The Dream Broken
Otonokizaka Academy: an old institution that stood since before the two World Wars and still to this day, a living fossil in an ever-changing modern age. Recently, this school was doomed to be closed… yet, nine girls of this academy stood against this announcement.
Together, they formed the School Idol Group called µ's, named after the goddesses of Greek myths. Together they would stand against all odds and trials, to achieve their dream.
After µ's official nine-member debut in the school's open campus, it would seem that Otonokizaka was very narrowly saved from the jaws of closure. Despite that temporary victory, the school was still in the danger of closing down and µ's trained even harder to save their beloved school.
"I, 2, 3, 4!"
"5, 6, 7, 8!"
These commanding cries were common in the school's rooftop, converted into µ's training grounds. Their choreographer, Ayase Eli, was clapping in perfect timing overseeing the others' dance steps like a conductor to his orchestra.
"Last, 2, 3, 4… 5, 6, 7, 8! Okay, rest for now."
And the conductor has finished her round. The worn-out girls retreated to shelter and fresh water, recharging themselves for another round. Needless to say, those girls would wind up mingling among themselves.
"Maki-chan, come here nya!" Rin called out to her reclusive friend.
"What is it, Rin?" Maki replied, turning her head to the energetic girl, "You do know I am only a metre away from you."
"That's one metre of distance between us," Rin answered, "There should be no distance among friends nya~"
"Let her be; she is just too humbled before her glorious Nico-senpai." There it went, another one of Nico's boasts.
"If only you look the part, Nico-chi," teased Nozomi.
"N-Nozomi you bully!" Nico exclaimed.
"Anyway, I am fine if we have at least some personal space," Maki explained, "We just finished practicing and mixing our sweats is the last thing we need."
"Maki is correct." Eli agreed, "Four more minutes everyone. We are moving on with muscle exercises later."
"Okay!" That was their collective reply.
Maki stood up and began exiting the rooftop, turning back once to account for herself.
"I'm going to the toilet first. Just start without me," she explained.
With Maki gone to the ladies' room, the other members wondered of the reclusive princess of their group.
"Uh, Maki-chan is so mysterious. Is she like that in class too?" asked Honoka.
"Maki-chan doesn't really talk in class," Hanayo explained, "She always speaks when spoken to, and speaks the necessary."
"Nyeah, and she always refuse to eat with others during lunch!" interjected Rin, "even after Rin, Maki-chan and Kayo-chin join µ's."
"Maybe it's her background," Umi rationalised, "The Nishikino clan is somewhat prestigious. There are still certain rules for different members of society."
"Umi-chan's family is old and traditional too, and we are still super childhood friends!" cried Honoka.
"Honoka, our mothers know each other since childhood and our relationship effectively started from their wombs," Umi explained, "You can't compare Maki's circumstance to mine!"
"Maybe Umi-chan secretly thinks we are nobodies," Honoka continued on aggravating the situation.
"I'm sure Maki-chan must have her own troubles," Kotori singlehandedly halting her childhood friends' argument, and stopping the divergence.
"Humph, there's no need for her to act all high and mighty," Nico protested, "If she is so great, why enter a humble school like Otonokizaka?"
"Now, although Maki-chan is definitely troublesome, I think we should understand more from her perspective," Nozomi added, "Eli-chi, what should we do?"
"We?" exclaimed Eli, "We shouldn't be butting in other people's business. Maki definitely will not like that. She would only be more uncomfortable."
"It worked for you, Eli-chi," Nozomi shot back.
"N-Nozomi, I would appreciate if you don't bring the past two years up in front of others," Eli pleaded, "But five minutes was over some time ago and we are behind schedule. Everyone, 5 sets of 20 push-ups except for Nozomi. You will do 3 more sets than the others."
"Gulp, Eli is so scary…" Nico thought out loud.
Meanwhile, as µ's was training away, in a certain office in a local hospital not far away, a man silently looked into his laptop. A webpage was displayed, Otonokizaka's school webpage to be precise. It was talking about the recent open campus held there, and the newly formed School Idol Group's performance.
A video of this School Idol Group was made available and its music played in the otherwise-soundless office. The girls in that video danced according to the beat and melody, as the man silently watches on.
Kotaenaku de ii n da wakaru kara
Mune ni egaku basho wa onaji
Throughout the video, the man's bespectacled eyes were focused on the screen. His face was blank neutral, unimpressed by this gimmick. Deep contemplation was all that could describe his mood.
"What is the meaning of this? I don't get it."
A knock on his door interrupted the man's silent contemplation. He paused the video and closed his laptop.
"Yes, come in."
The door opened and a nurse entered the room returned to silence.
"Dr Nishikino, you are needed in the ER right now," the nurse reported.
"Understood, give me five minutes," the man calmly replied.
After µ's practice session, Student Council members Eli and Nozomi were settling some final matters with school administration.
"Eh Eli-chi, isn't µ's the greatest thing ever happened?" asked Nozomi.
"Yes Nozomi, I can't believe it at first," Eli conceded, "But they are such great people. I couldn't imagine life otherwise, without them."
"Hmm… you still have me at least," teased Nozomi, carrying a stack of documents.
Out of a sudden, Nozomi just fell and let loose the pile of papers onto the floor.
"Nozomi, are you okay?" Eli exclaimed.
"Yes Eli-chi… but I'm not sure for the rest…" Nozomi spoke ominously.
Among the pile of papers fell, there was a strange oddity among them. A Tarot card somehow got mixed in it, The Tower card.
"Is this a sign from the gods?" she wondered out loud.
And here we begin with another Love Live fanfic. I dare say I can't get enough of Love Live... and so I write their story. Inspiration for this story stems from the mini-controversy of how Season One turned in its final arc (I personally felt that the writers pretty much shoehorned a conflict for drama; melodrama don't really work for Love Live the anime) and Maki's background. How would a family of doctors logically react to their only child professing to do something other than the "family business"? While somewhat stereotypical, it is still shocking for parents (especially Asian, please remember the context of Japan) if their child pursues a more risky career as compared to stability and steady income.
Interestingly, the School Idol Diary series actually have a story involving this aspect (albeit in a Umi series; and the copy I read was from a Chinese manga). As trivia, it even had a bit of UmiMaki in it. Though inspired by School Idol Diary partially, I would still go for a mostly original fanfic about Maki's own temptation (for music and happiness).
Of course, please enjoy. There is definitely way more to come for µ's Scarlet Princess.