Haha I'm getting better at these updates! Hopefully I can keep this up, but I leave no promises because I have two tests coming up next week. I tried to keep up the longer chapters however so that makes up for time right? lol Here is some more Gruvia mermaid feels.

The blue mermaid watched the shark several times after her first observation always taking precaution not to get caught. She sighed no longer content with just watching him. She learned he didn't like talking much to others and that the white haired shark was his brother. There was another shark a female with dark hair at first Juvia was wary of her but later learned she was just a sister to her Gray-sama.

She just wanted to be his friend why wouldn't he let them. After one of her longer visits to his home she left and went to visit the rocks. Juvia had begun to lose hope of ever actually seeing him again, interacting with him again. She was sure the last time was the last time she had just hoped otherwise. He still consumed her thoughts no matter how much she tried to do anything else. He was obviously serious about staying away but that didn't seem to matter to her heart, although she was sure the seeing him but not actually getting to be with him was only making the matter worse for herself. She grabbed her chest thinking about him, again.

"I knew I'd find you here." He must be consuming more of her thoughts then she had assumed. Now she was imagining his voice.

"You ignoring me fishgirl?" She jumped when she felt a tongue against her ear, scrambling away from her rock. She grabbed her chest trying to still her frantic heart, sure that he could hear it with how loud it was throbbing in her own ears. He laughed at her taking her seat, again.

"Whaa? What are you doing here? You said you shouldn't talk to Juvia," she was in shock and slightly embarrassed at her own reaction. He laughed at her again louder this time.

"Don't question my actions mermaid I'll do what I want, and my curiosity hasn't been sated so here I am," he threw his arms encompassing the entire area they were in. He was nonchalant but she could tell there was more he wasn't telling her, by the way his brow didn't quite relax and his fidgety movements. The mermaid was beginning to learn about her sharkboy. His actions were relaxed but something in his face showed how serious their interactions were to him. She prayed to Poseidon that he hadn't noticed her presence in the ice caves. She smiled broadly though then bit her lip thinking about it, not wanting to show him how happy that made her if she did he might leave again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She blushed realizing she had failed and was still smiling like an idiot.

"Juvia is happy that you decided to see me," this time she let herself smile brightly at him. He looked at her in shock blushing slightly too embarrassed to admit how pretty he thought she was when she smiled.

"Yeah well don't take it personally it's only because you're weird," He looked away from her hoping she didn't notice his flush. Juvia looked at him closely seeing pink dusting his cheeks, smiling to herself. She was starting to understand the sharkboy and she was proud of herself. He wouldn't admit but he liked her just like she liked him. Feeling empowered by his embarrassment she swam right in front of him pulling his face to hers. He jolted back in shock when he realized what she was doing but didn't push her away.

She pressed her lips to his taking her time with this kiss. This wasn't like the first one which was quick with no meaning, this one was slow and exploring. She opened her mouth slightly licking his lip before taking a soft bite making him groan low. He opened his own mouth inviting her. She licked his teeth noticing how sharp they were. She would have to be careful not to prick herself or this could become dangerous. His own tongue explored the inside of her mouth nibbling her lip gently making sure not to cut her with his teeth. She moaned into his mouth enjoying the feeling of him so close. They continued until they were thoroughly out of breath. They pulled away looking into each other's eyes.

He quickly dropped his hands when he realized he had moved them to her hips feeling bashful at his reactions. They shouldn't be doing this they weren't meant to be. She frowned noticing his reaction.

"Did you not enjoy it?" She moved her hands behind her back moving away from him.

"What? No that's not the problem, it was great it's just we shouldn't. We can't actually. I'm a killer shark my kind eats your kind. I have no choice, I can't eat anything else or I'll die," He seemed angry. She didn't like the face he was making, she much preferred his smile.

"I want to be your friend!" She placed her hands on his tail leaning her face into his showing him how determined she was. He stared at her surprised by her actions. She would never cease to surprise him it seemed and just when he thought he finally understood her. He smiled sadly how could he deny her when she looked so honest, but they shouldn't.

"Why would you want to be my friend, mermaid?" He arched one brow curious by her answer. He was sure it was going to be interesting at least.

"Because Juvia likes you," annoyed he wasn't using her name, "and if we can't be anything else Juvia wants to at least be your friend!" She looked at him with her eyes wide expectantly. He leaned his own head forward resting his forehead on hers. She blushed at his actions and he gave her a devilish smile.

"You don't know what you're asking for Juvia but," he couldn't believe he was letting this happen, "sure."

He practically purred her name making her go weak in the tail. She pulled him into a tight embrace. He seemed surprised before he started to awkwardly pat her back making her laugh. These back and forth of emotions were fun but also exhausting.

"Then let's meet here tomorrow at the same time," She pulled back looking at his face. He gave her a droll look but smiled a little.

"Alright fishgirl I'll see you here tomorrow."

They waved goodbye to each other before departing. Juvia touched her lips as she swam home. She couldn't believe how bold she was with him! She couldn't wait to tell her friends about today.

They had been meeting each other nearly every day. Juvia had learned so much about the sharkboy but there was still something she hadn't learned quite yet. Today she was determined to learn about them, Juvia gathered her courage and asked him about his scars, "Where did you get that one?"

She pointed to the one above his left eye. He looked up as if he could actually see it above his eyebrows and answered. "I got this one from my brother Lyon, the white haired shark, he was with me that day," the day he was going to eat her, "uhh anyway, and we were having a fight in an ice cave. We were pretty aggressive and he pushed me hard against the ice wall. One of the icicles fell cutting me," he laughed out loud at the memory, "Lyon was so scared he stopped throwing punches with all the blood floating around, but that only allowed me to knock him out cold for being a dick."

She laughed at his story. Having watched the two earlier she could definitely see that happening. Still wanting to learn more she pointed to the biggest one at his side, "And that one?"

His smile turned to a scowl. No longer was he jovial but melancholy. "This one I'd rather not talk about."

The mermaid stopped smiling pulling him into a hug, "Juvia is sorry she didn't mean to bring back bad memories for Gray-sama."

He awkwardly patted her back before pushing her away, he noticed how sincere her face was. He stared at her for a minute before coming to a decision, "It was from an accident that killed my teacher. She was pretty much my mother really, taking me in. Lyon's not really my brother she just took him in at the same time. This is confusing let me just start from the beginning. I've known Lyon since we were kids. He lived in the same school as me. It was a relatively large group of sharkfolk, I believe it was five families. Mine and Lyon's families were both a part of it. Well one day our school got attacked by a group of humans trying to steal our tails. They killed everyone except Lyon and me and that's where Ur found us. She saved us, teaching us how to survive from humans, how to hunt, and even helped me with my anger issues. But all I wanted to do was take down those humans that had killed my parents. I still have a problem with humans just not to the same extent. She did this all while even raising her own daughter, Ultear, she was there with us as well, the dark haired girl. Anyway in one of my hunts to kill humans Ur went after me trying to stop me but I ended up getting her killed while earning this scar."

Juvia held her breath seeing the pain in his eyes. She grabbed one of his hands squeezing to show her support. He looked over at her smiling slightly. "I've never told anybody that. Feel special fishgirl."

She smiled at his teasing seeing him go back to his old self. He dropped his arms, where they had been gripping her shoulders, into his lap looking at her, "Enough about me tell me something I don't know about you."

She decided to give just as serious a story as his own, "Juvia was sad before she met you." She stated bluntly with no preamble. He gave her a quizzical look confused.

"You seemed pretty happy when I saw you mermaid."

"No Juvia has never truly been happy. My parents were also killed in an accident when I was very young. I don't even remember them I was so young," she seemed to grow lost in her memories looking away from the shark, "The only reason Juvia survived was because of Gajeel. He was part of a rogue group that collected orphans. He noticed we were around the same age and that José was looking for a powerful mermaid to join them. Juvia still doesn't know what he wanted from us but Juvia didn't have anywhere else to go so I joined them. They taught me to hunt and I became a great killer, but Juvia wasn't happy. Eventually the group disbanded and Gajeel and Juvia wondered around aimlessly helping each other until Gajeel tried to kill and eat a little seal but," she smiled looking at him pointedly, "much like our situation he couldn't do it. She ended up introducing him to her friends and of course he brought me along with him. Juvia was glad to have found other mermaids but Juvia was never really happy. There wasn't any reason for Juvia to be there other than Gajeel and he had Levy-san so Juvia felt unneeded. Juvia played along but… I had no purpose." She stared off lost in her memories of the past.

He's never seen her so morose before and he didn't like it. Someone like her deserved to smile and the thought of her never smiling made his heart constrict in pain. He placed a hand on her face turning it back to him. She stared at him sadly before giving him a small smile.

"But Juvia is happy now so thank you Gray-sama for giving me true happiness," a single tear fell down her cheek and he quickly wiped it away with his thumb. They were getting dangerously close and he couldn't seem to care. He knew they shouldn't be getting this friendly but now that his stomach wasn't currently rumbling he couldn't seem to find a good reason not to be with her.