This one consists of Sirius and James before they find out about his "furry little problem". Sorry if I disappoint. This is my first fan fiction so it's probably really bad. This is set in their third year. Anyway enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own. But a girl can dream.

S: James?

J: What now?!

S: Where did Remmy go last night?

J: You have the memory of a goldfish.

S: But where did he go?

J: Well, if you use your brain cells for once, you'll remember that he told us his mother's ill and he gets to visit her once a month.

S: Really? Are you sure?

J: Ugh YES!

S: Oh. Well I think Remmy's caught his mother's illness. Wish my mother would fall ill and die.

J: What do you mean?

S: Well, she's a horrible old bitch who hypnotises people to follow her shitty beliefs…

J: Not your bloody mother! Remus!

S: What about him?

J: You really do have the memory of a goldfish. You said something about Remus catching an illness.

S: Oh yes, I was wasn't I!

J: Get on with it!

S: When I saw Remus earlier he looked so tired, he looked like a Panda. And he had a good couple of cuts across his face and arms.

J: Wait, do you think there's something our homework obsessed little friend isn't telling us?

S: Yep! But that won't be difficult.

J: And why not?

S: Cos I'm a clever sexy beast.

J: Ha ha! Only one out of three correct there mate.


J: Clever? Nope! You're as dumb as they come.

S: Ha, that rhymed!

J: Not proving my point at all…


J: That might have just been sarcasm. Can I continue on my rant please?

S: Fine.

J: Thank you. Sexy? Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

S: Hmpf. You're just jealous of my beautiful, shiny, wonderful hair.

J: Right. I will admit you're a beast though. You are a wild, out of control animal, that won't obey anyone except maybe Remus.

S: Yeah, you wouldn't think that boy has a temper like that.

J: What happened last time you annoyed him?

S: No. it still gives me nightmares.

J: Um, it was yesterday!

S: Moving on.

J: Well, other than that you don't listen to anyone.

S: Nope! Especially not Minnie!

J: Ah, dear old Minnie! Where is Remus anyway?

S: Hospital wing.

J: Why? We haven't experimented on him recently.

S: Apparently he "tripped"

J: I guess you don't believe that?

S: GASP! How did you know?

J: Well, the quotation's marks certainly hinted.

S: I wonder what is wrong him.

J: Dunno.

S: Oh no Minnie alert! MINNIE ALERT!

Please review! I welcome criticism. I will definitely be continuing.