Hey guys, starting a new Morganders story! Hope you'll enjoy the first chapter of it - if you do (or don't, which I don't hope of course...), just let me know in a review! :)

Chapter 1

To his surprise Greg found Morgan in the breakroom brushing her teeth when he arrived at work for his shift. He raised his eyebrows as he helped himself to a cup of coffee.

"You know, I think your smile is already beautiful, you really don't have to go through the trouble of brushing extra for me!" he joked. She looked up at him, though, with a face that read 'Not funny' in capital letters. He now noticed her hair, which was tied into a messy bun, was wet, like she had just taken a shower.

"Did I miss anything?" he carefully asked her. "Shift only started two minutes ago, right? Did Russell already send you to a messy crime scene?"

She pulled the elastic from her hair and shook her head. "This is not from a crime scene. I came in early to take a shower and have breakfast here."

She put the hair elastic in a small toiletry bag that Greg saw standing on the table.

"Okay, this might be a stupid question, but why are you showering and having breakfast here instead of at home?" he asked, sitting down on the breakroom couch.

"Because I can't," she told him, putting down her hair brush on the table with just a little too much force to hide her annoyance. "Apparently there's some kind of construction problem in my apartment and every other apartment on my block. Therefor the housing association decided we all had to leave our apartments for six weeks while they get the problem solved. For those of us who are unable to stay at a friend or family member's house they arranged another apartment."

She sounded like she was quoting what she had been told, Greg noticed. He watched her pick up her hair brush again.

"They just forgot to mention you'd have to share your apartment with someone!" she finally blurted out what was bugging her. "And of course I got stuck with the worst roommate ever! She works days, so when I get home and wanna go to bed, she claims the bathroom as she has to get ready for work. When I get up, she comes home from work and claims the bathroom to take a bath and slowly, very slowly, get ready for bed. She leaves a huge mess all over the place, she thinks everything is hers, she's just… she's…"

"Horrible?" he suggested. With a sigh she lowered her arm with her hair brush in her hand. "I guess that's the most polite way to put it…"

"Why don't you just find another place to stay?" he said, putting down his empty cup of coffee. She raised her eyebrows at him. "Who could I be staying with? I don't know anyone in Vegas except my co-workers or my Dad and I don't think I could handle spending another five weeks at his house! That's why I accepted the housing association's apartment. When I realized it came with a roommate, I promised myself I'd try it, even when I found out how… how… horrible she is. It's been a week and I have no idea how I'm gonna survive the other five!"

"Then come and stay at my place," Greg simply suggested. She raised her eyebrows again. "Me? Stay at your place? Wouldn't that be a little… weird?"

He shrugged his shoulders, pretending not to think about what all could happen if Morgan would be staying at his place. "Why? I have an extra bedroom where you could stay, you'd have your own closets and everything, you'd just have to share the kitchen and bathroom with me… We can make a schedule," he quickly added when she raised her eyebrows with an amused smile at his mentioning of having to share a bathroom with him. He felt his cheeks turning red, but he tried to cover it up by quickly continuing to talk: "When I moved to Vegas my parents said they'd want to come and visit me at least once a month, so I turned one room into an extra bedroom for them. Truth is that they did visit me once… since I moved here. But I still keep the room clean, I change the sheets every two weeks, so it's clean and you'll have it all to yourself…"

She smiled warmly at him. "That's really sweet of you, Greg, really sweet! But I'll try to survive my roommate for a little while longer. Maybe I can talk to her and see if we can work things out."

"Okay," he accepted. "But if you change your mind: my offer will continue to stand!"

"Thanks," she smiled, still with that warm look in her eyes. No matter what would happen, she knew he'd always be there for her!

During the rest of their shift they hardly saw each other as they were both working on different cases. They met up in the locker room after Russell had told both of them to go home.

"Want a ride home?" Greg immediately asked her. She grinned at him. "You're just offering to drive me home to get a chance to meet my horrible roommate!"

He grinned a little. "Maybe, yeah… So, want a ride or not?"

She smiled at him. "Sure! But it does mean you'll have to pick me up again tonight as well as I'll be leaving my car here!"

"No problem, it's all part of the service!"

He really was the best, she thought as she smiled at him again. "Alright, it's a deal then!"

She noticed his happy smile, but she missed the excited sparkle he had in his eyes because he got to spend more time with her.

Using Morgan's directions Greg drove over to the apartment building where she was currently staying.

"Wanna come inside for a moment?" she asked him, even though she already knew the answer. He rolled her eyes at her, knowing she knew his answer. Grinning, she got out of the car and waited for him to join her. Together they walked into the building and took the stairs to the first floor. Morgan pointed to the door on the right. "There it is."

As soon as she had opened the door, Greg felt like he had entered a crime scene. The living room was a complete mess, like ten people had been fighting in there, the smell was… Well, it wasn't quite the smell of a dead body yet, but it was everything but nice.

Morgan pointed to the door on the right in the living room. "That's where our bedroom and bathroom are."

Greg followed her, entering a small hallway with a closet on the right side. He almost tripped over some bags that were just lying in the middle of the hallway.

"Not mine," Morgan said, grabbing his hand to help him step over an opened suitcase.

"Yeah, I figured that," Greg nodded. He knew Morgan would never leave a mess like this – he knew how she always kept her desk and locker clean and organized at work.

"The bedroom," Morgan said, nodding with her head to an opened door. Greg slowly stepped forward and saw a girl dancing around a small room. He had heard the music when he had entered the apartment already – electronic music, the kind of music he knew Morgan hated.

"What the… What happened to my bed?" Morgan suddenly called out. When he looked, he saw a huge stain covering half of her bed.

"Oh," the girl said, turning down the volume of the music. "I was dancing around with my glass of cola in my hand and I accidently spilled some on your bed. Sorry."

"Sorry?" Morgan repeated. "I… I…"

She sighed deeply, trying to swallow her words. She then noticed something lying on the ground. With her eyes wide open she picked it up. "My favorite DVD! How did it get here on the floor? And why is it broken?"

Not only was the box broken, the DVD itself was broken in half as well.

"Oh, when I was dancing, I bumped into your nightstand and it fell on the floor," the girl told her. "I accidently stepped on it… Sorry!"

"Sorry? Is that all you have to say? This is my favorite DVD and it's really hard to find!" Morgan called out. "You should be happy I made a copy for myself… or did you ruin that one as well?"

The girl finally seemed to notice how angry Morgan was.

"Sorry," she repeated. "It was an accident."

Greg saw Morgan clenching her fists as the girl started dancing to the music again. He then saw her noticing a broken lamp near the window. When she turned around and looked at him, he immediately understood the question in her eyes.

"Where's your suitcase?" he simply asked her.

It took them a while to find Morgan's suitcase as it had ended up with a pile of dirty laundry on top of it (not Morgan's of course), but then Morgan quickly packed most of her things and left the bedroom with Greg.

"I can't bring everything now, but I think I saved the most valuable things," she said.

"We'll come back to pick up the rest some other time," Greg promised her.

"Thanks. Can we please go now? I need to get out of here!"

Greg nodded. "Sure, let's go."

He drove back to his own apartment, where he helped Morgan settle into her new room.

"Eh, the bathroom can only be reached through my bedroom, but I'm a tight sleeper, so don't worry about waking me if you have to use it when I'm asleep," he told her. "The kitchen is right there, the living room over here… I'm sure you know how the TV works!"

Morgan grinned at him. "I'd be a bad CSI if I didn't!"

Then her smile disappeared and she gave him a serious look. "I really appreciate this, Greg, I really do!"

He shrugged his shoulders a little, obviously feeling shy and insecure all of a sudden. "No problem. Glad I could help."

She walked towards him, gently squeezed his arm and then continued towards her bedroom. "Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to bed!"

"Yeah, me too," Greg quickly decided. "Do you, eh, wanna use the bathroom first of all?"

"Oh, yeah, sure, thanks!" she said with a little nod. "I won't be long, I promise!"

She grabbed her toiletry bag and then went to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. With a sigh, Greg sat down on his bed. When he had suggested that Morgan would stay with him for a while, he had said it because he was sure she'd never take him up on his offer. But now she was here, she was really going to be living with him for the next five weeks! He really had no idea how those five weeks would pass by without him admitting his feelings for her…