Epilogue- Four Years Later

Magnus stepped out of the limousine and was immediately blinded by flashing cameras. That was something he didn't think he would ever get used to. He stepped back to allow Alec room to exit the car as well. Alec climbed out, straightened his suit, and grinned slyly at Magnus. He was much more uncomfortable with the attention than Magnus was, but he was the dutiful boyfriend, never complaining even for a moment.

Magnus laced his fingers with Alec's and quickly led him into the building, away from the photographers. Magnus didn't really mind photographers. In fact, he had a good rapport with the ones he used regularly, but the paparazzi was something else altogether. Blood-thirsty beasts.

Magnus flitted around backstage making sure everything was in perfect order. When it came to his designs, and certainly his fashion shows, he was an absolute perfectionist. Everything would go off smoothly, he would see to it that it did.

He caught sight of himself in the mirror of the dressing room, and couldn't help grinning. He was wearing a Magnus Bane original, designed and handmade by himself. His coat and pants were a deep plum color with satin lapels, tailor made to perfection. His shirt? Well, he wouldn't be Magnus if he didn't have a wild splash of color in his wardrobe. His shirt was a frilly lime green with plum edging around the color and cuffs. It may be odd, but he wore it well.

He had also designed Alec's suit for the night, but he had respected his boyfriend's wishes and been subtle with the coloring. Alec wore a navy blue suit with a lighter blue shirt and tie. He looked gorgeous. The blues brought out the color of his eyes, and Magnus had had a difficult time completing the outfit because he couldn't tear his eyes away from Alec. A smile crept across his face as he remembered that night.

He shook his head, bringing his thoughts back to the present. His models were crowding into the dressing room, makeup on and ready for him to assign their outfits. He had worked hard for the last six months to complete everything for the fall lineup. His color palette consisted of the yellows and reds and browns of fall, and the first dress he had made was the one he drew the day Alec took him to the waterfall on his grandparents' land. He had saved it, partially because he really liked it, but also because Alec had gushed about it. He wanted, even then, to have that dress as part of a collection. Its creation had been so spontaneous, borne out of him wanting to spend time with Alec while Alec worked on a project for school, so sweet and innocent, so early on in their relationship. The dress had turned into a symbol of all those things to him, it meant something, something very special.

He barked out orders to the models and the stylists and assistants and all the other people needed to make a fashion show a success. This was only his second show, his first being last spring. He still had a lot to learn, now that he was the one in charge of everything and didn't have the experienced crew to take over when he was lost.

Leaving his first job had been quite a change for him. It remembered being terrified to strike out on his own. But his boss, Jessamine Lovelace, the lady he had come to know as the best designer/boss/mentor he had every known, had recognized something in him that he was unable to see. She knew that he was ready to go it alone, ready to make a name for himself in the fashion world, and she had sent him packing. She helped him organized his first show and get the backers to fund it, helped him get his foot in the door with several boutiques in the L.A. area, and then turned him loose.

He had two options: sink or swim. And sinking wasn't an option he was willing to entertain. So he put everything he had into making his dreams come true. He found a studio to rent and set up his operation. He found people to work for him that were good and loyal. And he found the best business partner in the form of his amazing boyfriend, Alec.

He smiled at Alec as he took his seat next to him at the edge of the runway. Will, Tessa, Jem, Jace, Clary, Isabelle and Simon had all flown in to L.A. for the occasion, to give Magnus and Alec their support. They would be staying in town for a few days, giving them a chance to catch up on all that was going on in their lives. Magnus nodded his greeting toward them and they all beamed excitedly back at him.

He let his mind wander back to the beginnings days of the business. Alec had not wanted to be a major part of Magnus's business. He was perfectly happy at his job as a graphic designer, but he had saved a large amount of money that he was more than willing to invest in Magnus's design company. If not for Alec, Magnus wasn't sure where he would have gotten the funds to get started, and would have had to pay someone to design his logo and all his advertising. Alec had gladly done all of that at night at no charge. His contributions to Magnus's dreams did not go unnoticed.

Part of their rapid rise to fame was due, surprisingly, to their relationship. They were open about their love, often seen in public together holding hands or showing affection. They were outspoken in interviews about equality. They had not wanted to hide their relationship or have a scandal brew after the business took off. The public had even given them a couple name: Malec. Alec laughed it off at first, but the name stuck, and eventually became the name of their company: Malec Designs, Inc.

Once Magnus started selling his clothing to boutiques and online, Alec became more invested in the business and eventually quit working for Jessamine. He saw it as a conflict of interest, given that his live-in boyfriend had his own design company. It didn't seem right to continue working for someone else, especially not for someone who had given them both their start in their various fields. So Alec went to work full-time on Magnus's website, online store, and designing all of his labels, ads, etc.

The business had taken off faster than either one could have expected. His spring line had sold out in a matter of weeks, and the demand was high for more. Magnus and his team had spent many long nights busting their asses to meet the demand, then working just as hard to get the fall line ready. Magnus had to hire two more seamstresses just to get the merchandise out.

And now? The fall line was already the most anticipated fashion in several years. All eyes were on MDI locally, but they were also getting interest from a broader audience. In the last few weeks leading up to the show, they had heard from people in New York, Paris, and London, and expected to hear from other locations soon enough. Magnus was well on his way to superstardom, to global recognition in an industry that was not kind to its own, that chewed people up and spit them out. But Magnus was determined to make it.

Applause resounded through the large open room as the show drew to a close. Everything went off without a hitch, just as Magnus had planned. He went backstage to congratulate his team before he had to schmooze the investors and marketers and all the other people who wanted him to kiss their ass so they would give him money. He hated that part, but he found he was pretty good at it. He would do anything to make a name for himself, as long as it didn't hurt the people he loved.

Once the schmoozing was done, there was a reception in an adjoining room. The walls were lined with tables of champagne, mounds of food and desserts. Magnus was an excellent host, but had learned to entertain buyers from the best in the business. He pulled out all the stops, and it paid off. Everyone seemed to be having a fabulous time.

At some point, Magnus became aware that Camille Belcourt had come to the show as a guest of one of the buyers. He nodded cordially when their eyes met across the room, then he turned his attention back to Alec. He had a strong suspicious why she would be there, and he didn't like it. But he wasn't in a position to throw her out. He needed all the buyers he could get if he wanted his business to grow, so he ignored Camille. He did let Alec know she was there, however. He didn't want him to get blind-sided discovering the news on his own.

Alec shrugged off the news and led Magnus to the dance floor. There were several other couples dancing already but they took up the center of the floor, directly in view of all the other party-goers. Magnus's lip twitched, knowing Alec wanted Camille to see that her presence wasn't affecting them. He liked Alec's confidence in their relationship. It warmed his heart that Alec had no fear of Camille.

"The fashion show was a success," Alec said as he and Magnus spun around the dance floor.

"It was," Magnus agreed. He glanced around the room, noting all the cheerful guests sipping champagne and mingling with each other. "I should probably be talking to the buyers instead of dancing with you," he added regrettably.

Alec shook his head. "Celeste had it under control," he said, nodded toward Malec's receptionist/personal assistant/right hand. She was a natural at her position, easily handling most situations without having to bother Magnus with the finer details. Magnus trusted her completely, a trust that she had earned many times over. She was currently laughing, and probably flirting, with some of their best buyers. Magnus grinned in her direction.

"I guess I can dance a little longer," he conceded.

They swayed to the music, letting the rhythm move them. The week leading up to the show was stressful and hectic. This was their chance to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Alec turned his face up to look at Magnus. "People are really into this 'Malec' thing."

Magnus nodded. "I saw something in the tabloids about it yesterday. People are crazy." He chuckled softly.

Magnus spun Alec around and caught him as he drew him close again. "Maybe it's time we make it more permanent," Alec said casually.

Magnus's eyebrows crinkled. "What do you mean?" His first thought was of the company. He didn't see how they could make the company any more a permanent part of their lives than it already was.

"I think we should make it official," Alec said, but Magnus still didn't seem to catch on to what he was saying. Alec stopped moving and sighed, shaking his head exasperatedly at Magnus. He took Magnus's left hand in his and dropped to one knee, right there in front of the entire crowd of people. He looked up at Magnus with nothing but love in his eyes, as Magnus finally figured out what Alec was saying. "I'm saying that I love you. And I want you to marry me."

Magnus's face flooded with emotion as he tugged Alec back up off the floor. "Yes, of course I'll marry you," he said. His arms went around Alec and held him tightly. Then he kissed him gently, lovingly on the lips.

The room erupted in applause. Everyone had stopped what they were doing when Alec went down on one knee and silence fell throughout the crowd. Alec blushed as he realized what he had done in front of so many people, but he was humbled that he and Magnus had their support.

The couple was nearly bowled over by their family as they each came to congratulate them. Isabelle squealed and threw her arms around them. There were tears in Clary's and Tessa's eyes.

"It's about damn time!" said Will, clapping them on the shoulder.

Magnus had to admit he was right. He had always thought they would be married long before the fifth year of their relationship, but time had completely gotten away from him. Building their careers and the business had consumed so much of their time, he honestly couldn't believe it had been five years already.

Others began filing in to offer their congratulations. Magnus and Alec greeted each one together, side by side, holding hands. As the line dwindled, they caught sight of Camille standing near the doorway. She was fuming. They could practically visualize the anger rolling off her body. She started toward them, stomping her foot, her hands balled into fists at her sides, but was called back by her date for the evening. She hesitated, and Magnus and Alec smiled broadly, then turned to each other and kissed.

They were parted by the sound of breaking glass and a loud, angry feminine scream. They turned back toward the door to see Camille yelling at a waiter who was giving her a 'you're crazy, lady' look. She had evidently tried to storm out of the room and ran headlong into the waiter carrying a tray full of fluted champagne glasses. Camille was covered head to toe in champagne, and a pile of broken glass lay at her feet.

Several things happened at once. Magnus and Alec simultaneously covered their mouth with their hands to hide their laughter, though their eyes gave them away. At the same time, the crowd exploded with laughter. The sight was comical, made no less so by how terribly Camille was handling it. She was to blame for the entire thing but kept projecting the blame onto everyone around her. Magnus and Alec knew she had shown up to make trouble for them, and she was rewarded with witnessing their public engagement. Alec had not planned that. He had thought Magnus would catch on to what he was saying, then they could make a formal announcement whenever they were ready. But since Magnus had been so thick about it, he had to resort to more obvious measures. Now, he was rather glad it worked out the way it did. Sometimes revenge took a long time to exact, but it was sweet indeed.

Camille's date finally dragged her from the room, and order quickly returned. Magnus grabbed a couple glasses of champagne and everyone toasted the success of Malec, both business and personal.

An excerpt of Magnus's interview with GQ Magazine:

GQ: So things are going well for you.

MB: Yes. Very.

GQ: Your wedding to Alec Lightwood in Barbados a few years ago was quite the talk of the town.

MB: Yes. Did you see the pictures?

GQ: I did. I plan to attach a few to this story when we go to print. It was nice of you to release them to the media. People were dying to know the details: what you wore, where the wedding occurred, who was in attendance.

MB: Ah, I can't tell you who was there. You know that. I will say we were accompanied by the people that mean the most to Alec and me. They are our family, blood or not.

GQ: I understand. Some things just need to be kept private. Like your relationship with Camille Belcourt?

MB: I don't have a relationship with Camille Belcourt.

GQ: She claims you had an affair.

MB: She was my girlfriend when I was eighteen. I haven't had anything to do with her since we broke up a year later.

GQ: So you are bisexual then?

MB: Yes, but I'm effectively just gay now.

GQ: What does that mean? 'Effectively just gay.'

MB: Being bisexual means I'm attracted to both men and women. But I am only attracted to my husband, Alec. I only have eyes for him. So having once had attractions to women doesn't really matter to me anymore.

GQ: I'm sure our readers will swoon over that statement.

MB: Probably. (chuckle)

GQ: You and Alec have always been outspoken about Gay Rights. Can we talk about that for a moment?

MB: Sure. But we have never used that term. We prefer speaking out about equality, human rights. Why does there need to be a distinction between human rights and gay rights? We are all human, we should all have the same rights. And the right to marry another consenting adult without restrictions on sex, race, religion, or anything else for that matter, should be legal everywhere. It shouldn't even be a debate. Nor should same-sex couples, or interracial couples have to hide their relationship or be afraid to show affection to the person they love for fear of offending people. That's just ridiculous.

GQ: Well said, but then, you've always been outspoken on this topic.

MB: Yes, I have. And I'd like to think I would be even if it didn't directly affect my life.

GQ: No doubt you would. So, what's next for Malec?

MB: The company or my relationship?

GQ: Both! But we can start with the company. Are there big plans for the future of Malec Designs?

MB: Yes! As you know, we are now global with our merchandise on every continent. Well, except Antarctica. No one seems to buy my formalwear there. Anyway, we have plans for even further expansion in the coming years. We are currently just in major cities, like New York, L.A., London, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing…you get the drift. But we want to be everywhere, even the smaller markets. Right now people in smaller areas have to order online, but we want that to change.

GQ: And I hear you will have your first dress on the red carpet this winter.

MB: Yes! It's a dream come true for me. Something that makes me feel like I've really made it, you know?

GQ: We are happy for you, Magnus.

MB: Thank you.

GQ: So, what about the personal side of Malec? Anything new happening with you and Alec?

MB: Actually, yes. We just celebrated our third wedding anniversary, and have completed the paperwork to adopt a baby. We wanted a child with an Indonesian heritage, like me, and we found a young woman who is willing to let us adopt her baby. She is currently living in our apartment until the baby is born.

GQ: That's wonderful! Do you know if the baby will be a boy or a girl?

MB: No. We are waiting to find out. We don't really care the gender, we just want a baby.

GQ: How is Alec handling the baby preparations?

MB: Not well. Have you heard about men who have sympathy pregnancy symptoms? Well, that's Alec. He has morning sickness, bloating, his feet keep swelling. He's a mess, and he'll probably kill me for telling you all that. But seriously, he's so excited about the baby. We both are.

GQ: No symptoms for you?

MB: No. Alec is home more than I am, so I think that might have something to do with it. He has a team he trusts at work and now just has to approve the final drafts before publication. It's given him a lot more free time. He's started painting and drawing for pleasure again.

GQ: That's right! I heard he just sold his first painting. Tell him congratulations from all of us.

MB: I will. I'm sure he will appreciate that.

GQ: Well, it sounds like Malec is doing well on the professional and personal fronts. Your fans and everyone here at GQ wish you the best.

MB: Thank you. Alec and I are overwhelmed by the support we have received from fans over the years. We can't express what it means to us.

GQ: We will have to do this again soon.

MB: Absolutely!

A/N: I, too, would like to thank everyone for the support for this story! We reached 100 favorites over the weekend! Thanks so much. You guys have been great! I really enjoyed writing this one...it's hard to let it go.