Chapter 1: I'm off to see the wizard

Hello, I'm Posidon29. This is my first story. You should read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY. It is the property of Rooster Teeth. I own nothing except for me.

It all started when I fell.

My name is Damien Drake. I lived in a small town. I love RWBY and many other anime. I usually wear jeans, boots, and the jacket Desmond wore in assassin's creed, only grey instead of white.

I was walking home the post office. I have family there so I can order things and get them fast without paying the extra money. I picked up a package from my brother. He lives in Vegas and for some reason kept some of my things the last time I was over there. I opened it to find mostly clothes, hoodies, that sort of thing. Honestly, he can be so weird some times. And by sometimes I mean when he's drunk.

Unfortunately for the criticism of my brother, the ground underneath me rumbled. "What the!-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as the ground cracked and split underneath me. I dropped my box and dove toward the side walk to try and avoid falling, but only ended up tearing my shirt in the process.

Probably should have thought of something a bit better.

So I fell, and fell, and fell. It was a long time. In fact I actually grew kind of bored. The light soon faded and my only company was the package of clothes falling with me. Imagine my surprise then as I hit a solid surface, hard. "Ouch! What the fuck?" I question as I get up to look at my surroundings, which is just in time for the now empty box to fall onto my head. I pull it off, seeing its contents now strewn across the ally way that I am currently in. As I went to collect all of my clothes, I noticed I wasn't on earth anymore. How you ask? Simple. The moon was broken. I stood there in shock; I mean, the moon was broken. I was so distracted I didn't see a woman walk up behind me.

"I finally found you." She said as I felt a force slam me against the wall. I was dazed and scared as she grabbed my neck, almost chocking me. "Now hold still," she said while pulling a glowing orange stone that soon blazed into a fire, "And pray I don't miss." And with that she stabbed my throat with it. It… hurt, but it also was kind of warm and nice. Whatever it was that was happening to me, my body decided it was time to sleep.


I woke up some time later. I was still in that same ally way but the lady was gone. My clothes were still scattered everywhere and as I was picking them up some one cleared their throat. I jump and turn to see who it was. Imagine my surprise when I see Professor Ozpin of Beacon instead of a scary lady. "Hello there young man." He says calmly as I continue to gasp at the fact that he exists. "You may want to pick this up." He says while gesturing at all of my clothes.

"Oh. Of course." I say as I begin to do as he asks. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, what happened here?" I ask when I'm almost finished picking up. "I mean, the last thing I remember is this woman stabbing me in the throat. Do you know what happened next?" he looks up at the moon as if remembering.

Flashback: Third Pov

Professor Ozpin was walking along a street somewhere in Vale. He didn't have to worry about anything, being the Headmaster of a prestigious school like Beacon has its advantages. Imagine his surprise when passing an ally way he sees a woman stab something into a young man's throat. Quiet distracted, the woman goes and pulls something else out of a pocket. It looks like a crystal but pure black.

Ozpin clears his throat and says, "That's hardly a way to treat someone. Now please, hand that over." the woman stands there, shocked before looking down at the crystal. She then thrusts her hand out toword Ozpin and bolts of lightning shoot from it.

In a display of speed that not many of his students would expect from him, the Professor lifts and twirls his cane in time to block the bolt, creating a small cloud in the process. Once it disappears the woman is gone, but the boy is still lying there. "Hm," is all he says and before he continues to wait for the boy to wake up.

Damien's Pov

"So, you were just watching me sleep?" I ask, confirming his story. His only response was a sigh. After I got up he motioned for me to follow him. I just raise an eyebrow in response.

"How do you expect to live?" he asks. I was shocked at his question, not entirely sure what he meant by that.

"What do you mean? I live he-"before I could go farther into the lie he turned and gave me a look that froze me.

"You are not from this world. You appeared not to long ago. You have no family or friend here and I am your only viable way of keeping alive. Now follow me" I was so stunned that I blindly followed him.

We traveled a long way until we eventually got to an air strip. A bullhead was waiting for us there. I stopped and stared it, having never seen anything like it before. "She's a real beauty, isn't she?" I jumped at the new voice. But it was only the pilot. His voice sounded a lot like a certain sergeant from a web series. Actually their color scheme matched too. "Yes siree, this baby is one of the finest bull heads in all of Remnant."

"I don't know," I say, "I think it actually looks more like a whale." I looked back over at him and had to suppress a laugh at his expression. He just shook his head.

"You see those over there?" he asks, pointing at the wings. "Those there are horns. And what kind of animal has horns?" he asks. Apparently, we were taking too long as Ozpin had come over hand hear much of our conversation.

"A goat." I responded to his inquiry causing Ozpin to chuckle. And I had to suppress another laugh as he stormed angrily back to the pilot's cockpit.

We were soon at Beacon. I followed Ozpin through the empty hall ways into a room that looked like a mixture of forge and command center. "This is where you will build your weapon. It can be anything from a claymore/flamethrower hybrid to a bow with blades on the end. However, given your... late admission, you should choose a weapon you are already somewhat familiar with."

As he turns to leave me to my work I stop and ask him an important question. "Um, when exactly is the next school year?"

He smiles before answering. "In a little less than a month. But don't worry; you'll receive special attention from all the teachers. You will have to spend all of you time training." I groaned. This would be a living hell for me, wouldn't it?


I finally did it! After a few days I had completed my sword. I call it Nightfall. I set it down and lay back, rethinking the events of the past few days. The only thing I actually did was train my now unlocked aura with Professor Goodwitch. Man, can she be mean. But it's worth it. I love it here, now if only I had a sandwich.

And suddenly a sandwich appeared right in front of me! The only problem was that a Professor Oobleck came with it.

And he was in his underwear.


If you are reading this story for the first time, please go on. And mind the time skip. If you're an older reader than please continue.

I am rewriting the original chapters for a few of them. The main story will be the same, but it wouldn't hurt to go and reread them just to be safe.

Please review, follow, and Fav.
