing of his missing two front teeth. "I have no idea what you are talking about mother."

"Since no one knows what were talking about Bon, I guess we'll have to cancel the party."

"I think you're right. Maybe we should donate all the new gifts we got to a charity."

"I'm sure less fortunate children who don't lie will appreciate the gifts."

Aj jumped out of the chair, "That's not fair." He yelled. "Why should I have to suffer because Ari broke your picture frame."

"Snitch," Arianna murmured. Bonnie looked over to the table her picture of her, Damon and the kids taken at their wedding usually sat. It was now in a broken frame on the floor.

"Clean this mess up and then your rooms before everybody gets here."

"Yes ma'am." The pair mumbled.

"And before I forget, Happy Birthday Aj."

Everybody in Mystic Falls was at the Bennett-Salvatore residence to help Aj celebrate his 6th birthday. Caroline Forbes Lockwood and Mayor Tyler Lockwood were there with their 5 year old son Caleb. Matt Donovan who was now Sheriff was there with his new girlfriend. He quit the restaurant business and quickly became sheriff, it didn't hurt that his best friend was Mayor either. Isabella and Giuseppe of course was there. Stefan and his wife of 2 years Lexi were there and were expecting a little boy any day now. Even Mason Lockwood was there. Him and Damon had become close friends over the past few year and he found someone and had been happily married for six months.

"Stop running." Bonnie yelled at the children running through her kitchen, after almost being knocked over with Aj's birthday cake in her hand. Bonnie placed the cake on the counter and rested her palms on the counter when she felt strong arms wrap around her waist.

"Mrs. Salvatore, you look good enough to eat." The voice belonging to the arms, whispered against her neck.

"Don't let my husband hear you. He's the real jealous type."

"I think I can take him."

Bonnie shook her head. "Nope I don't think so. You see my husband is very strong and passionate, you don't stand a chance."

"You sound like you love your husband very much."

"Why wouldn't I. He loves me and our kids, he's a very passionate lover," She could practically hear him smirk. "He's an asshole at times." He scoffed. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. I love him."The arms let go of her and she turned around to face her husband. She gasped "Damon," She feigned shock. "When did you get here?"

"Have I ever told you I love you."

"You might have mentioned it."

"Well I'm going to say it again. I love you."

"And I love you." Bonnie wrapped her arms around his neck and Damon leaned down to kiss his shorter wife. They soon forgot where they were and got lost inside a passionate kiss. "There's something I want to tell you."

"What is it." She let go from around his neck, grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach.

"Really?" he asked.

She smiled, "Yeah. When I left to pick up the cake I brought test and took it after I get back and It came out positive." Damon moved her hands to her waist as she linked her hands around his neck. "We are going to have a baby." Her saying it out loud made it all the more real for him. He hugged her again.

"You know you're going to get sick of me these next nine months."

"I look forward to it." Damon pushed his lips against his wife's once more, ignoring that they were in a room full of people. Pouring everything he felt into that kiss so that she would never doubt his never wavering love for her. They only stopped when the heard the voice of Bonnie's blonde best friend.

"God you two get a room."

"This is my house, All of these are my rooms."

Caroline rolled her eyes, "It's a wonder you aren't pregnant again." Damon looked back at his wife, his hand drifting to her where their new son or daughter was growing and smiled.

"Oh my god you totally are." Caroline accused.

Bonnie nodded. "Yeah I am." Caroline and Isabella screamed, pushing Damon out of the way to hug Bonnie.

"Congratulations," Isabella leaned down and rubbed Bonnie's flat stomach. "Hello Bambino this is your Nonna."Bonnie giggled. "I can't wait until I can spoil you rotten."

"Arianna and Aj get in here." Damon yelled.

The two children came into the kitchen and up to their parents.

"Yes Daddy." Arianna asked.

"Your mom and I have something to tell you two."

"Oh no." Aj exclaimed. "You're going to give us up for adoption aren't you."

Bonnie frowned "Why would you think that?" she asked.

"I heard Daddy asked you if we were to old to put up for adoption." Aj wrapped his arm around his mother's leg. "I promise mommy I'll be good. Just please don't make me go." Tears formed in his eyes. Bonnie reached down and rubbed his little black curls. Bonnie gave Damon a look. She had warned Damon numerous times to be careful what he said, especially while the children were around.

"No Aj your Dad and I would never get rid of you or your sister. We love you too much." Aj smiled up at his mother. "In fact we love you and your sister so much we are going to have another baby."

Aj frowned. "Don't you have enough kids already."

"I'm happy Mom," Arianna said. "I just hope it's a girl. I would just die if I had to put up with another Angelo."

"I hope it's a boy."Aj said. "Because girls are disgusting."

"Nope boys are."

"I don't care if it's a boy or girl I just hope it's healthy." Damon said, as cliche as it sounded that was exactly what he wanted a healthy baby to add on to there happy little family.

Finally the people started to clear out of the party. It was a long, stressful day but a successful party. Everyone had fun and didn't want to leave but Damon wanted some alone time with his wife and kicked everyone out.

Bonnie was already in the bed asleep, snoring, when Damon finished his shower. He put on some pajamas before joining his wife under the covers. He kissed her forehead before wrapping him arms around her, pulling her close so that they were spooning.

They slept like this every night, she enveloped in his big strong arms. He smiled thinking about the last few years. How blessed he truly was. He had a smart, beautiful daughter who was taking classes for children way older than her. An overactive and imaginative son who was an asshole at times, which he inherited from his father. Even Damon had to admit that his son was just like him. He had a beautiful wife who, despite of their past issues on both his and her part, loved him unconditionally and he loved her too. She was truly super woman. She worked all day long and still came home and took care of him and their kids.

He moved his hand down to gently caressed her abdomen. Lastly he was going to be a father for a third time. With this baby there was going to be no issues. No lying, no cheating, no paternity issues, no arguing parent. No newly adjusting family. This baby was going to be brought into the world surrounded with love.

"Damon," Bonnie murmured, half asleep.

"I'm right here. What's wrong."

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were there."

He smiled. "You know I'm not going anywhere."

"I wasn't worried about you going anywhere. I was wondering if you would mind frying me some french fries."

"It's a little too early to have cravings for french fries isn't it."

"No, I've been craving french fries for weeks, I just thought it was me being greedy but since now that I know I'm pregnant I can't eat all the fries I want without worrying about packing on the pounds."

"I don't know Bon. They aren't healthy." She rolled over in his arms a pecked his lips.

"Please," She looked at him with wide eyes and her bottom lip poked out. "I'll love you forever." He couldn't deny her anything.

"You will anyways but since you asked nicely I'll go fry you some."

20 minutes later Damon came back with a plate full of french fries drenched in ketchup. He sat the plate in front of her and watched her gobbled down the potato dish.

"So I was thinking of names for the baby." He said.



"What the fuck is a Bamon?" She asked giggling.

"It's our ship name, keep up Salvatore. I was thinking it could be the name for a boy or girl."

"One. What the hell is a ship. Two. There is no way that my child's name is going to be named Bamon."

"You know I'm not exactly sure what a ship is, I just heard Princess say it. She laughed."And you said that I could name the baby if I was right about you being pregnant."

She smiled. "You can, as long as it's something I approve of."

"I guess that's fair."

Damon picked up one of Bonnie's fries and placed half of in his mouth and she took the other half in hers, lady in the tramp style and kissed him.

"I love you so much Salvatore." Bonnie said.

"I love you back."

AN: Oh god this is the end. I promised myself I wouldn't cry.*Ugly Cries* This was my first time writing something for anyone other than my teacher to read. It's a bittersweet feeling finishing up this story Bitter because it ended but sweet because it was a huge accomplishment for me. I'm the type of person who tends to never finish anything I start but I finished it and for that I am extremely proud of myself. Thanks to everybody who Reviewed, Favorited or followed this story. I wish I could describe to you the joy I felt when getting an email notification. I have grown as a writer and I hope it shows from my first few chapters, which had way to many errors, to my last few, which doesn't have half as many as the first ones. If not in this story than my other one. Every review I got good or just creative criticism I took it and used it and I hoped it showed. Thank you once again for reading this little fic of mine. Don't forget to review and read, review, favorite and follow my other story "Secret Affairs." If you haven't done it already. *More ugly Cries*