Gwen found her way back after realizing arthur was bak in camelot. Firs thing she did was find Merlin.

"Merlin what is going on?" Gwen said with a nife in her hand.

"I am giving arthur back cemelot. But for a pricce," merlin explained.

"No your going to give it back since your a good person" Gwen isnisted.

"Why should I when I have power now?" she insisted.

"Because this isnt you merlin," gwen pointed out.

"Its me now" he insisted.

"Then I hate you," she said.

"What?" he protested.

"I liked you merlin. Sweet bumbling merlin. I liked you because you were so different from arthur" Gwen said.

"So you did like me when I was servant?" he said eagerly

"Just a bit. I might be loyal to arthur but that doesn't meen I cant be interested in others does it?" she said with a wink.

Merlin reached over to pull her in for a kiss

"Merlin I cant I'm married. "

"Actually you being mine is part of my deal to let arthur be king again"

She slapped him

"Im not a bargaining tool and im with whoever I want to be with" she insisted

"keep up like that and ill pull you across my knee and spank your bare behind," merlin threatened the thought pleasuring him.

"I know you wont force me. Not without morgana making you be evil" gwen said.

Merlin wasn't too happy that gwen was right. "So now what?"

"Now you let me and arthur have a life together and if we want you to join in then we can all join in together happily." Gwen said.

"I guess" Merlin said unhappily.

"cheer up merlin. You know what? Ill give you a kiss right now" gwen said giving merlin a chasse kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks" merlin said.

"So get arthur and mordred so I tell them a new deal" merlin instructed. She got them and arthur knelt at merlins feet.

"arthur get up and go to your wife" merlininstructed.

"Merlin has a new deal" gwen said.

"Similar to our last one. Gwen and arthur you will rule. Mordred will be court sorcerer. We will claim that I was under some spell of morganas and as far as anyone knows I'm still your manservent" he said.

"How is that your benefit?" mordred frowned.

"I like being unknown. I can do the most that way. And I will still be in the center of everything this way," Merlin said.

Arthur grabbed merlin and gave him a big hug. "

"You too are adobrale" gwen said.

"thank you merlin. Your the best friend ive ever had" arthur said.

"So life as normal?" mordred said with a frown

"Mostly. But remember I run everything" Merlin said.

"I know I know" arthur said.

"Ill go tell everyone about how you were supposedly cursed and say that you broke the curse and since mergana wasn't expected it you were able to kill her" mordred suggested.

"Then it would make sense for me to give you a promotion to make it clear to everyone that you are supposed to be in charge of them" arthur suggested.

"Good. Do it" Merlin said with grin.

"This is a great life" Im going to go with mordred. You too have fun" gwen said

"So just us again" merlin said taking arthurs hand"

"Im a bit confused where this leaves us" arthur confessed

"Gwen gave me a good talking to about how I shouldn't force it. So I guess I wont use magic against you anymore" merlin said

"Why are you afriad of gwen?" arhtur said

"Im fairly sure even without magic shed find some way of getting back at me. " merlin said

"yeah she definitely would" arthur said.

"So Im not going to hurt you. Unless you hurt others" Merlin said with a warning

"But sleeping with me right now isnt hurting me. Lets do it?" arthur said pulling merlin into his arms and undressing his shirt. Arthur than began kissing merlin before trailing kisses down his cheek and giving him small bites down his chest. Arthur fondled merlins package and slowly unzipped his pants. Arhtur than kissed his way back up to merlins lips as he undressed himself. Merlin grabbed arthurs ass and pulled him in massaging the flesh as the two made out. Merlin pushed arthur down on the bed and pushed himself into him.

"Mmm so good" merlin murmered.