It's Been almost 4 years since she's been there, since she's seen him. A lot can change in 3 years and 7 months. When she left Mystic Falls she made a promise never to return. To never see him again and today she was breaking that promise.

Today not only would she step foot in Mystic Falls but she would see him again. It took 7 months to get over him, To get over the betrayal she felt when she found him with her, the pain and misery he caused her. In seven months she found happiness in the form of a small package, and for 3 years she had been happy.

3 years and 7 months ago she left with a secret that not only affected her but him as well, only he didn't know about it and she has no intentions of ever telling him. Was it selfish? Yes. But she had every right to be selfish because she always been so selfless sacrificing for him.

A few people knew of her secret and those few people came to visit her when she moved away. Some days she felt guilty for not telling him but then she would convince herself that he didn't deserve to know, he had done wrong not her.

She rode in the car and silence, looking out the window, watching the passing sights, occasionally looking over at the driver side and smiled at her best friend. He had been hurt along with her that day 3 years and 8 months she decided to leave 3 years and 7 months ago he tagged alone for the ride. He was the first person she told her secret to and he helped her. He'd been there for her everyday since and she loved him. Even though, he was his brother, he was hers to. She depended on him, cried on his shoulder and he never once complained. He helped her find happiness with that little secret she carried. The secret that she wished 3 years and 7 months ago, she wasn't burden with. He helped her see that burden(Or so she thought it was) to be a blessing and she never thought of it as a burden again.

She looked over at her best friend driving and sighed, speaking for the first time in the 3 hours and 23 minutes since they started this road trip. "Why are we doing this Stefan? I mean going back. We made a promise to ourselves that we would never go back." She said.

"Because Caroline said if we didn't come she would kill us. I like living and we both know that she's capable of doing it." He chuckled and she smiled.

"Yeah she would do it and in 10 inch heels and still look fabulous doing it" she laughed but quickly got serious. "Are you ready to see them again?" She asked. "Have you forgiven them?"

"I guess, but I've moved on and so have you Bon, you're happy now we're happy now." He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. she smiled.

"I'm just not ready to see him again. What if he finds out, he's always been able to tell when I was hiding or lying about something."

Stefan sighed. "It will only be two weeks Bonnie. You know Mamma and Papa are happy we're coming. I talked To her this morning .She can't wait to see us." He said changing the subject.

"I know i can't wait to see them either, you know their like my parents too Stefan I love them."

"I know, You where the only other person besides my mom to make Giuseppe Hard Ass Salvatore go soft. He could never tell you no, all you had to do was bat those long pretty eye lashes and say please Papa Sippie and he was putty in your hands." He Mimicked Her.

"Shut up Stef, I cant help it if i can be persuasive," She giggled.

The rest of the ride to Mystic Falls they talked and joked about past memories until they arrived in front of the Salvatore mansion."I don't think i'm ready Stefan. What if I see him and all those old memories and emotions come flooding back? What if he figures it out Stef?"

"Bon, you worry to much. He wont find out. We will be long gone before he even realizes we've been here and hopefully he won't find out." She sighed and looked at the little 3 year old girl, asleep in the back seat.

"Yeah Hopefully."