I was kinda pissed at Matthew's brief appearance in the game and I wrote this to see what would happen if Matthew survived. First off, there will be 400 days characters in the story and I chose them at random. I know I usually don't write things like this but hey, why not?

Also instead of Bonnie X Matthew, I'm going to choose someone else because Bonnie would not have enough time to nurse Matthew back to health and get to the lodge in time. If you read this chapter, you will probably guess who Matthew will be paired up with.

All right enough chit chat, LET'S A GO!



I felt a sharp pain go though the side of my neck and apon feeling it, I put my hand to the wound where the man with the cap shot me. I felt off balance and before I knew it, I was tumbling down into the water. I struggled to stay above the surface, but with the wound in the way, it felt like trying to play patty-cake with a grizzly bear. I luckily felt a log floating by which I used to get my head above the water. I was able to take some rapid breaths my clamping my hand around the gunshot wound. It hurt, but sometimes, the way to survive would hurt. The log was strong but it felt like I was floating on a piece of paper. I tried to prevent myself from closing my eyes because I knew that was the sleep that I would never wake up from, or AKA, the sleep of death.

The last thing I felt before I passed out from blood loss was a pair of arms hoisting me out of the water and dashing into the woods.

"We can't bring more people here!"

"He would have died if I left him!"

"So what! We need to focus on THIS group!"

"We would use the extra help."

"Help? The only help he's gonna be is draining OUR resources!"

My head throbbed with pain and a bit of nausea. My vision and sound was blurred, but I could barely make out the sound of a man and a woman arguing. I also briefly heard a sweet voice but with my sight blurred, I couldn't see the people speaking. I felt around for a bit until my hands found my neck. The rough texture of the bandage that covered the wound allowed me to breathe normally,
which I savored every single one of inhaling and exhaling.

I was laying on a mattress with blood soaking part of it. That was not surprising since it was obviously from the wound. My vision and sound was revived from blur and I noticed I was in a orange tent. Medical supplies stood on a table above me to the right and I noticed a second mattress on my left. I then thought about what got me here. Numerous thoughts went though my head. The man in the orange shirt and the little girl, the man with the cap, the pain in my neck. I then remembered one thing.


He must be worried sick about me and so was I. Once I thought that, I though about what could happen to him. Maybe the man shot him as well or Walter was alive but kept as a hostage as well as the other two people with us.

I tried to sit up but the pain in my neck forced to fall back on the mattress. Left with no other option, I began to crawl towards the entrance of the tent. Sure it wasn't the best strategy, but it was all I could do. I then remember the two people in the arguement. One wanted me to go and the other wanted me to stay. I also remembered the sweet voice that sided with the person who brought me here.

Maybe I shouldn't leave them. Besides, I knew how to shoot and I was quick on my feet, so I could help them if the other woman let me stay.

I scooted back to my bed and layed down. But as soon as I did I heard someone say:

"Do whatever you want to do, I'm gonna check on the poor guy."

Although I was glad that someone cared about me, I still tried to sleep and the person came in.

"I know you're awake."

It was the woman with the beautiful voice. She kneeled beside me and shook me until my eyes opened. She was beautiful. Long bushy dark brown hair, beautiful eyes, perfect lips, and a well shaped face. Her face was relieved to see that I awoke for some reason. I then got to see her gorgeous smile.

"You're awake." She said.

I snapped out of my daydream and looked at her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were bleeding from the neck and you would have died if Danny didn't find you and brought you here. I cleaned up the wound and stiched up as best as I could." She said in that sweet voice.

"Looks like you did a good job then." I said.

"Thanks. So what happened?" She asked.

"Gunshot. This guy shot me and I fell off the bridge into the river."

"I couldn't find the bullet. Must have went straight though. But did you really fall off the bridge?" She asked with pure amazement.

"Yeah I did."

"I'm surprised you able to survive that and the water. You would have drowned since the bridge is a while away."

"I'm surprised myself." I said. "So am I gonna be ok?"

"You lost a shit-ton of blood but we were able to stop the bleeding in time." She said.

"Thank god."

"So who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Matthew." I said.

"I'm Stephanie." She said.

I nodded my head to show that I understood. I then tried to sit up, but Stephanie prevented me from doing so.

"The hell?" I asked.

"Sorry, but you problably aren't fit to move yet."

"Well he better be."

So we got two 400 days characters returning: Danny and Stephanie. Now some of you may ask why I chose Danny to appear in the story and it's because I thought he would put his past behind him and try to help people during this time.

It's pretty obvious to you now that Matthew will be paired up with Stephanie (I honestly debated about this pairing until I decided to roll with it.) and perhaps they could hit it off pretty well.

Now some of you might be asking who the other woman was and It's most likely Lilly. Well let's find out then in the next chapter.

Matthew TWD signing off!