Hello everyone! For those of you that are accustomed to my writing in The Kane Chronicles fandom, do not fret, someday I will muster up some inspiration to write more for my old fics again. For now however, I am obsessed with a new fandom, that of the amazing TV show, The Legend of Korra, especially Lin Beifong and her relationship with Tenzin. So all my stories will probably be about them. Anyways here is my first LOK fic... So enjoy!

In Another Life: A Linzin Story

Chapter 1: First Meeting (Aang's POV)

I sat with Sokka in the courtyard behind the air temple, watching Bumi and Kya throw dirt at each other a few feet away.

My youngest son, Tenzin, slept away in my arms, looking to be dreaming peacefully, until a handful of mud from a wild shot Bumi had taken on Kya landed directly on his forehead and splattered onto my crimson robes.

"Bumi!" I half yelled half laughed, "Watch out for your little brother!"

"Sorry Dad," Bumi replied, obviously not repentant. "But he was in my line of fire!"

Sokka's shoulders began to quickly rise and fall behind his raised navy cloak, attempting to hide his laughter. I quickly took the edge of my robe and wiped the mud from Tenzin's forehead, trying not to smile, but failing miserably when I saw Tenzin wide awake and staring me directly in the eye with mud splattered over his tiny one year old head.

Suddenly, a scream was emitted from inside the temple, along with a minor earthquake, at which Bumi and Kya laughed and jumped around.

Sokka and I looked back at the temple, and then at each other.

"That didn't sound good." Sokka looked at me.

"Don't worry Sokka." I consoled him. "Childbirth is never an easy affair. I am sure Toph is fine."

At around eleven this morning, Toph had come for a visit to the temple, complaining of stomach pains and stating she had peed herself earlier this morning (Although Toph being Toph did not put the words quite so censored). After Katara had given her a check-up, she had realized that Toph had been in labour for over seven hours, and that her "peeing herself" was actually her water breaking. Of Course, Toph being Toph, decided to try and tough it out, but Katara finally convinced her that it was time to bring her first child in to the world.

Currently, Katara is in the temple, taking care of Toph. Which is why I am outside with Sokka and the kids. It has been six hours since Toph arrived this morning, and it sounds as though the baby is finally coming, judging by the screams coming from inside the temple.

Finally we hear it, the sounds of a baby crying at the top of its lungs, taking in its first breath. Sokka and I release a deep breathe, not even realizing we were holding it in.

A few minutes later, Katara comes out, drying her hands on a towel. Kya and Bumi come running over, embracing Katara and getting mud all over her clothes. Sokka and I rose to our feet in anticipation of Katara's words.

"Mom and baby are both doing great!" Katara said with a smile on her face.

"Healthy and happy?" I prodded.

"Healthy Yes, happy..."

"Hey sugar queen!" Toph yelled from her bed inside the temple. "Stop flirting with twinkle toes and tell those lily-livers to come see my baby already!"

Katara smiled at the bluntness of her friends words and looked at Sokka and I, saying. "Alright, I think it is okay to come in now."

Sokka and I followed her into the temple, with Bumi and Kya trailing behind, still laughing, but a bit calmer now that they were finally about to see their new cousin.

Katara pushed open the door to the birthing room, a room that had earned its name over the years, and ushered us all inside.

Toph was sitting upright in the bed with the help of a mountain of pillows behind her, hair disheveled and eyes tired and half-closed, but mouth smiling as she looked in the direction of the door. A green swaddle of blankets rest in her arms.

As I get closer, I see the jet black tufts of curls sticking out from the swaddle of blankets, and finally I see her round baby face, feautures that strongly resembled her mother, even so young.

The infant slowly opened her gorgeous sagebrush green eyes, and a succint 'Awwwww' came from the crowd as the baby yawned and looked around at all of us.

"It's a girl?" I whispered.

"Yep. She's gonna be just like her mom." Toph snorted.

"Have you given her a name yet?" Sokka asked.

Toph smiled. "Lin. Her name is Lin."

"She's beautiful." I whispered, stroking Lin's hair.

"And perfectly healthy." Katara added.

"And not blind!" Toph put in, laughing. "Which will be a disadvantage in Earth bending but..."

"How do you know she will be an Earthbender?" Sokka laughed.

"Umm, hello? Super genes here!" Toph retorted.

There was a good laugh about that, then Sokka asked if he could hold Lin. Toph answered, "Just don't drop her. I actually kind of like the thing."

Sokka laughed as he took Lin from Toph's arms, placing her in his own. "She looks like a mini-you Toph." He told the new mother.

"I would say thank you, but I don't know what I look like, so for all I know she could be pretty damn ugly."

"No, she is absolutly gorgeous. Just like you." Sokka retorted.

Was something going on between them? They were certainly acting a bit friendlier towards each other lately. I would have to investigate later. Right now, all I could do was stare at the beautiful little baby that is Lin Beifong.

I brought Tenzin over to where Sokka was holding Lin and leaned him forward so he could see her. Tenzin just stared at Lin, but eventually his curiosity got the better of him, and he reached out to pet her head gently.

"Awwwwww! Look at that! Young love at work!" I smiled at Katara.

"Please, Twinkle toes. Don't start pushing my newborn baby girl into a relationship with your son already. She is barely an hour old. It is ridiculous." Toph begged.

"Wouldn't it be great if they ended up together though?" I marveled.

Meanwhile, Tenzin kept one tiny hand on Lin's head, and erupted in a fit of giggles, while Lin just stared up in the direction of his laughter, obviously trying hard to focus on who this strange person petting her was.

Eventually, I handed Tenzin to Katara, so that I could hold Lin myself. When everyone was talking to Toph about motherhood, and no one was listening, I whispered into Lin's ear, "Welcome to the world, Lin. And welcome to our family."

I like to believe that Aang was like, the Number One fan of Linzin. He was totally shipping them from the moment Lin was born, and even before when he found out Toph was pregnant and hoped it would be a girl. Of course, this obsession will grow with time, but perhaps he will be a little more subtle about it... or not. After all, this is Aang we are talking about. BTW, not all chapters will be in Aang's POV, obviously. I will probably be taking a lot of different viewpoints, as I love writing in different views. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Please REVIEW and tell me what you think!