Epilogue 5 years later:

Embry's POV

I was taking my son camping. Just like Jake, Quil, and I had when were as young as he is. Billy Black and Quil's late father had taken us every summer until Quil's dad passed. Then it was just Billy. Is it any surprise we were so close?

Ethan is currently on the porch steps waiting for me. I can hear him playing with those old toy cars of mine. He's an amazing little kid. I see a lot of Leah in him. I kick myself every time I think that I could have missed out on his life.

The canoe, the tent, and everything else was already loaded in the truck. It was just going to be Ethan and me this trip. We'd have to wait a couple more years until Sam and Jesse could come with. Sam and Emily legally became Jesse's parents just two months ago. They couldn't be happier.

I was just waiting for my amazingly beautiful wife Leah Clearwater to come out of the bathroom so I could give her a proper kiss goodbye.

"Lee?" I asked as she stormed from the bathroom and sat at the kitchen table. She was practically hyperventilating. "Hey what's wrong?" I said sitting beside her.

She gave me a look of disbelief as she slid something towards me.

"Does this mean what I think it means?"

"It's positive."

I immediately enveloped her in hug. I'd be here for her this time. I swear it.

She stared at me as if searching for my thoughts.

"I hope it's a girl."

"You do." She said smiling warmly at me. God I could look at her forever.

"Yeah I hope she's just like her mother."

She caressed the side of my face.

"I'm going to try my best to be a good father . . ."

"You're already an amazing father." Leah said holding my hand in hers.

I leaned over to kiss the woman I'd been in love with since I was twelve. She'd given me more happiness that I ever thought I deserved. I mentally made a made a list of what mattered in my life. Leah, Ethan, and the new baby. As long as I have the three of them I'll be indescribably content with life. And I hope Leah is too.

That's it for this story! Please review that would mean so much to me. I plan writing more Leah/Embry fics in the future so keep an eye out.