A/N: I'm not exactly sure where I'm heading with this story past the first few chapters but I really feel like posting something new, so...here goes nothing.
The first time Raven fell in love did not come on the heels of any grand or highly emotional journey. There was no sobbing confession, no life or death situation that made her realize where her true feelings laid. There was no "other woman" with whom to suddenly and inexplicably become jealous over, and she never grabbed anyone and kissed them hard in a fleeting moment of passion. The truth is the act that led her to fall in love wasn't deeply romantic or even that extraordinary. The first time Raven knew for certain that she was in love it was a lazy Saturday afternoon in April. She had been in the common room, nestled in the cushions of the sofa and reading a rather gripping story when suddenly in entered Beast Boy, whistling his usual happy tune. She said not a word and he took no notice of her as he immediately began busying himself in the kitchen, gathering all the ingredients necessary for an FLT (Fake-bacon, lettuce and tomato) sandwich. At eighteen years old the beast was not quite the boy he once was. He wore his hair longer now, though it still stood up straight on the top of his head. He was taller, still the shortest member of the team but only by an inch or so, and his body had matured to the point where his physique even rivaled that of Robin's. During training one day she'd caught sight of him with his shirt off and immediately found herself wondering just where that scrawny boy she once knew had gotten all of those abs
Finishing his work in the kitchen he went to the sofa. With plate in hand he picked up the remote and was ready to turn on the television when he finally saw her. He "ooped" quietly but didn't speak. He smiled somewhat bashfully, put down the remote and instead picked one of several comic books stacked haphazardly on the cushion beside him and began to read.
…and that was it. That was Raven's epiphany moment. As silly and as anti-climactic as it was, in that moment and with that one simple act of polite consideration, Raven knew she no longer felt the same way about her green teammate as she did the day before. As Beast Boy quietly indulged himself in his garishly colored world of mutants and monsters, munging on a triangle of sandwich all the while, Raven suddenly felt more drawn to him than she ever had before. Her book, no longer quite as interesting as it once was, hid her face as out of the corner of her eye she silently studied the boy beside her. It surprised her to realize just how much the nature of their relationship had changed over the years. Beast Boy had always been a good friend if only a bit trying from time to time. He annoyed the crap out of her and never seemed to know when enough was enough, but by that same token had always been present to lend a friendly ear or a kind word during those rare moments when she really needed one. There were times where she wanted to strangle him, and yet somehow her forgiveness trumped her rage every time, and now she finally understood why.
The affection she had for him was more than friendly. It was love. Not the familial kind she had with Robin and Cyborg. No, it was much deeper than that. She knew now she didn't just love him; she was in love with him. She had never been more certain of something in her life. It was then she saw what she had to do. Only one thought went through her mind. If the feelings she had for Beast Boy were in fact love, true love...
...she had to destroy them.